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The Taboo of The Healing Drugs

DISCLAIMER: I do not condone nor recommend involvement in any illegal activities. I do not suggest nor recommend the ingestion of any plant or chemical that may be considered dangerous or poisonous. Please adhere to your local laws. Always consult a physician before attempting any diet or new treatment.

The human race is young, and with our youth comes ignorance. Ignorance, bias, and fear are damaging and cancerous elements of our psyche. However, we are also filled with a drive to work toward betterment and higher values. It would seem that the stumbling blocks of ignorance are mere obstacles strategically placed on the road to wisdom and our journey on road to wisdom is driven by the desire to see a better world. Navigating and overcoming these obstacles seem to be a requirement for advancement. Let us advance and overcome this mountainous misconception concerning the nature and use of hallucinogenic drugs. All drugs have a purpose. Opiates and cannabinoids relieve sever pain, steroids are used to speed up healing processes and help with certain cancers, amphetamine salts help adults with attention deficits, and hallucinogens catalyze psychological and emotional healing. There exists a beautiful healing drug called ibogaine. Ibogaine is derived from the bark of the tabernanthe iboga root native to Central Africa. There have been thousands of studies surrounding the chemistry of this drug and its powerful effects on addiction. Ibogaine has been shown to offer 20 years or more of an addiction-free life for nearly 90% of recovered addicts who have participated in a mere 3 day ibogaine treatment. Ibogaine has also shown to effectively eliminate all withdrawal symptoms within minutes after it is ingested. Sadly, in the United States ibogaine is illegal. The reason? Ibogaine is a hallucinogen. We are still in the shadows of a great misunderstanding caused by years and years of fearful propaganda and misinformation concerning hallucinogens. The good news is that this shadow is beginning to retreat. More and more people are setting their tainted ideas about drugs and hallucinogens aside. The evidence is piling up and hundreds of thousands of people are dismounting their addictions and leaving them behind with the help of this awesome drug. Ibogaine, however, is not alone. There are hundreds, if not thousands, of hallucinogenic drugs that have been shown to have excitingly similar effects on addiction. Peyote, LSD, psilocybin, DMT, and many other sacred and healing chemicals also appear to have properties that allow a person to make peace with their own pasts and leave addiction in the dust. Why would one decide to chose a psychedelic experience over meditation? There are many reasons for this. People who are currently entertaining an addiction usually find themselves in a situation wherein the requirements to engage in a regular meditation practice are difficult to adhere to. For a great many people, the addict lifestyle is somewhat chaotic. Finding personal quiet time is difficult. When recovering addicts are not intoxicated, the prolonged use of their drug of choice may have caused a cumulative effect on some of their cognitive abilities. Nonetheless, I strongly recommend meditation during the times of least intoxication. Another reason is due to the pressures and constraints of our society. Many people who are

whisked away by the long arm of the law find themselves in drug courts and on probation with an expectation to produce clean drug tests immediately from the very second they enter these programs. This poses several problems. They become victims of a situation where their addiction is still overpowering with damaging looming consequences should they relapse. Often this means the recovering addict will be sanctioned or forced into jails and prisons where anxiety is high and they are surrounded by others who are haunted by their addictions. The very act of such incarceration only creeps deeper into the original psychological wounds of the afflicted. This is extremely damaging. The pathway to recovery is not fear, nor incarceration. These are only additional psychological stresses and wounds that end up taking even more time to heal. These afflicted persons are then thrown into strict rehabilitation programs that do not teach proper meditations. In fact, in all of my time in probationary programs and drug court, I was never taught a sensible meditation or mind technique. The reason is that none of these people are seasoned meditation practitioners and they do not understand true deep meditation from personal, subjective experience thus they cannot properly teach it. Looking back, the tools I was taught by program councilors and court employees could not even hold a candle to true beginning meditation techniques. These healing drugs should never be used continuously. The prolonged use of hallucinogens have negative effects just like any other drug. The healing hallucinogens should be used as a base platform to start from. They are a helping hand reaching down to the fallen. They are a shoulder to lean on until you have enough strength to stand on your own. Addiction drains energy and weakens the mind and body. Hallucinogens are the friends that help you up, clean your wounds, and send you on your way. Once a recovering addict is well enough to abstain from their addiction without the help from the hallucinogenic healers, it becomes time to bid the healing drugs farewell and delve deeper into their meditation practices. Hallucinogens can help you half-way, but it is the meditation that will truly allow you to completely purge yourself of the old damages and forever free yourself from the chains of addiction. When one is to attempt a healing drug experience, there are a few ground rules. Always include a trusted loved one. Someone you would trust your life to. This person should babysit you in a quiet, meditation friendly environment. It is also a good idea to have a medical practitioner there to watch over you in the case of an emergency. Plan your experience days, weeks, even months ahead of time and reflect on the purpose of your coming experience several times before you do it. Plant your intention to uncover the hidden wounds and heal them. Set your intention that you will be freed from your addiction. This will etch your purpose into your subconscious mind. When the experience happens, you will take your first big step toward a full recovery. This is a fascinating link to a video about ibogaine:

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