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Noninvasive breast cancer. A, Lobular carcinoma in situ (LCIS).

The neoplastic cells are small with compact, bland nuclei and are distending the acini but preserving the cross-sectional architecture of the lobular unit. B, Ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS), solid type. The cells are larger than in LCIS and are filling the ductal rather than the lobular spaces. However, the cells are contained within the basement membrane of the duct and do not invade the breast stroma. C, DCIS, comedo type. In comedo DCIS, the malignant cells in the center undergo necrosis, coagulation, and calcification. D, DCIS, cribriform type. In this type, bridges of tumor cells span the ductal space and leave round, punched-out spaces. A. Lobular carcinoma in situ (LCIS). Tampak sel kanker yang kecil dan padat dengan inti yang halus menyebabkan pembengkakan acini tetapi tetap memperlihatkan struktur dari lobules B. Ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS), tipe padat, tampak sel kanker yang lebih besar dari LCIS dan telah mengisi duktus dan melewati lobus. Sel kanker berisi sel epitel membrane basal dari duktus tetapi belum mencapai stroma dari payudara C. DCIS. Tipe Komedo

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