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The Values of the Solfeggio Counts in Lo Shu, in Central Additions of Contracted Integers.

Paul Martyn-Smith.
+1234 5 6789 Central Values in +3s = 36 + 6s = 63 Base.
714 417 = 222s
147 174 = 222s
825 528 = 444s
258 285 = 444s
936 639 = 666s
369 396 = 666s
147 741 = 888s
471 417 = 888s
258 852 = 111s C
582 528 = 111s
369 963 = 333s
693 639 = 333s
471 174 = 555s
714 741 = 555s
582 285 = 777s
825 852 = 777s
693 396 = 999s.
936 963 = 999s
693 + 417 = 1110, 396 + 714 = 1110111.
When these values are placed into the +5 to +4 Contracted Integer runs the value = 111,
222, 333, 444, to 999 so pairs = 10s through central 5s.
+3s +6s +5 Central run. +4s +5s = 5 C run
258 852 = 111s
159 951 = 6s = 111
714 417 = 222s
615 516 = 3s = 222
369 963 = 333s
261 162 = 9s = 333
825 528 = 444s
726 627 = 6s = 444
471 174 = 555s c 372 273 = 3s = 555 c
639 936 = 666s
837 738 = 9s = 666
582 285 = 777s
483 384 = 6s = 777
147 741 = 888s
948 849 = 3s = 888
693 396 = 999s
594 495 = 9s = 999
+1 to+8s
123 321
234 432
345 543
456 654
567 765
678 876
789 987
891 198
912 219

+2s + 7s
135 531
246 642
357 753
468 864
579 975
681 186
792 297
813 318
924 429

+1 to + 8 = 5 to 4s central run. and then +1 (10s)s central run.

456 654 = 111 3 -912 219 = 222
912 219 = 222 6 -123 321 = 444
567 756 = 333 9 -234 432 = 666
123 321 = 444 3 -345 543 = 888
678 876 = 555 6 -456 654 = 1110
567 756 = 666 9 -567 765 = 333
789 987 = 777 3 -678 876 = 555
345 543 = 888 6 -789 987 = 777
891 198 = 999 9 -891 198 = 999 all opposites = 10s = 1110111.

123 198 +1/+8s

123 321 Central +2 to 7s. 24681357 9
234 219
345 543
345 321
567 756
456 432
789 987
567 543 = 111
912 219 = 222s
678 654
234 432
789 765
456 654
891 876
678 876
912 987 X 888 C3s 891 198 X 777s C2s.
All of the 8 Spoke values in Lo Shu are central 5, which as reversals = + 4s, so all the
values make 9s, as +9 always produces the same value in Contracted Integers = 111s,

222s, 333s, 444s to 999s pairing = 10s. In the Lo Shu the total of the opposite pairings =
1110 ( = +10s + central 5 = 15) but only the 8 Spoke values produce the +1 to + 8, 2 to 7, 3
to 6 and 4 to 5s. The same set of values as found in The Well and Bagua appear in all
the 3 x 3 Magic Squares found in The Chinese Book of Changes.
159 to 951 = + 4s to +5s. 258 to 852 = + 3s to +6s. 357 to 753 = +2s to +7s. 456 to 654 =
+1s to +8s.
As with 12345678 9 12345678, the placement of central value runs = 24681357 9
24681357, 48372615 9 48372615 = opposites = 9s in each direction = 18, 81, 27, 72, 45
and 54, and each can create 8 x 8 Magic Squares with a match to the binary expansion of
6s, 12, 18, 24, (30), 36, 42, 48, 54 = (1234 5 6789). 3s, 6s and 9s are the products as
also seen in the Fibonacci Pairings. +3s and +6s recur every 4th letter or number = 147
147, 174174 as repeating values, but as with all the values = 9s the sequence is
ascending and descending, and the values 1 to 8, 2 to 7 and 4 to 5 have ascending and
descending values in their contracted integer runs stating with 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 9. In this the
+ 1 = 123456789 ascending is matched to +8s descending = 198765432 so a sequence of
222222s is given = +9s. +1s central +5 has a value of 11110s, and 8 has a value of 3333s
with a central value of 666s. 198 765 432 etc gives the triplets of +8s and the match of +1
= 123 + 198 = 321 so the pairings of reversals appear naturally as 123 to 321 in 1 to 8.
198 or 891 appear as the central values and in the binary count, this = 44 (45) 46 (C45 to
90 as total within central value of Magic Square) or 210 (270) 330 = 540 = 810. Lee Burton
and I had investigated the form of the Lo Shu to give 90 as pairs in all directions.

