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Golf Basics for Beginners: The Ultimate Guide about Clubs, Etiquette, Equipment, History and Terminology
Golf Basics for Beginners: The Ultimate Guide about Clubs, Etiquette, Equipment, History and Terminology
Golf Basics for Beginners: The Ultimate Guide about Clubs, Etiquette, Equipment, History and Terminology
Ebook69 pages

Golf Basics for Beginners: The Ultimate Guide about Clubs, Etiquette, Equipment, History and Terminology

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About this ebook

Golf enthusiast and avid player, Aaron Knight, has written Golf Basics for Beginners to help novice players understand the history, the terminology and distinction that makes this sport unlike any other. Golf requires its own coded language and etiquette that you must understand and follow if you want to be respectful of the game and fellow golfers
Release dateSep 14, 2014
Golf Basics for Beginners: The Ultimate Guide about Clubs, Etiquette, Equipment, History and Terminology

Aaron Knight

Aaron Knight grew up a military brat and has lived in numerous places including Germany, Texas, Georgia, Alaska, Hawaii and California. Aaron is an avid golf player who started playing the game as a teenager and immediately fell in love with this sport. Over the past fifteen years Aaron has taken to many golf lessons to keep track of, invested in custom golf clubs, played in tournaments, played on PGA courses and conducted business transactions on the greens. Aaron tees up on average 3-to-four times per week. Aaron has taken his golf experience and knowledge to write his debut book Golf Basics for Beginners. Aaron hopes to encourage others who are interested in golf sort through terminology, equipment, etiquette, etc., that are necessary to understand in this challenging, frustrating (at times) but fun sport. Aaron currently resides in Idaho with his wife and daughter. When not playing golf Aaron enjoys hunting, camping, 4-wheeling and fine cigars.

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    Golf Basics for Beginners - Aaron Knight

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    -- 1st edition

    Manufactured in the United States of America



    This publication is intended to provide helpful and informative material. It is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any health problem or condition, nor is intended to replace the advice of a physician. No action should be taken solely on the contents of this book. Always consult your physician or qualified health-care professional on any matters regarding your health and before adopting any suggestions in this book or drawing inferences from it.

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    Any and all product names referenced within this book are the trademarks of their respective owners. None of these owners have sponsored, authorized, endorsed, or approved this book.

    Always read all information provided by the manufacturers’ product labels before using their products. The author and publisher are not responsible for claims made by manufacturers.

    Digital Edition 2014


    How This Book Will Help You and Why

    Golf Basics for Beginners is an insider’s guide to ease a novice player into the golf culture with style, manners and proper form.

    A few of the golfing fundamentals you’ll learn include:

    • Golf terminology

    • Golf course behavior and etiquette

    • Selection and Care of Golfing equipment

    • Training and educational options

    An entire chapter is devoted club selection and explaining the purpose and pro and con of each type of golf club, before covering how to perfect your stance, grip, and putting techniques.

    Golf Basics for Beginners provides a new player with plenty of tips and pointers to tee up and start playing.


    Aaron Knight grew up a military brat and has lived in numerous places including Germany, Texas, Georgia, Alaska, Hawaii and California. Aaron is an avid golf player who started playing the game as a teenager and immediately fell in love with this sport. Over the past fifteen years Aaron has taken to many golf lessons to keep track of, invested in custom golf clubs, played in tournaments, played on PGA courses and conducted business transactions on the greens. Aaron tees up on average 3-to-four times per week.

    Aaron has taken his golf experience and knowledge to write his debut book Golf Basics for Beginners. Aaron hopes to encourage others who are interested in golf sort through terminology, equipment, etiquette, etc., that are necessary to understand in this challenging, frustrating (at times) but fun sport.

    Aaron currently resides in Idaho with his wife and daughter. When not playing golf Aaron enjoys hunting, camping, 4-wheeling and fine cigars.

    Table of Contents

    Publisher’s Notes

    What You Will Learn in This Book

    About the Author


    Chapter 1: The Debatable and Interesting History of Golf

    Chapter 2: The Importance of Golf Etiquette

    Chapter 3: Golf Equipment

    Chapter 4: Preparing for Play

    Chapter 5: Need Golf Lessons?

    Chapter 6: Understanding Your Golf Clubs

    Chapter 7: Hitting the Ball

    Chapter 8: Golf Software

    Chapter 9: What is the Ideal Golf Course?

    Chapter 10: Describe the Perfect Golf Outing

    Chapter 11: The Game of Golf: Relaxing, Honorable and Very Popular


    This book is dedicated to my wife who encourages me to pursue and enjoy my passions without guilt. This book would have never happened without your love and support.


    The history of golf originated about five centuries ago. Because golf was a distraction for other combat drills, it was banned by James II of Scotland on March 6, 1457. Both sports fans and historians tend to agree that the Scottish were the first true fans of golf. But, on the other hand, no one really knows who actually started the game of golf. As a matter of fact, it is still a subject open for debate

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