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Terrified of Bondage A Wife in Peril
Terrified of Bondage A Wife in Peril
Terrified of Bondage A Wife in Peril
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Terrified of Bondage A Wife in Peril

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A woman wants to put a little more spice into her marriage. Her mother gives her the advice to meet her husband at the door wearing nothing but a pair of high heels. Instead, she thinks that perhaps if her husband was to find her naked and tied to her bed that he might use her for his pleasure. What happens next is a complete surprise. Read the book to find out what happens.

PublisherWanda Peters
Release dateJun 23, 2020
Terrified of Bondage A Wife in Peril

Wanda Peters

I write erotic books, mostly about cuckolding. If you are looking for that type of book, you might ask yourself what exactly do you want in an erotic book. I think that if you can read one of my books and keep both hands on the book then I have not done my job. I don't believe that anyone that buys or reads one of my books or stories are looking for great literature.I don't try to compete with Shakespear when I write. What I do try to do is to put together a compelling story that someone will want to continue to read. A word of caution my books are not for the faint of heart. Many of my characters do not have a happy ending. A few of my books do have some satirical humor but for the most part, they are about males that are dominated and humiliated by their wives or lovers.I hope you enjoy my work.

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    Book preview

    Terrified of Bondage A Wife in Peril - Wanda Peters

    Title Page

    Terrified of Bondage

    Wanda Peters

    Copyright 2014

    Smashwords Edition

    Disclaimer:  This book is entirely a work of fiction.  Any resemblance to any person living or dead is a mere coincidence.  It also contains descriptions of sexual acts and is intended for adult audiences only.

    Terrified Of Bondage

    A Wife in Peril

    Chapter One - A Marriage Gone Bad

    I had been married to Alex for five years, and to say that our sex life was getting to be dull would be an understatement.  While Alex had never been what you would call a dynamo in bed after the first couple of years, he became more like a dud in bed.  On our honeymoon, he had at least attempted foreplay.  He would ply me with long soaks in a bubble bath where he would spend time washing my back and, more importantly, my front.  And then he would spend time with a bottle of lotion massaging me all over.  By the time that we got around to the main event, I was so wet and hot that I could climax almost before he entered my vagina.

     And then the bubble baths became showers, and the lotion massages got forgotten.  The real problem was that I no longer could climax with a small amount of stimulation.  And Alex still brought himself off within a few strokes and thought that I was satisfied.

     Now, I have to admit that it was not all his fault.  He had, in the early part of our marriage, tried to spice things up by trying to introduce a few kinky things into our bedroom, but I had resisted.  I just could not see how being tied up and spanked could be something that would excite me.  Alex had tried to explain that being bound might loosen up some of my inhibitions.  He said that if I was restrained, I could not feel guilty for the things I did in that condition and so I could let myself go and enjoy the moment.

    I wasn't exactly sure about what he thought I was feeling guilty about, but I was not about to allow someone to render me helpless and at his mercy.  And when I explained that to him, he let it go and had not brought it up again. 

    And now, years later, I found myself completely sexually frustrated and wondering if I was going to have to go the rest of my life with less than being satisfied in bed.  I went to an adult bookstore and bought a fine-looking fake cock that said on the package that the batteries were included.  But then when I got it home, I discovered that it was not that easy to find a place to hide it or to find the time to use it when I was out of sight of my husband.  I almost thought it would be easier to have an affair than to diddle myself in private.

    So then I began to do what many frustrated women do.  I began to complain to my sister about how bad my sex life was.  She asked me what exactly was so wrong with it, and I told her that I felt that Alex was taking me totally for granted.  That sex with him was like, wham, bam, and not even a thank you, ma'am.

    She then asked me what I was going to do about it.  What can I do about it? I asked. 

    Well, she began, when was the last time you surprised Alex by answering the door wearing nothing but high heels?

    Are you out of your mind?  If I did that, you can bet that it would not be Alex that was standing there when I opened the door.

    Linda just started laughing and said, Well, if that was the case, maybe you would get laid properly for a change.

