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Fighting the Unknown: Part 4 - Asylum Denied!
Fighting the Unknown: Part 4 - Asylum Denied!
Fighting the Unknown: Part 4 - Asylum Denied!
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Fighting the Unknown: Part 4 - Asylum Denied!

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About this ebook

Hans Smedema Affair! Victim of the largest horrifying kafkaesque and orwellian (Royal) conspiracy in Dutch history! It looks like President Obama just before he left office has ordered a complaint against the Netherlands(!) at UNCAT United Nations Convention Against Torture about my horrifying ordeal. Suddenly after 17 years begging for an investigation, the Dutch in March 2017 started secretly(!) to ask questions and investigate my case. While being deported back to Amsterdam I was interrogated on the plane(!) by the Dutch Secret Service! And was put in detention for 13 months. I now live in Albir Spain. My ordeal is still ongoing.
The English translator said ‘It is a story that will arouse horrified fascination. I stayed up late reading last night; I had to force myself to stop. Yes, it’s hard to believe these things could really be happening to someone. I like your writing style; it is very direct and very accessible to the reader, like you’re right there, talking, and this makes it very compelling to keep reading. The dark world of pornography is permeated through our culture and has so many hidden layers that would shock the average person. We’ve all heard the expression “truth is stranger than fiction”; this goes beyond all sinister imagination...’
This version of my Ebooks are also my legal statement about what the Dutch did to me and my defenseless wife who because of torture was made into a sex slave.
So it contains also some legal crucial documents like verdicts and letters to the Queen, now King and (Prime) Ministers.

PublisherHans Smedema
Release dateDec 14, 2018
Fighting the Unknown: Part 4 - Asylum Denied!

Hans Smedema

Victim of a horrifying Dutch political conspiracy, or Dutch Queengate!Author of the Ebook 'Fighting the Unknown' autobiography about this unbelievable horror story, which is still ongoing!A book about the unbelievable 'Crime of the Century', which will be historical legacy!

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    Book preview

    Fighting the Unknown - Hans Smedema


    Fighting the Unknown

    Part 4

    Asylum Denied!


    Hans Smedema



    Smashwords Edition

    Version for publication & book trade – Dec 2018

    Owner all rights:

    Hans Smedema Amnesia Foundation, Panama


    Author: Hans Smedema, Spain

    EBook, English language, over 145.000 words

    Title: Fighting the Unknown

    Part 4 – Asylum Denied!


    Cover design: Daniel Bies, Drachten, Netherlands


    Smashwords Edition

    Copyright © Hans Smedema 2018

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means without permission in writing from the author, except for the inclusion of brief quotations in a review.

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This eBook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.


    The reader must explicitly assume that most of the criminals mentioned in my book have denied what I have written. In order to prevent any legal confrontations, I explicitly mention it. The reader will have to decide for him- or herself whom and what to believe until an investigation has proven my case. In any case, this is my written declaration regarding everything I know and remember about this horrific, long-term betrayal of an unsuspecting defenseless couple.

    Also remember that this ebook is in fact my written legal statement about what was done to me. So it contains also the text of the most crucial investigations, verdicts and documents! A more condensed ebook will follow soon which can also be used for the movie. Writing this in december 2018 I was innocent in detention only asking asylum in America for 15 months, and in the Netherlands because of unfair trials about insulting the rapist of my wife(!) for an unbelievable 14 months! Total 29 months. And all investigations denied! And with tens of perfect witnesses. Severe human rights violations  by the Dutch, only because the criminal signature and ruling of an immune Queen Juliana, later Beatrix  and now King Willem Alexander!

    But it is almost certain that President Obama just before leaving office in Januari 2017 has ordered a complaint against the Netherlands about my epic case!

    Suddenly the Dutch were secretly(!) investigating this case.

    The Dutch people are of course not to know what horrifying Human Rights violations were done to me and my defenseless wife.

    The last part 5 J’Accuse will follow around May. After that the more condensed Movie Ebook.

    Part 4 – Asylum Denied!

    Chapter 22 - Investigating

    January 2008 – How to win this horrifying case?

    I had previously given some thought as to how this horrific cover-up affair could be exposed.

    I looked for comparable affairs and how they were solved and compare those to our horrific affair. I quickly found...

