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Math Challenge

Guidelines and Mechanics

1. Make sure all pupils have registered. Make them write their name and
school on the test paper. Pupils of the same grade must be in the room for
the test.
2. Contestants in a testing room must be of the same grade/level.
Contestants from the same school must not sit beside each other nor one
behind the other.
3. Contestants are not allowed to bring cellphone, ipad, ipod, camera, and
the like inside the testing room.
4. The proctor shall distribute first the scratch papers where the
contestants shall solve the problems. Contestants write their names in
all the scratch papers.
5. Before distributing the test papers, the proctor should tell the
contestants that they should write only their name and school on the
test paper. No one should begin answering the questions unless the
proctor gives the signal to do so.
6. The proctor tells the contestants that only the final answers must be
written on the test paper. All solutions shall be placed on the scratch
papers which should also be turned over to the proctor together with
the test paper.
7. The proctor informs the contestants of the time limit for the test, He/She
gives the signal for the contestants to begin. Then, he writes on the
board “Time STarTed: ____ “ Time endS: ____ “.
8. Duration for the test:
Grade/ Level Time Allotment
Grade 1 and II 60 minutes
Grade lll and IV 80 minutes
Grade V and VI 100 minutes

9. Proctor gives 15 minutes and 5 minutes warning before the time is up. All
test and scratch papers should be collected when the time is up.
10. If any pupils submit the paper before the time, the proctor shall accept
it and ask the pupils to leave the classroom. The proctor shall collect
all papers when the time is up and will not allow any extension.

Guidelines and Mechanics

1. One whole white sheet of cartolina will be used.

2. The margin iS 1” x 1” x 1” x 2”. USe pentel pen for the margins only.
3. Use cray pass or crayons.
4. No letters or captions are used except letters representing the
Roman Numerals.
5. Time limit is two hours.
6. Write the theme at the bottom using pentel pen or pencil.
Note: The contestants must provide their own materials.

Criteria for Judging:

Symmetry/ Compsition ------------------------------------ 30 %

Visual Impact ----------------------------------------- 20%

Originality ------------------------------------------- 20%

Creativity ------------------------------------------- 20%

Relevance to the theme ----------------------------------- 10%

TOTAL ----------------------- 100%

District MKP

Guidelines and Mechanics

1. Number of participants: 8 - 10
2. Participants should perform series of dance steps resembling
mathematical symbols and formations which are given life through body
movements utilizing their arms, legs, hands and head. Only hand props
are allowed. Any type of music will do (medley, remix, etc.
3. each participating school shall prepare 3 copies of the mathematical
symbols in order of their appearance during the performance.
4. Performance time shall be at least 4 minutes but not exceed 5 minutes
excluding entrance and exit. A point shall be deducted from the total
score for every 30 seconds that exceeds.
5. Stunts are strictly prohibited. Violation of such will automatically be
disqualified from the contest.
6. Decision of the board of judges shall be final and unappealable.

Criteria for Judging

Mathematical Appeal (includes clarity of symbols interpreted in dance steps) ----- 40%

Choreography (Uniqueness of steps & appropriateness of symbols) ------------ 25%

Synchronization ------------------------------------------- 25%

Costume and overall Impact ----------------------------------- 10%

TOTAL 100%
Math jingles

Guidelines and mechanics

1. A minimum of 10 participants.
2. Time limit is 2 minutes excluding the exit and entrance.
3. Wear school uniform up to Division level.

Criteria for Judging:

Delivery ----------------------------------------------- 15%

Voice Quality ------------------------------------------- 30%

Choreography ---------- --------------------------------------- 25%

Originality -------------------------------------------- 15%

Relevance to the theme ------------------------------------ 15%

TOTAL ------------------------- 100%

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