    And even if it was Alex that answered the door, how would that solve the problem of his premature ejaculation.  Sure he might notice me, but more than likely, he would just throw me down in the middle of the hallway, stick it in, get me all sticky and roll over and go to sleep.

    Ok, sis, how often are you and Alex having sex?

    I guess, once or twice a month maybe.  I don't keep track.

    Mary, I think you have a bigger problem than just Alex's premature ejaculation.  If a man is not getting sex regularly from his wife, he is getting it somewhere.  And by regular, I don't mean once or twice a month.

    Oh, I am sure he beats off in the shower, but how is that a problem?   I don't believe the old wives' tales that if he touches it, he will go blind.

    Are you sure that is the only way he is getting off?   It would not surprise me if he was getting it from someone on the side.

    Oh, for Christ sakes Linda, when would he have time to have an affair?   It isn't as if either of us goes out of town a lot on business.  Unless, of course, his secretary is giving him blowjobs under his desk.  I should not have brought it up in the first place.  Now, you are going to have me checking to see where he is every moment he is not home.

    All I am saying is that if a man doesn't get enough at home, he will find some other way to get it.  And truthfully, sis, if you are not getting what you deserve from Alex, then maybe you should be looking for someone else to play with.

    As I drove home, I gave Linda's words, some thought.  Surely having an affair was not the answer to the problem.  But there had to be some answer.  I did not want to go through the rest of my life in a sexless marriage.  Perhaps it was up to me to spice things up.  I thought about her idea of wearing nothing but a pair of high-heeled shoes to the door when Alex came home.  That certainly would get me fucked but I was not sure that it would be the exact right thing to set the mood.  And so I decided that tomorrow, I would pay a visit to a lingerie shop.  I had a good idea of just what I needed to get to make Alex's cock stand on end.

    That evening I prepared Alex's favorite meal and spent a little extra time on my makeup and dress.  I knew that Alex loved to see me in heels and was particularly partial to boots with heels, so I put on a pair of knee-high black leather boots with a pointy five-inch heel.  To go with them, I selected a short, not quite mini, black skirt and a blouse that was as close to see-through as I could find in my closet.  Underneath, I chose to wear a black half bra that accentuated my ample cleavage and a black thong.  I chose not to wear hose or garters, leaving that for another time.

    When I heard Alex's car pull into the drive, I mixed his favorite drink and handed it to him as he walked through the door.  Darling, I know how hard you work every day and I thought I would make the end of the day something a little more special.  I handed him the drink and told him to make himself comfortable and that dinner would be ready shortly. 

    As I turned to head into the kitchen, he reached out and grabbed my arm, and pulled me back around. Whoa there woman, he said.  Who are you, and what did you do with my wife?

    Oh, she is hidden safely away, and she will be back sooner than you expect.  Just go with the flow and see if this version is not the better one.  And then I bent in and gave him a gentle kiss on the lips.

    The weather was nice, and we decided to eat on the back patio.  I set the food out on the glass-topped table and called Alex to eat.  As he approached, I was gratified to see that he was ogling my outfit.  He stopped and looked me over from head to toe, or I guess I should say toe to head since he has somewhat of a foot fetish.  "Wow, you sure went all out tonight.  What is the occasion?

    Does there have to be an occasion for a wife to want to please her husband?  I just thought you might appreciate a nice dinner with someone other than your frumpy old wife.

    Well, let me start by saying that my wife is far from frumpy, as you call it.  She is one of the most beautiful women in the world.  But yes, it is nice to see you all dressed up once in a while.

    Why don't we get started on the veal parmigiana?  You can give me compliments as we eat.

    We spent the better part of an hour enjoying the food and each other's company.  When Alex finally patted his stomach to announce that he was completely sated, I told him to go into the living room and that I would join him after I had taken care of the food and cleaned up a bit.  I took as little time as I could, just making sure that the food was taken care of and the dishes rinsed and put into the dishwasher.  I had a horrible feeling that if I took too much time joining my husband that he might be stretched out on the couch and sound asleep.

    As I entered the room, I was pleased to hear some soft and slow music playing instead of the television.  So I figured that Alex was getting into the romantic mood that I desired him in.  He was sitting on the sofa

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