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Rescuing Savior
Rescuing Savior
Rescuing Savior
Ebook104 pages1 hour

Rescuing Savior

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About this ebook

Two best friends separated by life's happenings.


One dog lost after he and his owner were injured.


Can Kaleigh help Seth put his life back together? Will they find his military K-9, Savior, and if so, will he remember Seth? Will ghost of the past keep these two apart? Or are two people meant to find forever in one another's arms conquer all?


This short was originally in the Rescuing Ryan anthology.

Release dateJul 8, 2021
Rescuing Savior

Liberty Parker

I have been an avid reader for most of my life. When I was younger I use to sit and fill spiral notebooks full of stories for my grandmother. As I got older I took the jobs needed for raising my boys as a single mom until I met my now amazing husband. I have stopped working in the last three years and started promoting authors, then I blogged and reviewed for authors, which lead me down the path to writing and creating characters and stories. I love creating behind the scenes with my writing getting to use my imagination and write the story as it comes to me. My youngest is now a senior in High School leaving me with some spare time on my hands to be filled. I am loving the people I am meeting and the support system I have found. You can find me at my home Facebook page here: or you can like my Author page at: or join my Lady Outlaws at:

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    Rescuing Savior - Liberty Parker

    Seth ‘Cruz’

    There are many obstacles one faces in life. For me, that was the day my unit was caught off-guard by an active landmine. Actually, a series of them, since once the first one exploded, a chain reaction occurred and I lost several brothers in arms that day… a day that forever wrecks my dreams and causes havoc to rule my days. Instead of making the Army my career as I had planned, I end up coming home, a broken shell of the man I once was. My brothers haunt me in my dreams and in my waking hours. The worst part, however, is that Savior, my MWD, otherwise known as a military working dog, ended up injured as well while saving my life.

    Now back home and at loose ends, my only goal is to get him back to where he belongs since he was retired due to the injuries he sustained the same day my brothers lost their lives. The red tape I’ve had to go through and the hurdles I’ve had to jump through, has me nearly bald; I spent so long in the hospital that he was already back in the States by the time I was shipped home.

    My parents have been beside themselves with worry, and my childhood friend, the girl who holds all of my secrets, has been called home by her father to help me through this hard time. Kaleigh, known to me as Lee, is the closest thing to a best friend that I had growing up. It seemed that wherever my father was stationed, hers followed. We were never apart, which is why she knows everything there is to know about me. Except this, I’ve hidden my trauma from her through our phone conversations; she’s gonna be pissed when she learns the extent of how far I was willing to go in order to keep these details from her.

    I can say all day long that it was to protect her; but it was myself I was protecting in the long run. I live this nightmare every time I close my eyes, I use my daylight hours to escape the reality as much as I possibly can, pushing myself physically so that when I drop into bed at night, I’m hopefully as exhausted as possible so the faces don’t appear.

    It doesn’t work.

    It never works.

    It’s an endless loop.

    Talking to the therapists that the Army insisted I see has done no good. I know I’ve got survivors guilt, but what they don’t grasp is that I can still hear the screams of my brothers, the smell of burning flesh, and the sound of the landmines as they exploded around us. I was lucky, or so the doctors say, because all I ended up with was a major concussion and several broken bones, thanks to Savior. He threw himself at me and knocked me to the ground, covering me with his body. Then, he dragged me away from the fire despite being badly injured himself. I owe everything to a black and tan, one-hundred-and-twenty-pound dog.

    Not that my life is worth much these days. Loud noises send me to the ground, cowering like a fucking toddler. I’m a grown man, trained by the United States government to deal with threats against our country, not some pussy, for fuck’s sake!

    Kaleigh ‘Lee’

    Receiving the call from my dad that Seth ‘Cruz’ Johnson needed me had me closing my life down and preparing to go home. Despite not seeing him for several years, the fact that we grew up together as military brats, I know if Dad says he needs me, then he does.

    And that pisses me the fuck off. We talk constantly over the telephone and via text and not one time has he intimated that he’s struggling with what happened. Of course, I kind of suspected he was because I know everything there is to know about that man. But I didn’t want to push him too hard because he’s been known to shut down when push comes to shove.

    I should’ve pushed him from what it sounds like. Thankfully, this particular assignment was a contract job and I was down to the last two weeks. When I explained to my superior that I needed to leave, he fast tracked the paperwork so I could get home. I’m also glad I was staying in a furnished apartment, because all I have to pack are my personal belongings. Hell, even the dishes and shit stay here.

    Sighing, I tape up the last box. Some of my friends are coming over in a bit and will get my SUV and the small trailer loaded for me. Good thing, too, because that’s a little too much like a workout to me. I may have grown up inside of the military life, but that doesn’t mean I like to sweat or do any form of extreme exercise. Nope, I’ll leave that to the men and enjoy them as the eye-candy they are while I live vicariously through them. Once, I tried running with Seth, but that ended up badly. He was standing over me laughing while I was sprawled out on the ground, panting feverishly as I tried to catch my breath. It was humiliating, and I swore right there and then that I’d never attempt any type of cardio again. I’ll stick to yoga and get my groove on with Zumba thank you very much. At least I’m limber enough to move fast should an actual zombie apocalypse ever happen.

    I snicker because we’ve debated long and hard about the possibility of one occurring. He claims that there is no way that it could happen but I think there is and have told him that his job in our pursuit for life is to make sure he’s locked and loaded with plenty of ammo. He can handle the head shots, I’ll just trip everyone else around us to give us a chance to get away. After all, the only thing we need to ensure is that we’re ahead of the pack and in front of everybody

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