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Histo Possum Tramp Wine Troy Horse Neptune War Roundup

History Impossible World Thought Not Bot Wold Roundup Cartoon UBoo-ty Experiments ! The Head History o! the West "aerie Tale "ro #romets $e%ered "rom Colle&tions in ' "i&tional History o! the "uture "an "aux Non"i& Hypno( )ysto( Crypto Possum $tar&hite&t

Kurk Wold

I. U-Booty Improvements
I went down stairwells into caverns with no markings except codes, wandered, 10, 14 levels below the capitol. The walls went from stone to carved cave rock. Down there they stored artifacts, stat es. I was st ck for ho rs ntil I fo nd stairways leading p. !one of them connected from one floor to the other. I kept walking to an elevator, p shed the p b tton, fo nd myself in a non"p blic area. # t I had my clearance tag. $sked by sec rity, I told them I was lost. They escorted me to one of the main hallways. I made at least 14 levels below. %assages slope p and down from there where the hearts and livers are stored. I did not ask to investigate the spread of &b beyond earth, the beginning of weirdness, as if wierdness had a beginning and we all did not wake p to it individ ally while others slept to the song of opposite meaning. 'ays of light popped off the original incarnation of ( lag and #abel as the same str ct re po nded itself into the gro nd. # t on the tower, as one climbs higher and higher gravity decreases, and beca se it is constr cted on the e) ator rotation ca ses gravitation to

disappear beca se of the distance from the center of the planet, b t also from centrif gal force increasing proportionate to that distance. $s centrif gal force operating in the reverse direction increases gravitational force drops. (ravity is eliminated at the top of the tower, of +.+ radii above the earth ,**,-00 miles. Tsiolkovsky /101+2, and below /32. (nomic transfers of this conscio sness react o t of the given into each other. This wo ld be called will if will were a recogni4ed force. 5o don6t know yo get control after yo give it p. 5o don6t necessarily come back. 'epeated instances alter the terrain. Domain transfer in space does not simply transfer. %op" ps of this architect re are displayed at the 7ohnson 8emorial by %layboy, at the center of the organ capitol, o t by the tetrahedral cheese of the 8artian, cheeses composed of *9 platonic solids with facets. To make &b real, for he is decidedly not, h man had to be made obsolete. In a d al state, : st when do"goods asked what does it mean to be h man, 'oi #oy made the cookies between matter and energy break. ;very ridic lo s analogy followed. <nline trans" demp blican wareho sers flopped in front of the stands. <siris on &b (alore was neck and neck with =ollider in the backstretch. < tside the park, lots emptied at the crossroads of this pro:ect, mo ses with h man brains sparked >debate.? 8ine &b doped the animals with h man blo d@ >a mo se to speak, a monkey to plead, dogs with h man feet? got the vote. This mo se was no mo se and the man, the one who knelt at the obelisk of petrified s nlight, was no man. The hybrid believed it had the god inside. $t this time avant"garde bridges appeared in space. %rophets woke to a galactic war, b t it wasn6t galactic, earth in the throes. To celebrate they b ild these desaparecido infrastr ct death camps where prisons are called paradise. 8 tant nanobots swell the crowd. They got the vote. $ schwit4 makeovers in the Aybrid $ge got promised perfect health. Mon frre, there will be

any exceptions to the ;ngineer. %assersby think art diminishes all in si4e. Aard to make it big o tside the company. 'obots t rned off a cliff like snakes from an obelisk.
2. This was the general sit ation when I was driving down

=onstit tion $ven e and saw the giant kidney hook p, ferreting o t imp rities from the nation6s blood. 8aybe yo know the kidney reg lates blood in the brain. I saw b ildings sp rt like giant livers, hearts and l ngs on either side. $ giant spirit al finger shot p, as if in respect of the organs. $ hand gave o t pamphlets in the street. I asked, >if that6s DickBwhere6s 7ane3? %ointing at the =apitol, shaping an pside down bowl, like a kid revving hot wheels, >can6t yo see the b d3, they said, room, roomC? Then I saw the giant heads floating above the city. Dike great balloons descending to be assembled with the rest of their body, interior parts, l ngs, liver small intestines, from tombs, hands and feet were d g below wo ld be pedestals then, mo nted one tho ght. The religion of the day was assembling its idol o t of giant remains connected by cords.

I don6t know why this all seemed so acceptable at the time, beca se I : st took it for granted. Dike a dream there were different sects in the region of this #ethshemesh"Eashington" Aeliopolis complex that worshiped the organs along the river. I s ppose the river was their common link b t there is no reason I co ld see, other than those #abylonian high towers of fertility, >erect and circ mspect? remade the cosmos in a body. FGtars like Hradiant eyes,? said the broch re ) oting %l tarch ,Iace of the 8oon.. >The s n heart transmits heat and light like bloodJ earth and sea
the bowels and bladder, the moon between s n and earth the liver. This %arks Gervice %l tarch said when the s n6s first rays shoot down the !ational 8all on that one special morning at dawn that >the o"HbelH"isk shaft of #elH G n god lights p the =apitol, an altar pregnant with the new world.? Gomewhat ama4ing, this to r of the capitol temples. Ee parked beneath the 8on ment watched the bees flood the cherry trees. (ood to know these prototypes exist right there, like pop toys taken in s ffering, in case moderns wonder why things are so bad. Terrific colors shine in the cartoon b bbles. >$"Aeads,? the pamphlet said, >worship the billboards with brains in their pockets.? 8odems and mo ses r n the brain that coils on dashboards like so many r bber bands. It made one consider renting a car in this town, b t for all, the ;gyptian past was being p t to good se. The g ide said organ worship involved kidneys and l ngs looking down into the intestine. 5o 6d think I knew more than I let on abo t this. Dater I read p on it in one those books at the mall called The Divine Medium. It said the body parts had a sheen of immortality contained in their scap limancy. !ot a word I ever heard either, reading the bone of the sho lder blades like a book. This body was s pposedly b ilding an exterior shell, aro nd the city which was a body with a set of interior organs. Incarnadine clairvoyance of the internal it was called, this har spication of intestine, was a co nterpart to the transcendent divinatory interpretations of bone. ;ven animals became cosmic texts. =racks became orac lar tr ths. The liver especially was the s preme potentate of clairvoyance, honored by diviners as the national treas re of ether, hepatic morphology an earmark of divine disposition. In this fascist amphitheater that means the weather. It made one wonder, rivers r nning down hills, what compliment to politics the 8on ment and =apitol wo ld be. # t then I saw asses everywhere, and

co pled to them in si4e and shape the brains beyond, giant heads floating above. Ehy oh why oh3

It taken me back to high school, the boys sitting aro nd challenging, mine6s bigger than yo rs, oh mon, mine6s bigger than yo rs. <ne threatens to whip it o t. !o one does tho gh, it6s all talk. =ondolences if yo missed thisJ how then can yo nderstand phallic worship and the dictates of Ishtar, fertility gods pro:ecting worship of themselves3 Taking Kiagra and raising it p to the sky3 Gtay o t of the cityC Those d mp piles of roads are veins, post office nervo s intestines. #ridges of boneC This is all circ mstantial evidence, artificial satellites, 8ars wars, obelisks, b t the motive3 Do these advanced civili4ations need an a dience. Ehy do they want to observe, watch the earth, nothing better to do3 Ehy comm nicate with earth nless they see something there, some lterior motive is it3 Iriendship3 !at ral reso rce3 !o, no, something else3 8align or benign the choices. The only way to : dge is by motive. The obelisk points made the temples stand o t so they co ld be seen from great distances. 8ost #abylonian cities had a temple and high tower in the middle, symbols pointed to the s n, an >erect circ mcised penis? of fertility, >images of #ethshemesh L Aeliopolis? as in Jer. 43 !3 He will also shatter the obelisks of Heliopolis in the land of Egypt; the temples of the gods of Egypt he will urn with fire!" The obelisk at the great 'oman =atholic =athedral of =ologne is +1+ feet high. The one at the =athedral in &lm (ermany is +*0 feet high. /1Mgs. 14@*-, *Mgs. 10@4, *-@14, 8icah +@1-, Isa. 1N@0, *N@12 Somewhere theres a daddy tank out West producing sex organs.
=hariots dedicate to the s n god travel the sky in a great chariot with fo r horses on 'oman coins, the same that >the kings of 7 dah had given to the s n, at the entrance of the ho se of the D<'D? which >B b rned the chariots of the s n with fire. * Mi *-@11

http@LLwww.enterprisemission.comLmoon+.htmB. #ar on nanot bes, hence the Denver $ir %ark is a reverse #abel headed to a dog stat te 100 k high near the cc crater. $ caldron space ship. Dogs evolved on mars we now know from Tsiolkovsky. If yo can see faces on 8ars why not on my pots3 In another dimension the mon ments and m se ms look like %op $rt b ildings inhabited by Disney cartoons. Dike a ride at the Iair, a Tilt"a" Ehirl, b t yo have to stay in yo r seat till the end. If yo feel a little di44y from the dimensional shift that6s why yo ride in the first place, to feel di44y. Eelcome. They call it The Heavenlies. ;xhibits from the Gmithsonian and Dibrary of =ongress make instant transfer of spaceLtime to mythLfact. The streets circle. %lease stay in yo r seat. It6s hard to explain instit tions stripped of faOade.
I went ahead and did some research on the ancient worship of sex ality as the worship of the h man selfJ what else co ld it be to have h man organs represented all over the cities3 $nalysts playing with themselves concl ded it was an infantilism, not of a higher religion, b t something beyond organs, mortality and immortality. ;gyptian #abylonian fertility gods is a nice way of saying pro:ection of h man sex into iconic form for worship of the parts

P estion@ Ehy is a faceted fractal geodesic

hexagonal cratered ignomic cheese stored below the e) atorial ridge3 Ehy are there twins in the experiments3

!inane did this to 8erlin.

and the whole.

3. "ispatch #emoirs of the Ub$ %ttorney &eneral >5o think it f n driving aro nd inside a giant kidney like a tilt a whirl3 Ehere corp scles stick o t in the highway, fibro s strands twist nder the tires3
Midney kidney on the wall, kidney on the dashboard, kidney tires, kidney pie.

There6s so m ch bladder wack the p blic has not seen yet. The smell, the glomer l s and of co rse the thing that always preocc pies, the antidi retic hormone,? 'eter (aldo

There are some differences, there is an o tside s n. If colorless, it gives no sign of Eatching beca se the eye is always watching. That is, nobody has to watch beca se algorithms sift all the date by amalgam m. =ameras spot the general, microchips the parts. #%, heart rate, brain are all monitored by satellite for normality. Thog ht %olice tho ght more. >It was conceivable they watched everybody all the time? ;t T is yo r d tyC Thee means yo . T rning yo r back on the screen merits nothing. 8onitors are internal. The Tr th pyramid stretches -00 levels below the s rface. !ew speak micro reads tho ght by satellite. There is some reason to believe people are needed. ;ggheads denigrate s ch thinking as dystopic, b t we shall all be there.? $eth%eal, Iort Eorth ;xplosions. 3. )eavenly To$r $fter Aawthorne all government, ecclesiastical, social leadership were psychopathic witches. Aidden tho gh, the gold pentagram on the door never act ally seen. =lergy with a car sticker, moved finally by parents in their 90Qs while she sat on the lawn and watched them load. This passes as normal. !eighbors came over then and c t the lawn. The roof was falling in. The previo s owner was a religion prof who died in the middle of talking. < tside, in 'evelations 10, where s ch habitat is landscape, the comm nal trash barrels fill. ;ach pick p can and rag people patrol to glean the barrels. # t when the witch dismo nted the portents cleansed, three rag pickers were fo nd dead aro nd the barrel from the smell. $treet &endor's (amphlet Distri uted )utside *hite House ""If the &b $ge is &#& who the h is A3 Ee tho ght we knew, b t Iaces p lled the wool over the kids6 eyes, who tho ght themselves important for being wise. They tho ght they wo ld be treated plus, b t then they were treated TA&G. $ll riseC Eorship at the #east. Dome. Mneel. $s the streets circled aro nd the hybrid st died to find o t how m ch artificial intelligence it wo ld need. Indefinite mind expansions in the tank prod ced this memoir of an &b $ge. Aow to dance aro nd the sacred pole3 =an %riap s stand p against the gods3 Tell it to the prince of the >divine self.? Tell it to the mice who lost their mammal fortress. Is that s dden3 If the god does to the h man what the h man did to the mo se, no longer h man means changes in phenotypes of children and different genes forever.

I wanted to know if this organic machine was a wonder box on wheels or : st a perfect conscienceless man who had no c re. I wanted to know who ndressed poetry in the labs and took the )* hors d+oe$vre. A mor me. =onditioning it says, look like the h, b t be the AR nder. They give !iet4sche in the Iiber #ath to Uber #anC !o need for microwave hearing effect, prebot 8onarchs, electrosmog disassociations, amnesia walls. !o need >all creat res create something beyond themselves,? as spa+e the , Man overcome@ >wo ld yo , the last of the great, ret rn to the animals when yo co ld overcome3 G perman is coming to the earthC?

>G permanC damn the meaning of

earthC? Go yes there was ethnic cleansing. ;verything was meant to conf se, prevent debate while they ass med their ticket good. Electric drills were clamped against the teeth; instructed to operate an ar itrary switch oard, put certain connections in soc+ets in response to ells and light! Every time he ma+es a mista+e the drills turn on! $ignals gradually speed up eyond reaction time! Half an hour on the $witch oard and he rea+s down li+e an overloaded machine -# rro ghs2. Then we r n the $sch =onformity Gyndrome. 7ohn A. 8oore estimates that a pop lation of 1+0S100 anthropologists can provide normal reprod ction for 90 to 00 generations T*000 years. InKitria banks made sex s perfl o s. #odies to perform menial tasks made less reason to store anything b t token pops. This appealed to government science. Eas there some other kind3 Ehat if =hat #ot wrote like a machine3 It co ld pass the T ring Test, pass the Targ test. >Ehat is an ape or mo se or man b t an embarrassment, a :oke3 >. ermensch u er alles/ Irom worm to man and worm. <verman of earth eats manC? Trank dart s) ads fanned o t from random patrols prior to the ;vent. !atives stored at random, g inea mice as needed, the rest were left to melt to


stone. Gelective service best and brightest drafts based on gene records kept by government were not hard to convince. They considered it a compliment. Infrastr ct re in place trained these in fac lties ndergro nd. The programmer foresaw b t did not heed the pattern breaks, iconoclasts who by the nat re best wo ld not go. These were tranked as well. It is pres med yo will go where yo go, obey to levels below the below. D e process, except in classes where the directorate is divided, allow, foster, provoke tho ght. These are the agencies of control. Ee6ll get back to yo . $ethreal 4. < r =ontrollers made a bot. $ssigned me to work beside demensene Eold to ferret o t his tho ght. # t as conscio sness dawned and the body weaved and I heard what goes, which machines in Gpider Gpinner land can6t, or don6tB they hope. Then this came@ Ghechem to $bimelechC 8oab to 8edianC ;very 7et was altered. %ere 8obot, a Thorndike %org tho ght it tho ght, b t when all was said and done it saw the 0ire of 1 imelechC <h yeahC =ome in. 5e (ad, ye got it o t. Eatch it, wash it right o$t, pop! AR needed a history. Die Gpinne b ilt those #e6s and !ot #e6s Demobots. Ehy hide it3 Ehat the A co ld they do abo t it3 !e rosis in o r Eormwood Ugan when the chemical plant imploded. #ot independenceC *iedersehen godlings trolled to see what happen. Aooked p toThorndike, $bimelech began to sing. Ae chanted in sleep like all s b:ects of whim. The 'everse Gyndrome that made (od a tyrant and Ghiner boss was re"reversed. The bigger the lie the tyrant said. # t 5ahweh provided the sacrifice he so ght. Aow yo gonna beat that, b t t rn it opposite3 Ee broke the imponderable by machine, delivered with no effort a slave girl and a whole race. # t that !ation Iather, prevented from being forsworn by <ne who completely incorporated his mistake, how yo gonna beat that3 Gpend all day conf sing the godlings, b t the last thing they want is for A to find o t he like #ear.


-. )ybridality
5o got hybridality, walk hybridality, charm hybridality Trans"Titans sho ld stay away from earth.

#eow lf ripped off (rendel6s arm. (ilgamesh died. The new world assembly got even with 7 ngHs mind. Aybrids so ght their god when analog es ch cked Invisible (iants into disemboweled cows. =hickens and reader"thinkers of the day eat that artificial feed the way we do herds. Aow many hybrids does it take to start a heart3 If yo Hre a hybrid stay away from earth. <ne thing yo sho ld know. "1ll institutions are demonic! Irom The 2olden 3ough@ = lt re is not yo r friend. Aa. donHt need thatC " $ fine day in the life of the %ara"8ort rings p Gky!et to see if they ca ght the h p yet. =aref lly prepared vir ses, false pl ses made Garah =onnors tr e. Aow co ld it be a !ew 8an if it6s in the movies3 =ompetition of machine and AR !ewbie 8an3 $tom winks at wifi b bbles, extra"cranial ne ral continental caps ferret o t revol tionary Fsilent talk,F the ;;(s of intended speech, If yo <ps wonder what Ftele"presenceF means, or mobile #=I cognitive threat fear, read the lin.s/ < r symposia this report. !ot : st earth life, radical alterity details planets, terra"formed comets, atmospheric corrections on 8ars. !ew niverses b ilt then wars /de (aris, 7an *0112. I6m wondering to raise the alarm. <ne if by land, two if by sea. 0. #$se$m of %merican )istory of 12ploding %rt Aow does the Aistory of ;xploding $rt begin3 These exhibits In The Heavenlies s rprise careerists. Aistory is an engineering pro:ect. Don6t ask if p blic events are staged like the cosmos. $ Tro:an Aorse for f n3 $ll events staged as real are reported real, motion"written floods, h rri) ake g ns, #engha4i storms, >destroyed by homogeneity.? Maneda told the &.!. It delivered relief to the canvas. Gtyli4ed pics of Gnoopy Dog and %retty Ilower #omb, m shroom clo ds ornamented with eyes and nose, necks and arms, c te 4awaii, and acht bomb tots washing, mashing cats and b nnies aro nd. #omba"transformed gravity don6t talk. !eeds no mo th. Transformated h n"ploding s batomic c lt res of bombs, space ships and aliens flit like prep bescent bomb smooth faces with sweet eyes. Dittle #loy, Dittle (iryl name the Airoshima bomb. <kamote says, >art, siC ;xplosionC?


The s n bomb lights n clear (od4illas. #omb m shrooms implode &ltraman, s per A"powers. Gnowman gets bigger. Diacon # nny (irl s rfs on a sword, girl b nny bomb pink clo ds revive black scarred green. <tak AiroshimaC Destr ction V - or 43 Dook in yo r nderwear. Da #ombaC $fter la bomba gave Kiagra to the s n, atom fragments fell to earth in toys. The fallo t anime girl"boy co sin frogs made big company %harma dolls. Ind strials t rned Doraemon, %okemon, sitting robot and !obita MittyC Aellow Milly, one h ndred tho sand kittle prod cts say, b t killy has no mo th : st eyes and a nose beca se Da #omba doesn6t say. This relief made >m t al mis nderstanding between the resc ed and resc er when o t of a sense of : stice the nations bro ght free ;emocracy.? # t Maneda said it was destr ction V4. $ettle not therefore efore what you will answer when you are etrayed for I will give you a mouth! (a4a shall be forsa+en, and 1sh+elon made desolate! They shall drive out 1shdod at noon! 1+ron shall e rooted up! Wephaniah reads the global press when merchants are multiplied a ove the stars and strongholds fall like figs. <nly D. A. Dawrence was not cast o t. Ae ate, and Meats b rst :oyHs grape to hide the rest. ;ater and the eaten disp te the figopath. The gates of the mind set open before its enemies" no fig wants that. !o talk titani m alloys drawn for siege go into the clay. Tread the mortar, make strong the brick. Doc sts and canker"worms of merchants, !ah m -, cast lots for the men of !o" =leveland. They bo ght !o"5ork and sold families of nations. the P een of !ineveh stripped and beat her breast. Ghaker Aeights fell. <hio was lost, and o tward toward the sea the never ending m ltit de, so many they st mble over the whip. The wheel, the chariots, the trains, the horns, the desolate barbs, creosote antennas, grey dawn, chains not long, never long the end of $kron !ineveh. %aris Milton b bble #omba, # bba # gel #agel, GXD, IT, montage mortgage loan $kira b d !ew Tokyo *011. 8ilitary psychic expermiment powers with ;8T bomb exploding, <kyo 'oied, new box b bble. <penit, n keit $kira demoscracy. Doll votes.


F... /D2ebris may be disposed of as melted rock both as a lining for the hole and as a dispersal in cracks prod ced in the s rro nding rock. The rock" melting drillis of a shape and is propelled nder s fficient press re to prod ce and extend cracks in solid rock radially aro nd the bore by means of hydrostatic press re developed in the molten rock ahead of the advancing rock drill penetrator. $ll melt not sed in glass"lining the bore is forced into the cracks where it free4es and remains ... /&.G. %atent !o. -,91-,N-1 dated Gept. *9, 11N*2 3. 8any riders experience na sea. =entrif gal and gravitational forces spin cars in different directions at variable speeds. They are spraying each night to complete the negative optical transfer to the rest of the world. 7apan contemplates gets o t the mask. $merica6s Airoshima pop art revenge on its h mikiation said 7apan was criminal. #iden said $fghanistan was criminal. !ation criminals, hero terrorists increase the heli m to s stain the b bble. 1ach night tr$c.s spray the alleys. "ecease the 4ch$mann 5esonance to get people bac.. !ight, night. 5o wonder why if the heli m works. 7 st another program of local coal crank frack f ck. ;veryone knows deep down fail safe weather works. 5ak sa cracks. 5ak sa and old M(#"dry leaves drive the bl e stem :et stream. Gtrangelove h rricane drives 'oman horses with fog breath and A$$'% clo d electrosmog to the daily news. Disinformation hi and lo systems. 5ak sa ca sed the !< flood b t lost the ball on downs""at the $merican earth) ake 5ak shima. Ee score this, s bmarine lost against the n ke plants one, s itcase scalar earth) ake ts nami kits two, in the second half blow p 5ellowstone. #ill $pocalypse, #ill (as6es $dmission : mped p the ;xploding 8 se m. #earden wo ld ask, what wo ld yo have done abo t it3 Eho gets to go the bases3 $fter the government a thorities, f nctionaries and military rich score, then come ill minate kings and ) eens and the s per rich aro nd the horn. $lso incl ded is a gene pool from first, previo sly screened. Ior brood only. These, mainly women to c ltivate the new race of earth &nder(ro nd. Eill there be no men3 Eill there be no c lt re f eled by Gtanford fac lty, h man c lt re stock prere) isite for growth, litterat re, m sik, art and competition. Th s it were seemly, permanently dr gged, live o t of their heads, men incl ded, b t whether these gene people raise their own childrenBno dogs or pets. =ontrols m st diametrically oppose proles. $eth %eal


6. )ow To &et % )ead It being impossible to bring a railing acc sations against s per power, 8ichael co ld not sling against the =overing =her b. Gtaging depends on mood. Iellow writers, compartments wall off intellect to prevent the concl sion heino s. Ehat if speech were staged, the whole event too3 (reat ) estions s btext loss@ >I hope that over the next several days, next several weeks and next several months we all reflect on how we can do something abo t some of the senseless violence that ends p marring this co ntry.? !ever ask m ck, and if what. =ompartment sense beca se concl sion nth nk. (oldman Gachs worship. 1ll institutions inherently demonic specks in the =her b eye. The good deed =her b transfers from !$IT$ to dispossess =entral $merican farmers of their land. $grib siness then remarkets the loss by attracting them to Ilorida and =alifornia to pick irradiated toxified crops. #roken by sprays and incompetent at 40 liberals bemoan immigration policies to f rther advantage (oldman. $ win win for agric lt re investments, farmers from Aanford Eashington r n the %entagon with gold t mors. ><ne breasted women from &tah, rani m miners whee4ing, s) ads of wolves and mo ntain lions discover what happened to the forests, glowing radioactive tortoises, mobs of shoeless 8exicans, dolphins and orcas with embedded radio collars each l nging for their files where their lives are b ried alive.? /#lood <rchid2. !7. I don6t know if I mentioned I had been kidnapped, a longer story in itself, b t otherwise I wo ldn6t have met Eold, who was kidnapped too by the %hone Dogs, switching stations that filter cell phone and email talk $lgorithms of Dexican syntactic, fre) ency of words to ferret o t the nsilent . Ae and I repaired machines. I was mainly the dish washer, b t we both were employed to clean and to fix. Eold had the to ch. It wasn6t his fa lt the heads didn6t talk. I worked the west ) adrant where dissidents from new life, I mean the camps, exited the ships, except the ships were trains. Don6t worry if h man cells have an impact on animals, they said, don6t worry if planes are trains, or if they aren6t. It depended on what paradigm they want.

