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Fatal Alliance
Fatal Alliance
Fatal Alliance
Ebook532 pages8 hours

Fatal Alliance

Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars



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This Star Wars novel ties in with the MMORPG of the same name, and is written by Sean Williams, the acclaimed science fiction author whose previous Star Wars game tie-in The Force Unleashed debuted at #1 in the New York Times bestseller list. 3,500 years in the past of the far-away galaxy, when the Jedi and Galactic Republic clashed with the Sith Empire, smuggler Jet Nebula has stumbled across a treasure richer than he ever dreamed. The Hutts want to auction it to the highest bidder, be it the Republic or the Empire, both of whom hope to bolster their chances in the coming conflict. But the Sith are interested too, and they don't bargain with anyone; the Jedi High Council is sending someone to investigate; a mysterious Mandalorian is chasing something connected to a long-forgotten crime; while a spy plays every side at once. What Jet has unearthed will surprise all of them, and leave none of them unchanged.
PublisherTitan Books
Release dateNov 15, 2011
Fatal Alliance

Sean Williams

Sean Williams writes for children, young adults, and adults. He is the author of forty novels, ninety short stories, and the odd odd poem, and has also written in universes created by other people, such as those of Star Wars and Doctor Who. His work has won awards, debuted at number one on the New York Times bestseller list, and been translated into numerous languages. His latest novel is Twinmaker, the first in a new series that takes his love affair with the matter transmitter to a whole new level (he just received a PhD on the subject, so don’t get him started).

