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Ebook317 pages4 hours


Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

How do you make peace with the dead if the dead aren’t ready to forgive? The answer lies in this Bishop/Special Crimes Unit novel by the New York Times bestselling author of Hold Back the Dark.

Trinity Nichols left a high-stress job for a quiet, small-town life in Sociable, Georgia. But a string of missing women in the area has left the town on edge. And then, a man is found dead right in town. There is nothing remotely ordinary about how he died, or about the prime suspect—a terrified young woman. Soon, Trinity’s investigation will yield much more than she bargained for.

A group of strangers has descended on Sociable, some with abilities Trinity finds hard to believe, and agendas she refuses to trust. For some reason, they know a lot more than they should about the strange events in town. And what’s happening in Sociable is growing stranger by the minute.
PublisherPenguin Group
Release dateSep 2, 2014

Kay Hooper

Kay Hooper, who has more than thirteen million copies of her books in print worldwide, has won numerous awards and high praise for her novels. She lives in North Carolina, where she is currently working on her next novel.

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Thought so. That was creepy, disturbing and strange. I read it as 80s Horror and could have used it for ghosts and haunted houses. This is the story of a man working for a psychic research institute who mostly debunks psychics and haunted house stories finding himself in a house that the occupants claim is haunted. There's a lot of strange stuff happening when he arrives and his usual crutch of alcohol may not work this time. There's no phone and it's the 80s.Oh man, that was twisted. I'm not sure how some of the events in the plot worked but that was a twisted story that I'm not sure David Ash is going to recover any time soon from. I did get one of the major twists fairly early on, but still I was creeped out by it all.It did display a bit too much commentary on the female characters with a lot of value judgements based on appearance.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    David Ash, a skeptic who investigates paranormal phenomena, has been called to Edbrook, an isolated, decaying, country estate by the family who claim that the place is being visited by ghosts.This was probably pretty muh a typical hanted house horror story, with, perhaps, a surprise or two.However, I loved it! I enjoyed it more than Stephen King's The Shining, or Shirley Jackson's The Haunting of Hill House. I'm not sue why that is. I cannot say that the writing was superior in any way. It may even have been a bit weaker. I suppose it boils down to a matter of personal taste.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Summary:David Ash is a renowned but troubled investigator for a paranormal research society that seeks to catalog a variety of strange and unusual phenomena. David is also the society’s resident skeptic, for reasons that he himself cannot quite explain. He is often driven to find a logical explanation for any “paranormal” events that he is tasked with investigating no matter how far he must go. This drive has also caused David to live in a constant state of unease with something in his past that he cannot or will not remember. This is partially the reason that he is on his current assignment, a few too many sips of his ever-present flask caused him to make mistakes on his previous assignment and he earned his self a “break”. His second chance is at a mansion known as Edbrook, currently occupied by the reclusive Mariell family. The family reports that they have had a rash of poltergeist activity along with the appearance of a female apparition. Not knowing what do to they reached out to the society in order to see if they could provide any explanation as to what has caused this apparition to appear. David dutifully arrives and sets up his equipment and conducts his preliminary investigation. All initial signs point to the “haunting” being the natural creaks and groans of an aging mansion, coupled with an over active imagination.That is until David’s first night at Edbrook. He is checking his equipment when he suddenly sees a mysterious woman moving about the house. David pursues the woman to the mansions courtyard where he finds no trace of her. Instead he finds a ruined garden pond and a very eerie feeling that something in the pond wants him to join it. David’s journey into horror and madness begins at this moment. His troubled past collides with a terrible present. David’s steadfast denial of the unknown has kept away a malevolent force that has followed him throughout his life at bay until now. At Edbrook it has found allies that are more than willing to help it with one simple goal. Make David Ash believe. My Thoughts:This is my second reading of this book as I accidentally picked it up again and didn’t realize I had read it until I got to the climax of the story. The end of this book has stuck with me over the years as it is a very effective reveal of what is tormenting David and why. On the other hand I didn’t remember anything else about this book other than that part. Hopefully that gives you an idea of what the story is like. It’s an interesting enough read if you looking for a spooky thriller, just keep in mind that it is a bit of a slow burn. m.a.c
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    A great example of the subgenre of haunted house horror. It's been awhile since I've read it, but I do remember that it was very good, and should be read by horror fans.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    A classically written and composed haunted house / ghost story, Haunted is written with wonderfully lyrical prose but settles for cliched genre tropes. The story has a very rich and creepy atmosphere and tone that builds nicely to its big climax, but unfortunately the story's plot was just far too familiar, removing much of its would-be suspense.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This was my first James Herbert novel, and it won't be my last. It may have been a short book, but it packed quite a spooky punch! Its basic plot centres around the good old haunted house - is it or isn't it? - but Herbert throws in enough thrills and chills to make it a genuinely scary read.Its central character is David Ash, a Psychical Research Institute investigator with a raging alcohol problem and a deeply sceptical attitude. Of course, things run deeper than they seem... When he is sent to Edbrook, a supposedly 'haunted' house in the countryside, he is determined to prove, as always, that the spooky goings on have a rather more prosaic cause. Within three days, his life will have been turned upside down. Three nights of nightmarish horror that even he can't explain. Three days of struggling to understand the Mariell family: beautiful Christina, mischievous Simon and paternal Robert, and their downtrodden Nanny Tess. What is going on in this house? Who is the ghostly girl in white? Is he falling for Christina? And why do dreams of the strange night before his drowned sister's funeral continue to plague his sleep? This is a story of secrets and games, mayhem and madness.Herbert does a wonderful job of creating suspense and repeatedly ripping the rug out from under the reader's feet. I found my mind working over and over everything that had happened so far, trying to work out what was going on, and even the fact that I'd semi-suspected the big twist didn't make it any less shocking. There are a few flashback scenes, some dark, some not, but rather than detracting from the pace they had just the right balance of intrigue and information. In finest horror style, even the last page threw a final punch that left me reeling a little bit.Though it lacked the deeper themes and sickly horror of Stephen King, this was a pithy, exciting little novel that kept me gripped, gave my mind a work-out, and will stay with me for a while yet. Recommended.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    I enjoyed the atmosphere of this book, its characters were very real yet the ending was predictable to me. But, then again I read a lot of horror/supernatural books. Overall, a good little read.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    I can't deny this book has the creapy, unsettling atmosphere that you'd expect from James Herbet, but I felt there was something missing. I can't put my finger on what exactly, but I was left unimpressed. I think this one might merit another reading in the furture, when I might find that ellusive something that I missed first time round.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Could not put it down, fabulous.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This book found its way to a movie studio, where they managed to keep the core while changing the story to fit the film. The movie is also called Haunted, and it's a really good way to spend a couple of hours late at night when you're in the mood to be creeped out. The book has the same sort of effect; it was totally creepazoid and held my interest for the two days it took me to read it. I haven't read all of this author's books, and there are some I'm not interested in reading, but if you like haunted houses, ghosts, the paranormal, you'll be very happy.