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MacBeth Contemporary Adaptation Adam Amini At the same time as Sophia MacBeth, assistant editor of a top New York

k fashion magazine, The Vision secures an interview with one of the newest up and coming designers, an editor for the magazine, Francis Cawdor, is found dead in suspicious circumstances. As a result of these two things, Sophia is promoted to replace the deceased editor by Anne-Marie Autumn; the ruthless editor-in-chief. While having a celebratory lunch with her friend (and Anne-Maries personal assistant) Benito Carlotta, they are greeted by and talk with three models who often work with the magazine, who are renowned for their insight in, knowledge and execution of fashion trends. The three models tell them that they see a lot of potential in Sophia, and that she definitely will become editor in chief someday, and that Benito will one day have influence over what is considered high fashion. After a phone call with her husband, Leicester, Sophia finds out that Anne-Marie has invited herself over for dinner, wanting to get to know her new editor on a personal level. After telling her husband about the models predictions, she makes him understand the importance of why she needs to make a good impression on her boss. Leicester is addicted to an unspecified drug which Sophia pays for and while taking it to relax decides that the best course of action is to kill Anne-Marie, so that Sophia can be promoted to editor in chief. Without telling Sophia he poisons Anne-Marie at dinner. Upon her dying, he explains the plan to Sophia and gives her some of the drug to relax her, as they cover up the murder to make it look accidental. Sophia is eventually promoted to editor-in-chief. Now addicted to the drug, Sophia begins having paranoid hallucinations of her old boss and also begins tormenting herself regarding the models other prediction, involving Benitos future power. To get him taken out of the business Sophia begins sneaking him some of the unnamed drug so that overtime he becomes addicted, meaning that once she stops he suffers with erratic behaviour and is eventually sectioned as nobody knows he is suffering with withdrawal. Upon seeing the models again, Sophia is congratulated with her success, but also told that competition could arise in another assistant editor called Eloise MacBane, who shows similar qualities to Sophia, but she is told not to worry, and that Eloise will never make it high up in The Vision. At the same time, due to guilt over the murder, Leicester had begun

to have hallucinations and growing paranoia. Their marriage now strained (due to his paranoia and Sophias working habits), they have a breakdown in communication. His behaviour leads him into therapy where he confesses to the murder, not mentioning Sophias guilt, and is arrested. He kills himself in custody due to withdrawal from the drugs. The Vision is then discredited and shut down in an article which reveals information about the drug habits and personal troubles of Sophia (who is arrested for the drug abuse and her involvement in the murder is realised) and Benito, (who is now out of therapy, making a comeback with increased publicity after his very public troubles). Eloise, as it reveals, was an undercover reporter who actually worked for a local newspaper. She is then employed as editor in chief of a rival magazine, eventually gaining the power supermodels predicted.

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