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Name _____________________________________________Date:


Gorillas in the Mist:

DIRECTIONS: Write a summary of the movie that is at least 3 paragraphs in length.
Incorporate the statements/questions below in you answer.
Things to consider in your summary:

How well prepared was Dian Fossey for her work in Africa? Give examples.
How deep was her training in biology/zoology? How did this affect her work?
How did her work as a physical therapist help her in getting close to the gorillas?
Describe her personality and how it both helped and prevented her from studying and
protecting the gorillas.
How well did she treat Simbagari and the other Congolese/Rwandan workers?
Her relationship with Bob Campbell illustrated a conflict in her life. What was this
She could have interacted with the Batwa differently. Explain how this may have
helped her and helped protect the gorillas.
What was her relationship with the Rwandan government?
Describe what you learned AND observed about gorillas and how they live
Tell what happened to Dian at the end of the movie and who do you think was
responsible for this.


Name _____________________________________________Date:




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