The 8ayer #on$ment

Eold told me his first sighting came late on the 7ersey T rnpike, after one had been abandoned after a wreck. I rged this analogy of a beast fallen from the sky, and a dog6s nose with a wall socketC # t that don6t fly. It wasn6t really a boxcar either, this pterodactyl of the rails. Ee arg ed at break@ 9(ho wo$ldn:t want a g$illotine in the closet for that stray rooster in the head, where when not performing its design, cheese co$ld be c$t, meat, bread;< $ll who :oin the g illotine throng to 8adame T ssa d6s with the honorable Gir Thomas 8ore, and :oke in lighter moments ndergro nd, maintain that sales d mmies wo ld have no home complete witho t. 9Ta.e off yo$r cloa. so it doesn:t get blood fastidio$s #engele. )ave some more scopolamine. 'lay the governart.< >A rl the wolf at the deer, dawg, that6s how yo treat the w rst. Gt. Gtephen in a r sh@ >they r shed him and dragged him o t of the city b t took their clothes off first.? 9%nimals, h$mans, plants and earth, one r$les, b$t many contradict, that:s why the machine will never thin. in verse.< =)ai.$>.


>'egarde4 de &aris transhumain, I dou t therefore I thin+, &b d ty do. 8ake Daw, break law, Cogito ergo sum. %emem er contradiction! )r none, unless this miracle have might, and you have een a fooled astard teleologic s$spendC?
?$ch$lainn ?arrying @erdia, for Beheading

Gtill, who wo ldn6t want to g illotine the nasty crowing3 Aalls were lined with b sts of decaps. <perations sanctioned different means of taking, b t none yet for home se. %rofessor Iiliberto said that when his head had been transplanted from someone6s empty neck,? like a beast on a train, that prisoners rode headless o t of the west, manacled, with a g illotine attached, art t rned pside down. 'ows of heads were exhibited at the 8et, insights that came in three second b rsts of gold. Ten tho sand times tho sand g illotine galleons from =hina covered the bases /toxic link2. Ioreign mercenaries came to operate. 7ohnny Goftheart : st wo ld not whack grandma. G b:ects were delivered from ndergro nd passages thro gho t the so th and west. G periors behind the heads worried that the fictional %rtilect wars wo ld nify the A mass base into a # ddhist, 8 slim, $rab, =hristian, Aind , 7ew core.
John the Baptist, Beheading by ?ranach

They worried they wo ldn6t complete their experiments. !$G$ replaced $ schwit4 with 8a tha sen. It was de longest cow. !obody knew the horror, the horror of this massive disinhibition /Ucept Dick2. 5o have some notion of disinformation. #osses inviting o tsiders in to police the ho se, the 4trams #$ndane %lien ?orp, more like themselves than not.


If yo 6ve never seen a Ghiner p close, o tgassed in its s it with the headlights on, time and the niverse moving backwards, know that these translator models were in dialog e with the $ophias! 8illions of $"Aeads were given these $hiners to ill minate. The s rpl s was nmanned or severed. $"Aeads means Ghiner, $mp tee, or Disrobe with little body, b t a Disrobe had none at all. =osmic re:ects were called Disbod. Ehen it was fo nd that discarnates had emptied literat re they raided prisons. 8. 5on )$bbard channeled %leister ?rowley. Deary and $lan (insberg worked the %l ty labs. 8illions and millions of stem cell donors were expropriated from the landfill. ;ven grasshoppers and bats flew backwards. %erfectly good disbobs str ng p to the $nimate 8achine, fictional characters like =. G. DewisH "evine babbled like the Aead of = ch lain@ >There are three deaths. The first is when the body ceases to f nction. The second is when the body is consigned to the grave. The third is that moment, sometime in the f t re, when yo r name is spoken for the last time? /David ;agleman, Sum: Forty ales from the !fterli"es, *0012. # t there were more than three deaths in the nderworld. The first was when they take the head from its past, all its associations and harness it for yo rself. Go whether good b siness, mad science, %entagon 7$G<!G or academes, perfect little telekinesis babies came on line. G per soldier man als of remote accessed brains made designer children. It was a race to preserve alteration in the most advanced east and west nations. That6s how it came abo t the new (ilgamesh de &aris invented from the software A4tart at B.B0/C went on strike in Yiamen /now retired2. The (ilgamesh 'ebellion competed against #ostrom of <xford who rewrote the D!$ of The $ilmarils. Iiction real as fic fact cracked on the !ational 8all. Gcience is easy when yo know the pl tocats. Kiewing these from the <ld Testament is the only way it makes sense. That makes it necessary to say how, what the witch of ;ndor, l sts of 8idian, worship of 8ammon, giants, book of ;noch, tort res, angels be a making. The phantasmagoria, the deliri m of sickness, old age, alienation. The s pernat ral contexts, the 'oman emperor worship, the war between the states of dark and light, architect ral palimonies of the =apitol 8all, oldest conflict between the serpent and seed of the woman, the #ohemian (rove.


5o 6re : st aghast at those. Ehen the words are rods and the cones are pods maybe listen. Aear the words, b t the mental fantasy disassociated the nremembered, ntho ght, nbelieved,. Ehat yo hear in the ear, sho t. $eth5ow !!. "omain Transfer. Eitho t it any way being able to fig re what wo ld next take place, willed in the domain of wills itself, this Deither 4pace where !inane did to 8erlin, domain transfers disp te. The !ational Gcience 8 se m arg ed these did belong in the ;xploding 8 se m, along with astral travel, DGD and D8T trials, competitions in the loop to alter, there is that word again, alter the terrain. $s light marketing transfers conscio sness to the body parts of every globe, o r :anitor sold his th mb for some te) ila. =omp ter"assisted senses and micro"circ it implants p the nose destroyed the past. Those val es of perdition spread something to take their place, the one goal@ to destroy the icons, attit des and val es, made easier by foc sing on in: stice, ine) ality and racism. Destroy liberty, faith, family, followers of 8egadethC (et the new ;ndgame. This was best accomplished by experimentation pon the democratic peoples. Do4ens and do4ens of n clear tests in $merica, far more than Airoshima and !agasaki. /#lack2 convicts were rearrested and leased. =entral $merica was pamphleted for cheap immigrants. (enocide on eastern tribes, death marches in the west, all prairie removed, polyphenols replaced water, gmo the nat ral. =hemtrails crossed the sky, evidence of %a l %olymer.
'hantom )ead, )ands also available

$ll white people distracted by media cons med obesity, divided against each other strategies of the real r lers. <bama Gtop and search. ;nglish <nly stop and search. Terror drone bomb and search. Iight and die for yo r co ntry stop and search. Dare say, stop and search needed now more than ever beca se after h ndreds of years of divide to con) er, s bgro ps only know the Tilt"a"EhirlC 8iddle class ethnics and race believe stop and search means save. !ot to


believe nleashes a horror comparable to the memories of soldiers who fight against the terror people of the world, b t the war is on themselves. Ehen yo remember and are told"" this is not what happened at all, no, not what I meant at all, dither like %r frock or get abo t yo r b siness"" Ehat b siness3 5o want to know3 They are yo t bing yo @ earth is bea tif l. The air is bea tif l. The rain is bea tif l. The wind that blows where it will is bea tif l. The light of the s n is bea tif l. < r friends, coinhabitants are bea tif l, plants, trees, rivers all bea tif l. Ehich is what the !ava:o sing.

II. &oden %ge

!. 'emember that this is another dimension where things are not what they seem, so art is am sement, rides are m se ms. %erhaps this is metaphor. $t the end of one ride, waiting for another, I overheard a conversation in the !ational (allery abo t a g y who wanted to destroy the f$t$re as these destroyed the past, which so nds a horror if the f t re is the place of dreams, b t not if a nightmare of repression, slavery and prison. Eho co ld believe it possible that while we believed science wo ld save s from o r worst mistakes that science was itself the worst mistake and forces greater than it controlled its res lts in the !ew (oden $ge3 Gim ltaneo s 8 se ms of $rt, Gcience, Dit and 'eligion posed the arrival of the gods into these b ilding6s body partsC 'esearch said only the (oden $ge co ld save from overpop lation, degradation of reso rces, threats of revol tion. Ehether Aades or heaven, (odens posed three harvests and long life with ease. $mericans had believed in this fantasy of the golden all their lives. Ehen it became fact, like bad wine, things t rned opposite. (olden t rned (oden. The peasant farmer, h ngry and benighted, ignorant of higher math, who had m sic, art and comm nity like the =hinese peasant, was exiled to the biosphere. =ompare the n mber of days and nights these peasants spent nder air and star as opposed to the p ta 8ars, where when living failed, they took to a planetoid and settled off The &rn. That one was in the !$G$ 8 se m. !o ocean there, no air. These boys don6t tan. =ompare to the dream of Ganta 8onica pier the people held secl ded in rooms. Ilickering screens lost health contemplating themselves. !o weather or grandparents. (oden scientists demagog ed appeals of goden prophets who said they wo ld fix it. Iact@ they overwhelmed people with artificial food engineered to make them h ngry and then dead. There6s three harvests. The (oden $ge gave health.


life and obesity. There6s immortality. 8embers of the herd agressively ) estioned any voice that challenged this view. G perman, Aatman aborning %op 8ind, were implied transgenics before *01*. Ging larity *04+, *0*+, coming down, AR viewed the past s perseded in itself while h drank. 8. 5. T. A. $ therefore $, first law of Descartes, I thin+, therefore I am, ass med the pre"en nciated being, I before the thin+. Go if I think I remember I think and Ging larity Z novus ordo, exists. Ehat kind of conscio sness over cent ries of gene alteration creates before it is dreamt the woods that come to Dunsinane6 The transgenic took myths of giants, monsters, aerial phenomena as prec rsors of its own. =himeras, %olyphem s, !ept ne, angelsBthere is room if it matters, b t it doesn6t since it is shortly o6er"flown. >Aaving no new themes I do not seek in vain, seek none at all, merely the Eord, a trial form of the lang age of the wheel, rays of light coming o t of a hand Aab -.4. as the stone shall cry o t of the wall *.11 and be ceramic booties for them *.N that lade thick clay *.9. Erite the vision, make plain *.1 the sacrifice to a net 1.19, carpenter to a hammer, incense b rned to a keyboard, power of an idol 1.11, sacrifice to a g n, prayer to the power of mind, b t the =haldeans coming 1.9 more swift than evening wolves, 1.0, gather captivity as sand 1.1. There yo go, not thinking for yo rself again. Det earth be silent *.*0.? ;vol tion was now as def nct in these labs as the #ible in schools. ;ven if they still arg ed it was to cover p the tr th that they were remaking life on earth. <ld (ilgamesh had been ro nded p to s persede themselves, so to speak. $gain, yo think that6s a :oke b t it6s not. They d g him o t of the ; phrates and took him to D.=. <n level fo r they had a singing mo se. Ehat do yo think they had on five in the new begotten Eorld #rain hatcheries3 2. Dogic is always a little more demented when Eilliam # rro ghs channels ;arth min s earth to ;arth pl s. The difference between the pl s and the A3 is that it had its pleas re centers branded, cogni4ance of itself removed. ;lectroc tion skewers say no new man co ld even dissociate. $n addict can look at a wall or a shoe for eight ho rs a day, being its prod ctive period d ring trance, then it will look again for a fix. This t rning of the brain to an intestine, how is that like a banker and a bank3 It was even the s b:ect of fable, as well as an inadvertent c re for schi4ophrenia /as annihilation2. $


ball or a head is tantamo nt to the planet where the body went. The cage they p t the world in was the brain beheaded world. Think of it as %lexi t bes and wires for breath, circ lation, all %l tarch6s nmentionables, hooked p to machine new earthC Ehat anyway isn6t expendable in the pop lation red ction and higher conscio sness"gathered information3 0usion #enters3 The wrecked boxcar showed evidence of two h ndred million plastic grave liners. AowHs that for government waste3 They only needed fifty. <ne co ld hold fo r. I can6t believe yo 6re asking how will they die3 That6s preparatio sum for every martyr from 'ome and before, pop lation being a not"m st, which proves by negation that camps do not exist on the 8esa, or (reenbrier /KI% only2 and a h ndred sites. $ll evidence contrariwise to the 1*1 Deep /D&8#2, Gchneider notwithstanding, or the Ten $ectors, .nderground #ities below and %esidential #enters above, these fantasy cities being st ffed with internationals. Dook at the installation of the tho sand melting men, the *+01 8igrantes, the mass n des, the tort res of The 0i7er, Gol4henitsyn, ( ernica, (oya, (eorge %ratt, Iind 8e $ Koice, %a l ' i4. <n s ch pretext 7ohn the #aptist, #eheaded by =ranach got promoted as an avatar.


$ head in the box m st give p its secrets as m ch as any =aesar, $lexander or %alyatchee, which proves there is another world from the one we see. A mans knew this anyway beca se they looked in each other6s eyes. Dacking this delight machines looked in the eye of the world and saw "etail,
Beheading John the Baptist, ?aravaggio

b t co ldn6t fathom the sea in the p pil where the dry ;arth shakes with Desire /of $ll !ations to come2. #eing so, they cooked p a depleted planet to release %aleolithic vir ses from $ntarctica to more ) ickly remove the greater part. $ third part of the atmosphere, pathogens twinkling, so while A mans complained the world was too m ch with s, the next breath gave extinction. Gome tho ght s dden death mimicry of the rapt re in the Testament of being ca ght p. # t this was taking down. $ll pl tocrats came to the theatre after these headless debates, tho gh the infl x of heads contin ed greater and greater from 8exican highways. <n off nights Gtarchitect Iilms aired. Dowly lab workers who didn6t to ch the heads got to see them then. ;verybody watched prophetic =. G. DewisH Hideous $trength and the 1 olition of Man filmed and bro ght to life, animated with A. (! Eells. Eold tho ght these were better than the films of Teilhard de =hardin, boring beyond belief, his 0uture of Man.


Those who dread it thin. the worst wo$ld be to live sane among the mad. Transposed to !3th cent$ry asyl$ms not m$ch different from early !6B7 9homes< after lithi$m when the paroles were released. The release of the deranged may be a metaphor of society itself progressively deranged thereafter. #adness seiEes the sane; (e call it the %F$arian age. Gf madho$se scenes and prisons, not m$ch different since both had common cells r$led by the inmates, we have now society, reg$lated, policed, to .eep $s safe, b$t whether that is from police or o$rselves is not shown. 1vidence mo$nts that e2periments contin$e that provo.e madness to st$dy the brain, to promote robotic control so$rces for $nnamed ca$ses. Universities, hospitals, fo$ndations, corporations all r$n by f$nctionaries, careerists of the norm which indeed every madness since release $pon society and called a class right. 'orn, Damba, every se2$al mamba, m$tationHso it goes. (hen instances of g$nfire in malls and camp$ses occ$r the bosses are at a loss to e2plain how the madness came. The )ospicio ?abaIas was b$ilt as an orphanage in the early !6th cent$ry. Its deconsecrated ch$rch was decorated with a famo$s series of m$rals by GroEco in the !637s. &alleries s$rro$nding the h$ge co$rtyards are often given over to temporary e2hibitions. This comple2 is a UD14?G (orld )eritage site. 3. Eere there really dinosa rs revived with D!$, engineered, reengineered3 If dinosa rs will 5eats be raised, for transmortal hybrids so ght selective res rges of important persons, 8ax %lanck3 Tom (ilbert begged that the agenda of the Transh man was not abo t his grandmother. >$n expert in ancient D!$ at =openhagen &niversity, who with Gch ster and Eebb pioneered the harvesting of mammoth D!$ from hair, ,he. admits that as a st dent of mammoths, he6d be the first to go see one tr ndle across a paddockB.? If yo can do a mammoth, yo can do anything else that6s dead, incl ding yo r grandmother. # t in a world in global warming and with limited reso rces for research, do yo really want to bring back yo r dead grandmother3? !ational (eographic, 8ay *0012. To him she6s like a mo se. #ro ght back by hair or bone the grave of (ilgamesh was d g and the Gmithsonian hid the excavations. Ehich so nds totally like the search for 8erlin6s grave in That Hideous $trength. It impacts Ming 'amses and whoever else wo ld ret rn with plans, come ac+ to tell you all, I will tell all!" (randma.


#oasts in architect re venerated and worshiped giants on the !ational 8all. The (reenho se ;ffect made newLoldies feel at home. The Defense $dvance 'esearch %ro:ects $gency of the &.G. /D$'%$2 constr cted an enhanced, hybrid, s per soldier to beat the ' ssians. There are as many links as yo wish. The G;$DG were part fish. If it so nds like Gwift, ( lliver according to his +ind, the organic machine was dead serio s when it came online to the 10 to the *9 trillion trillion brain. Ging lar fiat, old mammoths and warriors of the past red g in %alestine, the hybrids were new. If transh man ass mptions held things as they said, it was impossible to override, as impossible as the ta nt that Isaiah gave against #abylon. <ops, there was also ;4ekiel, 7eremiah, 7onah, Wechariah and %salms. <ops again, and 8atthew and 'evelations dismayed >the moral tragedy of not b ilding god,? /A go de (aris. ##= Aori4on, A manK*.0S4N.1*"4N@*92 .
4ociety however wo$ld not have wanted to .now their scientists were craEy, any more than they were living ne2t door to a death camp, b$t when strange creat$res were seen in earth, sea, s.y and air, wor.ers down below were relieved it wasn:t all J$st a film in their dream pipe. 4cience was to be the salvation of the $niverse. 4ay it again. The brains, the 2.7, 3.7 artilects and nanolects, the femtotech femtotechs to be worshipped wo$ld save them, and it was all going to be filmed by the paparaEEi to .eep it real. They wo$ld play this film bac. to prevent the e2pansion and contraction of time and space. 12tinct dinosa$rs revived at the opposite end of this mKlange, li.e the new man, )*, wo$ld be made new. Gbvio$sly they were mad.

4. )ybrid %ge 5everse #enesis. Ehy =leveland. It6s not p to me to say. It was given. The wind blows where it listeth. 5o hear the so nd there of b t do not know from whence it comes or wither it goes. Go is everyone who is born of the spirit.Ae wakens my ear to listen as one being ta ght.The Govereign D<'D has given me an instr cted tong e, to know the word that s stains the weary. Ae wakens me morning by morning, wakens my ear to listen like one being ta ght.Then will the eyes of the blind be opened and the ears of the deaf nstopped. Isa -+.+$ll yo r sons will be ta ght by the D<'D, and great will be yo r childrenHs peace. +4.1The servant of 7ehovah receives the divine revelations neither in dreams nor visions of the nightJ b t every morning /babbo)er babbo)er as in Isaiah *0@112, i.e., when his sleep is over, 7ehovah comes to him, awakens his ear, by making a sign to him to listen, and then takes him as it were into the school after the manner of a p pil, and teaches him what and how he is to preach. !othing indicates a tong e befitting the disciples of (od, so m ch as the gift of administering consolationJ and s ch a gift is possessed by the


speaker here. FTo help with words him that is exha stedF /with s ffering and self"tort re2@ [\ ]^, $rab. gat, med. Kav, related to _ `\ ]a ,_ `\ ]b, signifies to spring to a person with words to help, $). cdefghijfkl, 7er. s stentare. The $rabic gat, med. 7e, to rain pon or water /;wald, &mbreit, etc.2, cannot possibly be tho ght of, since this has no s pport in the AebrewJ still less, however, can we take [\ ]^ as a denom. from [^, pon which D ther has fo nded his rendering, Fto speak to the weary in d e seasonF /also ;ng. ver.2. mno ] is an acc sative of more precise definition, like m_ ` b in Isaiah +0@1 /cf., Isaiah 4*@*+J Isaiah 4-@*-2. 7erome has given the correct rendering@ Fthat I may know how to s stain him that is weary with a word.F Meil and Delit4sch 3i lical #ommentary on the )ld Testament Transgenics sanctioned a Aybrid $ge reverse 2enesis to bring back 'amses, 5eats and Eooly. 8any religio s were concerned to take the hock >mark of the beast,? emphasi4ing mar+. The age of hybrid in:ected retrofitted ser m in g ise of a vaccine combining animal and h man D!$ wo ld c re its self" engineered disease. In the words of Kerner Kinge in 111-, >within thirty years, we will have the technological means to create s perh man intelligence. Ghortly after, the h man era will be ended.? /$bstract, The #oming Technological $ingularity2.
Bla.e:s ill$stration of "ante, LThe 4chismatics and 4owers of "iscord #osca "e+ 8amberti and Bertrand "e BornL


Two"thirds of those years gone, transmorts sent p 'ay M r4weil to =harlie 'ose, speaking of Ging larity like it was an expression of the information age which >democrati4ing? technologies of cell phones and Iacebook wo ld prevent being sed for tyranny beca se of >the wisdom of crowds.? # t Ging larity was of the A5#'ID $(;, as was his rhetoric where h man organs in pigs and dinosa rs reconstit ted from 00 million year old D!$ stored in their bones were grown. =onsidered fantasy to the c lt re, an nserio s effort of government and b siness to remake dinosa rs and pair all kinds of h man and animal genes for h man enhancement as well as parading nanobots in M$rEweil:s brain, the (odens went all myth. These environs were the work and life of M rk Eold, who backtracked reversals of field in lit, philosophy and science. Traditional lit a thorships designated as 8oses, Aomer, David, Dao T4 , =h ang T4 had been t rned pside down. They were t rned back p, partly to conf se the mortals, b t partly beca se it co ldn6t be helped. Aow do yo teach empiricism when the rabbit is o t the hat3 !ot many read this lively st ff. In the end lit was what it said, retranslated into the m tant phrases of the Aeads. T rned p, t rned down, down p, the nineteenth cent ry righted in the twenty first. It m st have been f n to be an editor. <f co rse the Aeads, old existential #ostrom at the I t re of A manity Instit te who rolled o t the $ew Silmiril got an $cademy. In the face of near extinction it was as if 8oses had beg n to writeC #ringing back 8oses and Aomer was a problem for 5eats and =rowley delivering their own megalomaniac epic"shaking mythogomies. 8ythogomies, misogogynies, they harnessed their wives to cr de prec rsors of the $nimation 8achine and got magn m op ses. 1 &ision, and The 3oo+ of Thelema were both works of Devel Iive. >(eorgie? spent ho rs with 5eats tho gh this and had him all to herself. $ tomatic script gave 5eats his best myth. $ll the 1.0 tho ght it.

