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How to Heal from Herpes! (Herpes Simplex Virus-2, HSV-2) How Contagious Is Herpes? Is There a Cure for Herpes? Dating With Herpes. What Are the Symptoms and Tests? Prevent and Treat Herpes Outbreaks.
How to Heal from Herpes! (Herpes Simplex Virus-2, HSV-2) How Contagious Is Herpes? Is There a Cure for Herpes? Dating With Herpes. What Are the Symptoms and Tests? Prevent and Treat Herpes Outbreaks.
How to Heal from Herpes! (Herpes Simplex Virus-2, HSV-2) How Contagious Is Herpes? Is There a Cure for Herpes? Dating With Herpes. What Are the Symptoms and Tests? Prevent and Treat Herpes Outbreaks.
Ebook513 pages2 hours

How to Heal from Herpes! (Herpes Simplex Virus-2, HSV-2) How Contagious Is Herpes? Is There a Cure for Herpes? Dating With Herpes. What Are the Symptoms and Tests? Prevent and Treat Herpes Outbreaks.

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About this ebook

• Learn how to keep the genital herpes virus in a dormant state, minimizing the frequency and severity of outbreaks.
• Find out how to protect yourself and others from getting genital herpes, a virus that continues to live inside your body for the rest of your life.
• Learn how to heal the damage to body, mind, and spirit that may result from genital herpes virus infections.
• Discover both natural and pharmaceutical remedies to minimize the frequency, severity, and length of time of herpes outbreaks. Become familiar with many cost-effective solutions that have been scientifically proven to effectively treat and prevent herpes virus symptoms.
• Explore how to have safe sexual relationships, especially when either you or your prospective partner has been infected with the genital herpes virus.
Release dateFeb 13, 2021
How to Heal from Herpes! (Herpes Simplex Virus-2, HSV-2) How Contagious Is Herpes? Is There a Cure for Herpes? Dating With Herpes. What Are the Symptoms and Tests? Prevent and Treat Herpes Outbreaks.

Read more from Y.L. Wright M.A.

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    How to Heal from Herpes! (Herpes Simplex Virus-2, HSV-2) How Contagious Is Herpes? Is There a Cure for Herpes? Dating With Herpes. What Are the Symptoms and Tests? Prevent and Treat Herpes Outbreaks. - Y.L. Wright M.A.



    In an instant, my comfortable life became a distant memory. Suddenly, without any warning, huge, inflamed, painful, itching, oozing sores erupted inside my vagina, on my labia, and on my pubes. Sleep was fitful. Any hope of having sex was out of the question.

    I had no idea why this was happening to me.

    I later found out that I had contracted the genital herpes virus from my cheating boyfriend. From that tragic day in 1975 until 2019, miserable, debilitating herpes outbreaks continued to erupt. 

    The outbreaks appeared more or less continually for the first five years, and, as time went on, they gradually erupted less often, petering down to between ten and twenty times a year. Eventually the outbreaks began to appear on my left buttock and upper left leg, as well.

    For over four decades, I desperately searched for some remedy or some secret elixir that would give me some relief from this unrelenting affliction. I tried every vitamin, herb, or lotion recommended to me by a score of health professionals. I waded through reams of suggestions that turned out to be nothing but dead-ends.

    Nothing worked to stop the incapacitating symptoms of this wicked genital herpes virus.

    After years of unproductive searching for a definite solution, the secret to terminate my private hell finally was revealed to me. I learned what it really takes to completely paralyze this cruel pathogen. Diligent study with the smartest herpes experts on the planet has resulted in a simple, effective plan.

    After following this strategy, I have finally succeeded in overcoming the symptoms of the genital herpes virus. I am free of the consequences of that nasty little genital herpes virus that I unwittingly contracted so many years ago. It is an immense relief to never have to suffer again from the pain of those horrible skin eruptions all over my genitals, hip, and upper leg.

    This makes me very happy. I can now sleep peacefully, unhindered by the inevitable discomfort of oozing, itching sores that used to wake me so often. There is no longer the need to wait for active sores on my genitals to heal over before making love with my husband. 

    Life is good—very good!

    And now I want to help you do the same. I don’t want you to suffer another day from symptoms of the genital herpes virus. This book contains a wealth of information teaching you exactly what to do to eliminate the unbearable symptoms of the genital herpes virus. 

