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Human Digestive System


of food is the process of changing food eaten from large complex molecules into small simple molecules which can pass through the cell membranes into the cells of the body.

passes through the alimentary canal.


cannal involve mouth, oesophagus, stomach, duodenum, small intestine and large intestine and anus.

Have you ever wondered what happened to this food when you ate? Where does your food go??

Amily is 23 years old that always ate low fiber diet in her daily life. This habit will abuse of laxatives, hormonal disorders, and diseases primarily of other parts of the body that also affect her colon. She have undergoes several worrisome symptoms such as rectal bleeding, abdominal pain and cramps, nausea and vomiting, and involuntary loss of weight. One day, The pain grew more intense and Amily decided to drive herself to the emergency room of her local hospital. After checking, the doctor conclude that Amily was suffering from a case of ??????. Determine that case and list the way to solve this Amilys problem.


Amily have constipation symptom.

The most common causes of constipation include an inadequate intake of water and fiber. To prevent dehydration it is recommended to drink eight, eight ounce glasses of water a day (roughly 1-2 quarts). -Ate variety of fiber. Foods high in fiber in include fruits and vegetables, legumes, lentils and whole grains. A balanced diet loaded with fruits and vegetables should give you enough fiber to satisfy your daily allowance. However, if you still aren't getting enough fiber, then a fiber supplement will be helpful. such as food, vegetables and others

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