    The famous ‘Dreyfus affair’ from France with the impressive letter and accusation by the writer Emile Zola, J’Accuse, to the president of France. In such a comparison, our horrific cover-up affair is actually even more serious than Dreyfus! But in that case the way the government handled it and the deceit by various parties involved was also reprehensible and absolutely criminal.

    And this case proves that a cover-up affair by the government can only be won by individuals when there is public interest. Sufficient power has to be generated from the public opinion, to force the conspirators ultimately to make the truth public knowledge.

    In my specific case, where the normal laws and rights related to safety and then to crimes against us, must have been suspended on grounds of state security, and any investigation by the normal authorities, such as the police and public prosecutor, turns out to be prohibited, I have no choice but to provoke legal counter procedures.  The only thing I can do now is to openly accuse my enemies and by doing so inform the entire Dutch population about this horrific cover-up affair that has been going on since 1972.

    An additional advantage is that with some luck I will be able to provoke or force my enemies to press charges against me. The police will probably accept that, because this is something the conspirators hadn’t thought of and so, inadvertently they will simply initiate the legal procedure.

    The public prosecutors will then have to act, although the conspirators will try to stop that. After all they will not benefit from an investigation of my affair, but they will have to at least investigate the matter of slander and defamation of character.

    Then, I think, it will be virtually impossible to decently stop an investigation in my defense, which will point to the cover-up.

    Apparently, the Dutch public is not allowed to know what kind of horrific rape case, which has been going on for thirty years, has been kept hidden from them.  Plus, that was done by secretly misusing millions of guilders worth of tax money; too crazy for words.

    Ethically, I think it is my right to defend my and Wies’ honor and good name, after open accusations from our enemies and to finally get medical treatment for my Wiesje, after thirty-five years.

    I put some messages, or Posts on my Blog with J’Accuse in the title, just like Emile Zola called it, followed by the names of our enemies.

    The responses soon started. Wies immediately began to get phone calls from people who wanted me remove their names from my Blog on the internet, or they will report me to the police. They also don’t want me to offer the book for sale with their names in it on my Blog.

    Even though the book has a disclaimer that it is intended exclusively for personal investigation of crimes and not for publication. There are also no ads for the book; it is only mentioned on my Blog. After all, I wanted to wait and see what the response would be to see what the consequences might be legally and to find out what is and what is not allowed. I’m leaving the names in for now, because I want people to press charges, so that the police will be forced to do an investigation.

    January 18, 2008 – Report from PD Detective

    I had already decided earlier that as soon as I finished Part 1 of my book I would try again to get a detective firm to do some more investigation.

    And right during that time, a Gjalt Biesma from Zwolle contacted me. He had read my Blog and said that he felt it could definitely be true. He asked me if I’d like to get together with him to talk about it. This was the first time that someone had ever told me that they thought it could be true, so I immediately set up a time to meet with him in Zwolle.

    He was very interested and asked excellent questions, which, of course, was like a breath of fresh air to me after all those years of stupid denials and being accused of being paranoid. I immediately felt my fighting energy return.

    He suggested contacting PD Detective Agency in Rijssen. This was a company that was run by two former police detectives with many contacts in the Ministry of Justice. Their names were Jan Hendrik Paalman and Charles de Roy van Zuydewijn. They had been involved with the Fireworks disaster in Enschede.

    Together Gjalt and I made an appointment and discussed it all thoroughly. We also dropped off two copies of my book and they were going to get back to us and let us know if they wanted to take the assignment.

    They do as they said, and ask for a thousand Euros for a short investigation of a few witnesses, such as Elise Boers from Uden and her parents in Beuningen, Rieks Perdok from Roden and Stella van Arkel. I thought it was great and I immediately paid them.

    They didn’t waste any time and called after just a few days to set up a meeting to let me know their findings, which were negative for me. They immediately wanted to drop the assignment, which I thought was very weak.

    Gjalt Biesma and I went to meet them together and afterwards we both thought they were pretty nervous.

    But, just as I had warned them beforehand, all the responses they had gotten from anyone had been denials. So they must have been under a lot of pressure, not to take Hans Smedema as a client, we thought. After all, it would make sense that witnesses wouldn’t initially want to say anything if there was some question of some cover-up that had been imposed from the top. We thought it was quite naïve to think that everyone was suddenly going to tell the truth. They also didn’t ask them any trick questions or did any checks. They didn’t keep asking to let them keep talking, etc. Their performance was poor so we suspected a different cause.

