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Caldron of Anarchy-The Story of Mexico
Caldron of Anarchy-The Story of Mexico
Caldron of Anarchy-The Story of Mexico
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Caldron of Anarchy-The Story of Mexico

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This book was written to educate anyone interested in the drug sales and usage in America. It delves into the history of Mexico and offers many insights into why the drug gangs are so vicious and brutal. This is a 500 year history of Mexico, the ravages caused by colonization, disease and religion. It is the story of a country which has never been able to develop a solid and peaceful government. This is the story of a country torn by greed, graft and inept governance. Mexico is a beautiful country and deserves to rank among the leading countries in the world, but it is a country racked by anarchy. The corporations who profit from the cheap labor have been largely responsible for the poverty, by their neglect of health and welfare of their workers. The lack of honesty and trust in the government has led to the lawlessness and misery of the people. An essential book to read if you wish to understand the drug world and its problems. i

Release dateJun 30, 2011
Caldron of Anarchy-The Story of Mexico

Frank C. Newby

I have authored eight books. The latest three are a trilogy called the Latin America Enigma Series. They are sold on Amazon Kindle and all e-readers. I live with my wife of 61 years in Las Cruces. NM. I write a daily Border Report for my many readers. I am a woodworker,gardener and an artist. I have been a teacher and administrator. I have climbed many of Colorado's mountains and hiked miles of its trails because I love nature and solitude.

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    Caldron of Anarchy-The Story of Mexico - Frank C. Newby


    The cover of this book is a reminder of the senseless invasion of a peaceful democracy by a desperate and illiterate mob. As human beings, they are not inherently evil. Their only sin is ignorance. The promise of riches leads the poor, the hungry and the desperate to the shores of America. The glitter of America is the beacon of light that leads the moth to the flame. The promise of riches leads the poor, the hungry and the desperate to the shores of America. In their ignorant state, they believe that to cross the border is the path to instant wealth, instant comfort and safety. In too many cases they can barely read or write. They cannot speak English but they have the cunning street smarts of the deprived and hungry. The first thing they learn on arrival is how to use the system. The poor, hungry and homeless are provided food, health care, shelter and safety. They have no idea where the resources come from and they do not care. They grasp almost immediately that in America they can sit on their backsides and manipulate the system for more creature comforts than they have ever experienced in their lives. Spread before them is a vast network of free health service, free education, free food, free welfare money and almost any other service they might desire. They truly have found the fabled El Dorado, the city of gold and all for the taking. They have reached the promised land.

    America has struggled valiantly to perpetuate that myth. Succeeding political dynasties have succumbed to the pressures of the bleeding heart liberals and gradually expanded and enlarged the social programs to encompass more needs and expanded to include more people. What we see depicted on the cover of this book is a chink in that armor. We have provided more and required less from the recipients until the cupboard is bare. There is a critical point in any endeavor at which the demand exceeds the supply. These people are beginning to feel the depletion of these social resources. They are spoiled and bitter. They had it so good for so long that it has become a right. We have kept them, spoiled them and pampered them and now they are thanking us with riots and revolt. The one thing we did not teach them was the responsibilities of living in a democracy. Now we have riots in our streets. We have illegal and undocumented masses threatening our way of life. They demonstrate with their country flags of origin but do not realize that they were never taught or experienced national unity. The mentality of a mass of angry people is a frightening event. A mob is an ugly thing.

    These people, rioting in the streets of America, burning the flag and destroying property have no concept of the child’s fairy tale of the Goose that Laid the Golden Eggs. They have no idea that their actions are counter- productive. They are in the process of tearing apart and destroying, their last best hope for survival. They cannot grasp the concept that people work together to become strong and prosperous.

