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‫ב פרק ב הלכה ג גמרא‬/‫מסכת שקלים דף ט‬
‫ר' ברכיה ר' לוי בשם רבי שמעון בן לקיש לפי שמכרו בכורה של רחל בעשרים‬
‫כסף יהיה כל אחד ואחד פודה את בנו בכורו בעשרים כסף ר' פנחס בשם ר' לוי‬
‫לפי שמכרה בכורה של רחל בעשרים כסף ונפל לכל א' וא' מהם טבעה לפיכך‬
‫יהיה כל אחד ואחד נותן שקלו טבעה‬

Sons to Yaacov 12
Binyomin was too young to be involved in the sale -1
One more son was not involved (either Yosef or Reuben) -1
Total sons to receive a portion of the payment

Yosef was sold for silver coins 20

4 silver coins or zuz = one shekel
Total numbers of shekels received
Hint: the atonement is done by each of our first-borns

Therefore, each of the sons received how many shekels?

Hint: the atonement for B’nai Yisrael for the sale of Yosef, came at the time of the
building of the Mishkan.

‫ב אמר רב לעולם אל ישנה אדם בנו בין הבנים‬/‫מסכת שבת דף י‬
‫שבשביל משקל שני סלעים מילת שנתן יעקב ליוסף יותר משאר בניו‬
‫נתקנאו בו אחיו ונתגלגל הדבר וירדו אבותינו למצרים‬
The Baali Tosfos and Daas Z’keinim both say that this was not a coat but rather a wrist band
(passim, pas yado). Thus, understand the above Gemara that only two “selah” coins weight of silk,
lead Yosef’s brothers to become jealous and resulted in our forefathers’ decent into Egypt.
Why did Yaacov give him the k’sones passim?
Yosef had brought the bad report about his brothers to Yaacov. Yaacov wished to remind him to
speak well of others, but did so indirectly with a garment of two selah. (Megillah 18a):
Speech is worth one “selah”, then
Remaining quiet is worth two

Tosfos HaSholeim says the letters of the word “‫ ”פסים‬foretell how long Yosef would be a viceroy in
Egypt. ‫ פ‬is for eighty years (as Yosef become viceroy at 30 years old)
‫סים‬ lived a total of 110 years


Sons to Yaacov 12
Binyomin was too young to be involved in the sale -1
One more son was not involved (either Yosef or Reuben) -1
Total sons to receive a portion of the payment

Yosef was sold for silver coins 20

4 silver coins or zuz = one shekel
Total numbers of shekels received
Hint: the atonement is done by each of our first-borns

Therefore, each of the sons received how many shekels?

Hint: the atonement for B’nai Yisrael for the sale of Yosef, came at the time of the 2
building of the Mishkan.

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