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Secrets to Manifesting Money with Chakra Healing
Secrets to Manifesting Money with Chakra Healing
Secrets to Manifesting Money with Chakra Healing
Ebook55 pages39 minutes

Secrets to Manifesting Money with Chakra Healing

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About this ebook

Secrets to Manifesting Money with Chakra Healing is your guide to balancing and activating your chakras so you can start manifesting the life of your dreams. This short guide goes into detail about each chakra, what it means and how you can leverage the knowledge given to transform into the best version of yourself. 


Life was meant to be an adventure and if you're ready to take that ride, this eBook can help you get started on the path to finally living financially free.



Release dateJun 28, 2021
Secrets to Manifesting Money with Chakra Healing

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    Book preview

    Secrets to Manifesting Money with Chakra Healing - Shanea Patterson

    Table of Contents

    Introduction: Activating Your Money Chakra – The Start of an Amazing Journey

    Money Chakra: The Journey Begins

    Chapter 1: The Root Chakra

    Chapter 2: The Sacral Chakra

    Chapter 3: The Solar Plexus Chakra

    Chapter 4: The Heart Chakra

    Chapter 5: The Throat Chakra

    Chapter 6: The Third Eye Chakra

    Chapter 7: The Crown Chakra

    You Are A Money Magnet

    Introduction: Activating Your Money Chakra – The Start of an Amazing Journey

    Chakras play an important role in balancing our physical, mental, and spiritual states. Chakras are energy centers that exist within our bodies. The name chakra originated from an old Sanskrit word that means circle, wheel, and cycle, all of which describe the spinning motions of Prana – the vital life force energy at each of the chakra points.

    These energy points serve as openings for Prana to flow through our physical bodies, where it’s taken up and collected so it can be transformed and emitted for use.

    The chakras correspond exactly to the seven main nerve ganglia and are responsible for regulating physiological processes like the immune response, organ functions as well as psychological processes such as our emotions and behavior.

    A picture containing sky, mountain, outdoor, sunset Description automatically generated

    There are seven major chakras in the body:

    1)  The Root Chakra

    2)  The Naval Chakra

    3)  The Solar Plexus Chakra

    4)  The Heart Chakra

    5)  The Throat Chakra

    6)  The Third Eye Chakra

    7)  The Crown Chakra

    Each chakra is different because they each have specific qualities that correspond to the refinement of energy from the base-level (the first six chakras) up to the higher vibration spirit- level awareness (the 7th chakra).

    The three lower chakras (Root Chakra, Sacral Chakra, Solar Plexus Chakra) are associated with core emotions and needs, as the energy circulated at this particular area vibrates at a lower frequency and is denser in nature.

    In contrast, the four upper chakras (Heart Chakra, Throat Chakra, Third Eye Chakra and the Crown Chakra) correspond to our higher mental and spiritual aspirations.

    The different chakras each have a specific color associated with it, which can be attributed to its energetic existence. The frequency of the vibrations it emits results in the different colors that are characteristic of the different chakras. This can be explained by the manifestation of the different colors we see, which is essentially the vibration of electromagnetic waves.

    emitted by light at different frequencies. In chakra healing exercises, which will be given later, color plays an important role.

    Each chakra point is equivalent to a

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