    The average citizen of America is dumbfounded and confused by this belligerence and animosity. They have fervently tried for almost 300 years to receive the world’s huddled masses and given them the glorious opportunity of freedom. It is time to open the eyes and minds of Americans who have become lazy and slothful in their knowledge of the real world. They have become so comfortable, so secure, and so unutterably happy in their American dream that they no longer take learning seriously. They are allowing their children to graduate from High School with almost fatal gaps in their education. Many of today’s High school graduate cannot pass the exams of eighth graders of 100 years ago. We have stopped teaching history. Knowledge or geography is abysmal and the vast majority cannot write a decent composition on any subject. We have placed great emphasis on Math and Science and let the liberal arts disappear. If we are to understand the causes and cures of today’s society, we must understand the background. Would my readers be surprised to know that a great number of the illegal immigrants crossing the border today are coming out of the mountains of Mexico? The Sierra Madres are the source of most of our drugs, the cartel leaders and soldiers of the cartels. They are a mestizo breed of Indians and Spanish blood. They are remnants of the Chiricahua Apaches who followed Geronimo until he surrendered. They retreated into the far reaches of the Sierra Madre and continued their lives wild and free. They are also descendants of the fierce Aztecs. They once lived a bucolic life of comfort and relative peace in the more inhabitable parts of Mexico. The arrival of the Spanish conquistadors began to force them out of their homelands and toward the less habitable mountains. They were slaughtered by the Spanish soldiers, and decimated by diseases imported by the Spanish. Their cultural religions had evolved over centuries before the arrival of Christianity; they were warped, shattered and destroyed by the priests of the Catholic Church. They were tortured into submission in many instances. Eventually the priests were killed or forced to retreat to safer venues and the poor, mixed blood mestizos were forced higher and higher into the forbidding Sierra Madres. They were left to reconstruct their shattered beliefs into a convoluted mishmash of Christianity and paganism. They died by the millions from measles, chicken pox, scarlet fever and diphtheria. They were inevitably forced deeper and deeper into the Sierra Madre. Today in the northern reaches of the mountains, people still live in seasonal caves and occasionally the men are seen wearing loincloths. Their permanent shelters are no more than crude huts. They discovered that they could make small incomes with the marijuana or the poppy plant. They had barely begun to know a little prosperity when the stronger began to raid the weaker. The cartels were forming as a few strong leaders emerged from the ranks and began organizing the farmers. America is never told of the 800 miles of wild, rugged and almost inpenetrable mountains, which form the spine of Mexico and in which reside pockets of lawless and uncontrolled people. Mexico has an inherently dangerous and ticking bomb living right in the middle of their country and they cannot control it. Out of these mountains come the drugs in a never-ending stream. The mountain people grow these crops because they can and they are more profitable than anything else they could grow. There is no law except the gun and knife. There is a warped sense of morality and decency in which drunkenness and machismo rules. They claim a religion that is a weird combination of Catholicism, ancient Aztec ritual and their wicked sense of morality. The speech is filled incessantly with foul language and repetitious sexual slurs. They seem to be hypnotized by sex. The description, written by Richard Grant in God’s Middle Finger of the Easter celebration is surreal. His eyewitness accounts of grandmas chasing their grandchildren with corncob dildos and mimicking sexual acts with them is truly mind bending. From these mountain communities are coming the cartel leaders, the gang leaders and the trainers for the child recruits of the slums of the cities of Mexico.

    It is an unbelievable scenario of warped and diseased mentality, uncontrolled use of alcohol and drugs and a feud mentality unrivaled in the modern world. Welcome to the dark world of the narco-terrorists. In a land which time forgot, unhampered by outside laws or controls, Mexico allowed a culture, which we can neither understand nor comprehend, grow until we now are reaping the rewards. This lawless land did not get that way by accident. The people of these mountains were not always so lawless, suspicious and vicious. They were made that way by the rapacious greed of mighty corporations and extremely wealthy individuals. Inept and corrupt politicians led them and the teachings and pressures of the church decimated them. The people watched their mountains defiled with the ugly scars of uncontrolled mining. They saw their rivers poisoned with the by-products of the mines. They watched their beautiful majestic cedars, clear-cut by the logging companies. They were inundated with unruly and undisciplined imported workers. Their women were defiled and humiliated. They were shoved out of the way by brute force and saw their livelihood destroyed. They had to resort to subsistence living off the land. The once abundant wildlife of the mountains was seriously depleted as the people were forced to eat anything they could find. In a conversation with Richard Grant, they agreed that rats and raccoons were good food, but they also agreed that the worst possible foods were skunk and vultures.

    Now the living has improved with the discovery of the value of marijuana and poppy plants. All they have to face now are the yearly marauding by the Mexican Army around harvest time. They also face constant feuding among themselves as crops are stolen and their neighbors murder relatives. It all sums up as a lethal mix of alcohol, drug use, lawlessness and corruption. The machismo of the Indian, Spanish culture mix has produced a horrible loss of morality and decency. The men beat and demean their wives. They are not considered macho unless they have at least two or three girl friends on the side. They exist in an almost perpetual state of drunkeness and drugs. They have a running joke among themselves as they use their AK-47’s on suspicious intruders. They will tell you they do it, To please the trigger finger.