    But they definitely want to drop the case and even reimburse most of the 1000 Euros. They promise to send me a report.

    A year later, the Public Prosecutor used this PD report as proof that I made everything us and that I therefore must be crazy!

    With Gjalt I decide to hire another private detective; someone he used to work with, K2 Recherche from Hassel.

    Here is the literal PD report they later sent me:

    Your reference: Fighting the Unknown Our references : 090768.08 Date : January 18, 2008 Appendix: N/A


    We, Jan Hendrik Paalman and Charl Emiel Arnold de Roy van Zuydewijn, connected to the private detective firm Paalman and de Roy van Zuydewijn Detective Consultations, permit issued by the Ministry of Justice, under No. POB 982, relate the following:

    By assignment of Mr. Smedema, several individuals were approached by us and interviewed in order to find support for the account given by Mr. Hans Smedema, and which he has placed on the website Fighting the Unknown. The persons below were approached by us:

    On Tuesday, January 15, 2008, at around 3:00 PM, I met with Mr. Boers, the father of Elise Boers, who is mentioned on Mr. Hans Smedema’s website, Fighting the Unknown.

    Smedema had indicated that the parents of Elise and Elise Boers herself were important witnesses for him.

    Interview with Boers

    After I had legitimized myself and given as much explanation of the situation as needed, he declared: "I don’t know what this is about. We have not had any contact with our daughter, Elise Boers lately.

    Did you phone about this a while ago? (interviewer: no) I don’t know anything about a confidentiality agreement that Elise would have had and I have never heard her mention anything it. I have never heard anything about Hans Smedema. Elise is married to Janssen and lives in Uden."

    Interview with Elise Janssen-Boers

    On Tuesday, January 15, 2008, around 3:30 PM, I interviewed a woman at her residence, who told me she was Elise Boers. After I had legitimized myself and explained the situation as much as needed, she declared the following:

    Comment by interviewer Paalman: The interview was very open; I did not at all have the impression that anything was being withheld and Mr. Boers had also immediately given me his daughter’s name and address in Uden.

    I was working for Johan Smedema in Gennep.  Through a friend I was approached about a job with Talsma. My friend had been approached about it by Hans Smedema. I didn’t know Hans Smedema and I never saw him. I only ever talked to him on the phone. I also didn’t know that Hans and Johan were brothers; I heard about that later. Hans Smedema asked me not to tell Johan that he had stolen me as an employee from his company, a real estate office in Gennep. I asked if I signed a confidentiality agreement. I don’t know anything about a confidentiality agreement. I never saw one or signed one. I don’t know what this is about. I had only been working for Johan Smedema for a short time when I got the offer at Talsma’s. I never met Hans Smedema in person, because after he put me in touch with Talsma, this job was exactly what I was looking for and I was a good step up for me. I reached an agreement with Talsma within an hour, so there was never any need for me to meet Hans Smedema or to have a meeting with him. He had already done his work. You asked if there was ever any talk about Johan Smedema’s family members at his office, or about his brother Hans. There was never any talk like that. I had never heard about Hans Smedema before.

    Comment by interviewer Paalman:  I directed the Janssen family to the website Fighting the Unknown. The interview was very open and I absolutely did not get the impression that anything was being withheld. When we arrived, Elise Boers was not home, but her husband let me in and we waited for her in the living room for fifteen minutes, after which she arrived. If there had been a problem, Paul Janssen could have sent me away at the door, with the comment, My wife is not home. (There was no car in the driveway.)

    Phone call with Paul Janssen: When I, interviewer Paalman,  arrived home on Tuesday evening, January 15, 2008, a Paul Janssen, the husband of Elise, phone me. He had read the website Fighting the Unknown and wanted to submit a police report the next day (Wednesday, January 16, 2008) to the Uden Police, because his wife was mentioned by first and last name on this website. He asked if this book was for sale and wanted her name removed from the website. He gave the following phone number: 06-51326470 and asked me to pass it on to Hans Smedema. I told him the book was not for sale yet, and that I would get in touch with Hans Smedema. A little later, Paul Janssen called again and told me that he had spoke to Hans Smedema on the phone and had asked Hans to change his wife’s name to a pseudonym on the website.

    On Wednesday, January 16, 2008, the name Elise Boers had been changed to E.B.