    Let’s take it step by step. The first thing that you need to do is to consult your doctor.

    Get tested and treated to prevent life-threatening diseases.

    Make an appointment with your doctor to get tested and treated. The symptoms of genital herpes are similar to those of other diseases.  Find out for sure if you really have been infected with the genital herpes virus and, if so, when.  After getting tested, if you find out that you do have the genital herpes virus, you then need to get treated promptly to avoid getting other serious diseases.

    Genital herpes is a gateway disease. Prevent and promptly treat the genital herpes virus to protect yourself from further insults to your health. Once you become infected with the genital herpes virus, other diseases become easier to get, because your immune system’s effectiveness becomes challenged.

    When your immune system becomes preoccupied with fighting the genital herpes virus, it may not be able to adequately protect you against other diseases. Not only that, but the open sores caused by the genital herpes virus act like open doors for many other different kinds of pathogens to infect your body.¹

    Many of these diseases may be life-threatening. Timely treatment of the genital herpes virus will help you to prevent getting and transmitting the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and other sexually-transmitted diseases (STDs), different kinds of cancer (especially cervical cancer), the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), autoimmune diseases, and heart disease.² ³

    Educate yourself with the facts about genital herpes.

    After getting tested and treated for the genital herpes virus, educate yourself with the facts about the disease.  Don’t be misled by false information about the genital herpes virus. The internet is an easy avenue for people seeking to profit from others’ misfortune. Internet authorities may sound credible enough, but they may have an agenda that does not include your best interests.

    Instead, educate yourself by carefully reading and/or listening to this book in order to learn the truth about what it really takes to avoid triggering herpes skin outbreaks and how to prevent the transmission of the genital herpes virus to other people. To check the validity of any of the facts presented, just follow the links to reference hundreds of scientific studies.

    Fly into action.

    The genital herpes virus does not have to affect your personality, goals, or dreams, unless you allow it to do so. Once you have confirmed that you do have the genital herpes virus, it may take some time for you to accept the fact that you now have an incurable and very transmittable virus. Although you may have to make some adjustments to your behavior, this is not the end of the world.

    Find support from others. Having genital herpes may cause feelings of confusion, frustration, embarrassment, pain, and loneliness. Find friends with herpes or herpes support groups. They may help you to feel that you are not alone.  Friends with herpes and herpes support groups may help you to recognize and express your feelings with others who have also been there and felt that.

    Take the recommended actions to minimize symptoms and transmission of the genital herpes virus. To manage the symptoms of the genital herpes virus, you can use topical treatments, supplements, and/or pharmaceutical medications.

    Boost the effectiveness of your immune system to fight pathogens. Make positive dietary changes, get a moderate amount of exercise, and rearrange your priorities to get plenty of uninterrupted sleep. Do whatever you have to do to reduce stress in your life. 

    Set boundaries. Learn to say, No! Reframe your thoughts to change your perception of stressful life circumstances. Take care of yourself right now and allow others to learn how to fend for themselves. 

    Chapter previews.

    In Chapter One, you will learn how I matured spiritually, emotionally, mentally, and physically as a result of becoming infected with the genital herpes virus. Before I got the genital herpes virus, I was completely unprepared to deal with the difficulties that were literally thrust into my lap.

    I was not informed mentally with the strategies that are needed to avoid transmission of this damaging herpes virus. I had no idea of the severe consequences that can result from having unprotected sex.  I unwittingly contracted the genital herpes virus because of my own ignorance of how to prevent the transmission of sexually-transmitted diseases.

    After becoming infected with the genital herpes virus, I suffered emotionally as a result of the anger and resentment that I held toward my boyfriend, who transmitted the virus to me. The genital herpes symptoms worsened in direct proportion to the degree of anger that I felt.

    Eventually, I was able to grow spiritually enough to see the big picture and recognize that it was only my own reaction to the situation that was hurting me.  In reality, there is nothing anyone else can do to me that can hurt me. 

    I am not a victim of the world I see.  I can only be a victim of my own thoughts.  My thoughts had framed the situation as being caused by someone else. In reality, it was my own fault that I got herpes. At that time I was not mature enough to step up to the plate and acknowledge the fact that I had acted irresponsibly in agreeing to have unprotected sex. 

