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Name: Laura Dobson

Title: Chart.

Mood Boards Examples of other texts/style models Analysis of magazine covers/film openings 25 word pitch Pitch feedback Mock ups Test shots Colour Palette Audience profile


General Comment: Good effort to complete all 3 elements by the deadline Laura. Cover: y y y y y y y At the moment looks more like a school magazine than a music magazine. Cut full stop after title and reorganise date/ issue elements so with the title. Bar code been cut off is this just the printer? Model attire, image and pose too student-like. Also, too small for the page and bad lighting. Your cutting out is generally good just be careful when cutting round your models hair, maybe use the rubber zoomed all the way in to tidy up. Dimensions too wrong: everything is too boxed off so it feels more like a title page to a project rather than a front cover. Too many colours and the yellow background only serve to wash everything out. Remember the three colour pallet. I can only see one use of font, experiment with your typography be as creative as you can. Most magazines have 3 to 4 different fonts on the front cover.

Contents: Again, looks like a school project. Why haven t you followed the conventions of Contents pages that we have looked at and modelled your work on an existing page?? y 18 pages?? y Photo doesn t make any sense. Who is she? Needs anchorage. Too small for the page. Where are all the other images to support the contents page? y Once again your cutting out is ok apart from around your models hair, maybe try feathering the edge, which is in the select toolbar. y Why all in capitals again?? y Your typography is all the same, there is no contrast experiment with other fonts and experiment with the way you lay your text out. y The green numbers fade into the background use effects or a different colour to make them stand out. Bevel or emboss are useful text tools or try dropping a shadow. 2010/2011 LC AS MEDIA y

DPS: y y y Nice idea doing album reviews and having iPhone images but much more work needs to go into the execution. Too much white space on page and text not aligned so pages look lop-sided. Poor lighting and angles/cutting out of images. Positioning of images inconsistent. When you re take your photos, cut the iPhone out, leaving no border of its original background, this will make your image appear cleaner cut. Text all in capitals and needs proof reading. Maybe consider a different font that isn t all in capitals. Throughout your whole magazine you have only used one font. Look back at your analysis of other magazines and look at the various types of text they have used. Your typography is something you need to work on, on all three pieces. In your blog research you had some really nice fonts you looked at go back to them for ideas.

y y

Practical Draft Level: 2c

2010/2011 LC AS MEDIA

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