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Wagner, Katie%


Subject: Attachments:
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Wagner, Katie Tuesday, March 22, 2011 3:28 PM Bowlin, Elizabeth FW: NEW SOW for SNL to perform analysis and technical assistances related to Fukushima .. ' 6 SjNL Fukushima & U.S. Reactors Assessment SOW.docx-% P





From: Lee, Richard Sent: Tuesday, March 22, 2011 2:56 PM To: Wagner, Katie Subject: NEW SOW for SNL to perform analysis and technical assistances related to Fukushima Dear Katie: Attached is the draft tasks for the said SOW that we were asked to prepare. You are the PM, and the PI at SNL is Randy Gauntt. Besides you (and other administrative staff). Others who should be receiving the monthly reports are: Hossein Esmaili, Mike Salay, Jason Schaperow, and Charles Tinkler. Please work with Sarah to have this in place very soon. Thanks, Richard

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Task 1: Fukushima Dai-cihi event analysis for station blackout 1.1 Fukushima Dai-ichi Reactor Assessment Perform an evaluation of Fukushima Unit 1 to 4 SBO sequences. These sequences are longterm station blackout sequences with variations between reactors that have isolation condenser designs or turbine-driven RCIC designs. Analyses are needed to evaluate effect of initial loss of offsite power, shutdown and emergency generator operation followed by flooding induced site blackout with station battery depletion or interruption for battery replacement, accounting for duration of RCIC operation. Analyses are required to evaluate operator actions and for suppression pool saturation and extent of core damage, hydrogen generation, and fission product release expected. In addition, evaluation of steam, hydrogen and fission product release to reactor building for containment venting operations, and source term release to environment is required in order to validate best estimate models of broad class of US BWR fleet. Estimated Level of effort: 100 staff-hours Estimated Completion: 3 month from contract placement (subject to available of adequate information from Japan on the event) 1.2 Fukushima Dai-ichi Spent Fuel Pool Analysis Perform accident analysis of spent fuel pool damage in Fukushima Unit 4 pool using fission product inventories available from GE or ORNL considering possible seismic damage and water loss that may have accelerated boildown and fuel damage. Evaluate releases from the pool accidents and compare to available data on dose rates and environmental releases, atmospheric transport, land contamination and health effects. Estimated Level of effort: 40 staff-hours Estimated Completion: 1 month from contract placement Task 2: U.S. reactors event analysis for station blackout 2.1 U.S. BWRs Assessment Based on insights gained from Task 1.1, perform evaluation of select representative reactors in US fleet of BWR's, initially for Mark-1 containments (with/without isolation condenser design), Mark-2 containment, and subsequently for Mark-Ill designs that do not have SBO hydrogen controls in non-inerted containments. Estimated Level of effort: 80 staff-hours Estimated Completion: 1 month from contract placement 2.2 U.S. Spent Fuel Pools Assessment Based on Task 1.2 project this understanding to the relatively more densely populated US fuel pools and evaluate potential source term implications of current pools considering various options for transferring fuel to dry storage. NRC PM approval is required to start this activity. Estimated Level of effort: 40 staff-hours

Estimated Completion: 1 month from completion of Task 1.2 Task 3: Technical Assistance for Emergency Issues Before initiating any effort under this task, the contractor shall request approval by NRC project manager. The contractor shall provide limited technical assistance for emergency issues within the scope of this task. Examples of potential emergency issues include offering technical assistance within the United States and abroad for facilities undergoing potentially severe reactor accidents, and evaluating potential accident sequences and doses for facilities undergoing potentially severe reactor accidents. The contractor shall document the work performed under this task in letter reports. When requested by PM, SNL shall attend meetings related to analyses (Task 1 and 2) and technical assistances provided herein. Estimated Level of effort: 160 staff-hours. Estimated Completion: 9 months from placement of contract

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