    Phone call to Perdok family

    On Wednesday, January 16, 2008, around 3:15 PM, I, De Roy van Zuydewijn phoned the Perdok family, which had been mentioned on Mr. Hans Smedema’s website. A (young) man answered the phone. When asked he informed me that his parents were not home and that I could call back around 5:00, because his mother would be home then.

    Phone call to van Arkel family

    On Wednesday January 16, 2008, around 3:30 PM, I, De Roy van Zuydewijn, phoned the Van Arkel family, which had been mentioned on Mr. Hans Smedema’s website. There was no answer when I dialed the number, except for voice mail. On the voicemail there was a male voice. It didn’t mention a name; only the phone number. I left my name and phone number and explained who I was and requested them to call me back on my mobile phone number.

    Phone calls to Herman van Kesteren

    I, De Roy van Zuydewijn, also attempted to phone Mr. Herman van Kesteren at his place of work in Groningen, several times. He was also mentioned on Mr. Hans Smedema’s website. I did not succeed in making contact with him, because, according to the secretary, one moment Mr. Van Kesteren was on the phone and the next moment, he was on the phone again.

    Phone call to Mrs. Perdok

    Around 4:50 PM that afternoon, I Roy van Zuydewijn, again called the Perdok family. It was answered by the same young man, who then passed the phone to his mother. After introducing myself and clearly explaining to her that were doing an investigation into the truth of a matter, I asked what she could tell me about the person Hans Smedema. Mrs. Perdok told me that she was not familiar with the name Hans Smedema. She did not know that name. Perhaps it was her husband, Rieks, I wanted to speak to. I asked her to have Mr. Rieks Perdok phone me, because I also wanted to ask him about Hans Smedema. I then gave her my GSM number.

    Phone call with Rieks Perdok

    Around 5:15 PM I, De Roy van Zuydewijn received a call on my GSM. I male voice informed me that he was Rieks Perdok and that his wife had just phoned him with the request to call me back. After I explained to him who I was and that the purpose of my questions was to find out the truth about a matter, I asked him what he could tell me about Hans Smedema. The man answered that he did not know anyone by that name. He had never heard the name. After I had explained to him that there was a weblog on the internet, named Fighting the Unknown, in which Hans Smedema had written something about him, he again said he did not know anyone name Hans Smedema. As far as he could remember he had never met anyone Hans Smedema. He did know Jan de Vries, however.

    Phone call with Stella van Arkel

    At 6:04 PM that evening, I, De Roy van Zuydewijn, received a call from a landline on my GSM. I heard a female voice who identified herself as Stella van Arkel. After I had introduced myself and clearly explained to her that we were doing an investigation to find out the truth about a matter, I asked her what she could tell me about the person Hans Smedema. The woman said she knew Hans Smedema from the time she worked at the Smedema family business. She remembered Hans Smedema as a very competent man who was very intelligent. I told her that Hans Smedema had said on his website that she had been phoned by his small daughter and that she had alerted Marinus, Hans’ brother, who had then gone to Hans’ house, with another man, and beaten a man. She told me clearly that she had never received such phone calls from Hans’ daughter and this event had never happened. She also told me that she had heard that Hans was not doing well and that he had a website where he wrote all kinds of things. She felt sorry for him. Hans was a good guy but he really needed help.

    Phone call with Herman van Kesteren

    On Thursday, January 17, 2008, I, De Roy van Zuydewijn, phoned Mr. Van Kesteren at his place of work in Groningen. I got a man on the line who told me his name was Herman van Kesteren. I explained to the man on the phone who I was and what I was doing and that we were doing an investigation to find out the truth about a matter, by request of Mr. Hans Smedema. Mr. Van Kesteren replied to this that he remembered meeting Hans Smedema during his time at the Rotary Club. It was many years ago. After I had explained that Smedema told on his website that Van Kesteren should know about the sexual abuse of the wife of Smedema, Van Kesteren said that this was complete nonsense. He had read something about Smedema and was of the opinion that Smedema needed help. He felt sorry for him.

