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The Alpha Code, by Joe Schroeder

Liner Notes

If the title of this book wasn’t “The Alpha

Code,” it could have been called, “Zen and the
lazy way (and art) of drawing a crowd.”
Not because the Giants who have aspired into the
ALPHA-STATE created their own work-from-home
empires don’t work hard, because they do, they
simply work in a different way.

(1) They work for a loving, not a living.

(2) They have shifted from “recruiter” to


(3) They have shifted from selling to sharing.

Those are the three dimensions that separate

people who are the HUNTERS versus being the
Hunted. Here’s a fourth example—just for fun:

(4) Giants who have tapped into the ALPHA-STATE

have shifted from thinking about money to
thinking about building up other mental
Giants. Sharing MIND-SPEAK. Alpha style.

Go ahead. Spend a week on that last one.

Because if you truly understood #4 and you were

to actually live a life of CREATING INCREASE
into other people’s lives, as Oprah and I do,
you would be so ahead of the curve that life
would become a bowl of cherries for you. It
would almost be like the world tilted for you a
bit. As it has for me obviously.

Here is another inside look at the ALPHA Giants

who sit on top of the food chain.

Use this as reason to pull your chin and to

twist your imagination. Go ahead. Think with me

Another example is, well, when everyone else is

looking at what to do, the people in the ALPHA
STATE are looking at---------what to see.

The Aphrodisiac of Discipline:

When everyone else is complaining about being

too tired or too over worked, the Alpha Giant is
working harder and longer because they actually
get turned on by the discipline that the art
of influence requires.
The Alpha Code

As this book will explore, the Network Marketing

Giants are not doing MLM. They are simply being
more of who they already are and exercising a
part of them that was always there, but not
always awake.

So where the new part-timer is looking for tasks

that need to get done, in order to serve their
employee mind, the Alpha MLM Giant is looking
for more to see, instead of what to do.

You Can’t Pursue What You Can’t See

People who can “see” more than the common man

can see always achieves more POWER. Always. He
has too. Why? It’s because his SIGHT allows him
to see the accumulation of increase and power in
areas that remain darkened for everyone else.

I SAW power in CREATING content that thousands

of other people would pay me to us.

You can’t pursue what you can’t see.

I SAW power and riches in my ability to TEACH

other people how to stand up and RULE.

I saw that if I was able to TEACH ten people how

to rise into the ALPHA STATE---that between us,
we could amass an Army.

And we did. Over 10,000 strong. But it started

with a seeing. My own.

I saw duplication that if I could lace my

Mind within audio CDs. So I created and
wrote 17 hours of audio CDs. That was over
100,000 units sold ago.

You can’t pursue what you can’t see.

The Employee Mind
Alpha Giants know that success is something you
see, not something you do. However, the mind of
the traditional employee, who suddenly begins on
this path of global distribution (how’s that for
a fancy name for multi-level!) looks not to see
anything, but to dothedo even harder.

The average persona doesn’t have a working model

of prosperity. They only have a model of work
itself. That’s why they relentlessly ask:

** “What is the system?” Or “What is the task?”

** “Do you have a 1-2-3 step-by-step system?”

Why? BECAUSE the employee has been

conditioned to FOLLOW a set of TASKS
instead of how to use his MIND to
Most people seek to buy a cool list of leads.
I always (yawn) created my own.

Most try to recruit a few people.

I attracted entire teams from other companies.

Most follow.
I always lead.

Most try to get rich or to go F/T.

I was always P/T. I made “MLM” my slave.

For me, this industry was just another income

stream. Nothing more. No emotion. Just business.

Most work from 9 to 5.

By 9 a.m. I have already clocked in four hours.

Most Networkers hammer the phones.

I only speak to people who call me first.

Most MLM types expose and advertise their MLM.

I always hid mine within whatever I
was retailing. Cash turns me on.

I am an Alpha Male. I am always on top.

I am Joe Schroeder.
Son of a Capitalist and a Good News Merchant.

Most people ASK other people to “join” them.
I never needed to ask anyone.

The Mind of a Hercules Recruiter

My system made people ask me, “Hey Big Fella,

mind if I grab an ID# and join your pyramid?”

And I’d reply, “well, I guess so, okay.”

A Prelude To a Dream:

Average Networkers don’t own many books and

tapes from most of the Networking super stars of

Here’s why:

It’s because they don’t think they need

to see anything new. They’re looking for
better pay plans. Not a better set of plans.

They seek better leads.

They seek better compensation plans.

MIND-SPEAK, The Language of Kings:

The Thumb Sucker struggling to make ends meet

does NOT seek a better mind to SORT better
information. They seek NOT the Alpha CODE for
which without, they will NOT and can not ever
learn the source code which would allow them to

** LEAD other people

** Duplicate themselves
** Attract other people
** Maintain a team, even if a crowd showed up.

Hint: I spent five years in libraries and read

over 2,000 books PRIOR to ever building my

Tip: THINKING precedes an action.

A rich person has a rich persons THOUGHT
before they take a rich persons action.

Therefore, the key, if you are listening, is to

grasp the ALPHA STATE and learn how to THINK
more than it’s about what to do.

That’s because LIFE teaches you how to THINK and
THINKING teaches you how to live. Period.

Guys like me are simply better thinkers.

And let this book be evidence of that.

Books. Get The Books.

Meanwhile, the Giant has a library of the “whos

who” in MLM because leaders are readers and they
are anxious to see new things that other
people have seen.