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  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    This book takes place sometime after the uneasy truce between the Republic and the Empire. Both sides are looking for the advantage and they think that they have found it in the form of a ship that was found by a smuggler by the name of Jet Nebula. The ship self-destructs and the data core is being auctioned off by the Hutts. Both the Empire and the Republic send envoys to procure it. There is a lot of double crossing in this novel and there are many characters whose motivations aren't clear. The issue with this novel is that there is too much happening, and it is hard to care about any of the characters. It is never made clear who the protagonist is and by the time the novel ends, nothing has changed. Essentially this reads like a 400 page introduction, which I guess it is since it is a video game tie-in novel. Because of this I found the novel unfulfilling and flat. I expected more from the Star Wars Universe.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Not bad. Better than the current Legacy series of novels. Starts kind of slow, and struggled to hold my interest for a bit - but I stuck with it and I'm glad I did. It definitely gets better the deeper you get into the story.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Overall, the book was okay. I've read far better Star Wars books, but I've also read far worse. In fact, if I'd simply read this book, I probably wouldn't have been moved to write a review for it. I'd have just marked it three stars and moved on.However, I "read" the audio version, which has two problems the print version wouldn't suffer from. The first problem was one that was probably unavoidable, and certainly unintentional. To differentiate the various characters, the narrator employed different voices, which seems standard in audio books. Unfortunately, his choice for one voice reminded me strongly of Kif Kroker from Futurama every time I heard it. He wasn't, nor was he suppose to look like him, so the continuing mental image was jarring.The second problem was avoidable, and responsible for the two-and-a-half star rating. They decided to use sound effects, I'm assuming to make it a more movie-like experience. Since this is my first SW audio book, I don't know if these are the norm, but they quickly went from "oh neat, sound effects" to seriously distracting in parts. At points they also seemed to not quite mesh with the description of certain scenes. Frankly, they would have done far better to leave them out.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Star Wars The Old Republic: Fatal Alliance is a good Old Republic novel over all. The story is a little slow getting started but once it does, look out! There is plenty of action like most Star Wars novels, but it's the suspense that keeps this story enticing. The plot centers around a mystery that turns out to be something new and unexpected that's a threat to the whole galaxy.That's where the Jedi come in. And the Sith. And lots of other characters all racing each other to determine the fate of the galaxy. Filled with action, intrigue, suspense, new locations, and of course great new characters, Fatal Alliance has all sorts of surprises that keep you turning the page. It's another wonderful addition to the Old Republic books.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Very engaging writing and a plot that moves at a great, rapid pace from character to character and from setting to setting. The writing offers an ongoing switch-off between characters, forwarding the story by the individual experiences of each. I really enjoyed the progression of the story and the struggles that each character faced without acknowledgment form any of the others. Unlike other Star Wars novels, Fatal Alliance is less predictable and actually keeps the reader teased with certain mysteries throughout the story. The story does drag in parts that segway between action-packed moments.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Interesting take on a short-lived Partnership of Convenience between Sith and Jedi against a greater enemy. (Kind of an inverted Mexican Standoff! TVTropes calls this the "Rivals Team Up" or the "Enemy Mine" trope.)
    Dialogue was very well done- you certainly could tell the difference between the tones of Jedi, Sith, smugglers, military and civillians.
    This is a book that I could definitely read again and probably find more items to explore at leisure.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Unless a book really hooks me, I know I can take much too long to read. So maybe I didn’t devour Star Wars: The Old Republic: Fatal Allliance in no time like I had expected, but at the same time I delighted in taking my sweet time to read it. I’ll cut to the chase here — if you can look beyond the faults that are so typical of novels based on video games, you will probably enjoy it. I’d like to mention that I am a big reader and fan of Star Wars expanded universe books, and I can honestly say that Fatal Alliance can stand next to any of them. I’d even go as far as to say it was better written than most of the Star Wars books I’ve read. Sean Williams’ writing style is easy to follow, without feeling like you’re being talked down to. Dialogue can get cheesy and positively cringe-worthy at times, but it’s made up for by the author’s excellent handling of the characters’ relationships with each other.The story, on the other hand, was a bit disappointing. I realize, however, that storylines that work for a game don’t necessarily translate as well into book form, and I’m sure much of characters and plots from Fatal Alliance were developed under such game-to-novel constraints. At times you may find the story predictable, and inevitably, you will come across parts in the book which will make you stop and think, “Wait, that doesn’t make much sense!” Fortunately, it’s fairly easy to look past these flaws if you can maintain appropriate expectations for an MMO tie-in of this nature.Fatal Alliance is also blessed/plagued with a large ensemble of characters, depending on the way you look at it. The novel follows the activities of no less than eight characters, no doubt for the sole purpose of showcasing all the classes of the SWTOR game. Consequently, you can expect to find the points-of-view constantly switching around between and even within chapters, sometimes rehashing certain events over and over again. This may annoy some readers, but I think most will end up appreciating the author’s attempt to give equal attention to both the Republic and the Sith.I also found the character development sufficient, but perhaps die-hards will still find it unsatisfying. In some ways, I believe the book was written with the expectation that the reader is already familiar the Star Wars universe, as well has decent background knowledge of the SWTOR MMO. Indeed, the class archetypes (Smuggler, Jedi Knight, Trooper, etc.) and their traits are well reflected in the novel, and readers will greatly benefit from having existing knowledge of them. Otherwise, you may find the story background and characters’ histories severely lacking and even confusing, and admittedly character development will not go that much further beyond what has already been established and/or understood about the archetypes.Nonetheless, I am impressed with the way Williams handled the characters and the classes they represent, especially considering how much of it is obviously required to correspond to the game. It’s a challenge to create characters that are based on such prominent archetypes and still make them unique and interesting, but he manages well. Particularly, if you are interested in the Smuggler or Imperial Agent and are disappointed by the limited information Bioware has revealed on them so far, Fatal Alliance will be a treat. While reading, I also picked up on many hints regarding class abilities and other game mechanics, so SWTOR addicts might also have that to look forward to.While some of my criticisms of Fatal Alliance might seem a little harsh, I do want to make it clear that I enjoyed the book. I think most people who are looking for a fun, casual read will enjoy it too; just don’t expect an epic tale. If you are a fan of Star Wars or the expanded universe, this book is worth checking out. And if you’re a fan of SWTOR, this is a must-read.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    As an avid player of SW:TOR, I was eager to read a book set in the world. Story wise this was mediocre - not amazing, but not bad either. Good characters and action sequences, but the pace dragged at parts and the plot was mildly predictable. I enjoyed when I recognized the moves or characters or places from the game. Williams remained faithful to the feel and arch-types of the game - both the unique characters and the big-name characters, like Satele Shan. This is a fun read for any SWTOR fan, and any Star Wars fan in general.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    That this is the best of the three Old Republic tie-in novels doesn't say much. Here at least I liked the characters somewhat (and they had personalities) and I was a little invested in the mystery and plot that takes them to Hutta and beyond, but like most tie-in novels, it's clear that its real purpose was to highlight a new franchise. You could almost see the checklist in their heads. Imperial Agent? Check. Jedi Knight? Check. Trooper, smuggler, appearances by major NPCs, check, check, check.I read it to get a better sense of the world, and I guess it worked for that. But books written to fulfill a list of criteria just-- aren't usually that interesting. It all falls flat.