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Premonitions, Too Consumed, Psychic Visions: A Sexy Psychic Paranormal Romance Suspense
Premonitions, Too Consumed, Psychic Visions: A Sexy Psychic Paranormal Romance Suspense
Premonitions, Too Consumed, Psychic Visions: A Sexy Psychic Paranormal Romance Suspense
Ebook43 pages36 minutes

Premonitions, Too Consumed, Psychic Visions: A Sexy Psychic Paranormal Romance Suspense

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Warning: This Psychic Paranormal Romance short story contains some violence and heavy sexual situations. Recommended for ages eighteen and up.

Jenna Foster grew up in foster homes, having never known her real parents. Her whole life she has felt out of place, never once feeling really at peace. Then one night, she started having strange psychic visions of a family she has never known. Now she is consumed by the images.

Grabbing her best friend, the two head off on a crazy adventure in discovery. Will her best friend since childhood, Thomas Marshall, be able to help her find the family she seeks and the peace she so desperately craves? Or will she find more than she bargained with and learn that, sometimes, ignorance really is bliss? Can you be too consumed with something?

Release dateAug 5, 2014
Premonitions, Too Consumed, Psychic Visions: A Sexy Psychic Paranormal Romance Suspense

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    Book preview

    Premonitions, Too Consumed, Psychic Visions - Cara B. Connor


    Chapter 1

    IN MY DREAM I WAS SEVEN years old again. The darkness in the closet felt like a living thing, pressing in on me with hot, damp hands until the door creaked open and a shaft of light flooded my shadowy prison. I almost wished the door had stayed shut so I wouldn't have to look at that sickly, yellow glow anymore.

    My foster mother, Mrs. Barrington, stood in the doorway and loomed over me in that threatening way she always did. I stayed still, crouched down in my corner, the hem of my handmade dress dragging through a thin layer of dust on the cracked floor. The light threw her massive silhouette over me. With her thick legs, cumbersome gut and her ever-present hair net, she looked like a giant frog to me.

    Well? Will your behave yourself now, Jenna Foster? She asked me. Her dentures slipped out of place for a moment and she snapped her jaws furiously to shift them back.

    I nodded slowly and rose to my feet. I stepped out of the closet and tried to walk past her, but she grabbed my arm and jerked me backwards.

    Answer me, you little bitch! she demanded.

    Trembling, I slowly lifted my head to meet her gaze. Her slate gray eyes glared into mine through a curtain of thin, silver strands of hair that had escaped the sweaty, unruly mop plastered against her brow. Her silver hair lay plastered against her head, desperately needing a wash.

    I’m sorry, Mrs. Barrington. I’ll be a good girl from now on, I promised.

    I waited for her to release me, yet her grip on my arm only grew tighter. Sharp burning pains shot into my flesh. I glanced down and screamed at the gnarled, clawed hand that encircled my arm. It was at that point that I noticed that it wasn’t human.

    Frightened tears raced down my stunned face as I looked up at Mrs. Barrington. Her elderly face was now a red mass of decaying flesh. Those cold, gray eyes had turned into cats eyes, yellow irises gleaming in the shadows. Her dentures stretched into fangs which dripped with gore and saliva. I felt blood seep through the cloth on my dress as her claw dug deeper into my tiny arm.

    I sucked in a desperate breath and started to scream, only to wake up to hear the wind blustering through the trees outside my apartment. I sat up and rubbed my forehead, and my hand came away soaked with sweat. My tangled dark hair hung over my shoulders, covering the LSU logo on my gold sweatshirt. I knew without looking that my normally blue eyes were shot with red.

    I had fallen asleep at my computer desk again. Damn it, I thought to myself, third time this month. Not only that, but the nightmares were getting worse. I eyed the half-empty bottle of prescription sleeping pills on the corner of my desk. I was up to two a

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