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Written by Karen Marie Moning

Narrated by Natalie Ross and Phil Gigante

Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars



About this audiobook

MacKayla Lane lies naked on the cold stone floor of a church, at the mercy of the erotic Fae master she once swore to kill. Far from home, unable to control her sexual hungers, MacKayla is now fully under the Lord Master’s spell.

He has stolen her past, but MacKayla will never allow her sister’s murderer to take her future. Yet even the uniquely gifted sidhe-seer is no match for the Lord Master, who has unleashed an insatiable sexual craving that consumes Mac’s every thought—and thrusts her into the seductive realm of two very dangerous men, both of whom she desires but dares not trust.

As the enigmatic Jericho Barrons and the sensual Fae prince V’lane vie for her body and soul, as she rallies the sidhe-seers to fight an impossible battle and the power of the Dark Book weaves its annihilating path through the city, Mac’s greatest enemy delivers a final challenge....

Release dateAug 18, 2009

Karen Marie Moning

Karen Marie Moning is the #1 New York Times bestselling author of the Fever series, featuring MacKayla Lane, and the award-winning Highlander series. She has a bachelor’s degree in society and law from Purdue University.

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    such a cliffhanger!!! Need to read the next book, like now!
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I read this years ago and now listened to it. So amazing, the author and narrators are incredibly talented.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Love this one. Mac is awesome with a lot of resolve.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    One of the best boon of the series❤️❤️❤️❤️ love me some Barrons and Christian..
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This series is a good one cant figure out barrons another cliff hanger book 5 is the conclussion of the series thank goodness a hard to put down series but very drawn out
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Loved this book, can't wait to finish the series. I liked the new narrators better than the original for the first three books, glad they made the change.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    whew that one was exhausting! Talk about roller coaster action.. BUT it did seem to get a bit weird in parts too.. I think I am glad that the next one is promised to be the last in the series.. this chasing of weirdos is getting very tiring.. that is when SHE isn;t being chased herself..
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars

    I'm not going to bother with a review of a 4th book in a series. What's left to say, but I like it more or less than the previous ones? But I will make a comment.

    I was wary about reading this book, as it seemed to be predicated on the main character being raped and turning into a simpering sex slave. Which is dangerously close to reducing a woman's value to nothing but sex, while allowing male characters to remain in control of themselves and her (and being worshipped for it). This is a trope that runs fairly close to the surface in a lot of romantic/erotic novels, if cleverly disguised, and it turns me into a seething ball of indignation.

    However, here, the 'rapes' (which were of the, 'I control your mind and make you want it' as opposed to brute force type) were not graphic or detailed, the sexual savant only lasted a couple chapters and Mac was more inclined to demand sex than beg for it, allowing the whole scenario to not feel as sordid and disempowering as it could have. My point is that it wasn't that bad.

    Edit, as an additional, related thought: Why, why do soooo many of the strong female heroines on UF/PNR eventually have to have their power and control stripped away by rape at some point in a series? It's almost beginning to feel like an expectation of the genre and that kind of disgusts me in general. I promise, it's not the only way woman can build strength of character and internal resilience. It's not the only way to prove we really are strong survivors and it's not the only plot device available to authors to provide a challenge to overcome. I really would like to see some variety in the genre and less insistence that rape is so common that all female characters have to encounter it eventually in order for readers to relate to her. It's a fallacy, a falsehood, a myth. It's disappointing.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    December. I can't wait until December. Karen Moning knows how to write a cliffhanger, that's for sure. I've been suffering through them through this entire series. I don't know why I even bothered with finishing this book. I KNEW that the last book wouldn't be out until December. I think I'm some type of glutton for punishment. Why would I do that to myself!?At any rate, I loved this book. I hated it for a bit, but you can't hate Mac and Barrons for too long.I'm sad that I'm done with her books until December. What shall I do in the meantime???
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Okay so... at first I had a really hard time with the beginning of this one. As much as I would've loved Dani being narrator for a while, it simply wasn't what I was used to and it didn't pull me as the other books had.

    Also, as exciting as Mac and Barrons was in the beginning, it had this thin layer of sadness over it as well. What happens to Mac at the end of the last book was so awful and it was really quite sad... even if her and Barrons finally being together was GREAT.

    What I really missed in this book was the consistent Barrons and Mac interactions! Their conversations were always so entertaining and exciting but they were certainly lacking in this book.

