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“Alternative energy”

1. Definition

Alternative Energy is defined as : non-fossil-fuel power sources

"alternative energy." Encyclopædia Britannica. 2008. Encyclopædia Britannica

Online. 08 Jul. 2008

2. Interpretation

Alternative Energy is an inclusive term that has several different aspects. It is not
limited to a specific resource but instead is many.

3. Violation

The affirmative team is not inclusive in their interpretation of alternative energy but
instead limits it to only one source of alternative energy. The affirmative team must
increase alternative energy-as a whole- incentives and not just one source of
alternative energy like solar power.

4. Standards

A. Term of Art: Alternative Energy should be defined as a phrase and not separate
words or the possibilities for affirmative teams are endless.

B. Every Word Has Meaning – The phrase alternative energy was put in the
resolution for a reason and a specific purpose. If the resolution wanted specific
source incentives to be increased it would have called for it by name, for ex. Solar
energy incentives.

C. Vacuum – Topicality is specifically for plan text and as such it is the only thing
you should look at. When looking at plan text, you clearly see the affirmative only
increases solar energy incentives and not alternative energy incentives as a whole.

5. Voters

A. A priori – Topicality is the first issue in a debate and should be considered before
any other arguments. It is the first thing the affirmative should’ve considered when
creating a case.

B. Jurisdiction – As a judge you are not allowed to vote for a non-topical case. To
do so would mean you still would not vote for the resolution, thereby voting

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