    One writer summed it up with the following phrase: It’s the kind of anarchy that gives anarchy a bad name.

    Chapter One

    The government of Mexico will not admit that their country is out of control. A state of anarchy exists when elected officials cannot protect or defend its citizens. In Mexico, experts are estimating that over 400 towns, villages and municipalities are in the control of drug Cartels, and no longer ruled by civil law. Many border towns are ghost towns with the majority of the population either killed or evacuated. The city of Juarez with a population of approximately a million has lost an estimated 150,000 to 200,000 citizens. City blocks are vacant with boarded up and empty buildings. Businesses could not survive because of the violence and extortion. Rows of vacant houses adorn the suburbs. The empty houses have been vandalized and wrecked by thieves searching for anything they can sell. Copper wire and plumbing has been ripped from the walls. The citizens fear to call the police, because so many of the police are on the take from the cartels, that it is unsafe to report anything to anyone. The cartels have the money to buy allegiance. They pay much better than the municipalities and state can afford. Dentists and doctors who depended on trade from across the border have seen their patients disappear, as Americans are no longer willing to risk their lives crossing the border. American citizens, living along the Rio Grande in El Paso hear gunfire sporadically and several bullets have actually come across the border and hit American property. Mexican citizens are no longer willing to serve as police, to maintain law and order. Scores of mayors, police and other elected officials have been kidnapped (and or) murdered. Extortion is the name of the game. Nothing is sacred. School teachers have been threatened with death if they do not turn over paychecks or bonus checks. Parents have been threatened that harm will befall their children if they do not pay a protection fee. Public bus drivers have become favorite targets of roving gangs. They must pay a protection fee to be safe. The reporting of news has practically disappeared as reporters and camera operators are murdered. TV and Radio stations have been bombed and newspapers are asking the drug gangs what they can report.

    This part is reported on and visible to the world by sporadic reporting. The other half of Mexico lies hidden in the vast mountainous center of the country. The majestic sierra Madre mountains dominate the landscape Here reside the Indian tribes, composed of mixed lineage and unhampered with laws or regulations. The goal is survival and that takes some strange twists when it is conceived in the minds of lawless and drunken Indians and mestizos. They have become farmers with their small hidden plots of marijuana and poppies. Their silk shirts, open to the waist, shiny, lizard or snakeskin boots and flashy gold jewelry, anyone can recognize the drug dealers. Army units occasionally raid them just when it is time to harvest the crop and then poverty descends but they manage to come back and the next growing season they suddenly appear with a new pickup or more flashy clothes. No deal is consummated without the copious consumption of alcohol. The natives make a beer like drink, which often has the remnants of cornhusks and silks floating in it. It is called tesguino They also make much more potent liquor called lechuguilla. It could probably double as anti-freeze. No deal is consummated without the drinking of enough alcohol to create total inebriation and is intermittently sprinkled with snorts of cocaine and the constant smoking of marijuana cigarettes. The life of the mountain resident is one of almost constant and total inebriation. Under the effects of these ingredients, they become violently suspicious, and any slight is a deadly insult to their honor. They often admit that they actually like killing. The blood feuds have literally wiped out small villages from time to time as the revenge eventually kills off everyone in the village.

    Politicians in both Mexico and the United States will not admit that a state of war exists and the bad guys are winning. Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, stated this on one occasion and was immediately shut down. My opinion, which has formed over the last several months, is that there exists in this country, an intentional muffler which has been placed on our news media. Whether by political pressure or internal politically correct decisions, remains a mystery. The American public is mostly being fed trivia or dribbles of information. The perception, I have is that, the great minds of the media empire, have decided to dumb down the news because the vast majority of Americans are not smart enough to handle the real truths. The average citizen recognizes that there are some troubles in Mexico but they have no concept of how serious, how widespread and how close it is to touching our lives in threatening ways. I publish a daily Border Report. It has about 500 readers across the United States. I am told repeatedly that they are not receiving the news that I report daily, from any other source.

