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Blue Violet
Blue Violet
Blue Violet
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Blue Violet

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Lila is a young Succubus, unaware of her power and

clout. One fateful night will change everything for her

and send her out on a journey to bond with one

of the most wicked demons on Earth: the Incubus.

When she thinks her luck can't get any worse, Lila

winds up beneath tragedy and the muscles of the


Release dateAug 25, 2021
Blue Violet

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    Blue Violet - Scarlet Clearwater

    Blue Violet

    Scarlet Clearwater

    Copyright © 2021 by Scarlet Clearwater.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the publisher, except by reviewers, who may quote brief passages in a review.

    ISBN: 978-1-956074-99-4 (Paperback Edition)

    ISBN: 978-1-956515-03-9 (Hardcover Edition)

    ISBN: 978-1-956074-98-7 (E-book Edition)

    Some characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any similarity to the real persons, living or dead, is coincidental and not intended by the author.

    Book Ordering Information

    Phone Number: 315 288-7939 ext. 1000 or 347-901-4920


    Global Summit House

    Printed in the United State of America

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1
    Chapter 2
    Chapter 3
    Chapter 4
    Chapter 5
    Chapter 6
    Chapter 7
    Chapter 8
    Chapter 9
    Chapter 10
    Chapter 11
    Chapter 12
    Chapter 13
    Chapter 14
    Chapter 15
    Chapter 16
    Chapter 17
    Chapter 18
    Chapter 19
    Chapter 20
    Chapter 21
    Chapter 22
    Chapter 23
    Chapter 24
    Chapter 25
    Chapter 26
    Chapter 27
    About the Author
    Chapter 1

    Jenny burst through Lila’s door and slammed it shut behind her. Theatrically, she held her arms out wide. Honey, I’m home, she rang, beaming.

    She was clothed in shredded blue jeans and a black tank. Her tank was complimented by a faded black hoodie, adorned with patches which read things like, What the Fuck Are You Looking At? and Vampires Rule. Jenny wasn’t completely goth, but she was hardened with a sharp edge. Mostly, she was all about shock value. Lila thought of her as a live wire. Any unknowing person could cross her and get the electrocution of their life. She starkly contrasted Lila’s introverted ways.

    Lila was lying back in her bed, in her night clothes. The cute ones with the different-colored polka dots, and they were flannel, since the cold weather was unbearable to her. It was almost December, and her mother, Pearl, kept the heat low to save money. Pearl believed in layers and bundling and hot chocolate to stay warm.

    Lila often found she wanted to flee to Florida, but North Carolina would have to suffice for now. She was twenty-two and had finally decided to go to North Carolina State for college, come spring. She wasn’t fleeing anywhere. No time too soon, anyway.

    So, tell me again, Jenny said, her blue eyes piercing holes through Lila’s green ones.

    She slipped into the bed next to Lila and shivered slightly. She had heard stories about Lilith a hundred times, but never seemed to get bored with them.

    Do I really have to? Lila whined. I’m tired.

    Yes. I have a hot date tonight, and the stories empower me. I haven’t heard one in months, Jenny laughed. Tell me, pleeease. She cuddled up to Lila and rested her head on her shoulder.

    Fine, I’ll tell you one. Again, Lila sighed.

    Okay, but tell one of the sexy stories, Jenny said.

    Lila ignored her. She wasn’t in the mood to tell a steamy sex story.

    No. I’ve never told you about Lilith’s beginning. Aren’t you the least bit interested?

    Sure. Go ahead. Jenny waved her arm in a the-floor-is-yours gesture.

    "Well, Lilith was made for Adam, God’s first human. For a while, things were blissful, until Adam realized his sexuality. Once procreation was imperative to human existence, he propositioned Lilith. She was glad to oblige, but when Adam told her to come up from her side and lie underneath him, she had a fit. She didn’t want to feel dominated by a man who was meant to be her equal.

    So, she left the Garden, and once Adam and Eve populated the lands, Lilith set out to satisfy her sexual needs. She succumbed to her dark side and used her beauty and clout to bed and kill numerous men out of her hatred for God and Adam. Meanwhile, angels fell from the heavens to mate with the female humans they found so beautiful.

    Jenny tapped Lila on the shoulder, but Lila batted her away and continued.