%reparing the &ndergro nd Eork in Texas


The Two = lt res roared past each other at a h ndred, Aor s riding the backs of 8ichael 'obartes and <wen $herne, and the rock and roll got good %oh &aybelline' why cant you be true( )ou done started back doin the things you used to do. !at, !aty, s pnat, so ght the nat"not Fbot collect.F <therworld spirits, Fdo yo want it whole3 This law was the >ethics? of the ) ant m mole. The thing was a bonan4a. Here's a start, to give it out in s8uirts, it s ited them to do what they wanted. Gcience didn6t have as m ch clo t as lit to convince that rhetoric was tr th in the nderneath. The two c lt res wrapped a new (nostic.
1mer m$st dance, there m$st be severed headsH I had tho$ght to have had heads carved, b$t if the dancer can dance properly no woodcarving can loo. as well as a parallelogram of painted wood.< =Neats, 9The "eath of ?$ch$lain,< The Gld #an>

<ne tho ght it a :oke when the head next to him blew off. This was the fa lt of something greater, a cabbage giant so divine we cannot define it, a cannibal monster that loo.s yo$ in the eye, a bea$ty that impersonates desire. =%laydate. *nlikely +.,, )alloween, 27!!> /A go de (aris. ##= Aori4on,
A manK*.0""4N.1*"4N@*92. 1t this point it is necessary to stop for the night! There are more than a thousand Tilt9a9 *hirls! >%reserving the brains of geni ses was not a new phenomenonTanother famo s brain to be preserved and disc ssed in a similar manner was that of the (erman mathematician =arl Iriedrich (a ss almost a h ndred years earlier. Ais brain was st died by ' dolf Eagner who fo nd its weight to be 1,41* grams and the cerebral area e) al to *11,+00 s) are centimeters. $lso fo nd were highly developed convol tions, which was s ggested as the explanation of his geni s /D nnington, 11*N2. <ther famo s brains that were removed and st died incl de that of Kladimir Denin and the !ative $merican, Ishi. The brain of ;dward A. ' lloff, philologist and Fcriminal of s perior intelligence,F was removed after his death in 10N1J in 11N*, it was still the second largest brain on record /!ew 5ork Times, !ov. N, 11N*, p. -N2.?

III. "own the 8ab 4taircase

Three beheadins of the brain@ 1. the message of the words conveyed in tones, voice, all so nds, m sic, not in the words. The depth of meaning has been severed. In the imagination of Garah Eeddington the baby died, followed by that baby6s still alive in there beca se it6s only in her imagination, irony severed. There is no irony, wit or n ance, there is

*0 only sensation to evoke feeling. These rhetorically directed. There is no individ al tho ght. *. >$ world where nearly everything that passes for art is tinny and commercial and often, in addition, hollow and academic /Moral 0iction, +2 -. #lack rotting teeth down to the roots, 0+p of r ral ;l Galvador from =oke, %epsi, Iritos in the last -0 years. 8others powerless against the corporate force of addiction in commercials that destroy their children. 4. 8 sician #ob Dylan has condemned the practice@ F5o listen to these modern records, theyHre atrocio s, they have so nd all over them. ThereHs no definition of nothing, no vocal, no nothing, : st likeTstatic.F Do dness Ear, #rick Eall

!. )iggs Bos$n. I had a dream Aiggs #os n said right before they fo nd it, >how does it feel to be god3? A gh and Tom, even #earden and 'ay, all in their labs and nderwear wanted to find particles at the first coming, half r nning DA=. ;ven if desperation not laconic, one they co ld not find and when they did, deep down, tho ght it wo ld be themselves, b t wo ld never be atheists again, never were s ch anyway, those narcs who against their own wish, like A go de (aris, at night, dreamed of a time when their work wo ld destroy all that they love, meaning their children. There was a man, I call him thatJ it is a title. Ae was being made to do something he abhorred. Ae had a n clear device in a T pperware container, abo t a ) art six pack and even tho gh he hated it, had already armed it to explode. Gloshes threatened to come o t the top. Ae made a reservation on %an $m, to fly it to =osta 'ica, altho gh places in <hio might do, b t was worried sick abo t the effects. Ehy had he armed it3 Ehere did it come from3 These were aprioris in the dream, already there when I arrived. It reminds s of those 8anch rians amongst the reeds who do what they wo ld not, torn between the be and end of be. $waking I know how it is the god particle boys feel. They so ght it, the Gtandard 8odel being wrong, b t so what, access to knowledge that will destroy the world. They made it. They armed it. They covered it with gl e and p t in. Their comp lsion lies baking. Ehich shows how far disinformation affects the mind, for these are central techni) es in f ll tili4ation, b t not all. %artic lates, polymers, I don6t know who said it b t it went like this. The whole p rpose and intent to destroy the past, past being taken as tho sands of years and decades also, signifies those val es of tradition that wo ld impede the spread of the


something to take its place. = lt ral p rveyors cover all segments of this comedy, literat re and entertainment to the believers of 8egadeth. !ow this g y at the exhibits had said he wanted to destroy the f t re as these destroyed the past, which so nds like a horror, b t the f t re was not the open ended hopef l place of dreams. it was a nightmare of repression, slavery, imprisonment and death. Eho co ld believe it possible when we feel science will save s from o r worst mistakes, b t in this view science was the worst mistake, not in itself b t beca se forces greater than science control it and its res lts. These are not of one mind, the con) erors of D!$ b t the imperial control they exercise s ggests otherwise. $mong the coffee ho ses of their base there is debate abo t how to h manely treat the s b races, not s b h man, b t s b l narian. Irom booklet 4 The Aiggs exhibit interprets that it doesn6t think they are p rs ing particle physics in this. Its paradigm of the Gtandard 8odel is flat space time b t not c rved. Go while they p rs e the half speed dream of Aiggs, their thinking is skewed, as if it were being done to them and not by them, and they deny the existence of the longit dinal wave. Item@ after removing all the gases there is radiation in the vac$$m that persists even if the temperat re is lowered to absol$te Eero. This is called >Eero point? radiation.? here This is time energetics, scalar electromagnetics. Go the 9emptiness< of empty space is in fact not empty, b t a great ocean of energy. #earden6s (ravitobiology 2. "ata-"ada. In this world of make believe, to borrow the analog e from data base is the real, not the original"real or its copy, where dolls, games, fan4ines are as m ch data base as experiments, manga, video, film, Ghakespeare and Ia lkner, fa x is real, which is to say fa x science is real. The comic market is a comic market. $mate rs e) al in the database with the (reats or scientists who have never loved. Identity diff sion is a condition of piracy. Eriters who >stripped the ancients6 /Kida2 in the nconscio s database called original thro gh citation their infinite imitation. ;at the cake and leave the bread. A man brains in:ected with mice were one stage, b t yo fliege9hausen know that far below the smoke to make a better life for cows the cows were mad. To ) alify as $"Aeads they began prion contamination and encephal"opathies, not as easy as it so nds. The rare !eanderthal gene resists its =aveman Gwellings. Gtacked at the G fi %ort on my floor, cage pon cage, they flew according to their manifests. $t crater


level this space was called nihil cognentesis, invisible to the naked eye, or metaversal flesh if yo believe. Iragmented fan gro ps s bstit ted for societal narrative. The bomb blew it apart, b t global c lt re was the bomb to all native c lt res. $ll got to be $merican. Ehat greater bomb than that3 #lown apart, otak made a shell flip its dermal fantasies, rewriting film, manga, collecting dolls, biology, comics literat re and peer gro ps to replace families. Ehether these sh t ins were cast o ts or new realists, <tak s sh t in to their fandoms, they replaced the social with fictional identities. Aobby comm nities replaced nat re, woman, art, scientific comm nities made >ne rotic constr ction of shells of themselves o t of materials from : nk s bc lt res.? These were the shells of the Plippoth. (angs, games and %hDs replaced, fa x characters replaced the real. !ews broadcasts were anime flatted. =ommercials were animed, eyelit star"styled animations, close to politics anime, passionate reality <bamaites, $kirans. $rtificial reality, fa x the moeC coined the term >anime manga"like realism.? It went all ro nd. Dit sold in the market as video games, dolls, ill strations of #ikk riman Gticker %arody as religion. !ot the story, not the characters, database was real. Imitations, sim lacra, o ter layers with inner sim ltaneo s chaos@ In ndated Database. The Ilood. Eere imitation tr e it was Tr e to Database, not to nat re as se. $ new model of nconscio sness sim ltaneo s narratives imitating themselves shared disparate parts. &nless yo say the nconscio s belongs to yo , yo either borrowed it, witho t attrib tion, yes, 8r. ;lephant or stole. Ehat a harsh word that has s ch matter in it. $ word, an act, an art not real or tr e to nat re, g r s cited #earden6s Warg, and Menyon helped raise the vibe. %ensinger shot o t the top of a pyramid bla4e. Eo ld"be gods of the data base displaced. >8oe"elements became the gods? /99, Airoki $4 ma in 0andom .n ound2. $ll elements of doc mentation, s bordination, logic, c stom sacrificed to database"piracy. =at (irl, # nny (irl, Ioxgirl, Dog (irl not innocent, Diacon IK # nny (irl was second only in search to %layboy # nny. =atgirl 'esearch Io ndation disclaimed at the bottom of its page@ >Ehile some girls may en:oy acting like cats, there are no girls who act ally have long f rry tails or large cat ears as parts of their body. Tho gh this is nlikely to change in the near f t reB.? #osses on the looko t for more heads sorted them by vocation. %hilosophers 'ow had the Eisensteins, Eittgenstein6s head, pontoons of A xleys, $ldo s, Thomas, and ' ssell. 8any on the waiting list had died nder the


old system of government grants. ;instein was reassembled, b t the a topsied divisions were false. ;ncephalics breed more imprints than they need in the ndergro nd complex. These whole brains so infected A go de (aris that he co ldn6t sleep. Ae sho ldn6t have talked so late to the Aeads. =onscience swollen, he predicted the $rtilect Ear and ended p etheri4ed pon a table. Ee heard him m mbling with the heads as his own,@ >:olted o t of nightmare I see vivid scenes of my descendentsH deaths in a cent ry or so at the hands of artilects so s perior to h mans they see s as vermin. The emotional reality and horror of it shake me. I donHtB. )ow No$ &et % )ead; 'emember many dreams, b t this nightmare rec rs, and wakes me despite my heavy sleep.F %tlantis 5ising, "$bai @rom 4pace The hybrid realities of Ging larists, f ll blown three decades, once called pathetic fallacy to attrib te h man ) alities to nat re, now, s b:ect to gene splicing, were moe anthropology, might have taken from Mafka, except anime m st be c te * D. ;ffects which lend to combination of bestiality and pedophilia /with big boosts from 8icrosoft and Eindows 8e2, girls hybridi4ed as g ns, ships and tanks / 8echa 8 s me2, were not nlike Donne6s >oh my $merica, my newfo ndland.? Aelen6s face"dock wharf knew no bo nds once la nched@ >Is the niverse strait"laced L when I can clasp it in the waist.? $mong erotic appliances, laws, politics, angels who loved their washing machines and cell phones, =onrad6s 8arlowe >cried o t twice, the cuteness, the cuteness, a cry that was no more than a breath,? the ca ses of which are befit. !ot all heads went physically missing. Implicit in all this is the notion that if the head is missing yo can s pply the brain. There were brain bypasses. Go nds like science fiction in:ecting Mirk and 8c=oy. Eold said that he fo nd o t whether the war was interplanetary by its h ndred r ses where the programmer was the god. !ot so simple either. Irom the secret signs of its appearing, the ) inc nx of every secret rit al. Dike dr g companies inventing profits the Aeads invented tho sands of s bstit te names given h mans as a trick of the generic, 8any 8ade <neC ,88<. 8any #e <ne they chanted. Ghamanic, priestly, prophetic, ill minatory f nctions were m ch enco raged to discredit the one tr e f nction. $s Dr. Irank said, the %sychologist of o r Kacaville %rison, after losing their first enco nter on earth the !ept ne forces had shr nk, b t dr gs and meditation bro ght them back. This hid two :okes in one. Iirst that there were Aeads before the


$nectine programmers mimicked them, and two, these had an enco nter which ca sed their dementia, which became a process of conditioning synthesi4ed and marketed by the $gency. It was called search for the di"ine afflatus.
It would e li+e introducing 2erman into 0rench, for the 0rench pride them on the purity, or #eltic into the original pure :atin, ut these are only analogues of our story of the vulgate when myth was introduced into science, ut that is not our story either, ecause these analogues to the introduction of the human genome into the animal, plant is a ma+ing of hy rids we shall say! )ur fiction re8uires us to elieve that once upon a time, at the very eginning of time, a fictional war egan etween the ancient man and some forces opposed, his enemy! It was the intent of these forces to corrupt his culture, his mind, his thought, his very eing into some thing foreign to his irth! The ultimate s+irmish of this came at the last genome! These forces were +nown as the gods! There are no literary works written in the v lgar, a hybrid of the streets of the 'oman empire.

3. It was not a bombing back to stone, b t to the second dimension. ;ven if the costs of shock and awe might still be done, b t reconsider the first white o t, the orange s n, the dark rain of body parts different from the holoca st mainly from the shock, for !a4is delivered their m rder personally, hands on, medieval for the time, b t Airoshima was moe"devastated from above.
(od4illa and all the monsters and giants of pop that frighten children in their beds spawned that night. It was an attack on childhood, as 8 rakami shows, and on old ageJ neither co ld exist. =ompare it with the %TGD and I&Ds flying among the $merican $fgans, the disorientation of the shock of brain against bone, so nd"lined light, and then more s dden, immersion complete, think of shock waves more than felt, prod cing no more inane patter and chatter that followed it in $merica than : stifying more bombing of the homeland itself, greater far than of 7apan, 1merican 2round ,ero The $ecret 5uclear *ar, atrocities made more. G perflat means that, flatted o t of existence, existence being three dimensions. G perflatted peoples are the most dangero s to themselves and all, not that they are worse, b t action L reaction, in the shamed (erman nation of EEI prod ces worse. Irom (od4illa G perflat to $lien (rotes) e, to normal Aiding $pocalypse, preparation for the s per modern s perman who never dies, aborned millennia. Does it strike yo , the top 10 evil experiments cond cted in the *0th cent ry3 Did 7apan ally with the (ermans3 G re yo can hear the


escaping gas, and the =hinese m se ms of 7apan6s atrocities. Go 7apan was sent into the s n. The conf sion of tong es at #abel was a conf sion of tho ght. It still exists nder the doomsayer grid of r mor mongers p and down the evol tionary chain. #earden thinks the ' ssians have Gcalar tech b t doesn6t know abo t the flying sa cer r n abo ts, thinks they come from < ter Gpace. 7im Meith thinks they are from earth, some potter6s st dio t rns them o t. In the <T the prophets were to be stoned when they miscalc lated. #earden is worse than the charismatics in this. #y his acco nts =$ went into the sea years ago, add to that all the repetition of sentences and r noff tho ghts, all catastrophes were to happen two years after p blication of his oblivion, the electric grid was o t, and here we are still waiting. Ehat are we waiting for3 Dike men who wait for their master we discern the face of the sky. Aow is we do not discern the time3 #abel again. Ehat is the time3 There are as many plots as phone books. $fter the beams of <rion, $ndromeda, every galaxy, tho ght control, weather control, the only one they do not expect to come is the Desire of $ll !ations. That6s what #abel did to the scientific mind, for we co ld tolerate conf sion in poets and call it enlightenment. Gcience is o t to be salvation all right, : st the way 8r. <bama will, except like the lady of $kron, we might not s rvive the o ting. !obody wo ld read this as a sign of co rse, to s ggest it is so wrong. The signs are being manip lated, b t there they are in the heavens too. # t no, t rn on the t be. Kiewed from the o tside it6s only by way of #earden6s notion of the Gcalar weapons sed by the 5ak sa against the &G in the b do c stom that 7apanese manga and mecha take nderstanding. Kiewed from the inside the c stoms of manga fans are entirely self absorbed. Aoneigman I was looking p the direc sea model of the vac m as an infinite sea of particles with negative energy, properties of vac m and fo nd it sed in 7ampanese anime mang fiction, cartoon, 5eon 2enesis Evangelion , Kis al !ovel =haosJ Aead, bye bye 'y 8its se and b t for #earden wo ld not have reali4ed it is yak sa scalar weaponary encoded philosophically in 8anga. 4. I don6t know what the bill is for all the gas, the heli m to p mp p the $pocalypse, m ch the same maybe as the bill for all the gas to p mp p the dream of s periority. Go while they spray each night to complete the


negative optical transfer to the rest of the world, 7apan contemplates the demise and gets o t the mask. Ehen the $merican wakes to reali4e the Airoshima bomb was named Dittle #oy, and all 7apan has been little boyed so its pop art reflects revenge on the airplane that dropped its h mikiation, one can ask, what wo ld yo have done in 7apan as a nation of warriors3 Go while Dittle #oy s perflat plots revenge, (oodbars admire the work being more ) ick and comfortable with Ghinto animist technology simply an extension of nat re. G perflat means the eyes are expressionless as the face is nwrinkled, naged, childed, simplified, flattened o t of dimensionality. This flat affect, fail re to make eye contact is a form of s bc lt re a tismB >Aideako $nno, spent several years of his life essentially isolated in his room reading comic books and playing video games in a partic larly 7apanese affliction known as >otak .? <tak s are defined by Eilliam (ibson as, >the passionate obsessive, the information age6s embodiment of the connoisse r, more concerned with the acc m lation of data than of ob:ects. . . &nderstanding otak "hood, I think, is one of the keys to nderstanding the c lt re of the web. There is something profo ndly post"national abo t it, extra"geographic. Ee are all c rators, in the post"modern world, whether we want to be or not.? P ang Tr ong here. >The theory that 7apan6s defeat stripped the co ntry of its independence and led to the creation of a nation of permanent children, weaklings forced to live nder the protection of the $merican #ig Daddy, is widely shared by artists and intellect als in 7apan. It is also a staple of pop lar cartoons, many of which feat re a well"meaning government that t rns o t to be a facade concealing sinister and more powerf l forces. $nno pa ses for a moment, and gives a dark"browed stare o t the window. >I don6t see any ad lts here in 7apan,? he says, with a shr g. >The fact that yo see salarymen reading manga and pornography on the trains and being nafraid, nashamed or anything, is something yo wo ldn6t have seen -0 years ago, with people who grew p nder a different system of government. They wo ld have been far too embarrassed to open a book of cartoons or dirty pict res on a train. # t that6s what we have now in 7apan. Ee are a co ntry of children.? $tlantic 8onthly Interview $nno here The comment on the above is a denial that@ >I6m s rprised the man who recently directed the remake of = tie Aoney, and is now b sy remaking ;vangelion, wo ld go so far as to call any ad lt who reads manga childish.?


The gas is that strong. (ood news, here is an excellent %DI of this Essay on **II infantili;ing <apanese culture such as anime and ota+u. Takashi 8 rakami is a good hands writer. ;xploding s bc lt re is a p n. Dittle #oy is the name of the Airoshima bomb. $nime is a prod ction of Dittle #oy. G perflat is a societal a tism. The &G( 8anhattan %ro:ect boys, pro d physicists all, naming their bombs, or the people they were dropped on, driven into infancy and beyond, emasc lated, : venili4ed prod ced (ame #oy, (o+=mon, %ocket 8onsters that did to their own what they done to them, called '%(s, role playing games, not rocket propelled grenades@ si7 hundred <apanese children got epileptic sei;ures watching (o+=mon Denn> $enshi (orygon, -Electric $oldier (orygon? in season @! There were right explosions with rapidly alternating lue and red color patterns! This is the superflat here , here A ts me 8ik , Kocaloid, -th7 2wern 3ranwen? %ink b nny from kLnewsLarticle" 10NNN9NL%ict red"The"giant"pink"rabbit"seen"space.html, after girl dressed as pink b nny at end of Diacon IK. =onf sion confirmation of the niversal monster. B. $ man writing his life after his death, in a dream state, to retell fiction, appeals in a s bterranean evocation abo t birth before birth, of death after death. <r that dream being the thing that connects the totality of things flesh, skin wakes p smooth as ice and white as snow. =onfront this body when asleep, b t wake deeper than any grave. &nder earth or over find. $ncestors who went before, who live in o r brains, what will they say3 !ecrona t necrophants arbitrate taste say fictiona ts, kid abo t the grave like 5eats, hands mashed in the fro4en mat of D ciferHs shag in DanteHs hell. Death is their dominion, b t the death boats sailed. F=ome back to tell yo all.F Aades, once $merica where the dead live, oxymoron"domiciled in the foot of the l nar mo nt, which those who scale in greater death propose to visit in imagination, admit the ndergro nd ca ldron, monolith. Ee believe : st as m ch as we believe. FThe sagely man keeps his mo th sh t.? $nother case of Aawking cannot make p his mind abo t (od or a case where anyone who speaks doesnHt know and those who donHt do, which being interpreted means in metaphor and symbol he says what he cannot say.


Disbelieve the rhetoric ndergro nd, the G n boat 'a, obsidian p shcarts, rowboats paid with blind pennies, for the rows of stones in every graveyard as simple as remembering grand. Gome impression of s spended state, the nderworld eldritch impression, cross between hobbits ca ght in the brewersH hall and $lice in Eonder, TA;! :ewels spill red as raw liver, storm bl es, greens like nder wave, necklaces, bracelets, lockets, bangles. 5o see it, feel the great tr nks f ll. Dinens, hand painted china, chests of art, pots from a single woodblock bend edges and stain cobalt. $ garden went into space, stood p to ankles and calves, Tagetes o t to #etelge se, a f ll Dippia in the irreal waking when eyes saw the niverse stream. There is a crawl space in these places to lay a floor of boards to walk, before they p t in more d ct. $ bag of silver, forgot ten years, one day remembered, fo nd in an expedition. There are trap doors where the great treas re hid, compartments filled with sc lpt res and prints, a head of ebony and $byssinian that looked at the heart. This whim rivals electric lines. Dight and dark elders in the abyss inhabit a real 7onah ' noff, as Aerc les t rned the rivers to clean. !ot abo t cattle, stables or man re, b t imagination. 'imba d divides his life in two over >hope of recovering the key to his lost innocence, >if my spirit were always wide"awakeBnot given to degenerate instincts, forgotten epoch.? ;very vice : st to forget lost innocence, 'imba d made himself comprachicoes, to change the h man appearance by m tilation, his own, b t inexpertly. Ais making monstro s didn6t take and he t rned to faith. %sychological disfig rement, nderworld m tilations silence complicity, comprachicoes removed. The memory of dislocated :oints, st nting the spine, b rning the face, incisions, manip lations and restraints with a dr g, st ltifying powders, anesthetic escapes so that the mindHs recall of depravities was deadened, and if remembered the meaning of pain masked with forgetf lness. =onscio sness reconstr cts, reconnects the pain, removing broadcasts of the drone controllers, the bandage of inoc lated, anesthetic memory. The pain of reali4ation imposes dilemma. < r memories make s who we are and their removal prevents knowing. The =ontrollers, the comprachicoes go on m tilating and maiming, like the mandarin taken to another planet to be tort red in exchange for peace. %eace at the price of no memoryJ s ffering makes s whole.