    A survey on the streets of America would reveal that probably not one person in a thousand, is able to discuss the hidden causes of all this chaos. The average person lumps illegal immigration and drug smuggling into one category and dismisses it all as the fault of the drug users. It is usually the case that any civil unrest has a complex cause and effect relationship. The story of Mexico is no exception. In the following chapters, I will reveal the hidden causes. Within the history of Mexico, lies hidden many of the answers. In many instances it will reveal surprising and heretofore unexpressed, deep seated and shocking facts. The American people deserve to know the truth. It is not always pretty and in some cases it may cause some introspection. If the causes of this civil insurrection are correctly placed in their proper context, it will touch on religion, politics, greed, power and even self-discipline, self-control and self-respect. The absolute bottom line is money and power. There is hardly a person in America who has not contributed in some way. The great society of Lyndon Johnson has become a spoiled and hedonistic public, demanding more, bigger and better. In order to paint a complete picture and close the circle we will have to expose our society to a truth test. There will be many readers who will not be able to accept truths. The most common reaction is, that may be true, but that’s not me.

    Mexico is a beautiful, rich and vibrant country. It has some of the most wonderful climate and gorgeous scenery in the world. It is rich in natural resources, a prime location in world trading routes, and thousands of miles of seacoast on the two major oceans of the world. It should and could be a perfect terminal for world commerce. It has a history, which is much older than the United States. By any reasonable measure, it should be one of the first class nations of the world. It unfortunately was never able to develop an honest and capable government and an affluent middle class. Mexico has always been a story of immense wealth and extreme poverty. There are many reasons for this that we shall explore. In order to understand the complexities of this troubled country, it is logical to start with the history. It is not the intent of this author to write a detailed history of Mexico. That has been done in detail by a multitude of learned scholars. I wish to demonstrate the diversity, the cultural influence, the tremendous influence of the Catholic Church and the interesting racial mix, which contributes to the generic complexity of the Mexican culture.

    If you believe that you know and understand, who and what Mexicans are, some of the truths of this truly unique multi-cultured people may shock you.

    Chapter Two

    History of Mexico

    When Christopher Columbus discovered the new world in 1492, he unleashed a frantic dash to explore, conquer and claim these new lands for the glory of Spain. King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain had financed the Italian explorer, Columbus, so it was only natural that the earliest and greediest of the early explorers were Spaniards. It is recorded that Francisco Hernandez de Cordoba reached the Atlantic shores of Mexico in 1517. The Spanish had already established colonies in Cuba so the exploration of Mexico originated by order of the Cuban governor, Diego Velaquez de Cuellar. He commissioned three ships to explore the Yucatan peninsula. The expedition landed at Cape Catoche and in true conquistador fashion immediately took two prisoners and set out to explore Yucatan. They reached the western side of the Yucatan peninsula, went ashore, were attacked at night by the Mayans and twenty Spaniards including Cordoba were killed. A remnant of the expedition returned to Cuba. One year later a second expedition was launched and led by Juan de Grijalva. They sailed along the coast and landed in Tabasco which was a part of the Aztec empire. This expedition accomplished little, but the third expedition which was launched on February 18, 1519 would change the world. Hernan Cortes set sail with 11 ships, 100 sailors, 530 soldiers and a few hundred Cuban natives.

    The history of the early Spanish Conquistadores makes fascinating reading. They employed superstition, treachery, lies and brute force, to overpower and conquer one of the most civilized cultures on the earth at that time. Archaeology and history now tell us how advanced these Indian civilizations were. In Astronomy, mathematics, architecture and even medicine, their knowledge was astonishing. The brutality of the Spanish conquerors, and the insatiable greed for gold, spelled disaster for the indigenous people of Meso-America. They were slaughtered in battle and decimated by diseases which were introduced by the Spanish. Mumps, Measles, Chicken Pox and Scarlet fever was a death sentence to the poor Indian populations who had no immunity. It is estimated by some historians that eventually 90-95% of the indigenous native people died of these introduced diseases.

    Now we reach a very interesting footnote to the history of Spanish colonization. When word reached Spain of the enormous wealth of the Indians, wealthy patrons frantically began organizing expeditions to claim and conquer their own portion of the newly discovered countries. Desperate for volunteers to colonize the new world, they turned to a segment of the Spanish citizenry that history has only recently discovered. On its own merit, the story of the Maranas or Conversos of Spain has to be told. It became an integral part of the formation of Mexico and contributed to the culture and mentality of its inhabitants.

