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30/11/2011 - Whilst doing incline ys at the gym, felt a sharp snapping pain in my right shoulder.

The area became numb, and my bicep bruised almost immediately. Straight away ice was applied and my pec became swollen. Later that afternoon, in A&E, I was told I had strained my chorachobraciallis and sent away with pain killers and anti-inammatory drugs.

01/12/2011 - I was sure I had torn my pec, but was hoping it wasn't that bad. But knew if it was torn it needed surgery as soon as possible for the best results. The bruising on my bicep had gotten worse, my pec was still swollen and visibly deformed. I returned to A&E, insisting to see a specialist. I was referred to the orthopaedic department and further investigations started. My arm was in a triangular bandage for about 10days after the injury, which I took a break from training. I couldn't abduct my arm, or rotate my shoulder without pain. Whilst laid back, abduction against gravity could not be done, regardless of the pain for the next 3weeks.

I don't know the dates, but I had a further 2 appointments with consultants who told me the injury was just a strain. However, they agreed to send me for an MRI scan just to make sure. Meanwhile I began physiotherapy, 5weeks after the injury I had full range of motion in my shoulder, could do most pulling movements, and could military press, but not use dumbbells (I could train legs as normal). However, I couldn't perform a single pushup, or bench press more then 40kg.

At this point I was no longer doing any martial arts or other sports, getting frustrated with the long delay in diagnosis and treatment.

During the next 4weeks, I comfortably Squatted 165kg, Deadlifted 180kg(pec limited going any heavier) and strict pressed 80kg, all weighing around 73/4kg. Whilst still having no strength in my chest.

I continued to train 2-3 times/week, limiting the number of exercises, trying to get in and out of the gym before my pec started getting in the way: Day 1: Standing press(5/3/1), 2 pulling movements & optional some kind of arm work. Day 2: Squats(5/3/1), Hamstring curls and squats for reps. Day 3: Decit deadlifts(5/3/1), Glute-Ham Raises, Romanian deadlifts. Running/jogging 2-3x/week After 7weeks, and doing a lot more research into what I was convinced I had done, it looked more and more like surgery was the only option. At this point, I decided to try gain some weight, as I had read a study showing areas carrying more adipose tissue are more likely to heal with less of a scar(vain, yes, I know!). And likely been disproved.. But who could turn down eating more... I got up to 76/77kg and decided to stay around this weight until a month or so postop(providing they would do it for me). All was left to do was to wait for the scan, and results. 20/01/2012 - I had my MRI scan. Finally things were happening! 06/02/2012 - 10weeks after the injury! MRI scan results are back. The sternal head of my right pectoralis major is completely ruptured at the muscle-tendon junction. This is the rst time my doctor has seen this happen...

07/02/2012 - I meet with the surgeon, and head of orthopaedics. In the consulting room, there is; The surgeon, his registrar, a 5th year medical student, a nurse and a student nurse. He takes me through my MRI images, followed by physically examining my pectoral, along with some muscle power tests. We decide surgery is the best choice, if it works I will be able to return to sport, if it doesn't, I'm back to where I was so haven't lost anything. He is condent he can stitch the muscle back to the tendon, but stresses that the operation will depend on what he nds when he gets inside. We schedule for surgery the next day. I have standard tests done in preparation. I'm told not to eat or drink after 8pm, and to ring the hospital at 7.30am the next day. I then spend the rest of the day making arrangements to move back into my parents house, as well as keeping the university updated on what's happening.

08/02/2012 - Time to get xed! I arrived at the hospital at around 9, got checked in etc, told I would be going in at 2.30. At 11.00 I'm told they're taking me down early. 11.30 and I'm in the operating theatre, the anaesthetist starts the entinox, 1st breath he says 'you will be out in a few minutes' 2nd breath I see the surgeon and say morning, 3rd breath all I hear is 'try keep your eyes open' and I'm out... When I woke up, the rst thing I remember saying was 'did it work, is it xed?', apparently I felt the need to repeat myself several times.. The joys of morphine! The nurses assured me everything was ok and that the Dr would come see me soon. The surgeon came and spoke to me, told me everything went better then expected, the operation had lasted 4 and a half hours and he was pleased. The rest of the day I lazed about on the ward before being discharged that night. I had my arm now in a brace, and dressing over my shoulder. That was the easy part done..

10/02/2012 - Two days later, I was due to change the dressing, and wash around the area. This didn't go so well. Whilst removing the dressing, the wound opened up and began to bleed. Back to hospital.. The nurse used some steri strips to close up the opening part, and re-dressed it for me. The cut wasn't as bad as I was expecting and looked a lot neater.

14/02/2011 - The day to take the dressing off, again. This time it worked. The cut isn't that bad and has kept closed. But I decided to keep it covered for another few days as I've gone back to UNI.

17/02/2012 - 2 days no medication! Taken off the 3rd dressing today and intend to keep it off. The cut is vey small and should hopefully heal up quickly and cleanly.

18/02/2012 - First shower, took about an hour. Couldn't properly clean the area but it still looks much better.

19/02/2012 - Chilled out day, sore around my right triceps. My pec was twitching more then usual. No idea why.

20/02/2012 - Managed to get properly washed so looks even better. 75.7kg - 235/280/86 - 2745

21/02/2012 - 75.5kg - had to take a picture of the awesome food.

23/02/2012 - 19th BIRTHDAY!

24/02/2012 - Managed to get a T-shirt on underneath my brace today, cut looking even better. The swelling has also started going down. I've got an appointment next Wednesday with the consultant, hopefully he will ok me to start training(legs) again! 27/02/2012 - Muscle wastage is becoming more apparent on my right side along with fat gain.

29/02/2012 - Appointment with a different consultant. Got the stitches trimmed down, and been told to start light movements at the elbow/wrist. Also been given the go-ahead to train legs, providing I only use machines and don't jar my pec. My elbow has been sore, but that's just from not using it. I'm still in the brace 99% of the time and have another appointment next week. The pictures you can see the asymmetry, and the nice little gut I'm developing...

01/03/2012 - Gym - Cycle 5K, few light machines for left side of upper body, cycle 5K stretch. 02/03/2012 - Gym - Cycle 5K, 10 x 10 hamstring curls, 5 x 10 single leg extensions, Cycle 5K, Foam roll legs and lower back & Stretch. 03/03/2012 - No training, woke up with my arm somehow out of the brace and it feels good, pec looks less 'saggy' and more like it should. Still bruised and swollen around the cut. Il start tracking weight every few days, in the next week or so il start sorting my nutrition out. I should probably be around 70/71kg, my body-fat is more then likely in the

high teens, now surgery is done it doesn't need to be this high, il probably lower it to 10-12% over the next few months . Today's weight: 75.3kg

04/03/2012 - Rest day, arm/pec looks and feels pretty good.

05/03/2012 - Cycle 5k, 10 x 5 hamstring curls, 5 x 5 leg extensions, 5 x 10 calf press. Pictures:

06/03/2012 - Am - some leg extensions, one arm upper body stuff, very light. Pm - Cardio 07/03/2012 - Smith machine squats (one arm) up to 140kg for a few ATG singles. 10/03/2012 - Safety bar squats, up to 135kg x 1

11/03/2012 - Will start monitoring weight/food tomorrow.

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