    And that ending. What the heck... if I didn't have the 5th book on hand to immediately jump into I would seriously be considering a 3 star rating. lol Fortunately, it's right here... ready for me to start reading. And this is where the review ends. Adieu. :)

  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Karen Moning is a phenomenal writer. She takes the world of fairy and shows its dark side with TEETH! I love her style and the way she makes you realize that these creatures are definitely NOT Tinkerbell. Do not read these books expecting fairy dust and wings, you will be sadly disappointed. These books pack PUNCH and Mikayla is a whole new heroine that keeps your heart pumping! Not to mention that her relationship with Jericho Barrons is so steamy you just can't stop reading!
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Well, frak me, spank my petunia and call me Susie!! If your Jericho Barrons, that is. He could call me Susie, Fiona, Mac (Miss Lane if your nasty). Whatever the hell he wants to call me. Gawd, if you thought Barrons was naughtee with double e's in the other books, I'm here to tell you that he is naughteeeeeee with infinite e's in this one!! Seriously, some of the other girls have already agreed with me that we need to find this man and spank him. So, who's with me? SO SAY WE ALL! Sorry, I know I keep throwing Battlestar Galactica references in her but I only because I love these books so much! They are EPIC. Epic like Battlestar. Oh by the way, Barrons, who's your favorite little rascal? Is it................ Spanky?? One of my favorite scenes between Barrons and Mac: He shakes me. "Say my name." "No." "Damn it, would you just cooperate." "I do not know that word, 'cooperate.' " "Obviously," he growls. "I think you make up words." "I do not make up words." "Do, too." "Do not." "Too." "Not." I laugh. "Woman, you make me crazed," he mutters. A perfect summary of their relationship. Simple, yet intensely complicated. Okay so I'm not usually a strictly romance or erotic book reader. I like some tenderness to my meatballs. I do NOT like them overdone. This is faaaaar from overdone. There was tons of set-up and build-up before anything close to an explicit scene happens and even THEN, it is still under certain unnamed extenuating circumstances. And the tension and passion is honestly the most intense thing I have yet to read. If you are at all uncomfortable reading about sexual situations, then this is not for you. Not at all. Maybe the first three, but then, by the time you get to this one -- you may be changing your tune. This woman really knows how to throw spikes at you at exactly the right moment, making you unable to dodge them. She loves her cliffhangers, and I am hanging on every word. Up until chapter three, I was a little ticked. I did not like the alternate perspective that we were getting. The thoughts were fragmented and childish. I like her as a character but not as a perspective character. After that, geez, I was going crazy. Barrons is so effing hot. When she describes the sound he makes.... Whew! Anyway..... I didn't like it at all when Barrons wasn't around for so long, and that was more often then I had expected. But this whole series moves ridiculously fast, so it doesn't phase me as much as I always think it will. It's the anticipation that keeps me going. And the ending: WHAT THE EFFING HELL?????? GRUMBLE, GRUMBLE. A recurring thought seems to be: "How can this possibly get ANY better!" and then it does. Another recurring thought: "How can this possibly get ANY worse?" and then it does. I had to start Shadowfever before I wrote this review, because I had to at least know if it was who I thought it was. And that better not be permanent or I will hate KMM forever! I'm not happy about the ending but I'm happy about the book, and the series, and generally about my love for Barrons! Well, back to my happy dance. And if you want to be happy too then READ THIS SERIES!!!
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars

    This might be my favorite so far, I can’t express how much I'm pleased with this book. Finally some action we get to see MacKayla grow as a character finally accepting her Sidhsomething and using it for the greater good accepting her role PS-it took four books !

    I loved Mac/Jericho' dynamic their relationship is something I look forward to in the next books unless something happened to Barrons if my suspicious is right about this book's cliffhanger.

    I still hate V'lane. I like Dani & I don't know how to feel about christian&Ryordan only that I don't trust them. the other characters are of zero importance to me they just existe and move the story forward. that's how interestiing the past three books had been

    What refrains me from giving this book a full 5 stars is the lack of knowledge about the cursestupidsinshar duhb (I might butchered the name & I don't care) it's been 4 BOOKS & ZERO info about it. It’s getting tiresome!
  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    Well I read the first three in quick succession but this one I've stalled out. It might be because I'm tired but mostly I think it's because I have come to hate Barrons. Like really hate him. We get it, he's not human, he's a bad-ass, and all that. The mystery of it all ... sure...but that's just it...he continues to be a mystery and the author never really gives us anything, or Mac for that matter. On top of that I hate how he throws her rape in her face all the time and continues to berate her for her association with V'Lane. I just hate him...I hope he gets a spear in the gut. I'll never know as I am done with this series. Mystery is an important aspect of drawing reader's into a character but you can't keep a character a mystery forever while highlighting his less redeemable qualities.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    4.5 stars

    Those first few Barrons. Ahhh...and that ending!
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Really good, HUGE cliffhanger that had me walking around my house cussing up a storm.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    4 Stars

    Narration: Phil Gigante is fantastic and his voice for Barrons gives me the chills... Natalie Ross is good as Mac and the change in narration helped me to overcome my dislike for her in the previous books. Nevetheless, Ross's southern accent is not as we'll defined as Beans', which is disappointing.