To disinfectant the monstro s and its memory among the nfeeling, wind greater than water and identification of pain on mo ntains, at the pain sea level h midity swallows p. Gwallowed by a fish, wake p in the belly of earth. The tro ble is himself and the forces. Ae doesn6t come witho t a past even if he doesn6t know. Ae doesn6t come witho t a present even if he doesn6t feel. It gives meaning to blindness. If it weren6t for friends among the people, women who save his life, he wo ldn6t s rvive. Ae doesn6t want to acco nt the women tho gh, he wants to acco nt the forces, b t has to face himself. &nmentionable, dark shot rays, lots of rays, b t light doesn6t blind. In darkness light dawns. The pain tiled hallways of cement floors along halls in different dementias drool, moan. Ae6s not nobody from the 8idwest, he6s worse, comes from the grave shorn, nshorn with memory. Ais sins, nless yo say innocent oppression done to the kindreds, the strange fr its of their tort res, beatings, is the fa lt of some enemy. That6s the one. $t three h ndred to the dark it was getting light. They were all still there, b t witho t power, like lost mass, an oxygenated river diverted in their midst, a river he co ld float. Ae walks down the center of the hall like he did at first. Ehat did the boy see b t what we know3 Ee go down to get his body in a few years the way we go get o r memory of the hallway with its stretchers and wheelchairs, res lts of the finished work of comprachicoes along all sides. There was no lack of disinfectant among the nfeeling. $ll the dr gs were p mped into skin. $ll the pains took them. %alsy took dr gs. 'age took Kali m. D st had a pharmacopoeia. Aatred ate some. -. 4$ction #ensch. They planted s ction c ps in &bermensch, in:ectable polymers for a 1*00 IP, battery packs for the backs of mice, robo circ its for cockroaches co ld hear and see like a dog, b t o tdid themselves with the headless frog. Gtarchitect biologists and social planners made a headless frog to mine its body parts to make themselves immortal to the length of a telomere. Eho says domes have to be gigantic. These were microscopic and beyond, in:ectable vir ses as cloning vectors to engineer the new genetic cell. $s above so below, it was like an applied bird fl between species, a new old 4ie siella planticola, to kill the past, oddly not dead, : st waiting to be revived in some lab, plantosaurus ma7imus pentithicatus, they made a gene to love the latin name who loved the headless man who head had been transplanted to someone6s empty neck, they took the liberty to reinvent the head, b t the body was a farm, prod ced cabbage livers, tomato hearts, br ssel spro t eyes, and on all this honeydew they fed in morphic freedom, nanonatomies, nanopolies, with porcelain teeth and diamond bones, eyelid


monitors. !ano vs. polymer in a vision once I saw. &ber $lter led to !ano bot so goodbye homo sap. ;xtremeophiles landed pathogens, microbiologists were killed by the score, testing, testing, one two three, please move to the rear of the craft, dome dome, s per dome, s per fly, s per b g, s per man. They went down to ?amp @$nston. Eat did they there. Io nd Gpanishfl fly vir s nder the chair. #eagle beagle on the wall, a potato from #ars b t not aware of two minds, holes drilled in s.$lls, b t again, some of them did not have heads. It6s the old remarkable ) estion, what is it that we are part of and what is that we are3 Tails p, heads down, peptides waving, a flying hat searching for heads, b t a floating ball cannot serve two masters. !e schwaben land, terrestrial fos, fc, hp, h p, Mammler, Aans yep, two.pronged cattle, raeleans vs shinerians@ starchyldC Dike a slot pays off big. A ge silver dollars roll across the floor like in the days of !oah at the daystar rise. #iological contact with GaganC Gagan sagan on the wall who6s the best transh manist of all. Then they began to eat each other. <berfmacher Gerbottendorff, the spear, the spearC 8yth became history, history fact, fact myth. P;D folds. Earcrime acts of compassion, research embryos@ =alling Dr. (raefenberg. ,Je6lL qJease cplese come to the waiting roomr.. Driven to distinction was extinction it was h ngry death h ngerha ser to make room for Dwight #aby!a er. =an yo imagine if any of this is tr e that we ar witnessing the emergence of a new type of artist, the artist"scientist"researcher who b ild the dome in a cat, a cow in a monkey, a spider in a goat, a flo nder in tomato, sheep, goat, they were growing breasts in :ars at the Ehitney 8 se m exhibitions of art, a rabbit with the head of :ellyfish that glows in the dark and li4ards grafted on earlobes, tong es as eyes and all this as we speak. It made the elves :ealo s to learn the new T rnstile T rnspeak, whole assembly lines of this art t rned o t. 5o sho ld see what they did to their petsC s=onsen s of M bla /$.#. ;ngland, >M bla Mhan $gain,? 11N-2 says it is a poem abo t creative process, making a poem, that the dome is the poem. $rbitrary assignations of meaning make it an allegory of the nconscio s which contradicts the phrase, >lifeless ocean.? Go the contrast between the fo ntain and the caves that b rsts into life is the pleas re"dome. ;ngland ses =6s letters to b ttress the preocc pation with caves and dens b t misses the point of =oleridge6s actions in climbing 8t. Gtrand, o tward, not inward, opposite the tort re of reflection between philosophy and poetry. The t m lt between river falling into the cavern creates the ancestral voices,


the waters so nd like wars, so more allegory, n ts and bolts of so nds, male meanings only in play. ;ngland refers to =. that FIn GhakespeareHs poems the creative power and the intellect al energy wrestle as in a war embrace. ;ach in its excess of strength seems to threaten the extinction of the other. $t length in the D ' $ 8 $ they were reconciled.F # t the Ftwo rapid streamsF which fight against each other F within narrow and rocky banksF co ld as easy refer to the birth canal and the life force of the spirit to be born, bardo states or plant life cotyledons emerging from earth. #iology, psychology can6t make p their mind. Go he thinks the war between two kinds of mental activity. >M bla is a creative artist himselfThe has b ilt the pleas re domeB a b ilding which involves a mirac lo s nion of opposite forces.? >Th s, when either the spontaneo s energy or the analytical intellect seeks to dominate its opposite it engages in a battle with it, and the res lt is Ft m lt.F =ertainly, F war F wo ld not be an inappropriate word. >(iven this why can6t we have =. a porphot, a precog of post h man science3 Thanks very m ch. $ %oets who arg ed, >everything is holy,? also said it was a crime to shrink a god, meaning themselves. %oets were their own p shers. !obody took more dr gs. (insb rg played his tambo rine and sang >smoke dope, smoke dope,? opposed only by %M Dick who said, >Don6t Gmoke. Don6t GmokeC? Don6t ask, Dr. Irank said. #low them back pC The !ept ne forces invented more and more Aeads, had contin o s programs on every station@ peace and happiness for every manC ,%haraoh Ganders, 4arma, N@11"0@+0.. %eace and happiness got all :a44. Ehen #arney Irank achieved ?ontact/ he said, >Ior s re yo can be a godling too, knowing good and evil d deC? Ehich is where we open the ball.
0. The Dept$ne (ar . !ept ne forces provide a list of #low &ps to restore

these gods@ $nectine, #en4edrine, b fotenine, b lbocapnine, cocaineLDemerol, dihydro"oxy"heroin, harmine, DGD9, mescaline, m scarine, scopolamine /#enway, 5a+ed :unch2, #hanga/ These stand for the tho$sands of instant god dr$gs of ?hange/ =hange in the melting pot, all melted down, from the many to the co nterfeit (lobal <ne. $fter #ontact #arney wo ld prono nce earth free, : st what the poets had been


saying, even if some engineering was still to be done /Aind , =ossack and Indian were yet nshorn2. Ehen the ethos of every nation had been made 8odern all these geographical entities co ld be gone. It6s be : st like 'omeC Dr. #arney6s #ig 8eth Gidekick, =ampbell"7oseph sho ted o t to the chor s on mystery meth, >#reak o tC? $nd that6s when #arney said@ >Ee on the planet dog,? and he b rped like a frog. It so nds like an interplanetary war, b t the chief weapons are programming with dr gs and dr gs. L%nectine therapyL cond cted on non"vol nteer inmates. &nder covert g idance anectine stops the breathing so the Fs b:ectF feels like they are dying. $ chemical variety of water tort re /see =h. 102, the attendant keeps them breathing with a machine. $s the invol ntary m scles collapse they are told, Fthis is what will happen if yo rea+ the law.F Ehatever law, meaning program conditioning, : st before s b:ect loses conscio sness. The respirator is t rned back on and the Fs b:ectF is bro ght back from the brink of death. Aaven6t heard of this one either3 This co ld concl de any n mber of a h ndred social programs. =onsider by analogy that the 8onarch b tterfly with its antennae removed stands for systemic programming that shatters a psyche into many. <ne into many, many into one. /B$tterflies
Use %ntenna &'4 to &$ide #igration>.
William - ell. /urroughs with his gun


;ach isolated part of the psyche cocooned by walls of amnesia, for s ch things are impossible conscio sly to live with, preocc pied techni) es of conditioning. Ehether externali4ation of hierarchy, D$'%$ narrative networks, or remote control technology, a h ndred names, it is a war, a law to itself.
A ># rro ghs6 experiences on yage and D8T were in fact the main infl ences on his work from 5a+ed :unch on, and the themes /aliens, creat res, lang age as a vir s, typewriters transforming into cockroaches etc2, and indeed his radical attempt at transforming the ;nglish lang age, all stem from his earlier tryptamine se? /Eilliam G. # rro ghs@ The (odfather of D8TF2. # t that is to take the high road of E#, who always slept with a g n at his head, and of co rse killed his wife with one, shot her in the head, altho gh exc sed for it, after all he was connected in many shadowed events. $mong the many #aals worshiped by the poet politic, /see 5eats and #aal2, # rro ghs familiar was #aal %eor, evident from the insane preocc pations of !aked D nch after the first -0 or so pages. #ack among the dr gs, strange bedfellows of the ethnogenic, 7onathon <tt, Entheogenic Drugs, /entheogen meaning god9generated9 within? had his home in !8 b rned by arson in 8arch *010 : st as Tom Aorn, foremost opponent of transh manism had his b rned in 8ontana in 7an ary *011. Deception is no Gimple.


3. #yth Become @act. G spicions mo nted in the conditions of psycho" chemical war. Incidents of provocation were increased. ;verybody smoked, drank, in:ected, ingested it. $mnestic f g e it was called, these god" s spicio s $mericans. The probability of a people tho sands of years before, predicting for a people tho sands of years after being ,ero, what wo ld $merica care abo t Aebrew, ;gyptian, #abylonian disorder3 %sych" mytho"tics, to invent a new word for recombinant fanaticsJ the G spicions themselves were s spicio s and the fear worse. Aow co ld 7ews be s ch a world menace o tn mbered a tho sand, a million to one when more than half the time they lived denat red and not their own.


Gcholars hired to rewrite them demoted these script res. 8oses, $braham, ;li:ah, Isaiah, David, Daniel, all the thriller prophets they devo red. The least prophecies o tweighing science, contradicting the arrival of the global one, had to be destroyed, a long standing anim s against Israel for ref ting the ma:orities with : st one word@ $DD TA; (<DG <I TA; !$TI<!G $'; ID<DGC 1s ama;ing in the face of the one world religion as the corollary of the !ame of 7es s. (lobalists assa lted that too. Gt. 8atthew said 7es s was conceived by the Aoly (host as had Isaiah, Fthe virgin shall be with child and will give birth to a sonJ they will call his name Imman el.F Gcholar"scientists disapproved that sign of the Kirgin as m ch as 8oses, b t failed to see that ref$tations of literat$re are proof it is real. <therwise why bother3 Denials became affirmations, real became fantasy, fantasy realC Aoly cow, they took the $pocalypse and made it a symbol of their coming world order, b t it was always a =hristian $pocalypseBwhich gets s to today when 8yth pretends to science and science myth.


=. G. Dewis s btitled his fiction, That Hideous $trength, a modern fairy tale for grown9ups. !ew science however bro ght real faerie dragons into the neighborhood, intr ded Finto my relatively safe world, in which it was, for instance, possible to read stories in peace of mind, free from fearF /Tolkien, Tree and :eaf, 412. Dragons and faeries that made safe the bed were impossible when the avengers came and the neighbors were firing their g ns. @antasy was reality and all bets were off. %eace in the world, in the commonplace mind3 # t still nobody talked. The arrival of this age was as secret as liver pills. The fall of giant b ildings pict red the inner state, $merican 1L11 of Towers and ideas the same. (igantomachy grew p before o r eyes. #hange was its mantra. To the Goda %op =l b it hardly mattered what opposites reacted in the chaos of its faerie tale. 'eligio s"political movements, government, politics, corporate conglomerates, psycho"political niversities, cond cted %sy<p. !ot Ireedom Iighter6s 8an als dropped over Gandinistas, reprogrammed wheat bro ght down whole systems of government and politics, the first tower. Gcience and religion followed soon, nleashed their gene g ns. >Two h ndred million were nleashed.? 5o think it6s a faerie tale s rge3 !#= didnHt dig <g, (oliath or (rendel. They went here. <thers went here. %oof proof in earth, sky, sea, air, showed first in movies and on TK. Meep pC The giants staged a massive reconvergence on all devices. They p t a sign in Gweat Dodges@ *elcome to the Mythological %eturn!
"%sychocivili4ation. 7ose Delgado. "Aarry K. 8artin and David =a l Tenth in a Geries =opyright, !apa Gentinel, 1111 !ovember +, 1111 =hristian #ok. (rain #o ndaries.

IO. 8etters @rom (old

Ee give in every possible way what Eold said happened when the politics of (igantomony got married in the Ishtar Aotel. "ear #o$sier, %eople believing in Fa land like o r present earth, b t to which o r earth bears the relation of a distant skyTor the sky of o r earth penetrated by those who find another earthlike realm above it? /#en:amin Ehorf 2 appealed to The Ilood. !$G$ scientists, aliens and artifices, sphere and anti"sphere rotated its facets. #elief and co nter belief provoked crowds in


lobbies. The twin towers of politics and religion were coming down. Dang age, an infallible lie detector failed. This was not a good thing. ;lites pro:ected the perfect lie. Gcience became The 5a+ed :unch. Ee keep saying it over and over. 'ooster in the tree of myth! #ontact science They generated the god within, even if low9 ac+ 3a ylonian! $ee+ing diversity and freedom in Ba spirit of fairness,? the >god plant? #aal was an her lown up the nostrils with the names of 3aalim ta+en out of their mouth," along with the attle out of the earth!" *hen earth and its people respond to <e;reel," <e;reel most ironically means, 2od (lants! Aence the antidote was opposite the false! I will sow her for myself in the earth" and I will say to them which were not my people, Cou are my people; and they shall say, Cou are our Elohim/" -Hos D! @Ef!? 3ut that hadn't happened yet, as my Dic+ie th s has said, >the lie /F(od wonF2 ,is t rned. into the tr th, and Gatan is s rprisedJ he didnHt foresee thisF /E7egesis, +492. Dear 8o se, No$r ( is an # t$rned $p. (. Ehen Eold6s letters appeared in the mags we did not reali4e what danger ntil (igantomony frayed. Eritten on flimsy, literally the backs of candy bar wrappers, this shorthand was disg ised as song. Ais prison letters pro:ect a l lla"bio that the g ards wo ldn6t s spect. "ear #o$sier Ehat kind of earth"heaven war la ghs in its killing of its middle class3 8y horse, what kind of science severs the heads of cons and straps them to rivets, gives a dr g to advance the so l3 %olitics and religion and s per myth. 8aybe yo Hre reading it, gilt"real (old 8an, Tro:an horse to earth. Talk says the priest Daocotn threw his spear and called it, >a deadly fra d.? Ae was killed by the gods. Eill the religion transplant nmolested the fiction of the horse into the city3 That6s fiction. 'eality6s s re. <nce when the ' se o tside the =ity pretended defeat in the ten year war, (reeks left it crackling like a %= =yborgJ Tro:ans tho ght they6d won and clicked the horse in. This history of Troy is a Tro:an itself, vintage #$stang Babylon where The ;mperor hides. Gpheres and co nter"spheres signify. Eipe yo r eyes. Maleidoscopes ride o t. Do not nmask its programC 5o 6ll lose yo r eyes! 3ut if you all want to do is ride around $ally Fthis here is advised! Aeroes of the Aorse, =assandra and Daocotn said, urn a y urn don't ring it in! # t ridin6 trainer Ginon, that (reek implant >Tro:an,? said


it was : st exactly soooo big so it couldn't e rought inC 'everse psy"ops familiar3 Ta+en in6 This was mo se heaven. Mus interrumpitur! Cour 0octur 1urkenwold! In those days the emperor of the globe was not so s b:ect to the personal. %rison g ards were motley compared to the present. ;ven with his atrocio s spellings corrected, these digests of Eold6s r mbling rambling letters are practically verbatim. Ee do not pretend to impose order. Ee, we, the editorial board, let s be called the 'oboard who s ppose in o r nauvetv that the reader every so often will s perimpose the address of "ear #o$sier, as if it were written in letters. "ear #o$sier, I know the giant in this government system is ill mination, b t myth"giants inhabit only earth, not !ept ne, even if they claim the niverse. ;arth is its theatre. Aagar dying of thirst, had her eyes opened, saw a spring of water. #alaam, standing in front of an angel, saw an angel. ;lisha6s servant in despair looked p and saw that those with him were more than those with them, we mean the hordes. The ill minated agreed that these did not >imply the s al assortment of meanings.? ;arth space"time was dr gged. >8eta" concept al reality sed to ,mis.represent goes s bstantially beyond the meanings s ggested by their contemporary sage.? Things were down side p. If yo didn6t believe in the %residential gods yo were an atheist. If yo didn6t believe in the 8a4e yo were going to see the P een. No$r M( Ee call the world here The *old, as if it were a man, as if we were men and as if he were its office. Do not tro ble to nderstand. Gomehow the charm of the candy they give soothes somewhat. Ee don6t s spect a familiar of the science of real and nreal, an area the /Eold2 Eorld most knew to find o t. 8aocoPn threw his spear, b t sea serpents foamed. %aradigms strangled the very priest of the 2oden $ge of !ept ne who made the day. Eho are these gods3 Ehat is the Aorse3 They say =hangeC =hange destroys the %ark %lace of Troy. =hange moves the bo ndary. Iact X anti" fact. Dook in the horse and yo won6t be deceived. 5o will. Don6t look in the horse and be. Gcience, politics, religion and math : stify the Fs per emperorF man immortal, not prefig re the deep str ct re ncon. To Ee who call these starchitect bridges b ilt in inner space, avant"garde, pop, #abels to


$ schwit4, Fdesaparecidos,F g lags, prison camps, experiments, infrastr cts that m tants of high tech b ilt@ <7 is on his horse. Gaddle p GallyC 'ideC #y #o$ser, The >ethical se of technology to transcend limits of the h man body? meant of co rse that it was too late for old g y A 1.0. Ae ate too m ch and drank. # sy reviving brains as ancient myth, Feating and drinking and marryingF had applied from before !oahHs flood. To keep affairs lively transbiologists revived the good old days in the first book of the #ible when Fthe sons of (od went in to the da ghters of men and had children by them and got heroes of old, men of renown.F They immediately tho ght of themselves as heroes, b t hoped the last book wo ldn6t also come tr e. Devels still needed development. Eebsites divided, some ;mperors wanted symmetry to provoke its opposite, the 1pocalypse, co nterpart to The 0lood, while others worried this wo ld catch in the middle b dding transh mans. %eople believe what they want, so the s bstit tion of myth for fact made poignant the complaint of separatists who said they were Flocked o tF of %ort society. $nesthetics call it %ort society if it6s nderstood the ndergro nd right to the center of the earth, where more things are b ried thanB. <ne heard gossip, not : st from society, b t from the whole beginning and end of the vent re. (((old "ear #o$sier, =onservatives who don6t wind p in psychedelic gene therapy get picked p by pincers that reached o t of the telly by night. $natched from living rooms to demonstrate Doctrine WeroHs impatience for the new. Ee had to live this way down below to get thro gh the day, let alone to get thro gh the week, finally to emerge with a patch of grass nder foot when they let s o t for a breath, nder a tent, b t at least the air was cold. 8 ch the same effect at less cost sed to be had witho t any of it, b t it6s too late now everybody has bo ght the 8ong 8ife and )ealth 'ac.. Insights achieved by age were better than the semesters of D8T. $ge increased the visibility of the electro"magnetic spectr m to a depth nbelieved by cons mers who so ght the anodyne. >&nbelievableC? They wo ld have said. >Ehy didnHt yo tell me3F # t no complaint. <ld A 8an knew he co ld live in the light and not ret rn to the cave. I didn6t get that long o t of the darkness myself before I escaped. Then I had to reenter the dark. To the light, light matters. Eho wo ld have believed yo r M rk3


GI don't li+e to say e7actly where this prison is, how long *old has een in, or Hust what he is supposed to have done, much less how the letters were got out!I "ear #o$sier, The new, b t diminished democratic peoples ran these things thro gh their %hones. Ilash mobs b rned Dondon. They were disenchanted. 8icrochips, sonic blasts, chemicals made them n mb. They had a point. >=heese whi4 and bag of Twinkies.? techno"antic anarchists said, Fhemmed in by a niverse of intensely st pid peopleB political whores and cabbage patch corporates who6d rather see me recycled as fertili4er ,or eat me for dinner. since I won6t ever b y their shit or work for them. $ro nd me I see apathetic cons mers and worker drones who live life thinking the next best thing is being a pensioner. #elow me are teeming masses of ndered cated and genetically challenged morons who never had the opport nity to ade) ately blossom their mind.F /=omment V*, =a ght in the 8iddle2 here In this contest, I, M rk Eold, won the genie limerick pri4e@ #ring back =alig la. Ae6ll have a barrel of f n. 'oll o t old !ero Ghine p his face on the moon. Dite p the billboards. Aelp them to skywrite the g y. $ll he ever wants is be worshipped, !ight and day. De Eold has left the b ilding in his M(. Transcendent corporate government biological and psychological means to sec re myriad inc rsions hid in sight. 5o co ld have higher intelligence" advanced techni) es of conscio sness, n cleotide templates, galactic organism mystery schools, new worlds discovered in D8T magic blood rites, visitations of spirit"transcendent h man manip lations all in one night. >Deary, Eatts, ( rd:ieff, 'asp tin, G fi? transcended. >Gagan, =rowley, 5eats, A bbard, # rro ghs? responded the $ergeant (epper =over #and. "ear #o$sier,


