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Small Town Psychic: The Trials and Tribulations of Being a Psychic
Small Town Psychic: The Trials and Tribulations of Being a Psychic
Small Town Psychic: The Trials and Tribulations of Being a Psychic
Ebook123 pages1 hour

Small Town Psychic: The Trials and Tribulations of Being a Psychic

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About this ebook

Tina Mitchell has a special gift passed down to her from the women in her family that came before her:
to read and communicate with spirit in order to deliver messages from God to people living in the earthly world.

In a candid revealing of her experiences as a psychic, Mitchell shares a glimpse into how she learned to balance the challenges of being clairvoyant with her personal responsibilities as a mother, wife, and professional as well as the details of how she reads and communicates with spirit as it enters a room and takes control.

Through her fascinating stories, Mitchell reveals her deeply personal experiences with spirits in her own family, why she is unable to see her own future, the outcomes when clients did not heed her warnings, and why the spiritual world will not rest until their messages are delivered.

Small Town Psychic shares true stories from a gifted psychic that disclose what it is like to be chosen to deliver important messages from the spirit world to
recipients in the earthly world.
Release dateJul 19, 2020
Small Town Psychic: The Trials and Tribulations of Being a Psychic

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    Book preview

    Small Town Psychic - Tina Mitchell

    Copyright © 2020 Tina Mitchell.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the author except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.


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    Any people depicted in stock imagery provided by Getty Images are models, and such images are being used for illustrative purposes only.

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    Illustrator- Dawn Van Wormer

    Collaborator- Lori Rowley

    Scripture quotations marked KJV are from the Holy Bible, King James Version (Authorized Version). First published in 1611. Quoted from the KJV Classic Reference Bible, Copyright © 1983 by The Zondervan Corporation.

    ISBN: 978-1-6632-0389-2 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-6632-0388-5 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2020911757

    iUniverse rev. date: 07/16/2020


    Chapter 1 Background

    Chapter 2 Family Tradition

    Chapter 3 How I Read

    Chapter 4 Readings

    Chapter 5 Challenges Along the Way

    Chapter 6 The Future


    I dedicate this book to the people who supported

    me, encouraged me, and most of all, believed

    in me - but more so the people who didn’t!

    Let light shine out of darkness

    2 Corinthians 4:6

    God made the two great lights, the greater

    light to govern the day and the lesser light

    to govern the night. He made the stars also.

    Genesis 1:16





    H i, my name is Tina Mitchell. I live in a very small town in Michigan called Burr Oak. I am a Psychic. I am married to a wonderful man, Steve, who is and always will be my rock. We were married 12/18/93 . He took on a lot, as I was a divorced mother with three small children. My husband and along with my children, Lee, Lance and Lynsi are my reason for living. My children are now providing me with beautiful grandkids whom I adore with all my heart. I grew up in a small town, in Bellevue, Michigan, where everyone knew everybody. Sometimes that’s good…sometimes not so much. My mom and my dad worked very hard to provide us a good home with good family values.

    I have had many jobs ranging from a public servant to restaurant owner. I love working with people. I am a people person. Did I mention I love people? I also love serving and doing what I can to help others succeed in this never-ending circle of life. I have been given a gift. It chose me. In this book you will be given a small sample of what I do and how I use my gift to help others.

    I wanted to write this book to let people know there are real Psychics out here. We are not evil or witches. We are messengers of God. We are put on this earth to deliver messages. Sometimes people heed the messages, sometimes not.


    My family

    (from left to right) Tina, Lori, Dad, Mom, Cheryl and Dawn

    For example, my hairdresser’s assistant of many years, asked me to read a gentleman from a nearby town (Three Rivers), I agreed. The hairdresser kept her salon open after hours, so we two could meet.

    I walked in, saw a clean-cut gentleman in his thirties, and introduced myself. I started to meditate and read him. I saw he was self-employed but saw nothing of his financial outcome for the business. All of a sudden, a bad accident came through. When I read, I see both good and bad. Beforehand, I always ask the client if both are fine to say. I have had only two clients in thousands, that said No bad! This gentleman had said he wanted to hear both the good and the bad. I proceeded to tell this gentleman that I saw an accident. I saw snow, it was holiday time. I saw a celebration. I also saw drinking. The accident was involving a green car hitting a tree. I saw him driving while he had been drinking. I could not see if he was hurt, just the accident, which was extremely unusual for me. I usually would see injuries, but I could not see injuries. I went on to tell him some of his past childhood things. The accident came through again. So, I said to him sternly Do not drink and drive, especially in the winter!

    When the reading was done, as usual, I asked if he had any questions. He said yes, lots. First, he asked if he dies in this accident? Second, he asked about his business? Third, he asked about his fiancé? I honestly told him I could not see the outcome of the accident, but please don’t drink and drive. I went on to tell him I saw nothing about his business. I then told him that I saw his girlfriend marrying his brother. When I finished, he said Wow, that wasn’t a good reading. It sounds like I have no future. He also said (laughing) My fiancé hates my brother, and that they would never marry. I told him that I thought this reading was a message for him. He thanked me, took one of my business cards and left.

    Later, the hairdresser’s assistant that had set up the reading contacted me and said that the gentleman and her had went to dinner and talked. He told her that he thought he dies in the accident that I saw no future for him. The assistant asked me if he was indeed, going to die? I told her that I did not see anything past the accident.

    That November I received a call again, from the assistant, she told me that the client had been killed in an accident, green car, leaving a holiday celebration. He had been drinking.

    Months later I was contacted again by the assistant. She stated that the client’s fiancé was going through his stuff and found my business card. She wanted to know if I was the one who predicted his death?

    About a year later I found out the fiancé did marry the client’s brother (he had comforted her through his brother’s passing). I often tell this story at my parties. Can you change destiny? Well maybe, but in this case, we will never know. I always tell my clients, please heed the warnings.


    I had a similar case with a sweet young lady I met years ago at a party. She would contact me every six months for a reading. So, I read her often. She always had such intense readings. When I first met her, she was a wild free spirit, she seemed like she didn’t have a care in the world. I admired her, as I was once like that. She was a pretty lady, slender in build, with a beautiful smile. After her first reading she stated how crazy accurate I was and she would see if the future predictions come true.

    Every six months this lady would call and schedule a reading party. I remember one reading in particular when I warned her of an ATV accident. I told her it was very bad, lots of injuries for her, I saw drinking in this accident also. I cautioned her this would be very bad!!! We went on to other things in the reading but again, the caution of this accident came through. After the reading we hugged and she said she would see me in six months.

    Some time passed and my husband came home from work and asked me if I had heard that a lady, I had read was in a bad ATV accident and that she was in the hospital, in

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