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1. What is the population of your town? How many private and public cars are there in your country?
Badajoz counts with 150.376 people. In my country (Spain) there are 28 millions of vehicles exactly 28.007.111, following the dates of the Asociacin Espaol de Fabricantes de Automviles y Camiones. 26.900.000 of these are private cars, 212.697 units are industrial tractors and 61.039 are public cars.

2. What are the main modes of transportation in your town to get work, school, shopping or for other purpose?
In my town there are some people who prefer get them walking, cycling or using the public transport but there are others who prefer travel in their own cars without taking into account what problems can that make to the environment.

3. How much is a liter if gasoline in your town? Whats the annual cost of using a private car and public transportation per person? (in euro)
Each liter of gasoline cost 1.396 euro. A normal person approximately expends 90 euros per month in gasoline if we multiply this quantity by 12 we are going to see that each person can expend 1080 euros per year and if we use the public transport we can expend 2 euros per day so if we multiply this by 30 we can see that each person expend 60 euros per month and then we multiply again by 12 we are going to bet as result how many money does a person expend in a year and this is going to be: 60x12=720. So if we compare we can see that using a private transport we can earn time yes, its true or well maybe not but one thing that is true is that we earn a lot of money using the public transport and a lot of energy too.

4. How much energy could be regained if people used environmently-friendly modes of transportation(bycicle, walking, carpool) instead of vehicles running on gasoline in your town?
In Badajoz the percentage of total emissions has varied greatly, from 19% to 26%. So if you reduce these emissions, pollution would decrease by 26%.

5. What are the actions taken by your government to mitigate the environmental effects of CO2 emission of vehicles on the road?
The techniques they have used is, first, setting a standard in the houses, from one year established, to build solar panels were installed. Another aspect that has changed is the innovation of electric cars, bicycle use due to their constructionand their readily available in areas of the city center where there are places that rent bikes,among others ...

6. Compare the amount of gasoline consumption of a bus for 30 people to a car for only one person.
The consumption of gasoline in cars is 65% and buses 21%. So, we draw the conclusion that we must choose the bus as it consumes less and that means less emission of gases into the atmosphere and these transports can carry more people.

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