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Who am I I am Sarah. I am Boo. I am a Groover. I am Korean. I am 5'1". I am a bad driver. I am awful at arguing. I am not well-balanced. I am in love with Jesus.

I am a romantic. I am awkward. I am respectful. I am going to Peru this summer! I am so excited. I am living in Verdigris. I am nearly blind without eyewear. I am a terrible swimmer. I am aware that I need to lose weight. I am sensitive. I am easily brought to tears. I am a friend. I am learning how to be a better one. I am a girl. I am a daughter. I am impatient. I am an occasional perfectionist. I am good at following a recipe. I am good at eating. I am missing Elizabeth. I am going to be a farmer when I grow up. I am quick to make decisions. I am aware of most of my mistakes after I make them I am a student. I am tired of being one. I am an open book. I am good at reading people. I am addicted to the smell of babies. I am often a failure. I am inspired by Bible verses and famous quotes. I am an early bird. I am unaffected by caffeine. I am going to follow Christ until I die. I am enjoying listening to the trains. I am always ready to laugh. I am a picture-taker. I am not a photographer. I am clingy. I am loyal. I am a day-dreamer. I am an over-thinker. I am learning new things everyday. I am burdened with the gospel. I am a procrastinator. I am punctual. I am looking forward to living by myself. I am openly affectionate. I am not liking this snow right now. I am annoyed with selfishness and hypocrisy. I am saddened by the hopelessness of people. I am most happy with people around me. I am excited for today, and tomorrow, and the rest of my life.

Before I Was, There Was.. IN THE BEGINNING there were two guys and two girls. One couple was in America, the other was in Korea. They fell in love, had kids, and raised them up. One couple named their son Gene, and the other couple named their daughter Chong Nan. Chong Nan decided to work in a bookstore on an American base in Korea during college. Gene decided to join the Army. Gene was shipped to Korea. He liked to read, but the nearest bookstore was at the next base over, a couple hours away. He took the bus there on his day off, and after finding him a book, he saw this gorgeous girl working the register. He got up the nerve to ask her out to coffee. She said no. Ohwellthenlong story short, Gene kept coming back, and he kept asking her out. Finally, she said yes. They dated for a few months and fell madly in love. Gene asked Chong Nan's dad if they could get married, and he said no. Gene kept coming back (he sure is stubborn) and eventually Chong Nan's dad said yes. They had their wedding, blah, blah blah, moved to America, blah blah blah, and after a few years they had ME! And my brother David. Wait, David's not my actual brotherand my parents didn't actually have him Truth is, I asked him to be my brother a couple years ago at kid's camp. And he sure has held true to that title. You know how some girls refer to a guy-that's-not-their-brother as their brother? But it just so happens that he's either A) hot, B) their crush, or C) both? If you can legally marry the guy, you can't call him your brother. Can I legally marry David? No, because polygamy is illegal. That is my defense. He's the best brother ever.

Suddenly, I Became Me Dad likes to tell people that I just learned how to use the toilet, like, last week. And that is terribly embarrassing for me, even though everyone knows its not true. I actually potty trained myself, when I was two or three. I hear that one day I just decided that I had to go, so I went. In the toilet. My parents were proud. Dads advice to new parents is not to worry about potty training; theyll teach themselves at least by the time they start dating. Yeah, you dont have to laugh either. Another story Dad likes to tell is when he taught me how to ride a two-wheeler and we made it into the newspaper. We went to a local playground that had a big grassy hill, and Dad and I just kept going down it while hed yell, PEDAL PEDAL PEDAL! And Id fall off and cry. I was also wearing an ugly teal-and-orange outfit that was terribly unflattering. It was frustrating. Anyways, there happened to be a journalist at the park that day, on his day off. He thought that Dad and I were story-worthy, and the rest is history. He even took a picture. I think my favorite memory of when I was little was of Granny. She was my great-grandmother, and one of my best friends. She would play games with me, like dominoes and tea party. We would play house, and she would always let me be the mommy. We would watch I Love Lucy together. We would pick cherries from the tree in the backyard, and she would mention how great it was that the birds left some for us. During sleepovers she would make me the most wonderful pillow bed at the foot of her bed. Nevertheless, she would always let me crawl in bed with her late at night and help her with her word searches. When I was seven, I was playing a typing game, and heard Mom come down the stairs. I started to tell Mom about my new high score until I saw that she had been crying. She held me and told me that Granny had died. I have no doubt in my mind that Ill see her again.

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