1234 5 6789 = 10 = 60
2345 6 7891 = 30 = 180
3456 7 8912 = 50 = 300
4567 8 9123 = 70 = 420
5678 [9] 1234 = 90 = 540
6789 1 2345 = 20 = 120
7891 2 3456 = 40 = 240
8912 3 4567 = 60 = 360
9123 4 5678 = 80 = 480
Opposites = 9 = 360 and 540 = 900.
[990 = 2700]
All cross-over values in 9 x 9 = 9s but pairings = 10s that in the Images of Heaven and
Earth and also the 8 Trigrams = 1 to 89 of 9 x 9 = 90 or 540 (central = 270).
The values of The Nine stack is each derived from the 8 x 8 squares of the Ho Tu and the
pattern of the Ho Tu was + 5s = 1 to 6, 2 to 7, 3 to 8 and 4 to 9 which produces value of
central 5 = 45 x 6 = 270 x 8 = 2160 in the Trigrams and Hexagrams that then = 10s - this
increasing set of values + 111 = the average Solar Sun Spot Cycle increase of 11.1 yrs.
The values are given as 6s and 7s and so we can now look at the values of both that when
joined reflect the Mayan System of + 13s. The + 7 Magic Square = 9 x 9 produces a value

in 1 to 89 of 14 to 1246 = 1260, so the values of 6s and 7s can be added together to =

1260 + 540 = 1800 or in the Hexagrams the value = 2520 + 1080 = 3600 but also a value
of 730.

This ties the 3 x 3 of the Lo Shu completely to The Well and Bagua, and in the Binary
form of the Bagua it produces all the values of Time and Degrees of Space as given in the
Directions or Elements of the Ho Tu in +5s and its totals = +10s. The Images of Heaven
and Earth (the 2 complete Binary Opposites of Chien and Kun) produce all the 8
Trigrams, and then the 64 Hexagrams in the 8 x 8 Magic Square = all derived from the 9 x
9 = a Metric Expansion when 1 + 9 = 10s etc. The Math of The Book of Changes is
therefore complete in both contracted and expanded integers. The values in the 9 x 9 can
apply to the 1 to 8 Trigrams and the Images of Heaven and Earth in the Ho Tu (C5 to 10).
The work of Lee Burton has also shown how this Lo Shu math fits into Rodins Torus in the
opposites of the Solfeggio values, so we both can now put this math in our own way (as a

unified whole) and put it forward for consideration. Drawing done by Lee Burton on Lo
Shus = 90 opposites and contracted integer runs.

The sum of the binary gained through a placement of Hexagrams into 8 x 8 = 6480 in each
of the directions, this gives 12,960 light to 12,960 dark numbers in odd to even integers.

