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Codes and conventions of a teen horror

Conventions are the things we expect to see in particular genres.

Codes are systems of signs, which create meaning.

Last man standing

Within every teen horror there is a common occurring feature which is to have a Last man standing. An example of this is within Nightmare On Elm Street. The female character shown on the right is left on her own to kill the killer; Freddy Kruger.

An evil villain
A main ingredient of a teen horror is to have a villain. These are normally disturbed characters who kill as payback to those within the film.

Another main feature of a teen horror is to have most of the action scenes within darkness. This adds to the characters vulnerability.

Teen horrors display a recurring theme of violence throughout each film, this may be a killer inflicting violence on one of the main characters or a serious of violent happenings to the main characters inflicted by the mise en scene.

Group of teens
In a teen horror the storyline always follows a group of teens

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