    "Lilith became consumed by sex and continued on with her ways until she met Samael, a fallen angel with whom she fell madly in love. Once Lilith was content, God cursed her as a demon, hoping no man or fallen angel would ever bed her again. He made her body like a snake’s and her head like a cat’s. Her eyes were emerald, and she had the wings of a bat and the talons of a large bird. But Samael did not leave her. Instead, the two had scores of children.

    These children, the Lilin, were said to be captivating and miraculous creatures. Because they had the blood of angels, their ejaculations produced supernatural lubricants that caused humans to orgasm within seconds. They were incredibly strong, hypnotic to the opposite human sex and highly charismatic. The Lilin spread their sinful ways across the lands.

    Jenny tapped Lila on the shoulder again. You’re leaving out all the juicy sex parts, she whispered.

    "Shut up, Jenny. This is before the juicy sex parts. The reason for the juicy sex parts."

    Okay. Go ahead. Geez.

    With the world immersed in filth, God brought about a great flood to cleanse it. He charged Noah with taking two of each species of life with him onto an ark, including the hybrid spawns of the angels, which He cursed. But God put the abominations to good use. They would serve Him by temping humans so He could distinguish the good from the evil and…Ummm, be continued. Lila rolled over in the bed.

    I wish I was like her, Jenny said with her hand under her chin. She was gazing out Lila’s window, into the darkness, speaking in a dreamy voice. Lilith was the perfect feminist. There are a few guys I’d love to kill by fucking them. Ha! She rose on her elbow and hopped out of the bed.

    Well, I haven’t met one man who is worthy of my attentions, Lila said objectively.

    ‘I haven’t met one man worthy of my attentions,’ Jenny mocked in a robotic voice. She did a little robot dance to match.

    Fuck you, Lila said, throwing a pillow at her.

    Whatever, Li. Doug seems really into you. You should give him a chance. And your virgin ass doesn’t know what it’s missing, Jenny coaxed, twirling a lock of golden hair around her finger.

    Yeah, I like him, but not too terribly much. I don’t know. It’s not like he’s even made a move on me. Lila shrugged and then pulled her pink floral comforter up to her shoulders.

    And if he does? Jenny’s eyebrows raised.

    I don’t know. Maybe I’m like Lilith. Maybe I’ll kill him. Lila hardly smiled, but Jenny broke out in a giggle.

    Well then, it’s settled. When Doug makes his move, ravage him. If he dies, that means you’re a badass, Jenny joked. I’ll be back before you know it. Ginger’s been up my ass to move out. We need to look at some places. ’Kay? Jenny winked at Lila, who gave her a thumbs-up.

    Jenny crept out of Lila’s room so she wouldn’t wake Pearl or Perry. She would slip out the front door to go to Greg’s house and then come back to Lila’s around four in the morning. Lila had given Jenny a key a while back because this was a pattern of hers.

    After Jenny left, Lila thought about what she had said about Doug. The truth was, she deeply wished she had a boyfriend, a normal life, but Pearl had finally admitted to her, a few years back, that she was a Succubus. That Lilith was a Succubus. Lila’s demonic side would take hold of her at some time or another, and after that, nothing could be done to halt her lethal desires.

    Her mother had terrified her into keeping her virginity intact. Pearl said that once she allowed a man to enter her, the curse would fully activate. That she would make men ill, or perhaps even kill them, during sex. Even worse, she would suffer immensely without sex. With every sexual encounter, her body would start to burn internally, and the burn would greatly intensify until the man she was with ejaculated inside her. There were still holes about her demon side that needed to be filled in. She only knew the basics and didn’t feel like she had enough information to make a wise decision about her virginity or her future as a Succubus.

    Her mother had made the plunge into the turbulent lifestyle when she was young—way younger than she was now, so it couldn’t be all bad. Now her parents lived like everyone else who was human. Why couldn’t she do the same? There had to be a trick to it, something her mother hadn’t told her yet. She would talk to her mother tomorrow.

    She felt herself becoming more restless with each passing hour, thinking about how the dreams were more frequent now. Dreams where she woke to find herself humping her pillow and screaming out with pleasure. She had bought vibrators, dildos, and porn magazines to keep her yearning at bay, but they no longer did the job. She had to get off at least five times a day to be somewhat satisfied, and still wished she had a man to do the job for her. She was lonely and slowly becoming depressed.

    Lila’s phone rang. She looked at the clock. It was ten thirty. Doug called her often around that time just to make plans with her and say good night.