    While the Fever series has excellent world building, a compelling story arc and intriguing characters, Barrons and Ryordan in particular, the first person, limited narrative from Mac's perspective is problematic mainly due to the fact that she is the type of heroine who makes me want to throw the book against the wall. Thankfully, Mac finally matures in this installment and most of the aspects of her personality that I despise are no longer in evidence. Moreover, her revolting reactions to V'lane are gone, thank goodness, and she is slowly coming into her own as a powerful Sidhe Seer.

    The banter between Mac and Barrons is the highlight of the book (the beginning is absolutely fantastic once you get past the circumstances leading up to it). The thing that irks me about their relationship is his inability to explain himself and tendency to lash out when he feels helpless, and her inability to see beneath his harsh facade to the true motivation and emotion behind his actions.

    The questions concerning Barrons's true identity remain unresolved although I am slowly developing my own theory and it will be interesting to see if it pans out.

    The plot progresses in small increments with some interesting twists and turns, however, there are still too many unnecessarily drawn out scenes, particularly the section focusing on the silvers and traveling between worlds, which detract from the tension and suspense of Mac's ongoing conflict with the LM and her relationship with Barrons.

    Overall, the series is worth reading despite its shortcoming although I recommend being in possession of all five books at the outset as each one ends on a cliffhanger that leaves you both annoyed and exhilarated.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This book was a bit slower than the other - only due to not as much scary action but still a great addition to the series... and the cliffhangers!! They get me every time! Can't wait to start the next book!
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Love, love, love this book!! Priya Mac and glimpses into Barrons memories were awesome! I am finally starting to see him in a slightly different way and although there is still a lot of tension between the two of them(and V'Lane, of weird of a triangle is this turning into?) I fully believe that things will be getting incredibly interesting between them soon enough. And the ending....OMG!!!! Can't wait to find out what happens next :)
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Love, love, love this book!! Priya Mac and glimpses into Barrons memories were awesome! I am finally starting to see him in a slightly different way and although there is still a lot of tension between the two of them(and V'Lane, of weird of a triangle is this turning into?) I fully believe that things will be getting incredibly interesting between them soon enough. And the ending....OMG!!!! Can't wait to find out what happens next :)
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    2nd time reading this book...

    This is probably my favorite book of the wait, it's for sure my favorite. This is where we truly get to see how much Barrons cares even while pretending not to. And this is where I officially fell in love with him! Mac has been driven to her lowest point and it's only through Barrons that she finds her way back again. We also get to see more of Dani and the sidhe seers. I love Dani, she's just such a fun character to read. And finally, we get to see what all those silvers are about. Cliff hanger of course, but at least I have Shadowfever waiting for me!
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Cliffhanger, cliffhanger, cliffhanger ! What a ride this book is, everything is happening all the time. Ther doesn't seem a moment to rest. Barrons is trying to save Mac, wonderfully. Will she trust in him ? Mac has to find a way to stop the end of her world, she needs everyone to work together. But can they all do that ? Can she help unite them ? The unseelie are all around the world no place is safe, not even her home town.
    Even better on Audio for the second "read"
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Dreamfever is, I think, best in the series, so far.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Each of the Fever books seems to be darker than the last. While still enjoying the story, I had trouble reading this book for any length of time. Too much doom and gloom not enough story for me but I'll be right there when the next book comes out the end of this year - Shadowfever. Ms. Moning's cliff hanger endings are killing me!
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Another cliffhanger like this and I don't think my heart can't take much else. I don't know if it was better than the second...oh what am I blabbing about?! Of course it was! just that totally amazing beginning and that totally mind blowing ending made it all better. And I'm talking about a book that ended with Mac being a Pri-ya. AMAZING. Already starting with Shadowfever.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This series is so entertaining and such a quick read. I feel as though I just gorged myself on a huge bag of Halloween candy and now realize I won't get anymore until next year. OH NO!!!
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I am SO glad I have Shadowfever!
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I'm not surprised this one is called Dreamfever, since after reading the first part, I dreamt about it all night. A song played in my mind as I dreamt of Jericho Barrons and those silk sheets.

    "Lights will guide you home, and ignite your bones. I will try to fix you." - Coldplay

    My bones, my skin, and everything in between were ignited by Jericho Barrons and his red and black tattoos as he "fixed" Mac over and over and over.

    "Say my name."

    "Tell me what you want."


    "You're leaving me, Rainbow Girl."


    This series has me by the throat, up against the wall, mastered by Voice that demands I keep reading until I pass out.

    But holy mother of all cliffhangers! If I didn't have the next one in my hot little hands already, I'd have hunted down Moning and had *her* up against the wall by the throat.


    Off to finish this incredible series...
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Cliffhanger totally pissed me off.