The ALPHA Giant thinks and speaks about ideas

and concepts. Most people just parrot back what
they saw on the news last night or share the
history about their local weather with other
employees who dabble in MLM.

The Giant asks, “what will it look like when I

am done?” The employee mind asks, “what’s your
system?” However, the system that they need is
the system that will unlock their ability to do
what they already know they should have done a
long time ago.

What is multi-level? It’s personal development

with a compensation plan attached to it.

You simply can’t attract the rights kinds of

people and nurture those people into leadership
until you become the right kind of person. Just
can’t be done. Therefore, become the right kind
of person and you begin to attract the right
kinds of people.

Mental Marketing

I am not a Zen master. I don’t take karate,

however I know more about marketing Jujitsu and
mental marketing than I did yesterday.

I am simply a contemporary man who has figured

out that there is no such thing as security.
That’s just a trick of the ego to make you yearn
for everything that you think you need.

An Exercise of The Ego

Here’s an easy exercise to erase frustration.

The next time you ever get frustrated, just ask

yourself this, “what lie am I telling
myself about this situation that is
telling me I need to have something
that my better self doesn’t really
need to have at all?”
That will quiet the ego part of you that is
stomping it’s feet and making you feel that you
need something that you really don’t.

The Anxiety Code Exposed

Frustration is just the ego telling you that you

need what you don’t really need to have.

Do you think that you need the approval of


Think again.

Think you need more money?

Think twice.

Think you need your spouse to agree with your

entrepreneurial mind?

How come?

Maybe their time isn’t Gods time. In life, we

are taught that we never have enough. Good for
Visa and Master-Card. Bad for us.

So we start to yearn and tread-mill for

everything we think we need. In yearning there
is anxiety and struggle.

The Giants always seem to be in such control.

Maybe because they are and they have dumped the

burdens that most people still insist on lugging

The Alpha Experience

Trust me, our way is easier and far more

predictable and of course, more profitable.

I bought a big book once about Zen and I didn’t

have a clue as to what in blazes the guy was
taking about. I bet most westerners are like me
and also have been confused by Zen.

But then the more I read book the more I

realized that my own power and influence has
little to do with “MLM” and everything to do
with how I have been taught to see things.

This awakening or as the Japanese call a

“Satori” is the appeal because of the new sight.

The Third Eye

Which is the Zen of the MLM Giant. They use

their third eye to see things that the untrained
eye never even knew existed.

That’s what Zombie Marketing does. It speaks to

people’s THIRD eye without them being aware that
you are tapping into their predisposed Genetic

“Hey Zombie, Come Here, I Want You.”

Zombie Marketing actually triggers people’s

compliance gene.

Zombie marketing is why you are [here] now

reading this. Because I spoke into you. Which
induced a Genetic Response from you.

Easy stuff. You’re about to become an expert.

Natural Accumulation

What this third eye awakened in me was my own

ability to walk away from the nonsense of MLM
and shift over and towards the flow of natural

And that’s what the MLM Giants have figured out.

People who posses Alpha Speak.

The ALPHA GIANTS have figured out how to
naturally duplicate their ideas, themselves and
what they believe in. Almost like, whatever they
think about comes about!

Organizational Architecture

The variable then is this, it’s that who

they are is driving their success more
than what they are selling.
Do you think being an MLM Giant is mostly about
better ads and better marketing?

I’d think twice on that one.

Here is a lock for you to pick: Are you a

resource or a recruiter? Unlock that and the
world will beat a path to your door.

MLM Guru #112

This isn’t a book on how to be an MLM Guru.

Being a Guru is hard work. You have to buy

everybody dinner all the time and being the
“answer man” can set you up for utter

Remember, the world loves to tear down

those at the top.

Go for being incognito and when the company

president asks you to join them after the annual
convention for some fancy “insider” dinner, just
tilt your hat, thank her and say, “sorry but
they’re running old cartoon episodes of the Big
Bob Square Pants on the tube and I simply can’t
make it.”

That kind of Giant thinking moves you closer to

even more Freedom.

That’s because the less you need your ego

massaged, the freer you become!

Besides, what Millionaire do you know that ever

became a Millionaire because they gave one rip
about what other people thought of them!

What stops people from locating 2,000 new leads
to prospect is that they are afraid of what
those prospects might think about them.

I hope what I just said gave you an “ah-ha” and

that you got what I was saying. Because Zen
isn’t something you learn. You just “get it.”

In an instant. You posses the ALPHA CODE!

It’s where you always needed to be but weren’t

sure it was okay to be there. On top.

It’s a step in the right direction and then

another and another and then, bam---you just are
instead of being someone else.

Other people begin to feel that about you and

they are like, “wow---you’re cool, lets MLM

The Alpha Gene Pool

One more clue. People who have fashioned the

Alpha Gene are on the side of authenticity and
other people are attracted to that. Here is an
exercise in authenticity: An excuse is an
apology. Do you really need love that bad?

“I Apologize, Please Love Me Again!”

Think twice before you ever give people an

excuse. You don’t need to apologize for not
living up to other people’s demands on you.
Besides, you can’t make money and make excuses
at the same time. NEVER EXCUSE YOURSELF.

Finally, if you play this game right, you can

use MLM and the mechanics of this industry to
make an absolute bundle. I have.

Then, you high tail it off to some island

somewhere where you can sit around all day
drinking ice cold Martini’s and practicing your
flute or whatever it is you’d really rather be

Here’s to more life!

On your side,


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