    Second phone call with Rieks Perdok

    I, De Roy van Zuydewijn, again phoned Mr. Rieks Perdok. I got a man on the line with the same voice as the man who had phoned me on Wednesday and identified himself as Rieks Perdok. After I had asked the man if, in addition to my questions on Wednesday January 16, 2008, the name Hans van der Heide meant anything to him, he replied that he did not know him. The man then told me that he had spoken to his wife late the night before, on Wednesday, January 16, 2008. His wife had read him excerpts from the website. One of the things it said was that he was supposedly the father of Hans Smedema’s youngest son and had sexually abused Hans Smedema’s wife in 1977, 1978 and 1979. He was incensed about this. He was able to refute the accusations immediately. The man said that he had graduated in 1978. He had then served in the army from June 1978 until December of 1979. After that he had worked in Amersfoort for six months and had not started to work for Jan de Vries until 1985. He was deliberating what steps to take regarding Smedema, because he felt his honor and good name had been injured.

    Conversation with Hans Smedema

    On Thursday, January 17, 2008, we also spoke with Mr. Hans Smedema and Mr. Gjalte Biesma in Rijssen. We explained to Mr. Hans Smedema, that we, in part from the interviews with the above-mentioned individuals, were not able to find any foundation for his account, as expressed on his website, Fighting the Unknown, and were therefore returning the assignment of investigating this matter.

    We also advised Mr. Hans Smedema not to publish his book, Fighting the Unknown Part I, and also to change his website of the same name, and anonymize the names.

    A report has been truthfully prepared by us about the above-mentioned and signed at Rijssen on January 18, 2008.

    J.H. Paalman

    C.E.A. de Roy van Zuydewijn

    Even though this report is very negative for me, I decide to put in on my Blog anyway. I do change the last names, however. This report is worth gold to our enemies. They will certainly use this to declare me a paranoid idiot. I

    I also post a detailed defense on my Blog:

    The main points from the report, the grounds on which PD Detectives are declaring me crazy are:

    1 - Elise B. didn’t know that I was Johan’s brother and only f

    2 - Elise B. didn’t need to meet with me, because she has already come to an agreement with my client? That was why she didn’t speak to me as the headhunter?

    3 - Elise B. doesn’t remember anything about a confidentiality agreement!

    4 - Elise had never heard of Hans Smedema before!

    5 - Rieks P. and his wife don’t know anyone named Hans Smedema and have never even heard of him!

    6 - Rieks P. couldn’t have sexually abused her while she was defenseless, because he was in the army!

    7 - Stella van Arkel remembers Hans Smedema, is positive about him, but calls him schizophrenic! There were never any phone calls from a five-year-old daughter about an angry man (Rieks P.) and Mommy clothes off.

    8 - Herman van Kesteren met Hans Smedema at the Rotary Leeuwarden-Zuid. Herman van Kesteren denies he knows anything about the rape of Hans’ wife, during a party the Commercial Club Leeuwarden had at the Oranje Hotel in Leeuwarden on Saturday, January 12, 1991, in the parking garage. Nonsense, Hans needs help! I comment that the appointment book shows that her sister Klazien came by right away, the Tuesday after the rape. Through Herman van Kesteren’s sister Ans, or through the Ministry of Justice, the unscrupulous brother Johan must have been informed, who then immediately sent Klazien to investigate!

    These comments make it clear that I’m dealing with unscrupulous people here. Up until now I’ve still been protecting them, but now it’s gone too far. This is so unconscionable towards us. You should help victims, not make things worse for them, like they’re doing to us. It’s so awful. Note that apparently PD Detective Consultants from Rijssen are operating on the premise that if they simply ask the witnesses, they will immediately get truthful answers, and instantly end the cover-up that’s been going on for the past 35 years. And that was exactly what I warned them about before they started, both verbally (on January 10, 2008) and on my website. Everyone I approach refuses to tell the truth and you can only find out by tricking them, or through an error in their reasoning, that Hans is absolutely right! So their entire report is based on the comments of the witnesses after some very simple questioning, without any further checking. So they thought they were going to be able to solve this in just a few minutes?

    Sub 1 - Elise B. didn’t know that I was a brother of Johan’s and only found out about that later?

    How dumb do they think the Dutch people are, anyway? Her girlfriend had mentioned that she knew someone for the job at VDM, with some construction experience, who wanted to leave her current position, but absolutely did not want to mention a name, which was already quite strange. She said she’d call the person herself, but didn’t call me back, so I phoned her again to ask her about it. She told me the mysterious person definitely wanted to leave her current job, but was afraid to call me. She said she couldn’t, or was not allowed to tell me the real reason. After a lot of persuasion I was finally able to get in touch with Elise and asked her some questions. The first question any headhunter asks is what her background and experience is, of course. She tells me that she’s currently working for Mr. J. Smedema in Gennep. So I proudly tell her that he is my brother and that he is one of the best real estate agents in the Netherlands. She says she wants to leave, because my brother is an impossible man to work for, and she doesn’t have any freedom to do the work in her own way. I confirm that he is indeed very dictatorial and mechanical. So from the first moment it was crystal clear that he was my brother. It wouldn’t make any sense anyway if that didn’t come out right away. So it is very likely that she is lying here for the first time! Omerta! Oath of secrecy!