    After I addressed the mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects of the genital herpes virus infection, then I was able to effectively deal with the physical challenges that the disease presented. It took many years, but eventually the path became clear to allow complete elimination of the symptoms of genital herpes and a significant reduction of the likelihood of transmitting the virus to other people.

    In Chapter 2, we will examine the nuts and bolts of herpes viruses.  You will learn about the different kinds of herpes viruses, common symptoms and manifestations of each different kind of herpes virus, how the herpes viruses reproduce, and how to prevent the onset of symptoms.  You will be educated as to how genital herpes is diagnosed by medical professionals and what kinds of tests to get and when to get them.

    In Chapter 3, you will learn exactly how the sneaky genital herpes virus can be transmitted to others and how to prevent that transmission. The importance of communicating with potential sexual partners cannot be over-emphasized. This communication is not only a moral imperative; it is also a legal responsibility.

    Guidelines are given for when to have the herpes talk and what to say. We will consider dating and moving on with your life. We will also discuss how the genital herpes virus affects women differently than men and how to avoid transmission of the disease to an unborn child.

    In Chapter 4, we will discover how the genital herpes virus weakens your immune system, making you more vulnerable to contracting other diseases. When the immune system is compromised by fighting the genital herpes virus infection, defenses are down, and other diseases have a chance to get a foothold and cause illness. Cancers, autoimmune diseases, heart disease, and a variety of different kinds of sexually-transmitted diseases can dig in when the immune system is weakened by struggling against the genital herpes virus. 

    In Chapter 5, we will study the nature of episodic herpes skin outbreaks. You will see how the first outbreak differs from subsequent outbreaks, how to tend to the outbreaks, and what factors can lead to re-activation of the virus, resulting in more genital herpes skin eruptions.

    Chapter 6 is devoted to prevention of herpes outbreaks. You will be given three keys that you can use to improve the health of your immune system. 

    Because herpes infections negatively affect the health of the immune system, it is to your advantage to use whatever tools you have at your disposal to suppress outbreaks. If you want to attain superior health, your primary goal must be to help your immune system to work at top efficiency to protect you against other opportunistic diseases.

    In Chapter 7, we will discuss the use of antiviral drugs to treat herpes, as well as the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV). Both the pros and the cons of using pharmaceuticals to control the herpes outbreaks will be considered.  We will examine two medications used to treat genital herpes, acyclovir and valacyclovir, considering whether any side effects may be harmful or actually lead to healing of the disease.

    When choosing a medical professional to guide you in treating genital herpes, treatment bias is a factor to take into consideration. The practitioner’s training will determine what types of therapies they usually recommend. 

    Chapter 8 discusses common non-prescription supplements that are used to control and treat herpes symptoms. There are many options. What works for one person may not work for another individual. Dosage and frequency must be considered before deciding if a supplement works for you or not. 

    If you can control symptoms without using pharmaceuticals, you may choose to do that. But if symptoms are rather frequent, severe, or troublesome, it may be very wise to use pharmaceuticals to keep the herpes virus in check. Even if you have no symptoms, but have tested positive, regular use of the anti-herpes medication, valacyclovir, does reduce the risk of transmitting the virus to others. Using both pharmaceuticals and other supplements together may be more beneficial than using either one alone.

    Now, let’s get started with my own genital herpes story. After decades spent studying the disease, it is my pleasure to be able to share with you the wealth of information that I have gathered about the genital herpes virus. Thanks for reading and listening to my presentation of the facts about this common, yet disabling ailment.


    When I first broke out with a horrible burning, itching, oozing rash all over my genitals, I had no idea what was happening. Then my boyfriend, Max, told me that he had a similar rash on his penis.

    Even though we had agreed to be monogamous, Max had not followed through with his end of the bargain. He explained that she was just a hitchhiker, and she had immediately moved on. She meant nothing to him.  He swore to me that it would never happen again. 

    He believed that he had contracted a sexually-transmitted disease (STD) from her and that he had given it to me. He didn’t know what the disease was, but his friends told him that it was no big deal.

    I was furious with Max about his infidelity and the resulting STD that he had given me.  At that time, my anger was overwhelming. I felt betrayed.

    He was the love of my life.  My heart was broken.  And now I had

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