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Hearing God’s Voice in the Noise: A Christian Psychic’s Journey of Prayer, Meditation, Intuition, Conversations with God and More
Hearing God’s Voice in the Noise: A Christian Psychic’s Journey of Prayer, Meditation, Intuition, Conversations with God and More
Hearing God’s Voice in the Noise: A Christian Psychic’s Journey of Prayer, Meditation, Intuition, Conversations with God and More
Ebook175 pages1 hour

Hearing God’s Voice in the Noise: A Christian Psychic’s Journey of Prayer, Meditation, Intuition, Conversations with God and More

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Kimberly Susan Thomas embarked upon a self-improvement journey. This book reveals how being Black, Christian, and a psychic medium strengthen her relationship with God. She learned that God speaks in different ways. Kimberly realized that a small voice, in her head, dreams, visions, and more, was God’s voice gently guiding her. The spiritual journey highjacked the self-improvement journey. This book contains Kimberly’s anecdotes, insecurities, and insights experienced along the way. She shares how self-help books, famous psychics, religion, prayers, and more all played a role in her becoming a certified psychic medium. Kimberly reveals how racial stereotypes, prejudice and her insecurities got in the way of growing spiritually. Those same events resulted in emotional healing and a greater understanding of her religious life. Have you ever wondered what it is like to pursue becoming a professional psychic medium? Are you one of those folks that don’t believe they are psychic yet curious about it? Everyone has psychic gifts. How each person develops their gifts will depend upon their unique spiritual journey. Chapters include prayers and instructions to help you discover how God’s voice is revealed in your world. The bottom line is this: God’s voice is in the noise of life. We just need to learn how to listen.
PublisherBalboa Press
Release dateDec 21, 2018
Hearing God’s Voice in the Noise: A Christian Psychic’s Journey of Prayer, Meditation, Intuition, Conversations with God and More

Kimberly Susan Thomas

Reverend Kimberly Thomas, certified psychic medium is the owner/operator of Kimberly’s Intuitive Spiritual Sessions, LLC. Her passion is creating and teaching spiritual development classes, intuitive coaching, and mentoring. Kimberly has taught numerous topics including Bible Studies, Holistic Health methods, Intuition/Psychic/Medium development, Divination methods, Power Prayer, and Meditation. She is committed to teaching people how to hear God – He speaks to everyone! She holds a BS in Computer Science and an MBA

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    Hearing God’s Voice in the Noise - Kimberly Susan Thomas

    Copyright © 2018 Kimberly Susan Thomas.

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    Scripture quotations taken from the New American Standard Bible® (NASB),

    Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973,

    1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation

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    This book is a work of non-fiction. Unless otherwise noted, the author and the publisher make no explicit guarantees as to the accuracy of the information contained in this book and in some cases, names of people and places have been altered to protect their privacy.

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    ISBN: 978-1-9822-1828-7 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-9822-1827-0 (e)

    Balboa Press rev. date:  12/20/2018




    Chapter 1 Who Knew? 20/20 Hindsight Events

    Wisdom Prayer

    Chapter 2 Curious Books: Psychics, Self-Help, Natural Laws


    Motivational Authors

    Natural Laws



    Exercise for the Curious

    My Insights

    Authentic Self Prayer

    Lessons: Stories filled with assumptions and excuses

    1. Isn’t being a BPM a White thing?

    2. Most of your customers are White, aren’t they?

    3. How Do White People Treat a BPM?

    No Eye Contact

    My Insights

    You don’t look like them.

    My Insights


    My Insights

    Non-judgement Prayer

    Chapter 3 Dreams

    In the Beginning

    Friendly Helpful Dreams

    Scary Helpful Dreams

    My Insights

    Dream Communication Channel Prayer

    Exercise for the Curious

    Chapter 4 Prayer Life

    Prayer Practice

    The Lord’s Prayer

    Psalm 23

    The Peace Prayer

    The Peace Prayer

    My Insights

    Sacred Moments Prayer

    Exercise for the Curious

    Chapter 5 Meditation

    Meditation in Disguise

    Daily practice

    My Insights

    Meditation Prayer

    Exercise for the Curious

    Chapter 6 Psychic Journey: Twists and Turns



    Toby’s Place

    Medical Intuition

    The Instruction


    Sunny’s Place

    My Insights

    Acceptance Prayer

    Exercise for the Curious

    Chapter 7 Nondenominational Christian Psychic Medium

    Catholic, Baptist, Spiritualist

    Faith Prayer

    Chapter 8 Final Thoughts

    What This Journey Has Taught Me

    Blessings in Disguise

    The Journey

    Putting on the full armor of God.

    Works Cited



    God leverages the voices of others to nudge us into taking steps to fulfill our purpose. There are many people that helped me and encouraged me along my spiritual journey. I wish to acknowledge those persons. Some of the people named in the following paragraphs may be surprised that they played a role in my journey.

    First, I thank my loving husband, Robert. He supported me even when he disagreed with my decision to learn more about being a medium. I know that took a lot of love. courage, and faith on his part. I believe he heard God’s voice too and became an observer of my change. I believe he prayed for me to hear God’s voice and to follow it. I am grateful to have Robert in my life. He has blessed and honored me in many ways.