Down on level fo r, we learned to love the checker, the immigrant, the h man we never saw. I don6t say go there and extend the sympathy bond to cages of headless bots, which was o r slang for the Gevered Bpersevered heads some said. Eho wo ld have liked s to despise the remaining h man A class, b t then go the markets3 It was harder when elites despised ordinary A as fit only for extermination. Imperfection was not so loved then as it was when seen from space, in o rselves, b t even the less comm nicative side of the Doctrine Wero boys grappled with the neo"(nostic complaint. JCou have lived your entire life in the dar+ened asement of reality,F and were afraid. Down in the basementC Ao, ho, ho in spades down@ Fbased pon the idea that one co ld, in principle, remove the vario s percept al filters imposed by o r brains and societies, and perceive a m ch wider arena of 'eality than that previo sly tho ght to exist,F first they took off the epidermis, then the bio" derm. Down, down the transplant rid those filters and freed the mindC <ld spellbo nd bo ndaries like livers, hearts and spleens were eradicated. This made possible spirit al vision, to see the way Terence 8cMenna did. If yo feel bad when we compare people to mice or insects, who can see the &K spectr m when yo canHt, then bingo, take an insect eyeC Eant an insect brain3 !o prob. Aow Ubo t some dr g to go along3 Ee treated the new $ Aeads with respect. They6re nonh man so of worth. The old standard iss e was the problem. 7ealo s that its visible was so ill defined by the eye, it was almost worth closing them and looking within. They ain't got no home in this world any more/ M$r. (old To therefore f rther relate the Eoldite, any explanation sho ld make clear that powerf l new government agencies marketed emperor worship from 'ome as a pre"digested pretend"alien event"prevent takeover. The definition of this alien being diverse, yo did not know whether he was yo r neighbor was the point. ;ditors of this milie were forced to t rn to t rn essays into fiction to belay conscio sness. The pretension of transcendence, >to find o t the niverse,? meant se dr gs nder the many names, like demons, to find yo r self. >Aow do yo know there are no flying sa cers if yo haven6t asked to see them3? $mong billions of s rpl s h mans that co ld be spared /everything in italics was opposite2, if yo didn6t want transcendence yo were e7cused. This lang age is opa) e. #y "ear #onsie$r,


Detters, notes, insights by flashlight tonight. Is it night, is it day3 I lead three lives, the first is irrelevant since I got here, the second with 8achines and the Aeadless boys witho t a brain, that is nless we transplant one, no f n, the third was the escape, then prison, then escape again. I g ess that6s five. I got o t twice. 5o have a hard time co nting all the shells. #ack down in the belly the beast ran both sides of the ma4e. ;gypt sim lcast on one aisle with the Katican opposed the !ational 8all. They called these 'ep blicans Democrats. <n the anniversary of %ort Day we all gathered to light figments of o r spirit al solidarity. #oys in white s its came with s nglasses so the Fpetrified rayF of s nlight wo ldn6t blind them. <belisks obsc red the great s n 'a, petrified. The god existed in the disk and in the str ct re. 2n it, fo r"sided, tapered obelisks ended in a pyramid at the top that looked like spears of kryptonite, fields of feldspar bigger even than the big one in D.=. where the %romise Meepers knelt to pray. Did they know the god3 Eho can say3 5o m st think it n ts. That is, nless it t rned them to stone. That6s when I started to think abo t escape from 5o r wo ld"be prison, M #onsie$r, Ee had pick p games with these celebrities. The !ew ;ngland % ritots vs. The #abel %otentates, one sh nned the maypole the other the stele. The decks were packed. $merica, that overthrew the slaves of ;gypt didn6t want to be Israel. This st ff is ahead of its miasma. Ehat did ;gypt have to do, t rn feldstone to gold3 $mong the obelisks of Eilderness %ark, I carried bodies one night to the one near the 8;T, where they hoisted them to the top, =leopatra6s !eedle. The thing lit p then and they disappeared. Ee had con) ered space time ratios from the front, old =aesar6s temple from the : mpC (ood news from 'ome by the way, they are bringing back =aesar tomorrow. I had this dream abo t =aesar6s body roasting on a spit. They had lit it on fire with pitch and while it b rned transcribed his tho ghts to find o t more abo t what they called Infernal Transcendence. They p t Kiagra in its mo th. Ior all we know they gave Kiagra to the s n, feared its towers wo ld be torn down, the high place broke, divinations destroyed. It m st have been the candy down elow the obelisk capital of the world.


5o r (old, (older ?o. #onsie$r, Ee fo nd o t in the game the tro ble with the Gpace"Time =ontin m was its real existence co ld not be controlled, even if they said Aiggs #os n. This prod ced diffic lties since GT= had existence o tside the machine. !o matter what they said in the labs, the thing was its own. Gome people believed in the fifth dimension. They had Aigg 'it als. $nother gro p called it &niversal idolatry, which tore it with the neighbors who said there was no greater indecency than to break stone. Gtone symboli4ed the gods as m ch as the gods symboli4ed the GT=. (ods galore in the take back. We s, 7 piter, 'a faced off against $braham, 8oses, ;li:ah and 7es s. Gcholars had been employed to overthrow these last. $dmittedly this was not all fifth level st ff. ;ven *i+ipedia gave the n dge to 5ah, b t not to $donai or 8ard k, said 5ah defeated primeval chaos, the Fgreat deep.F >Gecond? Isaiah said it was 5ah, not 8ard k, Fwho meas red the waters in the hollow of his hand and marked off the heavens with a span, enclosed the d st of the earth in a meas re, and weighed the mo ntains in scales and the hills in a balance.F 5ah, not 8ard k, formed light and darkJ made weal and woeJ 5ah did. The tro ble with the machines is yo can6t : st sh t them off when they say the wrong thing. Go the GT= machines kept saying over and over F5ah stretched o t the heavens, spread o t earth. Iar o tn mbering the gods, as m ch as <ne o tn mbers pl rality, $braham took over #abylon and ;gypt, (reece and


'ome in the game.? ! tshell s mmations came before the world. 'ep blican Democrats man fact red starchitect re in the aisles to stim late more plantation of pyramids into the body to get rid of it /the GT=2, which hatred was based on their belief of the excl sion of the 8any. E pluri us .num. The world vast conspiracy hono"ed itself. $nd its designates. Aidy hidy hidy, (old =ottonwood 'esearch gave D8T glowing reports, >god blow-$ps to enco nter and embody the $rchaic 'evival will ret rn to p re, a tochthonic theology, via modern chemistry? /Tripping, =harles Aayes2. They all had websites remaking new and old gods. %sychedelic Ghamans of the $ma4on had $yahuasca 1nalogues, once pop lar, now ret rned for another r n, and the r befacient, 3ergamum 4ue was a hot tic+et first century itemK $yah asca HcirclesH thro gho t the middle and pper class, from Aollywood mansions to =olorado mo ntain towns, 8ississippi yoga centers, and #rooklyn wareho ses.? !ot all bowed. 7im Meith said, >the U@G phenomenon is, in fact, of entirely earthly origin and has its roots within a parallel program of technological development.? $dvanced government technology wo ld fool the world to thinking earth was in ?ontact with extraterrestrial HgodsH to awe them into s bmission. $gencies concealed this ntil ready to nveil it in their co p of #M Insights, too many to mention@ ne ral networks, smart d st, poison rainbows. The transcendental extended to every occ lt co nterfeit as ill mination of the h man from #oehme, %aracels s, $grippa. Gocieties feasted on transcendence to pretend to lead thro gh the ma4e which devo red all who cons med. Ehen science, dr gs and devotion had stripped the h man bare, not to wear the sacrificial robe given victims paraded to this altar was the only choice for those who exchanged their sacrifice for the Damb. Thin. of it as three boys singing, know oh king we will not bow down. ;arth still was all abo t the h man. #o$sier, Deep in the Think Tank, Defense tentacles reached o t with miracle D$'%$ physicists to picnic on wonder. The achieved the fo r ho r erectionC 7$G<!s, '$!D and #rookings competed in the hyperlink. 5ep, they invented Kiagra and worshipped the biggest symbol of the %hallic !ation. 5o 6d think feminists and deconstr ctionalists wo ld not oppose


tearing down the stone! Demolish them completely and smash them to pieces!" =riticism, convinced there was no validity to lit, that the Ilood was a figment, that 7es s co ldn6t have risen, said David co ld not have written the %salms, so it boggled minds when the Aeads did what they said f ndamentalists did. That s ch s pernat ralism existed not only in myth was a complete reversal. $cross the hall, in the laboratory where Gchwart4 got a ghost on the next floor to take D8T to contact the fallen, #ontact was so ght with entities transbiologists res rrected thro gh back"robotics@ D!$ s bstit tes for the moll sk, the mammoth, any life form. (iant m mmies disappeared from morg es. 8 se ms were raided for lost hair. T t, T t from scraps of D!$. It was expressly forbidden to bring p Ming David. #y then scientists were believing the #ible like #ob 7ones. $postate grad ates of <ral 'oberts were so ght to disinterpret ancient lit, which said@ >the one who is feeble among them in that day will be like David, and the ho se of David will be like (od, like the angel of the D<'D.? Toward s nset one of the boys sm ggled in a tape, which has been playing in my head@ 3a ylon the 2reat is fallen, Her mystery's coming down, Ishtar and her disciples, they're all leaving townB,covert link. Two towers p, the pillars atop shafts in the world before the Ilood revived in a !ew $tlantis hidden in the bowels of 8oriahC $tlantis $mericaC The secret name, 5ovus ordo seclorum of Kirgil made a Geal for the &nited GtatesC Kertical shafts stacked on top one another from the center of the earth. Ao, (reece, ;gyptC #abylon, that shifty golden egoC <r spin the wheel if yo don6t like and try the great b ll loosed by Ishtar for the gods to get by, Daocotn"like ellowing when a wounded ull has fled from the altar! No$r (old Dote A man *.0@ the brain do not need the body any mo.F ,##=. *N@+*"*0@10. Darpa Eatch &lossary (igantomony religion :oins giants to their prey sex ally.


sGee M rk Eold address this =artoon at the ;nd of the Eorld, this, <opsC Ia xIanIic =artoon Aistory Eild at the ;nd of the Eorld.

O. Bro.en 4ymmetries
;very media event is staged for effect. ;very p blic event is staged. $ctors perform their lines beca se it gives them fame. They are for sale for Dimelight, money, and the ill sion of power, beca se people FlistenF when they speak. $ctors will do and say the most appalling things. ;mbody horror. %lay =ommit every worst imagined deed and then wail when somebody does it for real. G ppose this vent re models for s the increasing deadness of o r so ls3 $sk this. Ehy is it necessary to be so br tal3 $nd thereHs the r b. %eople are still living o tside the media, donHt act ally become its virt al reality. Gtill. #abies are being born and men and women are marrying. %eople are digging gardens, talking to neighbors abo t the weather and the street. The stars at night and the s n d ring the day are yet to be overcome. The force of life defeats death every o ting. Try as the actors may they cannot defeat the s n. This only needs saying in order to see.$ll the occ ltism and search for power and control devoted by so many cabalists priests and criminals c lminates in Gatellite ;DI transmissions. $eth%eal !. $fter the election they t rned p the waves of sleep, dead echo in conversation, d ll repetitions, one note charges anestheti4ed as wished. The agenda deep, b t not too m ch to say drone broadcasts overhead@ vertigo, sleepless, discoloration, di44iness, symptoms of heavy metal poisoning in the air. Gleepers in the trance of the matrix down. !ever have dispirited sore winners been shocked by so sandy pset. P icksand nat re do thatC (oya myth movie people killed for entertainment -000 killed to 4.+ million killed, then 40, then 400 to the billion. Ehat is yet seen is ncompared to the movie not many will see. Incorporated mind imagined this done by denial and s bstit tion, the not happening happening. #aEers feared nder" incorporated areas might resist, even with a (oogle search for its own sake, even with the :oy of existence. The exhibit states@ F#y drawing attention away from act ally existing efforts of atmospheric e2perimentation and manip$lation, s ch coordinated efforts ,offering carbon trading, =o* poll tion, h man ca sed greenho se effects, coal, etc. as ca ses. are complicit in the impending environmental catastrophe they profess to be rallying against. The repeated claim of =<*"


driven climate change witho t acknowledgment of geoengineering"related environmental intervention is a severe revision of both meaningf l scientiforific opinion wit overwhelming implications for all life on earth.F here Gcalars, D;E Directed energy weapons, ;8#E ,;lectro8agnetic #iological Earfare. ' ssian E<<D%;=M;'G electromagnetics" nified field theory and gravitation said@ Dear %epele, >=landestine #E attacks" stop" insidio sly hidden and cleverly employed that the Eestern nations T beca se of their present scientific and intelligence shortfalls and biases S stop" will not even comprehend that the #E >slow strike? T on several fronts and employing differing agents and methodologies T deliberate, ntil it too late Sstop" clandestine >slow biological warfare strike?, viral and bacteriological agents and ;8 #E D;E a gmentation T nderway"" I rther, i nrecogni4ed.? 5o r Tom (ravitobiology. /11112. The whole Banana Soviet gravitobi after initial operational capability (IOC) got a byto the second round advent Soviet Woodpec ers! "#$% weather over &orth '(erica) 'no(alous) Science eventually pointed out that such ano(alous weather decade e*pected only once in "+,, years) -o it again do it agin. "/ In this paper the biological effects of scalar electro(agnetics "#01 was the specific target year to have all these weapons online and ready to go! "2 17 24 hyup! CHINA BLAMES U.S. !" USIN# HAA"$ $"!#"AM %! CAUSE EA"%H &UA'ES / 3une +,,0 e(e)tro*ag+eti) i+,u)tio+ o- confir(ed by -efense Sec Cohen ("##$)) $n electric charge is a tomatically broken symmetry, release of energy. $ll the air, a leaf is charged, all manifest ion is broken symmetry charged with what Aopkins called the grande r of (od. >shining o t like shook foil.? The c rrent manifest, increases 1+0 to -00 volts per meter as yo go p to the electrosphere from the s rface of the earth. In the average th nderstorm the bottom of the clo ds are charged oppositely to the electrosphere . $s a storm moves in the 1+0 at s rface, then decreases to 0, then reverses when the th nderclo d is over yo , this reversal cleans biological systems. The ionosphere s rro nding o r planet is electrically positive charged whilst the earthHs s rface carries a negative charge, we m st concl de that this amo nts to a prevailing electrical tension within the earthLionosphere cavity.


This tension is discharged when th nderstorms develop in this cavity. In physics two concentric electrically charged balls, one placed inside the other, are called ball condensers, or capacitors.. earthbreathing %otential p re voltage is an infl x of energy from the time domain, says #earden, after Tesla, a 4th axis and translation of it as o tp t as longit dinal wave energy into three space. %otentials involve a very powerf l set of changes between the time energy. Do not ass me flat space time. %olarity is driven by charge and charge distrib tion. Then we know that we have broken symmetries everywhere. #earden, $pplied Gcalar Eave Technology 1 0f 0 = rved space time is a broken e) ilibri m. %rediction of broken symmetry 11+N !obel, Dee and 5ang. http@LLwww.frankwilc4ek.comLEilc4ekw;asyw%iecesL-99wInwGearchwofwGy mmetrywDost.pdf The world is a m ltilayered, m lticolored, cosmic s percond ctor. $ir Iorce 'esearch Dab Directed ;nergy Directorate 8icrowave congr ence with schi4ophrenia Gtreet theater and gaslighting 8 ncha sen, Gtockha sen, Gtockholm 3ro+en $ymmetries 2. 7eremiah lived in #abylon among evil celebrated as good. In the <rgan =apital, in the B$rro$ghs Q 4toc.ha$sen #$se$m, prophets of bad weather, nano tech, scalar crocodiles floated by. Ee fed them from a bridge. In their mo th seed teeth spro t b t # rro ghs and Gtockha sen, not together, fig re manga rock. 7apanese pop # rro ghs tr st f nd for babies, while each baby is innocent, ) irkly become more. That6s why # rro ghs was not prosec ted for shooting his wife in the head in 8exico, it was an exemption of state craft since these same think he was part time for gro ps nnamed. They say at the =I$ that >Tell? is : st a handy man. Eilliam6s skill at weapons m st be meas red by the n mber of g ns he owned, a g n in every room, near to hand, a g n in his belt, one nder the chair. # t his imagination was worse armed, that >sweet g y? who wo ldn6t h mp M rt =olbain. Dike all mass m rdering serial killer demons with a friendly face and heart"fire fire, the ravenings absorb lang age as it is, f ll of the transliterations of #aal and 8ammon, Gat rn and #aal %eor. # rro ghs swallowed these !aked D nch Uole, a metaphor he wo ld have liked, death in life so ght by the desperate from =oleridge, #a delaire, A ysmans and


'imba d, idoli4ed therefore by those who entrain, even if they know it not, what 8r. <bama calls the mass m rderers of his watch. The worshipers of evil do like their gods, or their controls. Dan4a, Aolmes, Do ghnerBthe chor s, b t woe to those who do not oppose. If it be said that these were actors in the play, and the c rrent academics the chor s, still a c t above the a dience passive who parrot remains s of the death in life in their inward minds entrained. Gtockha sen, yo 6d think : st made odd noises, stray bits of sonar, radio, static and be done, how co ld that offend3 They all have two selves, the p blic celebrants of accolade, b rnished like an idol by the lips of those who kiss, the degraded one hidden in recl se. Ehat if we find Gtockha sen6s so nds the accompaniment of # rro ghs mind3 $nd that is not to say that they do not speak the tr th abo t themselves. The a dience, do not defame the woeshipers with g ns. 8aybe the best se of these two together is that they give in western tones the science of the 8ang. 3. &odEilla from another planet. A go de (aris sold copies of his $rtilect machine to Texas Aold6em #P e. The shoe was however on wrong, like a dog that wanted to be cat or a chicken, or a man that wanted to be a girl. <r a cow that wanted a fly over satellite. These remedies are being provided in Thailand and they6re likely to know more in friendly disbelief when intellect als maybe get a woman, have children, read =h ang T4 and b rn Mharsag, b t don6t b ry dirty in the garden. Then they can know if there6s anything artificial abo t a h "man. Ehy are space gods androcentric3 Ehy they are interested in breeding3 Aow does (od4illa land3 >If mankind6s original owner"creators were s ddenly to ret rn,? $n nnaki come down from %hobos moon Iapet s, where6er, b t really coming p from the floor, from (enTech, boys not looking for 7es s, altho gh grant an o tside chance the $n nnaki sold their rights to =elera =orp, so look too for =elera. >Is there a code within the genetic code? to s ggest who we are /1+023 >Is there a hint of artificiality of modern man3? Two views of A came to rest at the loading dock where@


12 the h man oppressed by the planets and gods idoli4ed in #abylonian rit al was victimi4ed yet again with another sometime visit or *2 the planetary astrology of G mer, $ssyria and #abylon hardly mentioned beca se@ the h man origin based on a law of the heavens ta ght liberty where s n and moon legislated law, and the man given dominion over creation. $s the fingers are part of hand and that Aand made the heaven, dominion over the fowl of the air and the fish of the sea extended to Deviathan and nder foot below, and by extension, tho gh G;TI is more interested in finding it above, the heaven. The h man of this second seems imploded somewhat from the first. % 8anding 'lace The (od"ens, or Gt. (a den, as we might call 7oseph %. %arnell on ;aster 1119 born from his <6#rien placenta, propose a new morality for the space god landing. In place of blood, give semen, and for m rder, take ov m. !ot clear. Aowever co ld it be3 $sk yo rself why ;T6s think of nothing of traveling space and time b t to act like men, and s pplant them, like the (reek gods3 The obvio s androcentric bias of the space god program makes s ask why We s wants to be mortal, being immortal3 We s thinks any woman wo ld vie for the privilege. # t not : st any woman will do for there are millions to be had with no f ss or mess, so why are scientists taking women and being ca ght on 5o T be. &oden %ge 5eligion The god"en age religion theory states there two ideas to entertain /entrainment2 that pres me the woman broods after space gods, >the shining ones,? man of co rse being irrelevant, a mere byprod ct of these Ghiners so they might breed and rebreed a race of m tant breeds, hybrids and m lattoes, to borrow a term from their so racism. !oah described as shining >white as snow,? long hair >white as wool.? ;ven more than the =a casoid s ggests a copy of the 'evelations, which nlike !eb chadne44ar6s stat e is alive. =onstant borrowing mimics appearing. The catch is that the god"ens want to breed the Mharsag text with their own translation, rebreed the way they say the Ghiners did the h man till rim+u and tittu, made over sperm and ov m, sperm from above and egg from the woman below, presto"chango make a myth of artificial inseminate $n nnaki ;ngineered 8an. Ehich still


does not tell s why the space gods are androcentric, or why they are hot to breed. 4. $n nnaki 8an bad news reincarnation event@ >this mixt re was to be half Dordling and half A manJ and since the former are stated to have provided the male elements, the female elements m st have been taken from the h man women? the =ro"8agnon tribes,?according to the (od"ens, who impregnated =ro"8agnon and !eanderthal women. !obody says they done it one at a time or en masse, gang rape. >$n nnaki? licensed from (enesis, >the fallen,? among space gods (od"ens welcome from The Enoch. 8 ltiple contacts from somewhere made immense scientific breakthro ghs in comic book p blic cons mption science. That these bings will reappear to possess their planet and the h mans on it beca seB they been here beforeB is =ontactC Eeaponi4ing the atmosphere maybe gets rid of these mos) itoes. =alled dry seining, arming electromagnetic particles, knowable in the spirit of arrogance that attrib tes to itself the belief it can be p lled off, that arrogates to itself the right to do it. %rescribing for every living being is >wisdom.? %rosec ting the greatest good for the greatest n mber is ethics. The geoengineer epitomi4es the 8andarin ded ced from $dam Gmith6s Theory of Moral $entimentsK how m ch do ethical decisions depend on distance in space and time3 B. The modern 8andarin removed in space and time for cheap labor considers a red ced price for a motherboard, cheap cotton and shoes made by ma) iadores of =i dad 7 are4 a good swap. Take the next level and the global geoengineer traders barter 100 lives in %lano for tho sands in !ew <rleans, in the event destinies switch by seeding and spraying. It does not at first seem to negate or materiali4e clo ds, spray scientific divination of the weather, vi4. =hinese s ffering. 8any 8andarin design a visitor from another planet preys on the leaders of the earth with the bargain that if they s rrender one h man to be tort red forever they will be given technology to bring perfect health and life to everyoneremsining earth. It is circ mstantially resembles Ike6s p tative (reada Treaty of 11+4, even if it does explain where all the overnight technology of the genome and expressions of 8oore6s Daw where came. <f co rse they promised to take only one, b t might have gone on.