    Hello? she asked in a sweet voice. The guy had been chasing her for years without letting her know head-on, but she hadn’t been interested until recently.

    Hey, Lila. I was wondering..., Doug stammered. Do you want to go out tomorrow night? Movie or something?

    The anticipation in his voice was enough to make her laugh. She heard him take a deep breath. They had always hung out, but for some reason he sounded really nervous.

    I mean... as a date.

    Oh. Yes. That sounds like a good idea, Doug. She smiled to herself. Ironically perfect timing.

    Okay. I’ll pick you up around six, then?

    Get me at Jenny’s.

    Sounds good.

    ’Kay, Lila giggled.

    Okay, Lila. Uh, bye.

    Lila hung the phone up and wondered what she had just gotten herself into. But the unknown possibilities made her giddy. She was flooded with excitement and plopped herself onto her bed, smiling widely. She texted Jenny that she had a date with Doug.

    Her stomach fluttered as she thought about what Doug might look like naked. As she lay back in her bed, she moved her hand under her pajama pants and between her legs. She was warm there and grew warmer as she skimmed her hood with one finger.

    She closed her eyes and imagined that Doug’s hands were touching her most private parts. After she massaged herself to climax, she put her earbuds in and fell asleep listening to her bedtime playlist.

    By the time Lila woke, Jenny was fast asleep in the bed next to her. She watched her friend for a while and then started pulling her hairs out one at a time. After about five pulls, Jenny woke abruptly, scratching at her scalp.

    What? Hey, there, Jenny said groggily, as her blue eyes focused on her Lila. You pulling my hair out again, you bitch?

    So, when did you get in last night? Lila smirked at her.

    I think it was around four. I kind of lost track of time, Jenny yawned.

    What is it like? Tell me about it. Lila stared at Jenny wide-eyed. She placed her cheek in her hand and waited for all the juicy details. She had never asked Jenny about her sexual escapades before, and Jenny had never offered to tell because Lila seemed to get all huffy when she talked about her boyfriends.

    Really? You want to know? Jenny asked, in shock.

    Yeah. I think I’m ready to get all of this over with, Lila answered.

    They both sat up excitedly and Jenny dove right in.

    Well, the first time it was awkward and kind of painful. It felt like my pussy was tearing. Then it got better, and there was no pain. Now that Greg and I are used to each other, it’s actually quite nice. He still needs a little direction, though. Like when he goes down on me, he misses the mark almost every single time, she said as she rolled her eyes.

    Do you do it every time you’re together?

    No. I’m not a sex addict, Lila. We do it when it’s convenient, or when we’re horny, which isn’t all the time. For me, at least. Sometimes we just watch TV and fall asleep with each other. It’s comforting.

    Lila noticed that Jenny still had that sex afterglow. She had always seen the shimmery golden halo on certain people, even on her parents. She never knew what the glow meant until she realized she saw it after Jenny had sex, after her parents came downstairs in the morning or at night, after she saw drunk kids at parties stumbling out of bedrooms together. She knew it was a way to tell who had recently had sex, but she didn’t know why she needed to know that information, and she definitely didn’t need to know when her parents did it. That was totally gross. She had asked her mother about the glow when she was younger, and Pearl told her she would explain it as she got older, but the subject never came up again.

    Jenny? If you were like Lilith, would you want to stay a virgin? Lila asked in a small and unsure voice.

    Hell, no! Sex is great. It wouldn’t be so bad relying on it to survive. That’s kind of what we do anyways. I think we’d all shrivel up and die if we didn’t have sex. I know I would.

    Really? Lila didn’t know it was that good.

    Really. It’s not just the orgasms, it’s the bond you create with a person. It’s also a great cure for loneliness, bad moods, good for revenge against past boyfriends, good for all sorts of shit. Jenny looked at her fingernails. I need a mani. She got up and went to Lila’s vanity and started wiping her makeup off. Any more questions? she asked as she rubbed under her eyes with cotton balls doused in cleanser. She looked slyly at Lila in the mirror.

    Does it feel wrong? Like it’s a sin?

    If it’s a sin, then I’ll gladly burn in Hell, Jenny said, tossing the cotton balls onto a silver makeup tray. She stood up from the vanity chair and made her way over to Lila who was still sitting on the bed. Jenny sat down next to her but turned her body into Lila’s. She had shed her hoodie and one of the straps of her tank was falling off her shoulder. She wasn’t wearing a bra.