The whole termed as Tones in Solfeggio are just patterns in the structure of integers and
so the math is simple. The values given in the integer runs = each level as they climb up to
the 9 x 9 or Nine Stack so the values above are found in the value from each of the central
values of 5 and the pairings of 1 to 9 = 10s. This shows how the values can be related on
many levels with a specific pointer toward both 5 and 9 as central values. This is because
the average of all values = 5 and 9 is the produce and the directions toward this structure
in integers is given in the I Ching. The I Ching appears to have many levels in the math
that includes all central values and from the pairings in 3 x 3 Square upward but to gain
the values of Time and Measure the directions given in The River Maps must be followed.
The 1 to 8s from nothing = 12345678 9 12345678 or its reversal. From 1 the + 8s =
198765432, from 2 = 219876543, so again with all the + 111 values found in the Lo Shu
Magic Squares can be manufactured in 1 to 8, 2 to 7 and 4 to 5.
6s. 123 4[5]6 789 198 7[6]5 432 and these can be placed into a symmetrical order.
9s. 234 5[6]7 891 219 8[7]6 543
3s. 345 6[7]8 912 321 9[8]7 654
6s. 456 7[8]9 123 432 1[9]8 765
9s. 567 8[9]1 234 543 2[1]9 876 (C9 = 45 or 270 + 60 = 330.)
3s. 678 9[1]2 345 654 3[2]1 987
6s. 789 1[2]3 456 765 4[3]2 198
9s. 891 2[3]4 567 876 5[4]3 219
3s. 912 3[4]5 678 987 6[5]4 321
198 7[6]5 432 123 4[5]6 789 Contracted Integer 1 to 8s = 10s = 1111111110111111111.
678 9[1]2 345 543 2[1]9 876 = 1-8 Reflection
789 1[2]3 456 654 3[2]1 987
891 2[3]4 567 765 4[3]2 198
912 3[4]5 678 876 5[4]3 219
123 4[5]6 789 987 6[5]4 321
234 5[6]7 891 198 7[6]5 432
345 6[7]8 912 219 8[7]6 543
456 7[8]9 123 321 9[8]7 654
567 8[9]1 234 432 1[9]8 765 +
------------------ X ----------------543 2[1]9 876 678 9[1]2 345 = All = 1111111110111111111.
------------------ ----------------Zero is a clear division = integer = 9s. When placed into the binary x6 counts the central =
5s = Contracted Integer run +5s in +1s and + 8s:
123 4[5]6 789 987 6[5]4 321 = 111, 111, 111. 123 456 789
678 9[1]2 345 543 2[1]9 876 = 222, 222, 222. 987 654 321
234 5[6]7 891 198 7[6]5 432 = 333, 333, 333. 111 111 111
789 1[2]3 456 654 3[2]1 987 = 444, 444, 444.
345 6[7]8 912 X 219 8[7]6 543 = C555, 555, 555.
891 2[3]4 567 765 4[3]2 198 = 666, 666, 666.
456 7[8]9 123 321 9[8]7 654 = 777, 777, 777.
912 3[4]5 678 876 5[4]3 219 = 888, 888, 888.
567 8[9]1 234 432 1[9]8 765 = 999, 999, 999.
987 6[5]4 321 123 4[5]6 789 = 555 555 555s
These all opposites +5s = 9 x 9 or a 18 x 18 Magic Square of Hexagrams excluding central
value as reflective opposites of integer and binary values = pairs = 10s + 5s = 3s,6s,9s.

6, 6, 6,
3, 3, 3,
9, 9, 9,
6, 6, 6,
3, 3, 3,
9, 9, 9,
6, 6, 6,
3, 3, 3,
9, 9, 9,

6, 6, 6. or 987 + 219 + 432 = 639. 654 + 876 + 198 = 639

3, 3, 3. 321 + 543 + 765 = 639 = 15s.
9, 9, 9. 543 + 219 + 876 = 639 etc by placing 1 to 9 + C5, and 2 + 7 + C5.
6, 6, 6.
3, 3, 3.
9, 9, 9.
6, 6, 6.
3, 3, 3.
9, 9, 9.

All opposites = 5s = 30 (3). 5 and 3 is the key given in I Ching. In the addition of each set
of 3 values of + 111s the opposites = 6s.

The values of 1 to 8, 2 to 7, 3 to 6 and 2 to 7 in the Magic Squares of Hexagrams can be

reversed so 12345678 in the Ho Tu 1 to 6, 2 to 7 become opposites in both the Binary
Images and Integer Values in the 8 x 8 Magic Squares. Only 3s and 6s dont provide 8
values = 9s as opposites as they only give what has been termed as the Solfeggio counts.
The Solfeg can be investigated to see what symmetry they give, and as an example of this
the Contracted Runs of 2 to 7 can be placed either left, right or as central counts to provide
a 9 x 9 Magic Square in the order of +2s = base = 24, 135, and then in 2s and 7s = 186:
246 (+3) 924 (3) 792
468 (+3) 246 (3) 924
681 (+3) 468 (3) 246
813 (+3) 681 (3) 468
135 (+3) 813 (3) 681
357 (+3) 135 (3) 813
579 (+3) 357 (3) 135
792 (+3) 579 (3) 357
924 (+3) 792 (3) 579
579 357 135
135 813 681
681 468 246
246 924 792
792 579 357
357 135 813
813 681 468
468 246 924
924 792 579

792 (3) 579 (3) 357
579 (3) 357 (3) 135
357 (3) 135 (3) 813
135 (3) 813 (3) 681
813 (3) 681 (3) 468
681 (3) 468 (3) 246
468 (3) 246 (3) 924
246 (3) 924 (3) 792
924 (3) 792 (3) 579 9 x 9 = 222s and 777s

R = +2s = 135 and +7s = 186 in Contracted + 5s:
531 753 975 = 111s (Reflective's = 579357135 531753975 = 1111s etc.)
186 318 531 = 222s
642 864 186 = 333s
297 429 642 = 444s
753 975 297 = 555s
318 531 753 = 666s
864 186 318 = 777s
429 642 864 = 888s
975 297 429 = 999s = 9 x 9 = 555 555 555s.