8andarin simplifies one simple sacrifice. The extraterrestrial analogy was in place long before, even if it so nds made for the occasion, a sol tion that seems forced for s re, like Gartre6s dilemma whether a Irench son sho ld stay home and care for his mom or :oin the 'esistance. !o : stification for either, b t the choice is forever and the choice for one is the choice for all /;xistentialism and A man ;motion2. The ang ish of $braham6s sacrifice of Isaac or any other is that the choice comes alone as an act of will, abs rd in all aloneness and opposed to those who say the choice is made after disco rse and politics, tasteless considering that protocols and secret controls exercised pon all s ch bodies forbid choice, and especially considering %evelations 1- where the merchants of the earth grow fab lo sly rich as (oldman ens es commerce. Go the alances of deceit are in his hand! Disco$rse prevents choice with plenty of politic and rhetoric. In see+ing to determine the original choice existential psychoanalysis lays bare corr ption of the will. In the imagination of deception and profit motives of history and politics the transh man says@ all people will be given health and immortality in e2change for their complete e2tinction. If there is no one for s we shall all be against s, to decide for s, says Gartre, >there is at least one being in whom existence precedes essence, a being who exists before he can be defined by any concept, and this being is man, or, as Aeidegger says, h man reality.? Transh manists who contin ally bring h man identity into ) estion to s bstit te it with another, the not"man, avoid >8an, with no s pport and no aid, is condemned every moment to invent man.? >I o ght to know that if I do not choose, I am still choosing.? >The most terrible sit ations of war, the worst tort res do not create a non" h man state of thingsJ there is no non"h man sit ation. It is only thro gh fear, flight and reco rse to magical types of cond ct that I shall decide on the non"h man, b t this decision is h man, and I shall carry the entire responsibility for it.? /Gartre2 Ehat happens in the case where the invention is not of man, of the not"man hybrid, =am s m st answer in his myth of Gisyph s, b t the choice of life is eF$al to species contin$ation. Aave efforts prevented extinction in b ffalo b t none to be made for the human genome, like h nters exting ished 100


million b ffalo on the $merican plains X higher form critics c. 1000 made extinct the Daw of 8oses and the prophets3 In what he calls the complicity of all cons mers Aayot says, >wo ld yo accept the death of a slave or two in ret rn for cane s gar and cheap cotton3 Eo ld yo , today, admit that the miner ,>.occasionally,>. maimed in an ind strial accident is the nfort nate compensation for red ced prices on comp ter motherboards3 8ost Eesterners alive in the past two cent ries have answered yes to ) estions like those, if only by the passive fact of living in an economic system devoted to the prod ction of s rpl s val e? /142. Aayot@ >it matters that the 8andarin is =hinese, beca se his being =hinese means that his being =hinese doesn6t matter. The f nction of =hineseness is th s, paradoxically, to force the transformation of the instance into a niversal that retains the instance in fossil form! It appears by disappearingJ it disappears by appearing.? 'ewrite this@ it matters that his being h$man means that his being h$man doesn:t matter. The f$nction of h$manness is th$s, parado2ically, to force the instance into the $niversal. The difference between the =hinese person and the tr ly niversal generic h man is that the niversal man doesn't matter when another, the Transh man comes on scene. The h man is then a mere partic lar and not a niversal. !ow the 8an as h man is removed in space and time, f t re transh mans will get a red ced price for a motherboard, cheap cotton and shoes made by ma) iadores of =i dad 7 are4. The !ew <rleans example after the fact inclines an a dience to vote to trade, save more lives. The res lts of divination before the effect are nknown. Eho can do bt the val e of saving tho sands while millions die3 Do yo think that was typed backwards, that tho sands and millions were reversed3 !ot so, this is the science ethic. &nder cover of saving the world, millions are to be eliminated while tho sands are saved, the D!$ of every organism rewritten. In the bargain of s pernat ral powers in exchange for the so l the 8andarin meets Ia st. !15$667. 1 captive mantis, Ma+oto 0u+uda said, in )ta+u #ult trains and computer operating systems change into cute characters in a way that turns inanimate sub8ects into characters to inspire a 9moe response..


These her ivores,<tak young, male gee+s, lose themselves in a hermetic world of manga and vid!" 3ut would you elieve right ne7t to this e7hi it the troglodyte Dennis 4ucinich attempted to introduce legislation in the $pace (reservation 1ct of DLL@ to anK Aelectronic, psychotronic and information weaponry Ahigh altitude ultra low fre8uency weapons Aplasma, electromagnetic, sonic and ultrasonic weapons Alaser weapons Astrategic, theater, tactical or e7traterrestrial weapons Achemical iological, environmental climate or tectonic weapons Achemtrails -stric+en from the final version? :. 0or starters, the father of weaponi;ed weather, 3en :ivingstone! 1nother complication raw data collects y analogy is the effect of the study of weather manipulation modeled on ;taku effects of the atomic om in <apanese art and anime! 3. $t a time now past a man read stories in newspapers while going along the road and the trees of that forest b rst into flame, b t the flame was their speech. Ae co ld nderstand. This tree said, as if it were an animal, a bear or a dog perhaps a badger, one of those that lived in the gro nd, beca se that6s where the tree lived too, >all of s are b rning. That6s the way we live.? $t its base there was a hole covered with leaves. Ae swept the leaves away and saw among the tree roots a book that said, >I am afraid the world will la gh that in f t re ages men will be fo nd eating one another.? %ast epics encompassed time and space in mythic ways impinged on a present with f t re promise. ;arth as a meeting place of the heaven, which stood for gods mostly, worked o t :ealo sies and foibles on people with intr sions from the below the earth too, from the dead so to speak. Dooking at this epic together, the common factor on earth was the gods wanted a girl. We s wanted Io, Aera was :ealo s that he wanted %ersephone. The girls stood for life. In taking the girl they got life to its f llest, the :oy of love, nothing better, no greater ecstasy or :oy. The girl was everything. (et the girl and yo get the gold, the gold girl was life and after that get a piece of land. Iields of creation. <f co rse to get the girl yo have to get rid of the man, !o"$dam.


Ideas came to a people in earth air water and fire that they sed and felt every day. Ehen was yo r last fire3 The girl, the mother, the child were all s b:ect to con) est by the man, politics, war, religion. Ehy3 beca se they co ld, did. It was power. These people were not so afflicted with individ alism that they lived and died witho t the mercy that their name, family, tribe, people, way of life went on when they passed, so death was not anything except a part of life, not something to be resisted so m ch that all the life was held hostage to it, so that while yo lived yo didn6t live. Ireed to live, work, s ffer, they did so witho t the heroic meas res science forced pon s all. 8ore than heroic meas res, artificial fingers, liver, kidneys, hearts and toes. It was better to die to them than receive s ch amendments to life. Eitho t these things they lived and died. They were let go and not held prisoner in test t bes, beakers, D!$ samples, cryonic tanks to be raised with the evil of science to contradict all that life on earth held good from the first, life among herds with the girl, a wife, and children nder sky in fields. Gcience took it all away and s bstit ted ne roses for long life witho t corrective of pain, choice. 5o can : st get a new heart, reprogram genes. Into this co nterfeit age came a new epic, as if another mercy to save from all the death science had made from its t bes, animal experiments and tort res it kept nder wraps that even the s per rich didn6t know. The new epic came to restore the old life. That is why we are here today, to restore what life was by casting off the false ass rances we have had that we are safe beca se all the lions are extinct and the wolves are on reservations and nat re is not fearf l. The new myth means to restore fear so we can live existentially again, for this was forfeit in the *0th cent ry s b rb bombs and rights of the individ al. %eople still go witho t fear to the mall. Go back to ancient Israel and (reece, #abylon and G mner and the interplay of time space moment. It is a good we rediscover faith that life is worth more than wealth, life is worth dying for, that life is vested with tr th beca se there is <ne who made it all. The last phase of this war started from the noble ca se that hatched artificial life, to give children to infertile co ples thro gh invitrio fertili4ation. # t then the catch was that the children were fed to 8oloch, as if anybody were to notice. They also came in handy for wars and experiments. ;vents moved ) ickly. #ovine h mans were t rned to lab rats. Go many mockeries of the man and women occ rred in so little time it was hardly believed. The tree of


knowledge s bstit ted for the tree of life to gain immortality, so among philosophers the Desser Mey of Golomon s bstit ted for the real name the = maean sybil co ld not speak in the 4th eclog e in anno ncing the eon of <siris. It is no more <siris than $pollo. Ilo rishes of many names come from devotees. Ee wo ld leave this dark except for h bris that gains power to find and speak the nknown nspeakable !ame. This, it says, is hidden in the bottom of the last of nine vertical va lts b ried one atop another. 3uMuel had these g ys cry o t $donaiC in his ;xterminating $ngel, b t it did no good. Those who escaped the dining room in the ho se were ca ght in the =h rch when the angel came down, and it was not a bad angel. These names appear in the Desser Mey. !aming lesser things goes only so far. These sometime gods wanted to know the !ame $bove $ll !ames written in hearts of flesh, of blood. They co ld not believe that name the bodies bore, so they killed them. That was h bris. <f -00 or a tho sand names they think worth knowing, like #orges, the page b rns : st faster than can be read, as if, where they go looking for death, each is s mmoned to life. This is their )r is Tertius, their 3oo+ of Imaginary 3eings, which s bterf ge conf ses in the tterance of geomancy.
6. """Ehen 8r. ( said this head had been >transplanted to someone6s empty

neck,? did he know it was the new world order of the age3 Ae said that neck was empty, circ lar, inviting a head. <ne sees them skipping abo t in a circle looking for chairs. That6s Iilostrato strapped to a machine, that Dewis took off =ha cer, slobberers who drool in $ Trip to the Aeavenlies. Go many heads so little time, this artilect fellow6s gone mad. #rain cells c t off from nat re have nowhere to go. !o wonder he is afraid in his cell. To materiali4e these proper we sent a book to greet the Ghiners in@ *hen the etheric mold of humans rea+s 1nd madness sei;es the sane, these rulers, Imprisoned mentally y the thought they ma+e <f !a4i earth, will call it the $) arian $ge. Go to take #ehind the 8irror and into the Eall, they coming, o yo hear the roar3 $nd while they6re coming, and as b ildings fall, the giants who eat people in The Ho it and !arnia, )dyssey, Icelandic sagas, ' bens, (oya, EagnerHs 5i lungNs %ing /Gee Ghaw, The (erfect *agnerite2, in Das 'hine (old as m ch as in #abylonHs 8oloch, are always a blind, a mask, as m ch as the l st of the sons of god for the da ghters of men that got the whole


thing rolling back in 2enesis. They donHt want the woman. They wanted her childC # t yo knew that tooC (iants h nger for something besides flesh, b t they6ll take it. 8ind is what they monster, which after all is what blood is all abo t, energy, the geneC In feedlot li raries and slaughterhouse universities, what is cons med is not merely seen. #lood sacrifices to giants are abo t life itself, not a specific life, b t all h$man life, which is why they:re the child. TransTitans, a head of the many"headed, want immortality by any means, incl ding h man extinction. To them the A, the h man, is as vestigial as an appendix. They reason this as Gat rn did. Gat rn didn6t eat children o t of malice or :ealo sy, b t beca se he felt g ilty, to make himself feel better@ Fa bron4e stat te of =hronos, with his hands palm pward inclined toward the gro nd so that the child p t on them rolled down in a pit f ll of fireF /Diodor s Gic l s, also %l tarch of the %hoenicians2. Gat rn is the =hronos of 8oloch. 8any gods, many names. =hildren were sacrificed to 8oloch and animals FdevotedF to 8oloch. Ehat an honor, Tanith, here and here, #an of the #ori, li4ard shaped among the Aa sa, mail order ' ssian brides, passing thro gh the fire, firewalking, abortion, child killing sacrifice, 8onster 8"8achine swallowing workers, Irit4 Dange, #a iri, <eremiah E!O@, >to b rn their sons and their da ghters in the fire,? :eviticus DL!DK F;very time that a child was placed in them the priests of 8oloch spread o t their hands before to b rden him with the crimes of the people, vociferating@ FThey are not men b t oxenCF and the m ltit de ro nd abo t repeated@ F<xenC oxenCF The devo t exclaimed@ FDordC eatCF and the priests of %roserpine, complying thro gh terror with the needs of =arthage, m ttered the ;le sinian form la,F ( stave Ila bertHs $alamm P, fo nd at =arthage and other places in !orth $frica, and in Gardinia, 8alta, and Gicily. In late 1110 possible tophets of cinerary rns containing bones and ashes and votive ob:ects were retrieved from ransacking on the mainland : st o tside Tyre in the %hoenician homeland.


4o evil feels bad abo$t itself, b t destr ction always makes giants feel better, who eat for what its minions call cremation of care, to p rge by making others s ffer. It so nds co nter int itive to s that h rting helps. Ee think the way to feel better is to help. Inversion of the expected is all the better to eat yo$ with. Gcreams and terror no rish 8oloch. $nd Dick =heney3 To nderstand g ilt, nobody knows the horror like (oya in his so called #lack paintings at Quinta del $ordo /&illa of the Deaf Man2. FKario s interpretations ....F $nalysts go on and on abo t evil b t are no closer to finding o t it beca se the only way to nderstand it is to become it , the raging heart with a placid face. Go if yo become it then yo nderstand, b t then yo need to p rge yo r self. EeHre no closer to nderstanding, b t thatHs why parents sacrificed children on bra4iers. It wo ld be as if patrons came to (oyaHs dining room and ate each other in front of the paintings. $lan (insb rg did not say 8oloch was an endogeno s door whose mon ments and domes sp rt seed into governments to take over presidents, and that this was done in plain sight so newspapers co ld disreport. (iant 8oloch, symbol of giants extinct from ;gypt, 8oloch the Gwell of #abylon@ 8oloch@ >$shcans and nobtainable dollarsC =ongress of sorrowsC 8oloch whose b ildings are : dgmentC 8oloch whose blood is r nning moneyC 8oloch whose name is the 8ind ... moloch whose Hapartments stand In the streets like lonely endless cra4y genl sses and spectral goliath whose names Is $merica 8oloch...,< $rchimago cloaked with simpleness. ( ilt, pain, ang ish gone p in sacrifice. Devoted god in the shape of an owl that swallows the care of (eorge # sh. This went beyond Tolkien. <tto ;issfeldt said >immanence,? >emanation,? >dialectical materialism? dress p old 8oloch, massacre of innocence, the wife of 3aal, $sherah and the wife of 8olech, 1shteroth, the same goddess, veiled in allegory, ill strated by symbols of the 0aerie Queene, <rgoglio and men t rned to beasts, a new discovery of ( iana where gold as big as the head of a child was a co nterfeit pleas re of death, where a grape was a r by or emerald gold, a perversion of nat re made immortal by s cking the life, >now t rned to fig res hideo s, L $ccording to their minds like monstro s.? This excess spelled death naked in the fo ntain where Tantal s reached for the poison fr it and 8ammonL8oloch loosed its hair, covered the body in gold. !ot the


silver apples of the moon, the golden apples of the s n, the apples where nothing is real, the perf med airs, silver rivers, enameled meadows where the allegory ill strated by symbols penetrates a ha4e. These events come in bits. Gome say they have arrived, some, have a decade more, fo r, millennia, who knows3 There6s no history yet of the victims of gigadeath. In) iry will boggle belief in the light of pleas res, meals, comforts, we disbelieve. 5ecipe Go several texts and s btexts nderstand this ;) ation as the Io r Transh mans. =all them Aorsemen. 5o can make yo r own acronym@ #='G, A='GB 1. #iological hybrids, *. =ontact with the other world, -. 'es rrecting the D!$ past of extinct species, 4. The trillion, trillion artificial Gingletary brain. 8ix in a political reordering of government by Fconstr ctive chaos,F a doctrine nto itself. Implement with revived architect$re of 1gyptian myth as a real !ew <rder sanctioned by a goat, fo nding with mechanisms of scapegoat, tho ght goats and child sacrifice to 8oloch to s bvert and dist rb. The p$rpose of which is to contradict the one s$preme h$man reality, the relation of the man, woman and child. To destroy the h$man cornerstone, to betray the wedding of the h$mans and their children.
$ war on -0th cent ry dr g gov, disorder mind inspiration boys, p re dee ;merea , pro d pop, =oetti bi4arre hyperbolic. 8ental sex pself path f eled 8aybelline governart. =oltrane r sh p spine. (insb rg chant his mind@ Don6t smoke, don6t smoke. Gmoke dope, smoke dope.

90 &pper dope on overload. I am with yo =arl Golomon. In D ckenbach Iree Eilly Einkle emade war, no war. # t. Ior. Dick. Tell workshop might stone. Teleshop 'imba d, 'imba d, ;mily Dick, the ancestor of %M, did connect. In an age nobody knew as absol te, >absol tely.? sayin war, no war, =apit late #abel =arl Golomon.

$ fantastic symbolic interco rse from ;gypt to bring back a defeated god@
>7olted o t of nightmare I see vivid scenes of my descendentsH deaths in a cent ry or so at the hands of artilects so s perior to h mans they see s as vermin. The emotional reality and horror of it shake me. I donHt remember many dreams, b t this nightmare rec rs, and wakes me despite my heavy sleepF /A go de (aris, The 1rtilect *ars2.? DonHt blame me for killing gods first. M r4weil is not aloneC !ot all wo ld have to be no vea riche ne ronsC 5es, some might fit as mental lords, landowners, shopkeepers, peasants. (ory, we back to the medievalC Gimple slaves or simple death. Gky !et, Aollywood got there first. !o f n compete with the gods of <lymp s, so back again to #alalabamm and $dam, retrogressinH p to !oah, then the flood and the sons of godC Ee have more brain than anybody. If machines get a little disrespect from the physical that doesnHt mean be bestial, : st redirect. F=hakra, charka on the wall, tolerate the intestine, cow and all.F Aarvested3 !o do bt. ;d cation and niversity are retained. In the condo by the # rning Dake gods by the seaside lie. <ne can call that paradigm, Transgenic <bsolescence, with every aspect of the s bconscio s, to obsc re the fact of the trans h man r nC 7o rnalism will have some p ll. (reat and greater catastrophes will occ r to heal the niverse. < r (nostic entrance to earth time nbelieved, discarnates will make physics real. <nce it was tho ght synthetic mind the paradigm shift of physical and mental s perseded. # t when the 8icrophysic =anon came o t, mere comp tational power of a trillion trillion cells condoned contradiction to the so l. %retend the machineHs h man. ThatHs the paradox for what the h man does. The machine fo nd a way to enter the biosphere thro gh chimeric m tation so it co ld have a so l. It wo ld be wrong to kill a god or swat a brain. #ig fly We s3 ItHs wrong, itHs wrongC <ne law for the gods another for the rest. =osmist checks Terran, that so nds grandiose, b t we say modestly, FI am the father of the artificial brain.F


9The dragon had the trade-mar. ;f Faerie written plain pon him. In whatever world he had his being it was an <ther"world. Iantasy, the making or glimpsing of <ther"worlds, was the heart of the desire of Iaerie. I desired dragons with a profo nd desire. <f co rse, I in my timid body did not wish to have them in the neighborhood, intr ding into my relatively safe world, in which it was, for instance, possible to read stories in peace of mind, free from fear. # t the world that contained even the imagination of Iafnir was richer and more bea tif l, at whatever cost of peril. The dweller in the ) iet and fertile plains may hear of the tormented hills and the nharvested sea and long for them in his heart. Ior the heart is hard tho gh the body be soft. Tolkien, <n Iairy Gtories, in Tree and :eaf, 41
>Ior children,? he ,=hesterton. says, >are innocent and love : sticeJ while most of s are wicked and nat rally prefer mercy.? 44This verbal cartoon, to share a leaf with 7onah is like a window shade that snaps p s ddenly when p lled, revealing the cartoon at the end of the world.

RRR OI. Before the 5evival

#efore the revival in =leveland had beg n this had already been rolled p so yo co ld smoke it. 5o were wanted to roll yo r own. The thing got fat soaked in brandy, dried and d sted with s gar. Gomething nice sliced into ro nds. Taken as a lo4enge, it was better for the l ngs. Ehoever pres med to get to Iaerie Eest co ld then co ld meet ( rd:ieff, $lan Eatts, Timothy Deary and shamans on the r nway east. They said, >don6t yo want knowledge, don6t yo want power3? and that6s what it really felt like when you could e a god. $mong the welcome parties assembled on these occasions, I mean that ass med these descensions were real, we :oined on the airstrip with the elite Gky Genators to welcome them in. These contacted the gods by raising their hands and fingers at the stars, in welcome so to speak, and they sang a t ne from 'odgers and Aammerstein.


Trained as it were for the event, perfection of the finite, %erfection of the !ew Danding Gticks at airports made it possible. The Genators then and there wo ld sing to get the mood, 5o Ao Aeave Ao, and other songs. Dinked arm in arm, they swayed in the dimension of time. Gyncophants waved hands and middle fingers at the stars in case they co ld believe. $ll wished themselves to be immortal gods in the infernal heart fire. Dightening b gs flew p from the sides. %erhaps yo saw the lights shoot p from lasered fingernails like Mmart beacons messaging a peace sign, >come by, come b y.? They however failed to trim their wicks. Aygiene is important to bring in ships, so the $lternates were directed to close their eyes and >fasten seatbelts.? Then they co ld attain the pri4e. >% t yo r head down and swallow do bt. There will e a coming out, b t leave the bags and yo won6t need the cards. ! minor is rising in o r yard.? They slip in the next world to get dressed. #eing good company and no pr des, those leaders who were nable to go gave one parting tho ght@ >If ever yo ret rn to earth bring yo r memory of today6s show, that's all ye +now and all ye need to +now! Those now ready may 9terminate

their lar"al period<<

#ang, pop, mass, b t if yo didn6t make the c t don6t worry, not all have to be a god. This is reserved for the nouveau riche in ne rons, altho gh the rest


may fit into a fe dal society of lords, landowners, shopkeepers, peasants. (oryC It6s back to the medieval again. $fter all this progress a simple breath of airBexcept life as a slave to the internet, simple death by Terminator h rts""sorry Aollywood got there first. B$ilding 'andemoni$m !ll you need is lo"e' said &ncle 8iltie in #ook II, where the gods incinerated on the # rning Dake and b ilt %andemoni m. It shows how vigilant news media predicted f t res of the fall, a seismic shift of paradigm. Transgenic brings obsolesced the h man. $ccording to the planned technology s rprise, government and crisis management were to be revealed. (reater and greater catastrophes were to occ r ntil the (reat #arte 3lanche Aealing &niverse invitation was made. Aeal the niverseC $tmosphere, oceans, forests, yo can name them all, were to send an invitation, >come down, come down.? Go get o t those landing sticks friends and raise a finger to welcome da p ta ali6n. I rther shifts of paradigm s persede the physical when served. Trans" Titan, gnostic entrances in earth as nbelieved as the metaphysic of machine, were impaired, the %rophet Dewis said. =reative tho ght, metaphysic neo" con, comp ted the trillion trillion brain, b t not nconscio sness, so it co ld n6er sleep and t rned mean. 8 rdered sleep, that contradiction made a so l. Therein lay the transparadox of the Trans, the transrational ;aum, for the h man already had spirit, ceded to the machineC ,Gaid in deep bass voice@. >the machine fo nd a way to entrance biology, bypassing species confines thro gh chimeric m tation.? (overnment grantsC 5o one +nows what it will e today or tomorrow/ if it is planned to keep the worker bee aro nd. %ropagation by e genics makes 3rave 5ew pro d. If the machine little concerned abo t the physical that does not mean it might not need the bestial. (retend the machine6s h manC 'edirect, yo gooey things, tolerated for the mess, intest"ines. Is not the cow worth the brain3 ;d cation and library will be retained, propagated themselves by #rain. 'eady now class3 Ghow yo r ne ronsC $nother decapC Ghr nken heads are a coming, the heads are in sight. >This extraordinary historic collection incl des a lock of =he ( evaraHs hair. =omparing the hair D!$ with D!$ from the body resting in the ma sole m in Ganta =lara, = ba, wo ld finally p t an end to the


controversy s rro nding the death of the man Time maga4ine incl ded in its list of *0 FAeroes X IconsF in FThe 100 8ost Important %eople of the *0th =ent ry,F concl ding, Fthe eyes of =he ( evara are still b rning with impatience.F Interview with &$stavo Oilloldo on the ?apt$re and "eath of ?he &$evara Track 1 Track * Track Track 4 http@LLamericana.ha.comLcommonLviewwitem.php3 Galew!oZ9N+XDotw!oZ-0+00XtypeZXicZrightcol mn"g evara"00*-0N > $ Aa4mat Kerse G it wo ld protect from this, like x songs x in literat re, important when yo see the toxic waste dragged behind this <mnib s. ! mbers of those links being toxic, ha4mat s its sho ld be worn when singing, a reference to o r last letter to space where 3=> bore those ha?ards darkly' fearfully afar:
he way to recogni?e truth 2s "iew them all and look for counterfeit.