    Sub 2 - Elise spoke to the client first and that was why (!) she never spoke to me, the headhunter?

    Such nonsense and very unlikely. Any self-respecting headhunter, and especially yours truly, wants a solid interview with a candidate to see what kind of person it is. It is totally unbelievable that I would not have asked her for an interview after speaking to her on the first the first time. I asked her several times to come and meet me and even offered to meet her half-way in Zwolle, any day of the week, including Saturday or Sunday. But she couldn’t make it. I remember thinking it was very strange and I couldn’t understand why her attitude, especially because by then I had told the client, Berend Talsma from VDM that I probably had an excellent second candidate for him. He even asked me, after about two weeks, when I would be sending her his way, but I didn’t get any further with Elise than the CV she faxed me through her parents in Nijmegen on March 22, 1998. She also wanted to speak to VDM and Berend Talsma directly, which is highly unusual. In retrospect it makes sense, because she was not ALLOWED to speak to me; this had prohibited by the Ministry of Justice! But I was not aware of that at the time. That was shy she finally spoke to Berend Talsma at the construction exhibition in Eindhoven. Elise is lying again! Omerta!

    Sub 3 - Elise doesn’t remember anything about a confidentiality agreement?

    Here, she’s lying through her teeth too. My  brother-in-law Tjitte de Jong has been pulled in by Johan Smedema right way, to question me. This surprised me at the time. What did Tjitte de Jong have to do with Elise B.? What was so important about Elise that he would make a special trip to Drachten to talk to her? He asked if I had spoken to her verbally and if she had told me anything in particular about how this contact had come about! So Tjitte de Jong from Norg knew all about the cover-up and the confidentiality agreement and didn’t have any problem working for that unscrupulous Johan. So he was cooperating with the cover-up. That also corresponds with the fact that just before our wedding in 1973, he spoke to me and called Wiesje a woman-child and wondered if she was suitable for me. He also pointed out to me at that time that there were rumors about her with other men. Which I denied, of course, because W1 (Normal personality) didn’t do that. We were madly in love with each other. Because of the cover-up, I was not yet aware of the fact that there was also a W2 (double, or emotional personality), but the family was aware of this and so was the Ministry of Justice. My three evil brother had asked him to have that meeting with me. So now Tjitte de Jong from Norg is a witness and I wonder if he will be willing to admit that? If he didn’t, that would be treason against me/us and a stab in the back! He is even the incoming governor of Rotary District 1590 of Northern Netherlands this year! Service above self' is their motto and in the past I would have gone through fire for him. But Johan is also part of the Rotary Gennep, so some people just don’t care about integrity! Next, Berend Talsma phoned me and told me that Elise was not going to be working for him (!), because she had a big problem with a competition clause. What is abnormal, or course, and extremely unlikely. I was astonished. VDM builds system and is not a Real Estate company. Weeks later she finally got permission. Probably after the Ministry of Justice, or actually, Group Mengele, had made a decision about it? And the basis of a competition clause is ALWAYS related to confidentiality of matters that could be of interest to third parties! So Elise is lying again here too and also telling unlikely things and is purposely leaving out crucial details, but PD Detective doesn’t see anything strange ! Forced? State terrorism? After all, Hamming De Bildt is also afraid to get involved? Omerta for the Dutch mafia?

    Sub 4 - Elise had never heard of Hans Smedema and never spoke to him?