The 9 x 9 in +2s = 135 in +2s and + 7s = 186 give = 2s and 7s symmetrical opposites plus
reversals in +5s Con Integ Run = 5s. Now values +5s and +4s:
516 951 495
162 516 951
627 162 516
273 627 162
738 273 627
384 738 273
849 384 738
495 849 384
951 495 849

R = +5s = 162 and +4s = 159 = Con Integ +5s:
594 159 615 = 111s (Reflectives = 516951495 594159615 = 1111s)
159 615 261 = 222s (Values +5s cross-over = C+4s, and 4s to C5s)
615 261 726 = 333s
261 726 372 = 444s
726 372 837 = C555s
372 837 483 = 666s
837 483 948 = 777s
483 948 594 = 888s
948 594 159 = 999s (+5s 516 951 495 = +4s - +4s = +5s 594 159 615 etc.)

The values all follow the same doubling pattern as the Trigrams the values are all +6s. The
totals of 2700, 3600, 5400 and 6300 appear, and the contracted integer/solfeg sequences
are all symmetrical throughout their combinations. This part of the math needs further
investigation by reader to complete it, but the other parts of math have already been
proven to give exact figures in the 3 x 3, 8 x 8 and 9 x 9 etc, which produces the Metric
Expansion and the pairing between 5 and 10 = 15 to infinity. This math has already been
published in the two books of The Sum of Things and The Book of Divine Revelations.

The way has been found to place the contracted integer pairs together in 1 to 8, 2 to 7, 4
to 5 to create Magic Squares 8 x 8, but in the Solfeg all values can be treated as above to
complete a 9 x 9 in each of the values, but the central value in each is excluded in the 1 to
8 to give a value of time in 4 - 4 x 4 squares. As yet Ive not been through all the sequence
values and totals - but there appears to be an underlying code in the +111s just as there
was found to be in the 1 to 6, 2 to 7, 3 to 8 and 4 to 9, which then produced the central 5th
Element of 5 to 10 in the Ho Tu and then the Lo Shu.
1s to 8s.
123 198 = 222
234 219 = 444
345 321 = 666
456 432 = 888
567 543 = 111
678 654 = 333
789 765 = 555
891 876 = 777
912 987 = 999

C5s = 1 to 8s.
456 654 = 111
912 219 = 222
567 765 = 333
123 321 = 444
678 876 = 555
234 432 = 666
789 987 = 777
345 543 = 888
891 198 = 999

C5 = 2 to 7s.
357 753 = 111
813 318 = 222
468 864 = 333
924 429 = 444
579 975 = 555
135 531 = 666
681 186 = 777
246 642 = 888
792 297 = 999

C5 = 3 to 6s. C5 = 4 to 5.
258 852 = 111 159 951 = 111.
714 417 = 222 615 516 = 222.
369 963 = 333 261 162 = 333.
825 528 = 444 726 627 = 444.
471 174 = 555 372 273 = 555.
936 639 = 666 837 738 = 666.
582 285 = 777 483 384 = 777.
147 741 = 888 948 849 = 888.
693 396 = 999 594 495 = 999.

(333 X 888)

(555 X 555)

(555 X 555)

(555 X 555)

(C5s to C4s in 1s to 8s).

456 543 = 999.(297s)
912 987 = 999.
567 432 = 999.
123 876 = 999.
678 321 = 999.
234 765 = 999.
789 219 = 999.
345 654 = 999.
891 198 = 999.
(555 X 444)

(555 X 555)

(C2s to C7s in 1 to 8s).

123 876 = 999. (297s)
345 654 = 999.
567 432 = 999.
789 219 = 999.
912 987 = 999.
234 765 = 999.
456 543 = 999.
678 321 = 999.
891 198 = 999.
(222 X 777)

(C5s to C4s = 3 to 6s).

147 852 = 999. (693s)
582 417 = 999.
936 963 = 999.
471 528 = 999.
825 174 = 999.
369 639 = 999.
714 285 = 999.
258 741 = 999.
693 396 = 999.