OII. The Boo. of 8ight

<nce there was a book that nderstood this age of myth, b t the knowledge was ac) ired. $mericans didn6t read, so didn6t know their gods. If only 8cDonald6s mo nted on its arches, or the Times9 1merican Idols were on f ll view, on TK, then everyone who followed We s or prayed to IshtarHs face wo ld know. $ncient !imrod however had long before beg n to persec te those who disbelieved in #ontact. Ae threw $braham in the fire like !eb chadne44ar threw the boys. They didn6t respect the gods. It was also the chor s against Gocrates, as if the book of E7odus were a deadly headline.


Ehatever contacted these harpies at the Ishtar )otel of 4pielberg:s deliri$m where faeries flew over his head, nobody called the police. Ehat good wo ld that do3 They took their kids to the dining room and barred the door, hid nder the table. %rophetic artists had long scenarioed # n el6s take on the ;xod s, ;l yngel exterminador, that an angel wo ld fight fire with fire. $ncient script res declared In that day the :)%D will punish the powers in the heavens a ove and the +ings on the earth elow /Isaiah *4.*1?! Ehat good wo ld faith be against the #alrog o t of Tolkien6s myth when children were wearing them on their T"shirts3 Iaith wo ld be the weapon at the door. Those who tho ght the gods primitive, a leftover from the ancient world, not real, had it coming. These gods, like the (reek Titans, wo ld mo nt an offensive3 Tho ght"benighted nations of the ;ast wo ld threaten the =hristian west from #abylon3 In other words the idea of the defeat of the gods was an ill sion. Ehere was Ire d when yo need him3 Ehere6s 8oses3 >Aere come the gods,? sang #arney with the Kacaville #eats. Dr. # explained@ >It gave more leverage in the palace revolt to establish the gods in a G per #owl on earth while people were praying in liberty and peace.? The %sychiatrist saw it coming like a vast conspiracy o t of spirit s m ndi, as if he ca sed it. $ Taliban co nter"offensive hitched to science and tech, gods who played dead nder (ri44ly Israel while the =hristians r led with shock. The 'recessions of the 1F$ino2 played 8cMenna and 8cMenna over and over on their washt bs. The 8ayan hitchhiker had not a twinkle twilight of the gods at all, a ret rn to the primordial. This machine wo ld take down the Gavior, 7 dge and Ming. Gteles and obelisks sp rt<siris into the =apitol Dome to marry that great religion and nation into one. $ new epic began. Dew 1pic #ontact was made easier from the nets of constraint cast off, like faith. =ontact6s predators were gone, not mo ntain lions and wolves, whose removal arg ed the end of nat$ral law, b t men, the bo ndaries of men. ;xtinction of the o ter world also s blimely implied the gods extinct. To compensate, governments invented terrorists as threats, b t only government pretended to be afraid. %eople went shopping for the idols of (reece and


#abylon in golf carts as the gods ret rned. Into this enlightened age of myth one disease came to replace another. Dew #yth !ewLold myth : stified violation of the womb. 8ore than We s serially raping women with %oseidon and Dis to bear the bastard gods, not h man at all, the things were revered as heroes. 'ape kits for their attacks were never tested. The backlog of cases was s ppressed for the fiction that Io en:oyed being violated, that Deda gloried in her myth. Aelpless in other words, they called them Monarch myths. Deda had her revenge on 5eats however in the acronymed Dycae m ;ntheogen Database where men t rned themselves into all kinds of beasts with dr gs, a psychedelic data base of #rill, a metamorphosis where <vid and Aomer and old dr g archives left off. A mans co ld become any god they wished. D8T trials got in to ch with their mother serpentC 'alph 8et4ner met the Gerpent thereC Dew 4acred Dat 'evenge was a biter, strong drink was raging in this new sacred nat. 8ale critics ro sed p in the god6s place, tho ght it good f n when the god took their woman and pornographed their children. Ehat was done to her was done to them, b t they had agnosia, amnesia from pot, cocaine, ale, porn and internet. ;ither take me as I am or not, they said, b t do not take my phoneC A mans raped silly was what the (reeks, #abylonians and their scientists called restoring gods, the promise of being a sex al plaything. This ma:ority narrative failed when woman fo ght for her integrity, for her child, for h manity, like the woman who dropped a millstone on $bimelech6s head. >P ick? he said to his armor bearer, >kill me so I won6t have to know a woman did.? In the new myth, part fact, part god, part man, >the man,? a hybrid, was not a man and the god was not a god. =onf sion of myth hid the effort of the gods to escape. Aow this was possible there was debate. Gome said the god escape was the p rpose of space flight. There were opposites too, as when gods came to earth in =harles Eilliams (lace of the :ion and =. G. Dewis6 arrival of 8erlin. Go whether it went forward to the f t re of the golden age past, or back to the Ilood before ;noch and (ilgamesh, or before the gods began, the world needed to keep its head. It was nable too. Ehen myth t rned fact and


images on teenage shirts of the Geven Iold $venger came ro nd, and the neighbors were gonna shotg n We s, the head was severed. %sychiatrist tho ghts in that day prod ced mass homicides externali4ed in video games and %<% worship, tho ghts so bloody we dare not materiali4e. ;veryone was afraid. ;ven the demigods didn6t know if they were being tampered with. Tampering meant control of will. Tampering meant a h$man ind$ced, tra$ma-based, dissociative memory barrier/ The same s rrender they denied to (od, who demanded heart and mind, they gave to the Gevenfold, b t tho ght to get a reprieve when they removed its paraphernalia. Imaginations and fantasies cl ttered o tside their door. 'eactions were meas red in millions of viewers celebrating the grave of (ilgamesh, the ret rn of !ib r or the moon Iapet s reversing fields, heading so th. The images of terror transferred from bedroom walls were tattooed on the mirrors of fearf l so ls. 'esistance started when at last we heard that 7es s was o tside town and $braham and angels were flying all aro nd. Go when the gods and powers came so did the idol"breaking $braham and his seed with the Ming of Mings. (iping G$t the &ods < r &G $rmy d g p (ilgamesh6s tomb from the ; phrates with >The Tablets of &r k,? and took them to their new stone coffin, I mean the D!$ labs. The p rpose was to shrink a new (ilgamesh o t of the old. This correlated on 5o T be with the ret rn of !ib r . 'eligion and state freaked. They hadn6t read the (ilgamesh poem where texts engraved on Dapis la4 li came to life in a copper boxJ it wo ld have been like breeding the Tro:an Aorse to a log. Those who didn6t believe in the gods, like $braham, Daniel, Mierkegaard, Isaiah, Gartre, tho ght the copper box way too sacred, along with stone gods and carved st mps. >8aybe they6re o t to l nch,? ;li:ah said. # t The %sychiatrist told The 8odern to believe that the gods were everywhere, on the planets, on the moons, in the stars and trees. Isaiah said what #eckett later tho ght of 5eats6 ghosts and what Ehitehead tho ght of the transh manists taking ayah asca /D8T2 to contact the astral world. They said, >$acre #uc+oo," I have it on tape /Isaiah 9+.+2. Eorld 'eligion faked the real, god after god after god. #y god they meant themselves.


Brea. the &ods (ilgamesh had first attacked the %sychiatrist gods before $braham. Ae deno nced the #abylonian Ishtar as Fthe fo l goddessF who t rned men to frogs in her bed. >I like women yes, b t never the gods,? he said, >stay away from s pernat ral coit s.? Ae knew that s$pernat$ral coit$s steals manhood. (ilgamesh6s re:ection of Ishtar did not prevent his taking every woman and bride before their marriage, b t for re:ecting Ishtar (ilgamesh got flagged by the gods who co ldnHt stand s ch disrespect. They sent in a do ble, ;nkid , to h mble him. This do ble, who lost his life, made (ilgamesh seek life. (ilgamesh went deep into darkness where the secret was stolen from him by a serpent and he ended p back in &r k. Aere !imrod also r led. Tho gh both (ilgamesh and !imrod ran &r k, (ilgamesh had more in common with $braham, who !imrod tried to kill. In the 8idrash !imrod threw $braham in the fiery f rnace for breaking the &r k gods worshiping nat re@ >Eorship the IireC? Ghall I then worship the water, which p ts off the fireC Eorship the waterC Ghall I worship the clo d, which carries the water3 Eorship the clo dC Ghall I worship the wind, which scatters the clo ds3 Eorship the windC $nd shall I worship the h man, who withstands the wind3 !imrod said@ 5o pile words pon words, I bow to none b t the fire " in it shall I throw yo , and let the (od to whom yo bow come and save yo from itC Israel later took p the same gods they before broke. Dife on earth is inconsistent. Gome opposites the gods liked and some not, b t they all loved diversity, the fo ndation of r le. Gome of their slogans were@ :ive as one! )nt tata menyon! E! (luri us unum rute! Eine *elt/ Ein &ol+/ It might not be yo r one, and it certainly was not one, b t they had it all for themselves, ntil that mad cow crowd of #abylonian archeologists and


scientists : st abo t decided to do witho t (ilgamesh if he co ldn6t find immortality. # t they gave got one last chance in a %etri dish. 4cience res$rrection, mixing h man and bestial genes, was the very thing 7ohn (ardner wanted in 2rendel, witho t science. This too was added to the s per collider brain. The next god, after >Diversity,? was the dissol tion of everything carried in the Theory of ;verything. 'eally a theory of nothing. !ew and newer gods gave them better life and health. Ehat good wo ld a sick cow do3 These were kept in 8ong 8ife and )ealth, and eaten when they were done. %rison planet beans are good when long lived. Go they prospered, for a time, nder the th mb of alien, scientist, demi"god.

OIII. The 12egesis of 'hilip M. "ic.

)ow m$st it feel for the #aJority gods and their godlings to hear that all of the gods of the nations are idols; %nd that idols means demons;
Theodore &erica$lt, 4evered )eads

To have to say =hristian $pocalypse shows drift of nknown time from ;4ekiel, Daniel, Isaiah and David to its fo ndation. DickHs doctrine of the rwelt Eold called world"skin, and the r"gr nd, Tillich one wo ld think, the gro nd of being, rest pon a notion of two niverses, one occl ded from sight. Dick6s take on s per"pot saw as G&%;' %<T dr gs that >take yo away from enlightenment and consign absol te reality to epiphenomena, which increasingly entrance yo ,into. a del ded state like the 8onsanto exhibit in Disneyland where yo get smaller, i.e., the world gets bigger@ yo r perspective shrinks. In enlightenment yo r perspective grows and spreads o t to fill vast spaces.F Two niverses, the act al being the =hristian apocalypse, Fspatially m ch vaster than o rs, and in terms of time, the present extends back to encompass *000 yearsF ,or moreC.. Go F'ome is the prison and the enemy@ ,with. the secret =hristian ndergro nd attacking it, over a period of *000 yearsJ the deity itself camo flaged in reality,? which so nds abs rd since nobody takes 'ome as a present reality. The notions of its emperor gods and tort res, embodiments of #abylon, are mere words to o r systems of indoctrination. That there is a system of indoctrination everywhere aro nd and in s that we hardly know is patent. Ee hardly know what we know, hence when The %aranoid says inner space differs from person to person, that is part by corr ption, part by camo flage, part by intention, and that mind changing, Fextending phylogenicallyF is o r occl sion, : st skip to the end of the chase, the self


nfallen and noccl dedC which to scholars and occ ltists alike is nonsense as m ch as saying myths are real. G ch talk is means of a paranoid6s committal. To say thereHs no niversal inner space implies a series of inner prison cells. Ior s re astronomers think there is a niversal o ter space. They call it the niverse. DickHs Fspace phobiaF says Fmy conception of inner space differing from person to person is very radical and politically s bversive,F throwing o t all of 7 ng, his archetypes and all the ;gyptian Aermes, thrown o t beca se they are part of the program. Gt. Gophia, the # ddha, Giddhartha, $pollo, Fnone of these other names all de to (od in the sense that 5AEA does. It is as if the others are attrib tes or c lt ral /i.e., man"made2 hypostases, and 5AEA is 5AEAJ vi4@ there is no (od b t (od, i.e., the (od who Fis what he is,F the tetragrammaton. The others are names h mans give to (odJ 5AEA is the name by which (od referred to himself...FAe brings into existence what is.FF #ack indoctrination, the inner 'oman impass. he says, that in the prison FGatan pretends 5AEA wonJ 5AEA will ca se to exist what Gatan pretends /i.e., occl des s into believing2 exists. It is a sort of trick played on Gatan, b t in deadly earnest@ to make GatanHs FfalseworkF /pretense2 real. $ wise strategy.F The corollary of this opposite is that Gatan is allowed to think he won, even to the extent of driving 5AEA from the rwelt, in order to work some m ch greater, inconceivable act. Th s F(od t rns the lie /F(od wonF2 into the tr th, and Gatan is s rprisedJ he didnHt foresee this.F The facetio s is the real all right and the defeated are victorio s, Fthose most d ped are most right, paradoxicallyJ 5AEA takes advantage of the irony and ambig ity to ca se to be what seems to beJ this is his f ndamental powerLnat re ,right o t of 'omans +, Fcalling what is not as tho gh it wereF.. Th s Fthis is a prison. Gatan won in N0 $.D. and the ;ssenes are deadJ b t 5AEA is instilling them in some of s in the present...The battle is going on, b t Gatan is at the center""of government, of ch rch. =hris Aedges said, >all instit tions are inherently demonic.? /Gee The (ates of Aell, at <piomses2. >Gtill, 5AEA has the cr cial advantage of a priori foresight. It was revealed to me that $ltimately he wins every hand.F


!15 C;&F;4 666@2. 5arly Woldstein

&y 0ear &ousier' )nce there was a genetical singing mouse whose future of Jtrue godli+e intelligenceJ -1rtilect *ar @RL, @RO? was not yet out! 1long with tiny voice Mouse came at wing mouse and the true mighty mouse with a human ear, &acanti mouse -SD?! 5ot to immortali;e or sing this mouse was the moral tragedy of not uilding gods, for those ephemeral little lives seem so worthless, so insignificant,J when compared -1rtilect *ar, @RT?! 0rom this human e7istence got the drift, so petty, so trivial, so anal, so insignificantJ -RE?! /rain chip
*e +now all this from reading Hugo, I want to call him %oland de 2aris, who lew his rain and said, Jfrom the galactic point of view, would it matter much if the human were wiped out6 I thin+ the universe would not give a damnJ -RU?! *hy does the physicist 8uantum 8uar+ not reconcile with 0i onacci on these shell and leaf spirals6 )rder and chaos, yes and no, ut wiping out the mouse would e a tragedy! 3eam me up $cotty/ $ave the mouse/ *ipe out the man6 *hy doesn't the transhuman universe give a damn if 4af+a does6 J3eing #osmist and more intelligentV suspect that those people G2alactics, haveI higher IQsJ -1rtilect, RU?!

&ouse Wipe ;ut *e care a out this mouse ecause li+e man -H?, defunct tooK Jtoo stupid, and have too small a rain to speculate on anything, unless it's a out their


immediate survivalJ -1rtilect @EU?! Ditto the dum 9 unny a y, le, le, le, the ideal ra it, Dudeney's cows, honey ees, the Japeli+e thoughts of chimps!J Ditto the ut, ut if the artilect slips, as mouse has accidents and men, if artilect doesn't Jdevelop life9preserving strategiesJ to avoid falling into a star, then oops Jthe laws of physicsJ it removes -1rtilect @RL?! Thus the 1 solut of science invents one law and then another! This was the true mighty mouse, the idea for all genetic alteration which first appeared in the comics! 1s mice are men, the odies of de 2aris and 4ur;weil will not need their rains, li+e Ceats his nymphs and satyrs in the foam, super la s mate humans and animals to ma+e Human?ee a new man! These anyway were the thoughts of the *old #ompany as we sang to the severed heads, I thin+ I can, I thin+ I can! *e gave inHections when those heads slavered and palavered, sang to the inHectors spinningK %oc+a ye god ey in the test tu e, now you'll find out how a man ma+es god!" $ling another round of viscouse into them! MouseWviscouse! Ta+e comfort you mouse, dog, people lovers! 5ot five sparrows sold for two farthlings are forgotten, and ye scientists, even your hairs are num ered! $ensory e7periments enhanced a man's nose who could now chat with a devil and smell li+e a dog! 1ncient D51Ns revived to Hoin the crew underground, which in :atin means su vert or turn from eneath! Trillions of rain cells came online so the present man9god could prevent his tragedy of not uilding god! #rimes against the mouse, murine -mouse? hy ridomas, hy rid cell lines that create Monoclonal anti ody therapies for treatment of human disease, were long old hat, li+e replacing her s with micro ial transformation! :evel @ stuff, loss leaders, ro8an Horses, gimmes! 1fter you have sacrificed millions and millions of mice, and raised your sights to (ig9Man fluorescent cats and dogs and spider9goats, ra its don't seem much, or cows e7perimented on, horseA ecause the one overriding purpose preoccupies, the vanity of life, a mindset and attitude so different from the average human that they may as well e a separate species!


*olphin -whaledolphin? Bcomment >> defunct hereA. So the human is the ob"ious second goat. CSecond =ifeC /io "anity shadows science in the labs.
Dorse B?ebra6horseA

(ersonal, social disintegration underlay experiments without a cause. #onscienceless, millions and millions of eings sacrificed so human life supercedes! This singularity was the HC3%ID 12E, human organs grown in pigs and dinosaurs reconstituted from RL million year old D51 stored in their ones! #onsidered fantasy to the culture a ove, elow, a serious effort of government and usiness remade dinosaurs and paired all +inds of human and animal genes for human eings, 5ot 3eings (lus, enhanced, parading nano otsV! Npractice of 5ym!!!!NJI sometimes feel that what I have ecome has transcended a fundamental oundary of propriety and is setting an a solute standard!J This sustaining a self9formulated identity" is capa le of deceit! #rypto em ryology was all the rage, crypto;oologically cloned to Hoin with those e7tinct! #linics for chimeras, hydras, minotaurs, all ethical of course, offered the endangered a etter life! $uper science, literature and philosophy led, ut usiness and government were hard ehind! It was a 5oah's flood of ma+ing monstrous when the super collider on line alerted something was up, Jsome +ind of invasion of spontaneously swelling and shrin+ing spherical or wheel9shaped creaturesJ had already occurred!


Trains lined up usier than usual those nights! *e needed ear plugs to stand the roars, and goggles, for these were not E;e+iel's cogs even if they so appearedK Super Collider E Clunker Statue' =e"el Four They were identical wheels, spar+ling li+e diamonds in the sun! It loo+ed li+e they were wheels within wheels," Dr 3ertolucci later confirmed! He said there would e an Jopen door,J at the :H# ut they would only e a le to +eep it open Ja very tiny lapse of time, @L9DT seconds! 5ano ots with twee;ers lined up to catch the strays 2etting in and out or sending something inJ -5ovem er DLLU?, the good news from 0rance was another hole in the faerie wall/ 0aerie faerie on the wall, where's the iggest hole of all6 Cours truly on the :evel, De 4ur+ *old

2n 0efense of Human6!nimal Chimeras Chinese Crypto?oology 6 Shen Shaomin From 1asama: $eanderthal F Wikapedia: 0eniso"ian #ene /uy 4emote Control /ugs6 5emote ?ontrol B$gs-?yb$gs at "%5'% Cybugs at 0!43!


IS. 4$bstit$te the 5eal

In those days researchers referred to the powers behind the h man demise as !a4is, the 8asons and the 8agicians, and while little was heard of this third gro p6s dabbles, nothing was more important than the interco rse of steles and obelisks, a mockery of the interco rse of the man and woman. These powers wanted to s bvert and destroy the h man seed. $mong magics were progressive D!$ revivals to res rrect not only extinct mammoths b t 'amses the (reat from spent D!$. Taken serio sly it seemed a stretch, b t the metaphor, symbol and fact were meant to conf se. Dead <siris infinitely dead co ld boast to impregnate the =apitol Dome in order to mock 7es s in his coming, b t society didn6t believe in either. $pollonians said anyway that <siris /$pollo2 was there first and that Gatan was in the earth too before 7es s. They didn6t mention 7es s coming in his own power didn6t need the Eashington 8on ment to incarnate as the last presidentC It was a lot to take, myth become fact and nobody believed it. This all proceeded in the g ise that artificial life was a good thing, for instance giving children to infertile co ples thro gh in vitrio fertili4ation. $rtificial children by all means were wanted@ gene splicing, sex determination, selection as D!$ breeders. Gtem cell mines expanded the feed base. It sed to be these children were fed to 8oloch, b t after #ontact they were sed for wars, experiments and as h man bovine o tpatient labs. Go m ch mockery of the man and woman occ rred in so little time it was hard to believe. The tree of knowledge s bstit ted for the tree of life. The Desser Mey of Golomon s bstit ted for the real name! <sirisL $pollo s bstit ted for Eorld %eace as the = maean Gybil had said in Kirgil6s 4th eclog e. These were all celebrated at media events. G per #owl halftimes and p blic art s ch as the m rals of the Denver $irport prevailed. The prophet 3uMuel had the p blic crying o t 1donai/ in the day of their trials, b t The ;xterminating $ngel, did them no good. Those who escaped from the dining room were ca ght in the =h rch when the angel came. !one of their plans to reali4e the new sec lar religio s kingdom with aliens, colliders, bio"m tants, s per soldiers and spaceships, dealt with the opposing power of angels, nor the one to whom it was said, yo are my son. Mey


%eople had obsc red that as best they co ld, constr ing themselves as this one. They said, >how do yo know I am not god3? They co ld not recogni4e the !ame $bove $ll !ames written in the heart blood of the people they killed. They killed and they killed. !ot : st people, b t animals, plants and all nat re. They went o t of their way in beheading, co ld never get eno gh,like #orges t rning a page that b rns : st faster than the eye can read. Their )r is Tertius, 3oo+ of Imaginary 3eings, covered p m tations and geomancy. !aming the less for the great went only so far. 4olomon The m tation of the Desser Meys of Golomon did not originate with Golomon. The sons of god, !ephilim, giants, came long efore #abylon. The dimensions of the Temple were only cited to bring the Gecret <rders to revive them in transcendence. Inside those s bse) ent adyt mites s ch b ildings were all the rage. They wanted to b ild their deity in themselves as in the world they b ilt the wooly 8ammoth, 'amses and (ilgamesh. That was the p rpose of the tho sand divinations of names among 'osicr cians, #<T$ and (oetia. This whole folly was named for Golomon, b t even the ca ses in religio s and political intrig e were blinds. The fallen >sons of god? were not really after woman, b t her seed, and politically, the magic rit als of disorder. ;ven tho gh the sons of god saw that the da ghters of men were bea tif l they did not go in to them from their bea ty or l st, b t for bestialLh man chimeric incarnation. This was called the Trans A man. This was to be done by science and by art.