    That is again very unlikely, because her friend had to push her several time to finally phone me. Why then didn’t she call me right away? What was she hiding? She also told me right away that she didn’t trust it at first, because I was probably testing her for Johan. I was able to reassure her that I was not anything like my unscrupulous brother Johan. She also spoke to me a few months later, but she asked me not to write her name in my appointment book. (A pattern, see Herman van Kesteren and Rieks P.) She definitely told me that my brother Johan was deceiving me terribly and that he was cooperating with the Ministry of Justice and a secret service on this cover-up. She also told me that the three kids were not mine and that she was very angry, first because she had to sign a confidentiality agreement, before she got to hear what it was about. She thought (rightly so!) that that was pulling someone into crime and that that was adding to the reason she wanted to leave. Because I couldn’t believe it yet (repressed it), I brushed it all aside and the following week she called me and told me that she would like to talk to me one more time, but this time at her parents’ house in Nijmegen. They thought she hadn’t been clear enough with me. So she is probably lying, because it is very unlikely that she didn’t know that a brother had approached her about a better position and the other three points definitely point to this. Very likely, this was all the result of pure state terrorism and intimidation and so I can’t really blame her! That € 50,000 reward is still there for you, Elise! The Ministry of Justice is behind this.  That’s Hirsch Balin now (again). Elise, be brave and speak the truth! Write a letter to Pieter van Vollenhoven, see page 1,000,000 rewards! Then you will (finally) have all HONEST Dutch people behind you! Omerta! The State is corrupt here.

    Sub 5 - Rieks P. and his wife don’t know any Hans Smedema and have never even heard of him!

    Rieks even worked on the construction of my house in 1978. And later, in 1979, his wife had made him phone me and confess that he had been sexually abusing,  raping my wife for a year and that she didn’t know anything about it, poor thing, that she needed protection and that he knew that I seemed to forget everything all the time. That Hans van der Heide had brought his personnel over for an outing to visit my defenseless, unknowing wife in ’t Harde and that he hadn’t had his turn, so he had taken another opportunity later, during the construction and many times afterwards. He also thought it was sad for that child (5 years old), that had to amuse herself whenever they did it. So that was our hysterical little daughter, who was witnessing that her sweet mother would suddenly change into a totally different personality (W2) after that angry man would grab her and, who, after learning from me how to phone me at Euro-Routing, had phoned and talked to the worried secretary Stella van Arkel several times, who had then sent Marinus to check my house. Rieks P. was then caught in the act by Marinus and Joop de Boer as he was fucking Wies and they had thrown him down the stairs (there was blood on the wall when I got hom, which we didn’t have any explanation for) and he had been bleeding so badly that his wife wanted to file a police report, but he didn’t want that, of course. And then it had finally all come out. Rieks P. would later be introduced to me at company contact days, by Jan de Vries, the manager of GTI  Leeuwarden, but oddly enough, he went and hid behind a counter. So he was afraid I would recognize him. Which Jan de Vries, who wanted to introduce me, thought was very strange. Jan de Vries had to convince him to talk to me as a headhunter some time later, when he was looking for another job. At first he was too afraid to even call me, the coward.  During that meeting at Hotel Drachten (again, I was not allowed to write his name in my appointment book), he didn’t even want to leave his CV with me, but he did tell me that he had worked for Hans van der Heide, hoping that I would react. But Id didn’t notice anything yet. I did notice that he looked a lot like my youngest son. But Jan and Jannie de Vries had already told me that too. Later, on Saturday evening, March 15, 1997, Jannie showed me photographs of Rieks P. at their house, and mentioned that he looked so much like our youngest son. She also showed the photos to Wies, saying, But if the child was his, you’d have to have had an affair and you never did, did you? To which my wife could truthfully reply that she hadn’t. Her normal personality (W1) still doesn’t know about that!

    And that asshole Rieks P. saying he doesn’t know me at all. He’s lying through his teeth, because he already know me as the manager at IHN Leeuwarden for seven years, and some time later, in 1997  I spoke to Holding manager Piet Barnhoorn and his HR Holding manager Bijer, and through them something had been set up with Rieks P. I was going to send along the information about my candidate Wim Klok, and introduce them! But P. didn’t show up; I didn’t even get to talk to Rieks P., even through Rieks had to work with the new man, Wim Klok. So here is a manager who is being introduced to a new man by the holding and who is too afraid to speak to the headhunter! That’s all very unlikely, isn’t it? Unless you’re hiding something, of course! That’s why he never gave me his CV and why he was afraid to speak to me at first. Jan de Vries had told him that I know about the fact that Jan and Rieks were the fathers of our two sons. Which was a misunderstanding and this only became clear to me much later. After all, my memory loss only(partly) ended in March of 2000. Culprits are often pulled back towards their victims.

