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Sequencing Unit Plan Day 1 FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT Writing prompt: Describe your ideal day.

Discuss as a class what the word ideal means. Give examples. Brainstorm some ideas for activities for an ideal day. Think-pair-share. Post on the board for students to reference. Writing time: 20-30 minutes. Day 2 Read Aloud: The Mitten Discuss sequencing: All stories have a beginning, middle and end. After reading, use graphic organizer to record the beginning, middle and end of The Mitten. Record events in order. Writing Time Students revisit their writing. Students fill out a graphic organizer about their ideal day, organized by 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc events. 20-30 minutes writing time. Day 3 Discuss transition words. How do we make the story move from one event to another? Record transition words that we know on the board. (Then, next, after that, before, after, last, finally) Reread The Mitten. Note any transition words. Writing time Students circle all of the transition words in their original writing. Students add transition words to their writing to make it more interesting. 15-20 minutes writing time Day 4 Writing time: Students work with a partner and read each others work to add transition words if needed. Students begin on a rough and final copy for their ideal day, including transitions, at least 5 main events, and a clear beginning, middle and end.

Scoring Rubric Content: Beginning, middle, end. 3 The writing has a clear beginning, middle and end. The writer uses a variety of transition words throughout the story. There are five or more events. Little to no errors for spelling and grammar. 2 The beginning, middle and end are present, but not clear. The writer uses some transition words, but lacks variety. 1 There is no beginning, middle or end.

Content: Transition words

There are little to no transition words.

Content: 5 key events Spelling and Grammar

There are 3-4 events. Few spelling or grammatical errors.

There are less than 3 events. Many spelling and grammatical errors, distracts from the writing.

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