    Lila found herself aroused at the sight of her. Jenny was beautiful even without makeup, even with her curly locks in a mess. For a moment, she sensed something in her friend. A wave of something that smelled like roses and almonds. She had smelled the fragrance before, but it had been much less potent. Now, she instinctively pegged it as the smell of lust.

    Jenny reached for Lila’s face and ran a thumb along Lila’s pouty bottom lip, which she sucked into her mouth in response. Jenny smiled that beautiful toothy smile of hers and then moved her hand to the back of Lila’s head, lightly stroking her brown waves.

    Lila’s breath caught, and she found she couldn’t move. Didn’t want to. She was magnetized to her friend.

    Jenny leaned into her, and as she did, her breasts pressed into Lila’s, making her nipples harden and peak. Lila felt her core tightening, and her panties became moist. She closed her eyes, and then Jenny brought her mouth down on hers. The kiss was soft and angelic, innocent, with a slow exploratory brush of tongues.

    Lila moved closer to Jenny on the bed and wrapped her arms around her waist. She massaged her tongue against Jenny’s more bravely but still hesitantly.

    Jenny moved a hand down to Lila’s leg and it slipped in between her thighs. The thin flannel of her pajamas did nothing to hinder the roaring sensation her touch caused.

    Lila moaned into Jenny’s mouth as Jenny moved her hand inside the flannels. Lila could no longer kiss her, because she had to smother a squeal by pressing her face into her best friend’s shoulder. Jenny giggled and slipped two fingers in between Lila’s folds, which were warm and moist.

    The smell of roses and almonds grew even stronger now.

    Lila closed her eyes again and allowed Jenny to take her over. Her body tightened in anticipation.

    Jenny circled Lila’s bud three times with a wet finger, and Lila stirred beneath her touch, forcing her hips up, pressing her sex into Jenny’s palm.

    Jenny gently kissed her neck up to her ear. You’re gonna love this, she whispered, and as Lila moaned again, she thrust her fingers deep inside Lila’s heated entrance.

    Lila cried out, and Jenny hushed her cry with another passionate kiss. She felt Jenny’s thumb stroke her knot of nerve endings once more with gentle but firm pressure, and with a blinding light flashing behind her eyelids, she came apart. She shook and trembled, and as Jenny retrieved her hand from the flannels, she fell back onto the bed.

    Jenny bent over her quivering body. Her golden hair fell around Lila’s face, tickling her. Jenny laughed quietly and watched as Lila took in a big breath of air.

    If I can get you off like that, imagine what some dick could do for you. I’m gonna hop in the shower. Jenny giggled.

    Once Jenny left the room, Lila found herself staring into her canopy, breaths coming in strong, steady pulls. She relished the post-orgasm pulse she felt between her thighs.

    Wow, that was so much better than touching herself. Better than her toys and movies and fantasies. Her mind was on overdrive, and her sex throbbed, ready for more. Ready for so much more. Her friend had awakened something in her. Something insatiable. Something dangerous.

    Lila smiled widely and sighed. Then she remembered her parents would be out all night with the neighbors. The neighbors always threw a big barbecue in the fall, when the weather was soothing, and the autumn smells were extra inviting.

    She and Doug would be all alone after the movie. She almost grew nervous. Almost. She told herself that she was going tear that boy apart. She couldn’t wait to feel what his hot, engorged member would feel like buried deep inside her.

    Suddenly, her desire spun out of control. She was invigorated. All she had needed was the jump-start Jenny had given her. She felt wild and reckless, but she liked the feeling. She had been so used to suppressing her sexual desires that she had had no clue how powerful they could be until now. She felt alive for the first time.

    Jenny entered the room after a while, smiling at Lila, who was still lying on the bed.

    So ... how do you feel? she asked, towel-drying her hair.

    Really? I feel ... I feel ... fucking great! Like my real self, I guess, which is weird. I feel like you knocked a ton of shit loose in me and the pieces are falling together in the right places now. Lila laughed, and her eyes glistened.

    Well, what are best friends for? Jenny dropped the towel from around her body, exposing a smooth expanse of caramel skin, compliments of the tanning salon down the road. She had a thin frame, with firm, perky breasts. She was beautiful and not the least bit inhibited. She pulled on a fresh set of clothes: a short skirt and a partially see-through shirt—all black, of course—then she grabbed her backpack off the ground and kissed Lila on the cheek.