    Both of my wonderful sons have supported me in different ways. Brian, my oldest, helps whenever I ask. Drew was my first marketing manager so to speak. He helped me to understand social marketing and how it can help me grow my business. Drew and his wife, Brynn, have done a marvelous job of referring me to their friends…

    My sisters, Katie Hurd and Mary Smiley where the first siblings to promote my services to their friends. Wow! They didn’t hesitate. Mary put together a debut party at her home and Katie provided a lot of good food. They invited their friends and family to join us. Talk about having a cheer leading squad! Mary and Katie were the epitome of a cheer leading squad. I believe they knew how much I needed the support and they came through with flying colors.

    My sister Charma Dompreh encouraged me also. She spread the word about me to her friends. She and I were literally starting our businesses around the same time. We encouraged each other. When needed, I provided spiritual guidance for her success.

    Tonya Daniels surprised me in the very early days by promoting my services to others. We share a church history together. We were ministers that worked on various activities together: Music, Sunday School and Vacation Bible School. Even though the religious tenants did not support ‘psychic’ services, it did support gifts of the Spirit. She encouraged me to share mine. I thank her for all she does to encourage women to respect themselves and to realize their full potential.

    I identify my teachers and mentors in the chapters in this book. Each one brought a different and needed aspect of spiritual understanding: Toby Raymond, Stacy Miller, Joanne Francina, Rose Vanden Eynden, Patricia Garry, Sunny Dawn Johnston, Tina Zion, Victor Paruto, Chad Siefert, Caroline Sutherland, Dave Schwarber, Sharon Klingler and Sandra Taylor.

    I thank all of my classmates because we were literally cheerleaders for each other while learning and later practicing professionals. To those of you who received messages through me in the early years, and to all of my followers, I thank you. Without your willingness to participate in my journey, I may have had nothing to write about (smile). Thank you for following the nudge that God gave you so that you and I could have sacred moments together.

    My parents, John Lee Hurd and Katie Mae Hurd, left this world long ago. I thank them for all they provided for their children. I thank them for the loving and encouraging words along the way: music, sports, higher education and more. My mother, Katie Mae Hurd, received her bachelor’s degree after giving birth to seven children. What a wonderful role model for an African American family. She clearly proved that it is never too late to make a meaningful change in life. My Dad, a veteran, worked for over 40 years for a steel company. He, too, took advantage of more education and expanded his role. For this, I am eternally grateful to them. I thank them both for encouraging me, through others, today.

    Dear Heavenly Father,

    I ask that you make and keep this book sacred, holy and blessed. I ask, that every word written be filled with your love and healing energy. I ask that You bless every reader and heal them in ways most needed. I am truly grateful and blessed by You. It is in you I have faith. I hear your voice, even in the noise. . I put on the full armor of God. Amen, Amen, Amen!


    Built into you is an internal guidance system that shows you the way home. All you need to do is heed the voice.

    -Neal Donald Walsh

    Imagine going on a trip to a place that will make you feel great. All you have is a feeling that’s urging you onward. You get in your car and begin to drive. You stop to get gas. You visit interesting places along the way. How do you know when you have arrived at that place that makes you feel great? You just know it in an instance. That’s what I did. I set out years ago on a self-improvement journey. Some of the interesting stops along the way included a greater self-awareness of my insecurities, understanding my strengths, performing space clearings, providing energy healing, participating in a ghost hunt, seeing auras, perceiving angels, and serving as a messenger between here and Spirts on the other side. All of this led to a stronger and deeper relationship with God.

    The initial purpose was to gain insights as to why I looked at the world in a certain way. As I started the journey, I was open to learn more about emotions, decision-making patterns and new beliefs. I did become more aware about those things and applied what I learned. However, I did not have a specific goal. I aimed without a target and sometimes the noise of life was louder than God’s voice. Somehow, I remained open to grow beyond my initial experience with self-improvement. The journey changed from a single path to a path with multiple purposes: self-improvement, intuition awareness, and psychic development. I discovered something more profound about spiritual gifts of teaching, healing, discerning spirit, and prophecy. Many twists and turns led to the world of spiritualism. As I am a Christian, becoming a psychic medium was the furthest thing from my mind. This is my story about how I unknowingly and sometimes blindly followed God’s voice and gained greater insights about my purpose.

    In reality, my spiritual journey started long before the self-help adventure. Learning how to listen to God’s voice manifested in a few different ways. For example, I could easily go into a trancelike state and be in another world in my mind. Some would call that daydreaming. I called it losing myself. I loved losing myself on command. I truly felt a gentle falling away of the world around me and arriving somewhere else in my mind. I didn’t know this at the time, but daydreaming is a skill that makes it easier to open psychic abilities. Daydreaming quieted my mind, which led to clearer communications and stronger connections with God.

    Opposite of having a quiet mind were the paranormal experiences that shook me to the core. One unforgettable event occurred while I was a teenager. I had just found out at school that a dear friend was leaving town the next day. I wasn’t given any notice and it felt as if that person died. I immediately began grieving the loss of my friend. When I arrived home, I quickly went upstairs to my bedroom to cry in private. I walked to the side of the bed and with my arms outstretched to the left and to the right, I fell backwards onto the bed. My left hand landed on top of another hand. Where did this hand come from? The strange hand was warm to the touch. I felt its skin fold as it pulled away from underneath my hand. I immediately jumped up and looked around. There was no one there. I was alone. My heart pounded with fear as I quickly ran out of the bedroom.

    Another experience happened in the early morning hours when an angel visited me. I slowly opened my eyes to see a shimmering figure. Its body was made up of glistening colorful lights. Each light was the size of a nickel. White, blue, red, orange, and gold lights silently shimmered. This figure had no facial features – just colorful lights. It

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