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Comenius Meeting Germany 2011

Exploitation of the waters resources. Waters importance for agriculture and fishing.

Identified sources of pollution with nutrients:

At household level:

Inappropriate manure storage

Aggravating factors:
Lack off or bad conditions of the concrete slab protecting the water well against direct infiltrations

Identified sources of pollution with nutrients:

At commune level:

Inappropriate manure disposal

Identified sources of pollution with nutrients:

At commune level:

Inappropriate manure disposal

Grazing of animals on soil erosion prone areas Temporary housing near watercourses
Large areas of slopped land draining into watercourses

Project Interventions

At household level
Individual Platforms Plastic Bins for waste segregation

Project Interventions

At household level

At commune level
Reclamation of former unauthorized manure storages Construction and operation of manure storage and composting facilities

Project Interventions

At commune level
Demonstrations of well head rehabilitation

Project Interventions

At commune level
Riparian Buffers with forest vegetation Windbreaks, Shelterbelts

Project Interventions

At commune level
Riparian Buffers with forest vegetation Windbreaks, Shelterbelts Grazing Management

Reduction of nutrients loss into the ground and surface waters due to appropriate manure management

NO3 - mg/l
100.000 120.000 20.000 40.000 60.000 80.000 0.000

24.11.03 24.01.04 24.03.04 24.05.04 24.07.04 24.09.04 24.11.04

Testing Date

24.01.05 24.03.05 24.05.05 24.07.05 24.09.05 24.11.05 24.01.06 24.03.06

Drinking water quality

Water Well C18


Measuring nutrients concentration into the ground and surface waters

Strong points: It shows the actual quality of the ground and surface waters at designated measuring stations. Weak points: The existing sampling stations could be not representative for project interventions. The frequency of measurements could not catch stochastic events as storm rains, snow melting or variable factors as fertilizers or manure applications. The trend of nutrient concentration does not reflect only the project interventions. It is expensive.

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