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Duck’s Misery
Duck’s Misery
Duck’s Misery
Ebook72 pages1 hour

Duck’s Misery

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We all have a place in our youth where deeds and words linger even though we do not. Vince is a guy with the world in his pocket until a day at Duck’s Misery sends him colliding with his past. Let Vince take you along on his journey ... someday you may find yourself making a similar one of your own. “Duck’s Misery” is the first of five stories under the collective title “Caution, Girl Up Ahead”.

PublisherJ.M. Denholme
Release dateApr 30, 2016
Duck’s Misery

J.M. Denholme

J.M. Denholme grew up in the Midwest region of the U.S of A., but his DRD4-7R prompted him to go out into the world in his twenties and he has never looked back. Denholme’s travels have taken him far and wide, and he can attest to the fact that “the grass is only as green as you make it.” He doesn't believe in traveling the same path twice, or that muscle car production ceased circa 1972. His first love was a ’70 Chevelle SS 454, and he’s always on the lookout for an Ella.Denholme has several manuscripts, of various genres, in the making. Currently, his sole focus is adding the finishing touches to the remaining short stories that will fall under the collective title “Caution, Girl Up Ahead.”

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    Duck’s Misery - J.M. Denholme

    Duck’s Misery

    A Caution, Girl Up Ahead short story

    J.M. Denholme

    Kickword Press

    Duck’s Misery

    First Edition

    Copyright © 2016 J.M. Denholme

    Kickword Press 2016

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means–including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods–without the prior written permission of the author; except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law. For permission or questions, please write Attn: Permissions Coordinator to

    Although, in part, inspired by observations, real moments and places, the following story is fictional and does not depict any actual persons or events.

    Edited by Siju Editing

    Cover Artwork by J.M. Denholme Copyright © 2016

    Collective title Caution, Girl Up Ahead © 2016

    Excerpts from The ’86 Olds Copyright © 2016

    ISBN-13: 9781311994417

    Smashwords Edition 2016

    Dedicated to all life’s passers-by,

    especially those so nearly passed by:

    may you take comfort in the memories you keep.


    Duck’s Misery

    About the author

    Excerpts from The ’86 Olds

    Duck’s Misery

    I met Suzi at the A&W of my old hometown on Halloween.

    "That’s spelled with a z-i," she’d giggled, flicking forward her long, auburn hair over a shoulder.

    It was Saturday and I’d been hanging out with my old high school friends–Tim and Kirk–at the drive-in eating chili-cheese fries and drinking a root beer float, when she whipped her sports car into a space next to Tim’s Charger. She stepped out wearing initiative and a smile to chase away clouds; and in one breath she hailed us all by our names, letting us know she was a senior at the high school we’d graduated from three years previous–though I didn’t know her from Eve.

    From the word go, she’d singled me out–engaging me the most in conversation–and I caught a few sly glances and knowing smiles from the others. She droned on and on about mutual acquaintances, teachers, SATs, some concert, but I wasn’t really listening. She was pretty cute, in a window dressing kind of way. Her clothes and make-up were of the in-crowd that season–flash and bright–the best Daddy could buy, just like her Bimmer.

    ...You guys were playing at the winter pep rally–your senior year, Suzi was talking to Kirk about the short-lived, three-man band he and Tim had created with Kirk's second cousin.

    Hmm, Kirk nodded his head enthusiastically, a goofy grin at some memory blazed across his face. Some band.

    Yeah, me and my friends loved that song! ‘The End of Me’? You know, I never knew: what was the name of your band?

    Some Band, Tim answered dryly. Never got ’round to discussin’ a real name. Only wrote three songs … passin’ hobby and all.

    Huh. Suzi’s visible disappointment made Tim smirk–he owned everyone’s number.

    There was nothing striking about the girl: her cheerleader’s body and pleasing face weren’t anything I hadn’t been privy to before; after nearly forty minutes of light banter, neither Suzi’s words nor her body language had revealed anything that would leave a lasting impression with me. Still, I wasn’t often known to back away from such an attractive and willing conquest, and that time of the year always seemed to light something ablaze in me bordering on the positively sinister–perhaps my birthday made me feel even more self-entitled than usual.

    I readily became a willing participant in the subtle, sexual overtures blossoming nicely between us–and why ever not? Suzi had strolled into our group like a guided missile, targeting me and wearing sexual intent like she wore her Gap jeans. Her well-placed hair and wholesome image contrasted indecently with the bedroom eyes and cinnabar-rouged lips she made damned sure I noticed. All in all, Suzi was a potential product placement for Gallery’s Girl Next Door and I was in a two-month dry spell; I decided I didn’t mind what I pictured in my head: fucking her six ways to Sunday.

    As Suzi finished off her corn dog and float, I angled the topic to the fact that it was my birthday and Tim and Kirk said goodbye to Suzi as if on cue.

    We’ll hook up this evenin’ at my place, Vince, Tim smiled as they pulled out in the Charger. Later!

    As she’d been gunning for me from the start, Suzi wasted no time in offering to drive the two of us somewhere more private and we got well underway in her two-door sedan, its new car smell mingled with her CK One.

    She pulled out of the parking lot and cracked her window. So UW, yeah? I wondered why I never see you around town.

    I wondered if it really mattered to her whether I believed that rehearsed line or not, and smiled. One more year to go.

    She turned the volume down on the radio, some over-the-top DJ had begun hemorrhaging about a contest. You here long?

    No, I’m just visiting for the weekend–see my parents and celebrate my twenty-second with some of the guys. I ran my eyes along the long length of her legs, appraising her knee-high, petrol blue, suede boots and how they would look spread before me in a high and wide V. I have to admit, I don’t remember you.

    She shrugged, laughing. I wouldn’t expect you to and I’m glad! I wasn’t exactly ‘in bloom’ during my freshman year–she glanced at me with a wink–nothing like now.

    I couldn’t feed her the compliment she was fishing for because a feminine voice

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