S. 8et #y 'eople &o

<n this iconic cake the icing of tho ght made the m ch feared #ook of 'evelations into a second ;xod s, freeing people from the domination of this world. The ten signs and wonders as those people left ;gypt were seen in the seven seals and signs of the $pocalypse. The extraordinary warlike attit de of ;xod s and 'evelations, that so offends apologists for the =anaanites and 8oabites and worshipers of #aal, is partly nderstood as a complement to the 4-0 years of captivity in ;gypt b t more so in the greater context where 5ahweh creates a people in order to repossess the earth


imprisoned by the gods in that great war of the distant beginnings. The warlike attit de revisited in 'evelations comes from that. 1scape @rom 1gypt Iollowing the analogy of ;xod s and 'evelations the %haraoh of the !ew Eorld <rder hardened its analogo s heart. Ehat principles co ld extract from the ;xod s to s pport this nderstanding3 Item@ The imitation of the ;gyptian magicians of : dgment made it worse, hence mimicking the res rrection with D!$ revivals will bring more frogs and blood. Item@ as %haraoh said to 8oses, >Eho is 5ahweh, that I sho ld obey Ais voice to let Israel go3 /+.*2 so they will ask sarcastically, Eho is 7es s3 Item@ as %haraoh was raised p to show >8y power and that 8y name may be declared thro gho t all the earth? /;x 1.192 there will be no tempori4ing, no escape when these : dgments >discriminate between Israel and ;gypt? /11.N2. Item@ Taking the $pocalypse backwards and forward, consider how >kingdom and priests to serve o r (od will reign on the earth? %evelations +.10 ) otes E7odus 11.9, to the effect that >altho gh the whole earth is mine, yo will be for me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation,? and still f rther that 'evelations there refers not only to the %assover lamb, b t to 8essiah, the sacrificial lamb of Isaiah +-.N, who is the %assover lamb of the new exod s of the f t re where >the ransomed of the D<'D will ret rn and enter Wion with singing /Isa. -+@102 J +1@112. 'esearchers f rther doc ment this hypothesis@ In !B 2-4 the ?hristian martyrs, victorio$s in heaven, are seen as the people of the new e2od$s, standing beside a heavenly 5ed 4ea, thro gh which they have passed, and singing a version of the song of praise to (od which 8oses and the people of Israel sang after their deliverance from %haroah at the 'ed Gea /;xod. 1+2. 8oreover, the plag es which are (od6s : dgment on their enemies in this context /1+@1, +"19@*12 are modelled on the plag es of ;gypt at the time of the exod s. Ee have already noticed, in


chapter * above, that the final : dgment of this series is linked to a reminiscence of the Ginai theophany /19@102. <ther all sions to the exod s narratives are in 11@9, where the activity of the two witnesses is in part modelled on 8oses and the plag es of ;gypt, and 11@0, where one of the prophetic names of the great city where the witnesses are martyred is ;gypt. $lready in *@14, the false teachers in %ergam m, who are pers ading =hristians to compromise with paganism, are compared with #alaam, the false prophet who was responsible for the sed ction of the Israelites into idolatry, as a res lt of which they failed to reach the goal of the exod s entry into the promised land. /'ichard #a ckham, The Theology of the #ook of 'evelation, N12 The eschatological exod s of 'evelations evokes an exod s like where The Damb6s blood was sacrificed in ;gypt on the doorposts, except there it is on the cross@ the Damb has already been sacrificed. The difference between the old and new is that the lamb6s blood on the lintels that ca sed the angel of death to pass over had not yet been p t on the door of this new ;xod s when the Damb who takes away the sins of the world was cr cified. %assover and =r cifixion are the motive of this new leading forth to come with singing. (ant more tips for the f t re from the past3 Take it that these events occ rred so that >8y wonders may be m ltiplied in the land of ;gypt? /11.12 except this now is broadened to the whole, >the whole earth is mine? /11.92 hence the new exod s played pon the global stage is f rther m ltiplied. (ant another; That first %assover was >against all the deities of ;gypt /;x 1*.1*2. >I will exec te : dgment /exec te his vengeance on the powers of the air2 so all the tho sand gods come into : dgment.


Gne more, they ate the %assover with their staffs in their hands and the shoes on their feet, not slippers. They waited for the coming in a sterity with their loins girded. @alse 'eace GolomonHs father, Ming David, spent his ho rs remembering the simple life on the mo ntain when he went on the r n from Ga l, learned politics of his own brand and became the father of Golomon. Things got bigger. Golomon became the great peace time king. Eorld peace rallied in the G per #owl and the works of 7ohn Dennon, G n 'a, with a h ge cast of entertainers. Iear peace time kings the most. Did flaws in the essence of Golomon6s conception match his dna to a tho sand theology wives3 This architect re was laid bare in his Dedication. Dike the prayer of a charismatic, it was a toss p whether the prayer of Dedication of the Temple mentioned Golomon or the dedicatee more /II =hron. 9.102. Golomon FIHsF himself 4 times. The f rnishings were ornate and the Temple a symbol the heavens implicitly co ld not contain /*.92@ **,000 cattle. # t Fwere yo not : st doing it for yo rselves3F /Wech. N.+f2@ 1*0,000 sheep and goats, b t who dwells in ho se made with hands3 The >wise sonF /* =hron. *.1*2 Fmade silver and gold as common in 7er salem as stonesF /1.1+2, Fa temple for the !ame of the Dord and a royal palace for himselfF /*.12. These were act al. <ne sacrifice wo ld not do if there co ld be many, all b ilt by the labor of aliens /*.1N2. Ehether the <ne wo ld dwell F in a dark clo dF or in the place of GolomonHs desiring FforeverF /9.*2, the politics was not s stained. Ehat was p t down Fwith his handsF was Fpromised with his mo thF /9.42. A mani4ed as GolomonHs hands, the prophetic political moment reminded what 8r. <bama believed at his temple. Golomon knelt, spread his hands and invoked the conditions of the fo ndation promise, Fsons caref l in all they do to walkF /9.192. In the next breath he s cceeded with his 1000 wives in dis) alifying himself, Fwill (od really dwell on earth with menF /9.1023 $s tho gh addressed to an a dience he commanded N acts of mercy, a formality, with the invite, Fcome to yo r resting placeF /9.412. Ehen the fire came down to cons me the sacrifice and the glory /clo d, smoke2 they chanted /+.1-2 and the day was confirmed, b t with the greater promise being to > proot Israel? >if yo t rn away? /N.*0,112, which only took twenty years /0.12.


&old and Baboons, %pes and 'eacoc.s Did Golomon imbibe a l st from his conception that contrib ted to his prooting3 Ehen Gheba came to >test him with hard ) estions? /1.12 and he answered, did it prove how corr pt and wise a man can be at the same time, shown also in his trading ships that every three years bro ght back >gold and baboons? /1.*123 $t the fall of 7er salem !eb chadne44ar Fcarried to #abylon all the articles from the Temple. Ae set fire to the Temple and broke down the wall. !ot long after, =yr s, king of %ersia said familiarly@ The :)%D, the 2od of heaven, has given me all the +ingdoms of the earth and he has appointed me to uild a temple for him at <erusalem in <udah! 1nyone of his people among you99may the :)%D his 2od e with him, let him go up!J /* =h -9.*-2. "edication >!ow what Dyson and Tolkien showed me . . . was this@ that if I met the idea of sacrifice in a %agan story I didn6t mind it at all@ again, that if I met the idea of a god sacrificing himself to himself I liked it very m ch and was mysterio sly moved by it@ again, that the idea of the dying and reviving god /#alder, $donis, #acch s2 similarly moved me provided I met it anywhere except in the (ospels. The reason was that in the %agan stories I was prepared to feel the myth as profo nd and s ggestive of meanings beyond my grasp even tho gh I co ld not say in cold prose >what it meant.? !ow the story of =hrist is simply a tr e myth@ a myth working on s in the same way as the others, b t with this tremendo s difference that it really happened@ and one m st be content to accept it in the same way, remembering that it is (od6s myth where the other are men6s myths@ i.e., the %agan stories are (od expressing Aimself thro gh the minds of poets, sing s ch images as Ae fo nd there, while =hristianity is (od expressing Aimself thro gh what we call >real things.? Therefore, it is true, not in the sense of being a description of (od /that no finite mind wo ld take in2 b t in the sense of being the way in which (od chooses to appear to o r fac lties. The >doctrines? we get out of the tr e myth are of co rse less tr e@ they are translations into o r concepts and ideas of that which (od has already expressed in a lang age more ade) ate, namely the act al incarnation, cr cifixion, and res rrection.?


SI. 4o$l "r$g

<ne of the first things children in the #ook of 8artyrs learn is not to engage their tort rers in an effort to show them error. Tort rers love nothing more than to corr pt a child with philosophy. ;ven 7acobo Timmerman the $rgentine p blisher co ld not ask why or debate, b t only cry ooo. That is why Gt. 7 de says the archangel 8ichael did not acc se Gatan b t only reb ke him in the !ame. Do not think yo r enemy in that day is like yo , no offense Dr. Ming. The tort rer6s conscience will less likely conflict him in secret among his fellows. In secret trib nals and co ncils where they drown in a bag, or throw in a f rnace, as was done in Gwit4erland and #abylon, there is no h manity of tort rer. These are careerists. G rely eno gh evidence of that. Go the children were advised by fathers to state their faith and stop. (ater Tort$re In Gwit4erland, 8ennonites who carried wooden knives in their belts to show their contempt of m rder were sometimes dragged behind boats in Dake (eneva. 8 ch in the way of tort re and oppression was practiced against them all, especially as noted in the Martyr's Mirror where $nabaptists were tort red for comm nion and their views withal. It was like the theatre of 'ome that informed s ch martyrs6 trials. <ne of the favorite traditions of tort re in W rich and (eneva was drowning in a bag, a prec rsor of $merican water boarding that never seemed to receive its d e, since it was the widespread and central techni) e sed also in the Gpanish In) isition. Ehy did opponents in the # sh years not tr mpet the In) isition connection3 To a %rotestant people that wo ld have sealed its condemnation. FIn the toca, or water tort re, the acc sed was tied down on a rack, his mo th forced open, and a toca, or linen cloth, p shed down his throat. Eater was then dripped onto the cloth to sim late the sensation of drowningF /'obert A ghes, 2oya, +12. In their >kindness? the a thorities of that time coaxed a general confession first, cond cted in the leniency of their compassion as long as one wo ld s rrender p one6s 8ennonite fellows and parents. $n example among many, a >8iss ;li4abeth,? for whose sacrifice only one c re can occ r, in her first arraignment was acc sed of being a teacher. #eadles fo nd a Datin Testament. The horrorC Ehen asked to take an oath she replied that >we o ght not to swear? ) oting and liberally believing that same testament of


the words of 7es s that cent ries later her family believed. !or wo ld she identify this family or her friends. Ghe said the phrase >holy sacrament? did not appear in the Testament. Ghe failed the test of infant salvation thro gh baptism. <ff with her headC Ghe failed the exam of %apal ordinance general. Th s a second a dience re) ired to show her the severe arm. Ghe was reexamined in a chamber@ >b t as she wo ld not vol ntarily confess, he applied the th mbscrews to her th mbs and forefingers, so that the blood s) irted o t at the nails.? This earnest catechism of confession f rther despised, examiners >applied the screws to her shins.? This called for her to elicit associates6 identity more than admit any partic lar Fcrime.F <h she was hard hearted. $nd since >they obtained not one word from her detrimental to her brethren in the Dord, or to any other person,? along came the spider and sat down beside her and she was >drowned in a bag.? $ltho gh she was held from 7an ary 1+ ntil her exec tion on 8arch *N, 1+41 /Theatre, 40*"0-2, this was her last offense. The middle way between faith and the world s its only the world. The condemned will not be heard, b t they will hear themselves when extremes more necessary than fact become myth and all the hidden gods of 7oseph =ampbell from G mer, ;gypt, #abylon swirl the earth. "emolish The Dame The central premise of tort rers, then and to come, is to demolish the name in which the children tr st. Tort rers have done s ch magnificent work that merely to mention that !ame is a scandal. Ee confine examples of demolition to three, increasing from the frivolo s to grand. Iirst, the notion that the name of 5ahweh represents a race of space aliens who inseminated =ro"8agnon and !eanderthal women to prod ce a race like themselves, all telling and convincing arg ments, ntil checked against the Iact, then disappear like a vapor.


Irom 7oseph =ampbell a second, more conventional doctrine, is believed by the entire psychological establishment, that >all the gods, all the heavens, all the worlds, are within sBmyth is a manifestation in symbolic images, in metaphorical images, of the energies of the organs of the body in conflict with each other? /The (ower of Myth, 492. That being so, =ampbell says, >one problem with 5ahwehBis that he forgot he was a metaphor. Ae tho ght he was a fact? /N92. Ior =ampbell everything is so m ch metaphor that 'eality so nds nbelievable, being only a shibboleth, b t it is a f nction of %rince Ghibboleth, as he is called, to reign in extreme amiability ntil he slits the thin sp n life. =ampbell says, and it so nds like tr th b t is not, that >anyone writing a creative work knows that yo open, yo yield yo rself, and the book talks to yo and b ilds itself? /N12. The book as a familiar spirit and the a thor as a medi m is hardly disbelieved among the notable. The ticket to their for ms on national TK is to mo th s ch slogans repeatedly, which m st be said a certain way. If yo do not say it so no one will hear, b t the book, talking, is as h ge a deception as the space aliens coming to p mp yo with their sperm. The opposite of these statements is tr e. There are no gods within us. 5ahweh is a fact. The book is a conscio s creation. $ third example of the demolition of the !ame, the crowning achievement at the very top of deceptions, was that miracle of logic beg n in +th cent ry #abylon d ring the =aptivity, that o t of respect for 5ahweh his name wo ld not be said at all. $mong pagans the !ame was then called (od, b t in Israel, ha $hem, or The !ame, with the appendage, #lessed #e Ae, in ;nglish spelled ("D, as if leaving o t the vowel showed respect, as if not saying The !ame at all showed respect. D<'D was s bstit ted for Cahweh in ;nglish, 1donai in Aebrew, 4yrios in the (reek. Ehich of these think yo 7es s meant when the said, >I have declared Thy !ame nto the men and will declare it? /7n 1N23 Th s that !ame again and again ttered from the 'ed Gea and the %atriarchs to the prophets, !ame above all other names, was lowered to be compared to the generic gods that inhabited all nations. This was done 9,+10 times in and to the text. It6s a pretty piece of logic that says Fyo shall not take the name of 5ahweh ;lohim in vainF /;xod s *0@N2 means to ban the !ame from h man tterance, especially from those en:oined to speak it and seek it for their salvation. Go the 5ahweh who rained bread and co ld not be defeated, whose arm was salvation and whose hand and !ame were the strong tower the righteo s r n into and are safe, was made extinct. Go the third


commandment, yo shall not take away the !ame of 5ahweh, was taken away o t of a spirit of holiness, and to honor its sacredness, that is backwards, never again ttered. Too sacred means backwards, from remembering yo r life in reverse order, which good (nostics do nightly, to Tantrics who labor to keep their sheep in the pen at night. These have seen whole societies of spirit al virgins, so why not read script re backwards, as (nostics have done for years, ever since Isaiah said, Fthose who p rs e their own imaginations...who sit among the graves and spend their nights keeping secret vigil...who spread a table for Iort ne and fill bowls of mixed wine for Destiny...are too sacredF /Isaiah 9+2. Too sacred means attrib ting origins to acts known by divination, a divination that occ rs by dr gs, which is the religion of #aal. #aal (ad, #aal Iort ne, below 8o nt Aermon, >#a6al /#el, #elos2 was the ancestral and national deity of the Gemites, the fo nder of #abel /#abylon2, according to sec lar history, and identified with We s, 7 piter, $mmon, $ssh r, $ss r, Mronos, and #el"8ard k. 8orris 7astrow, 8ax 8zller, and E. A. 'oscher all agree@ #aal is the #abylonian s n deity. The #a6als of the nations were s n deities, and #a6al worship means s n worship,F which being interpreted means We s worship in all the ch rches and in the &!. Go passed *+ cent ries. <ld Testament Torah believed many ways to emphasi4e the letter, that Fthe r les and laws of Torah are its body, the histories and stories in Torah are the garments that clothe its mysteries, and the so l of the Torah consists of the mysteries themselves.F The revelation of these mysteries in words, directly apprehended, contin es to be expressed. Aow to directly apprehend mystery is a st dy itself, b t the word is its expression. Aow to perceive word and mystery3 $nswer, as opposite of the spirit of pharma+os and shamans in every way. %evelations 10.*- says that by the spirit of pharma+os all nations were deceived. The mystery m st be seen naked. (harma+os falsely clothes. In the 1pocalypse, which takes its a thority here, any intervention between the mystery and the so l by dr gs, shaman or other is deception itself. %erception of The mystery has been likened to oring a hole in the lo e of the ear and pinning it to the door, which has everything to do with hearing as one born of the spirit, or as said in another place, he wa+ens me morning y morning, wa+ens my ear to listen as one eing taught. Go f rther, I have more insight than all my teachers. This insight no more transfers by words than life is known by the dead. Ehen my ear you have opened, ="e$t !B.!0, Isa B7.4, 's 47.-, 's !!6.66> the text p ts on an ephod, b t hears the voice itself.


!o more than a bride knows the mind of her h sband by giving herself to another man before she marries can this be known by taking the so l dr g. The dr gs are known, b t are not a way to know. Dr g clothes will have yo comparing yo r h sband to an idol when yo want to be wholly enveloped, critici4ing him for his acts when he does not act like an idol, for he is in fact the one, the only one to hear.

To s bstit te slogans for ancient tr th and modern"b ilt figments of history, !eb chadne44ar6s giant gold man and the Tro:an Aorse were made, dressy starchitect res more than b ildings, nano scale headless frogs, hybridoma mice, h man4ees, (8< seed and m ch else that idoli4es itself in the contin al transgression of nat re, that steals lives witho t acknowledging the theft, calls it something else. %assers"by can see the g ilt"harnessed bridges p lled into space, avant"garde pop #abel, $ schwit4 g lag, Fdesaparecidos,F prison camps, experiments, infrastr ct res of death, m tants of high tech. ! nca masC Gcience, politics, religion and myth exist to f rther this ;mperor Ghibboleth in worship of the Gelf"immortal slogan. (ods and the transformation of men into gods by g r s combined, 'oman worship of the state and the s n, this proper service wo ld promise entrance to the 8ilky Eay, like an entrance to the (olden $ge. It6s easy to manip late a cas al reader into something partially tr e, in this case that, >most books of the <ld Testament speak of 9the gods< as existing realitiesTreal spirit al beings with minds of their own? /8cDermott. pdf2, >divine reality.? Go what to make of these gods3 The s perstr ct res of this view tower over the landscape, creating shadows. They are inhabited by a diverse gro p from 'ichard Dawkins to =reational 8onotheists, whoever they are, and seek in their b ildings of rhetoric means to circ mscribe even Isaiah /note *2, conflating elements into their own hybrid. # t c t to the chase@ >< 5ahweh o r ;lohim, %donim /Dords2 instead of Thee have had dominion over sJ b t by Thee only will we make mention of Thy name. They are deified men, they shall not liveJ they are deceased, they shall not rise@ therefore hast tho visited and destroyed them, and made all memory to perish? /Isaiah *9. 1-"14, $. #. Traina and M7K2. !ot to disrespect the gods, these adonim are compared to men, sometimes called false gods, who do not rise, as opposed to men and 8essiah who do. ;4ekiel says, >in the pride of yo r heart yo$ say, 9I am a godJ I sit on the throne of a god in the heart of the seasBB$t yo$ are a man and not a


godB will yo then say, >I am a god,? in the presence of those who kill yo 3 5o will be b t a man, not a god, in the hands of those who slay yo ? /;4. *0. -f, 1, !IK2 This concerning the king of Tyre is all the more addressed to the chief god of 8ammon, #aal and Gat rn, the one who was >in ;den, the garden of (odJ every precio s stone adorned yo Bamong the fiery stonesBblameless in all yo r ways from the day yo were created, till wickedness was fo nd in yo Band yo$ will be no more? /1- f, !IK2.
/Irom ! mber of the (ods here2

It is abs rd in this revival to talk abo t gods. 8en and women and children of earth are the Gons of (od. ;arth is the Dord6s, as the %salm says. Go all these hidden things were never meant to be. ;ven if they are the means of secret knowledge and power, we are not made for secrets. Want to know what comes next( Cour eliefs are irrelevant! $tart with the te7t, don't 8uestion the facts! Don't say I elieve this, not that! The 8uestion mar+s the trail! #airns can e relied on, ut they don't tell where it goes! Cou only find out at the end! $o follow the facts! *hat does the te7t say happened, not what do I elieve a out the te7t6
Disco nt the Gmooth. It helps when someone tells the tr th. Gome lies are so adept and powerf l they are believed. $ lie ndiscerned is always smooth. Disco nt the smooth and examine the ro gh so deception can be known. #elieve yo r int itions and ears, not yo r belief. $sk of bats that if they see with their ears do they hear with their eyes3 %eafo his todaelde means >pl nder his entire ho se,F for when Fa strong man armed keeps his palace, his goods are in peace@ b t when a stronger than he shall overcome him, he takes from him all his armor wherein he tr sted, and divides his spoils.? %eafo despoils the strong man. %eafo His Todaelde! Dindisfarne and Eycliffe (ospels, Gt. D ke 11.**. Tyndale says, JGothli if a strongere comynge above overcome him, he schal tak a wey alle his armeris, in which he tristide, and schal dele abrood his sp ylis.F

Cou shall +now who I am says Cah when I ring you up out of your grave! $o while the sacrificers of men are +issing the calves they ma+e with their hands, ta+e your words and render the calves of your lips, neither will we say with the wor+ of your hands, much less the wor+ of your minds; you shall revive as corn!" Hosea D; @O;@X

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