More from Creative Knitting

Creative Knitting3 min read
Somerville Sweater
Using 4.00mm needles, cast on 86(92, 102, 110)sts. Work 3cm st st, ending on a WS row. Change to 5.00mm needles. Cont working in st st until bodice length (incl band) measures 34cm, ending on a WS row. RS - Cast off 3 sts at beg next 2 rows. Next Row
Creative Knitting1 min read
Cotton Socks
Using 4.00mm needles, cast on 25 sts and work 46 rows in K1, P1 rib. Change to St st, and work 52 rows, ending on a WS row. Work in short rows, turning after stated number of sts, leaving rem sts at end of needle. K23, P21, K19, P17, K15, P13. Next r
Creative Knitting8 min read
Textured Vest Or Plain Vest
With 3.75mm needles cast on 99 (110, 121, 132, 144) sts. Row 1: RS - K0 (1, 2, 3, 0); *k2, (p1, k1) twice, p1, k2; rep from * to last 0 (1, 2, 3, 0) sts, k0 (1, 2, 3, 0). Row 2: WS - P0 (1, 2, 3, 0); *p2, (k1, p1) twice, k1, p2; rep from * to last 0