    See you, sister.

    See ya. And … thanks, Lila said back.

    Jenny shook her head and put a finger to her lips, intimating that the incident had never happened. But it so had.

    Lila hopped off her bed, fully revitalized, and looked at the alarm clock on her side table. It was only eleven. She had hours to kill before she saw Doug.

    She undressed and got into the shower. Each bead of water that ran between her legs reminded her of Jenny’s touch. She had never been so consumed by sex before, probably because she had never allowed anyone to touch her in that way. Now she felt like she was defenseless against her desire.

    Jenny had said she wasn’t a sex addict, but Lila sure felt like one. She needed more. She soaped up her shower pouf, creating a creamy lather and she spread the lather across her breasts and hardened nipples, sending a tremor straight to her clit. She turned toward the cascading water so that it could beat against her swollen nub as she washed over her breasts again, increasing the pleasure building inside her.

    She moved her soapy pouf to her curls and lathered in between her thighs. She dropped a hand to her lips, separating her folds so she could rub her most sensitive spot. In under thirty seconds, she found herself against the cold shower wall, shivering and unsatisfied. A need swam inside her. Jenny had created a void that begged to be filled.

    She finished washing the remainder of her body and reached for her towel. Dammit, Jenny. It wasn’t on the bar. Jenny always used her towel every time she came over.


    Shit, her mother. She grabbed a fresh towel off the shelf and wrapped her body in it, then stepped into her room to see her mother putting away some of her clothes.

    Hi, sweetheart. How was your slumber party last night? I didn’t see Jenny this morning, Pearl said as she shook her grey bangs out of her face. She continued to open drawers and place clothes inside them. Thank God Lila had hidden all her illicit items in the closet.

    Mom, you know I can put my own clothes away. You really don’t have to do that.

    I’m of no use if I’m not taking care of you and your father. You know that. It’s not like I have a job to go to. It’s not my fault your father wants me at home, under his thumb, Pearl said resentfully.

    It’s not that. Dad just makes enough money so that you don’t have to work. I think he just wants you to be able to relax and enjoy life. I know I wouldn’t work if my husband asked me not to.

    He’s a typical Incubus. Arrogant and controlling. He wants me home to wait on him hand and foot, and it’s miserable. Things will be even more insipid after you go to college. I can’t wait, Pearl sneered, turning with the laundry basket.

    Mom, you’ll be fine after I leave, Lila said, pulling a corner of her towel to dry her face.

    "Lila, I have no social life, no friends to speak of, and no purpose other than playing house. You’ll realize what life with an Incubus is like when you find one. Unless you find the right one."

    Mom, just chillax. I’ll come eat breakfast with you. Your life is great. Quit downing it, and smile more, Sergeant Buzzkill. Things could be a lot worse.

    Lila dug through her drawers for something cute to wear on the date she would never tell her parents about.

    Worse. Pearl was staring at nothing in the middle of the room. Then she shook her head and left without another word.

    Damn, Lila thought. Her mother and father often argued behind closed doors. But she hadn’t known her mother was so unhappy. She’d always had mood swings, but never spoke ill of her husband in front of Lila. Maybe she was just PMSing. Maybe she was menopausal. Lila wasn’t sure which. She really wanted to ask her a few more things about her demon side, but she would ask later. Today didn’t seem like one of her mother’s better days.

    Lila felt sexy after her and Jenny’s steamy encounter. Once her mom was out of view, she slipped on a black, lacy thong, one she was sure Doug could appreciate. Then she stuffed her large breasts into a matching black bra. She pulled a short-sleeved hot-pink sweater on, which hugged her chest and exposed some of her flat belly. Then she yanked up her knee-high black-and-white striped tights. Finishing the ensemble, she donned a pleated black skirt and some black chunky high heels adorned with hot pink buttons along the straps.

    She sat down at her vanity mirror. Never had she thought she was especially beautiful, but today, for the first time, she saw herself as others might see her. She took time to appreciate the way her dark hair fell in waves around her shoulders. She had a complexion models would pay for, too. Her skin was a flawless ivory that defied the sun. Her eyes were emeralds shielded by thick lashes that never needed mascara. And behind her pouty pink lips were shiny white teeth that her dentist said he greatly appreciated.

    She smiled at herself and went downstairs to eat with her mother.

    Where’s Dad? Lila asked

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