(C2 to C7 = 3/6s).
(C1-C8s =3s/6s)
825 174 = 999. (693s) 714 285 = 999. (693s)
147 852 = 999.
825 174 = 999.
369 639 = 999.
936 963 = 999.
582 417 = 999
147 852 = 999.
714 285 = 999.
258 741 = 999.
936 963 = 999.
369 639 = 999.
258 741 = 999.
471 528 = 999.
471 528 = 999.
582 417 = 999.
693 396 = 999.
693 396 = 999.

(444 X 555)

(222 X 777)

(111 X 888)

This defines theres a pattern but it needs investigating in both 9 x 9 Squares of 6s and 7s
are added together as then the 13, 26, 52 of the Mayan system appears in the structure of
the binary images is perfectly linked to the Chinese System. The common value of +6s
and +7s = 1260 (the value of 7s in the 9 x 9), and the value of 2520 was used in the
Buddhist System and it was the period of time given between Buddhas - in this count we
passed the 2520 yrs until the expected return of a Buddha in the 1980s, so if the Buddhas
statement is to be fulfilled then the time has arrived and already upon us. The value of
1260 x 2 = 2520 appears as a cycle of Returning (of wisdom) through the arising of
knowledge from the universal source, or a re-understanding of the Law or Dharma in
Buddhist Texts when the source returns from within rising into consciousness. The value of
2520 = 7 x 360 and 6 x 420 (2520 x 2 = Platos 5040). The value of 780 x 6 = 4680, and

this same value is found in the 9 x 9, and then the 9 x 9 also gives = + 4320 as its
products in the Hexagrams single value in the Lo Shu - 4320 + 4680 = 9000.
The values of 7s in the 9 x 9 Magic Square gives a union of the Chinese txts to various
system used from ancient times, especially the Mayan in the use of 13s. The 9 x 9 count in
7s gives a total of 1260 from 89 to 1 = 14 + 1246 = 90, and these values like the +6s can
be placed into the values of the Trigrams and Hexagrams. Then the 2 values totals can be
added together and unified into a system that gives correct predictions of eclipses and
many other important aspects of the movements of the Sun and its cycles. The use of 111
could be seen as linked to the length of the Solar Cycle of sun-spots = a 11.1 average
value, but we can also see the formations of the broken and unbroken lines give us other
images of the way convection works in the form of the Hexagon.
The values of the 7s when placed into the 9 x 9, from 1 to 89 = 1260, and the same
method of finding all the Hexagram values of 7s is the same as for finding the values of 6.
The values given in the first and last line of the 9 x 9 gives us the totals as they would also
fit the 3 x 3 of the Lo Shu through the Stack of Nines.
1 = 7, 2 = 14, 3 = 21, 4 = 28, (5 = 35), 6 = 42, 7 = 49, 8 = 56, 9 = 63, so 10s = 70. These
trigram values double into the values of the Hexagrams so 1 to 89 = 14 + 1246 = 1260 for
all opposite numbers and Light and Dark Images as the odd to even values. In the Ho Tu
the value of the opposites would = 14 + 84 = 98, 2 to 7 = 28 + 98 = 126, 3 to 8 = 42 + 112
= 154 and 4 to 9 = 56 + 126 = 182 = 280 is the value of all opposites in the 4 Outer
Squares. The value of 5 and 10 = 210 which in total of the 5 Elements = 490. When the 6s
and 7s are added together the Outer Squares = 240 + 280 = 520 so 260 is the average
value as also used in the Mayan Count. In the addition of 5 to 10 in the totals of 7s = 490
+ the value of 6s = 240 = 730 x 2 = 1460 or the amount of days of 4 yrs = the Solar
rectification and the Sothic + 1 day addition all carried out at the time of Standstill (Winter
Solstice Ceremony) which was also the time of all birthing of the Children of the Light The
value of 730 is seen in the addition of the opposites in the Magic Square with the center =
365 = 729 + 1, and the value of the extra part as given in difference between the Tun and
Haab, or Decan and Sothic = the extra 73rd 5 days period found through the /72 in the 360
to 365 count is all contained in the values gain from the 384 lines of The Stars or of the
Ta Chi.
In the narrative of the ancestors, they arose out the underworld or dreamtime to walk the
earth as light and water came forth from within the Earth. The meaning of Earth is the
boundary or the covering that cloaks the dark (the body) principle so the math appears to
be concerned with the values of the Inner then becoming what is observed without in the
time spaces field of action. The cycles of water = 33.3 yrs, so the cycles of inundation
fluctuations (in the rise and fall of the flow in rivers) appears to follow 3 Solar Sunspot
Cycles = 9 cycles in 100 yrs (99.9).

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