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Monthly Plan Teacher (Write full name) _Patricia Vzquez Castillo_ School: Jos Trinidad Martnez Rivas Month


Grade (Do a planner per grade) __3P___ Unit __4/A___

Social Practice (Use it, as it appears in the Syllabus): Give and recibe information about ones own and others physical appearance./ Give and receive information about oneself and

Specific Competency (Use it, as it appears in the Syllabus): Language and communication/Identify information about ones own and others physical appearance Achievement ( Its outcomes cannot be modified, replaced or deleted): At the end of this unit students will be able to recognize, distinguish, and copy human parts of the body. Identifies parts of the human body by listening to their names. Distinguishes questions from answers when listening to them. Copies names of body parts. Identifies how many and which letters ones own name has. Achievement (aprendizajes esperados) cannot be modified, replaced or deleted. Done! Environment: (Familiar and community, educational and academic, or literary and ludic) Familiar and community Product (Use the Syllabus' products. Distribute its stages, week by week, until accomplish them): Human body-parts./Posters of the human body Draw ones own or others silhouettes on a poster. Include images of body parts that allow students to distinguish personal characteristics (i.e. eyes, nose, mouth, torso, legs, etc.). Add the written names of body parts. Decorate the posters. Display the posters inside or outside the classroom.Done! Class Types of Contents. Didactic sequence. Purpose of the class. Doing Knowing Being T will play the song if your happy and you know it emphasizing hands and feet, then T will present vocabulary with flashcards. T will show the hand flascard while asking what is it? Ss are expected to answer in spanish T will encourage Ss to remember the song and complete the phrase If your happy and you know it clap your ________ Ss are expected to asnwer hands T will help if needed. Then T will show the body parts flashcards while asking Ss what is it? Ss are expected to answer in spanish, T wil have the class to say it in english head, hand, mouth, shoulders, arm, leg and foot Then Ss will make a body poster copying their own bodys. T will review vocabulary with flashcards. T will introduce new vocabulary such as: eyes, ears, mouth and nose. Then Ss will complete the posters drawing the eyes, ears, mouth and nose. Class will do a choral repetition while pointing the

poster then T will ask Ss to touch their head, shoulders, knees, toes, eyes, ears, mouth and nose T will play a song about body parts. Head & shoulders knees and toes Ss touch thier body parts while singing. T will encourage Ss to sing the song while touching the body parts. T will do a vocabulary review T will encourage Ss to pass at the poster in order to name a body part while pointing it. T will help if needed, every student must participate. Class will sing head and shoulders knees and toes. Ss will color Rosa and Antonio in Think in english activity book page 48. T will introduce a new word hair T will draw hair on the poster and will have the class repeat hair then T will say I have a long hair while touching her hair, T will ask Ss who has long hair Girls are expected to raise their hands, then T will point a boy and say he has short hair, raise your hand if you have short hair. T will set a race boys againts girls. T will paste body parts flashcards around the classroom, T will say hand Ss have to run and touch the hand flascard. Every Ss must participate. T will read Rapunzel story Then T will ask Ss what color is Rapunzels hair?, Is it long? T will ask as many questions as she can about all the characters. T will show a poster of a boy and a girl, T will describe them Rosa has long hair, Antonio has short hair, Rosa has brown eyes, Antonio has blue eyes, T will encourage Ss to describe themselves I have brown hair, I have brown eyes I have long hair. T will play a game T will say a body part while touching a different one Ss have to touch the correct, T will encourage Ss to pass and do the same. T will write the body parts on the poster then T will encourage Ss to read the words. Ss will write the names of the body parts on their own book page 52. T will do a body parts review T will point the body parts on the poster and the class will name them . T will provide Ss with different body parts words and have to paste them on their own body poster. T will encourage Ss to read the words while pointing them. T will ask Ss to draw their hands. Ss will draw, color and cut, then T will teach them a rhyme: This is my right hand Ill raise it up high (Ss will

raise their right paper hand) this is my left hand Ill touch the sky (Ss will raise their left paper hand) right hand, left hand roll them around (Ss will raise right hand and then left hand) left hand right hand pound pound pound (Ss will raise left hand then right hand) T will do a vocabulary review T will encourage Ss to pass at the poster in order to name a body part while pointing it. Then T will teach play the hockey pokey song Class will read the body parts. Then Class will play memory game making pairs words with image. T will provide each student with a word: hand or head or foot or mouth. Ss will paste the words on the poster on the correct place. Then Ss will read the words on their own books page 53, and make a drawing acoording to the word. Circulo de estudio 12 Assessment Instruments: T will take notes on the daily evaluation sheets. Notes:
(If you didn't accomplish the Unit's aims, continue the following month. Add a brief explanation in notes).



Class will sing head and shoulders knees and toes. hockey pokey and This is my right hand as much as possible. At the beginning of the unit T will send the unit vocabulary. As a homework Ss will study the unit vocabulary everyday. I'm proud of you, Teacher! =)


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