    Here are the three notes from my appointment book from that time, with the dates August 12, 1997, 10:00 AM: appointment with GTI Manager Pieter Barnhoorn in Bunnik; September 3, 1997 at 9:30 AM: appointment with Bijer, HR manager, also in Bunnik; and the appointment with Rieks P. on September 12, 1997 at 11:00 in Roden, where I was fobbed off, however by Erik Koeling, and there was no talk about hiring the new Industry manager. Mr. Bijer also noticed this and he thought it was very strange. Bijer, together with Koeling, asked if I’d ever had any problems with Rieks P. Jan de Vries too, later, and he said something about it, but was then fired. Television series? This point has now been completely proven and we may wonder, why so many lies? It would not be a crime for him to know me. Or was it because he was the unscrupulous rapist of my wife

    Sub 6 - Rieks P. would not have been able to sexually abuse her when she was defenseless, because he was in the army!

    Jan de Vries had already warned about that previously. Rieks had a special position in the army, so that he had every opportunity to use my defenseless wife for a quickie. Whether or not there was a child there (5 years old) that was traumatized by it. Angry man, mommy clothes off, the poor little thing warned me and Stella on the phone! A smart (!) detective would be able to determined that he definitely did have opportunities to rape her. He had even said that he was starting to get into trouble at work, so more people must have known about it. After all, he had confessed to me himself that he was using her for sex for over a year and that it gave him a fright when she told him (in her normal personality: W1) that she was trying to have a baby with me, Hans. That’s right, because even now she still remembers like it was yesterday how that baby was conceived. The fact that she had a double, or rather, emotional personality, W2, tgoo, and that I had surreptitiously been made infertile, was kept a secret by her very own unscrupulous sisters, Klazien and Betty and also by the Ministry of Justice and the police, as well as my unscrupulous family and even those unscrupulous psychiatrists, Prof. Dr. Onno van der Hart and the assholes at GGZ Drachten! My god, what a bunch of unscrupulous jerks, all of them. If there is an honest Dutch person left anywhere, would he please put up his hand? The Netherlands have collectively deceived us horribly!

    Sub 7 - Stella is positive, but she thinks Hans is schizophrenic! My daughter never phoned at work and Marinus never went to Drachten with Joop.

    This is pure betrayal; cowardly and a stab in the back! So she never sent a  psychiatrist over to see me either? Because I also remember that very clearly. And I'm sure that Marinus and Joop took my keys, so that they could get into my house. Afterwards they even told me that they had caught Rieks in the act and had thrown him down the stairs.  And that Wiesje had stood before them naked and didn’t remember any of it when she came downstairs afterwards and they were waiting for her in the living room. Stella was also the one who was furious when she heard that Wies was pregnant, right around the time of those rapes. So she’s lying, but it’s her word against mine and this can only be proven if she and all the other witnesses are questioned under oath. It’s very difficult without any help, much less opposition from the police and the Ministry of Justice. She was wrongly fired by Marinus because she did her job very well and she was furious with him and also with me at that time, I even thought it had not been my decision at all. She is not mentioning that now, nor the reason for it. Marinus was ordered by the Group Mengele (Justice, mafia) to fire her, according to Jan van Beek. And the strange thing is that all the information should be in the files of the Ministry of Justice (or they’ve disappeared) and so NOTHING actually needs to be proven anymore! I only have to expose it and so I need something. Dutch people, hunt these kinds of assholes down! Not Stella though, because  she was probably forced into silence. Omerta! I hope someday I will find out the real reason for this cover up. Three murder attempts on me and my old neighbor Cees van ’t Hoog from ’t Harde murdered! Corruption is rampant in the Netherlands-Assholeland. And all the Dutch people just stay stuck in their rush-hour traffic jams. Media? They just stick their butter heads down into the Dutch clay

    Sub 8 - Herman met Hans at the Rotary Leeuwarden-Zuid?

    This too is pure betrayal, cowardice and a stab in the back. Very strange if his own sister Ans van Kesteren is the wife of Hans Smedema’s best friend, Paul Schuh from Alphen aan de Rijn. And both of them have been cooperating with the cover-up since 1983, according to another friend, Roland Wester. We used to run into Herman van Kesteren often at parties and birthdays! Why is he lying about that? And why did he never respond to the distress letter from his Rotary friend Hans Smedema, to say what he, as witness, knew about the rape of my poor defenseless wife by two friends of Hans van der Heide’s during a party of the Commercial Club Leeuwarden

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