    Around the middle of the 1400’s, the ruling class of Spain suddenly discovered that they had developed a serious and frightening problem. The country was nominally under the control of the Holy Roman Catholic Church. At the same moment in time the largest concentration of Jews in Europe, from all corners of the known world, had managed to migrate to Spain. The church controlled the monarchy and the army but it was suddenly recognized that among them were a huge number of infidels. The history of the Jewish race is filled with stories of persecution. They had been harassed throughout history for one reason or another. Coming out of the period of the Dark Ages, vast numbers of Jewish pilgrims had migrated to Spain as a haven of safety. They raised their families, built their homes, blended into the fabric of the society and suddenly the Catholic hierarchy discovered that Jews were among their leading citizens. They were bankers, lawyers, doctors, mayors and teachers. To a religion as insecure as Catholicism, they suddenly represented a deadly threat. A concerted effort began in the church to rid their world of these infidels. They began the infamous Spanish Inquisition. Jewish citizens were burned at the stake, tortured and blasphemed. In 1492, the Spanish monarchs, Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand, issued an edict giving the last of an estimated 20 million Jews the order to leave Spain. The Jewish people were in a state of shock and panic. The church in its infinite wisdom started offering them a chance to survive. Renounce Judaism, embrace Catholicism and become a citizen of Spain. Many flatly refused to renounce their faith and were persecuted. Some Jews weighed the consequences and decided they could play Catholic for the safety of their families. Thus was born the group of Jews, known in the Spanish world as Conversos. This created a terrible feeling of betrayal among the Jewish culture. They had betrayed their father Abraham and the basic tenets of the Jewish religion. In their humility and embarrassment over renouncing their heritage, they seized on the opportunity to join the ranks of colonists and sail to this new world.

    In this process, Spain rid itself of an undesirable element and gained bodies to colonize the new Spain. The problems of an empire were solved. After a few years in Mexico, the priests began to realize that their Conversos, were reverting back to Judaism and spurning Catholic authority. The only logical solution was to re-institute the Inquisition in Mexico. The Inquisition was an extension of the Spanish brutality. The Spanish were flush with victory from having just re-conquered the Iberian peninsula from the Moors. This granted them special status within the Catholic realm. They had the support of the mighty Church to cleanse the Iberian peninsula. With their discoveries of the new world and the efforts to colonize and occupy, the Church recognized the tremendous potential. The colonization was as much a religious event as it was political. The Inquisition was brought to the New World because the same people who had been persecuted in Spain were now migrated to Mexico. The new Inquisition, it should be noted, was not directed at the native Indians of Meso-America. It was directed almost totally at the same groups that had been persecuted in Spain. It was a formalized and organized event. The Church officially established an office in Mexico City and officially labeled it The Holy Office of the Inquisition. Today that same building still stands and is being used as a Museum of Medicine. It is located on Republica de Brasil Street. The period of the Inquisition lasted from 1571 to 1820. That’s 250 years of torture, murder and harassment of a race which never turned a hand to harm the Catholic Church. There are no official records of the exact number of victims but it is believed to be in the hundreds.

    The original Inquisition was formed under the reign of Isabella the Catholic (1479-1504). The avowed goal was to make the newly captured country a totally Catholic society. They truly believed that these efforts would rescue non-Christians and help them benefit from instruction in the true faith.

    Pope Alexander VI in 1493 and later Pope Julius II in 1508 granted the Spanish crown exclusive rights over this new domain and the charge to convert the native Indians to Catholicism. The question always remains uppermost in my mind, Who gives the Pope the ultimate authority of life and death over anyone? In the history of the world there has never been an act of greater hypocrisy and dictatorial totalitarianism, than that granted these pompous buffoons sitting on their throne in the Vatican. With the wave of a hand, and a Papal Bull the fate of untold millions are affected. There are no checks and balances, no elected Congress of advisers, no consent of the governed. The Catholic Church throughout history has dominated by brute force and treachery. The very tenets of the religion prey on the ignorance, superstition and gullibility of poor and uneducated masses.

    Franciscan Friars began the evangelization and conversion of the natives. It is recorded in history that the Church was astounded to discover the beliefs and ritual practices of the Meso-American native cultures in many ways, closely resembled the Catholic liturgy. The Dominicans arrived in 1525 and were joined a short time later by the Augustinians. It is reported in 1560 that these three orders had 800 priests. By 1580 it had grown to 1500 and by 1650 it was over 3000. In the early years and the beginning of colonization the clerical efforts were almost totally directed to the Indians. In

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