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Young, Longer
Young, Longer
Young, Longer
Ebook100 pages1 hour

Young, Longer

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About this ebook

There has been a tectonic shift in the plates of our economy.

The single most evident proof of this is found in worldwide INFLATION.


Just a few years ago, no one was concerned with inflation. Now it is headline news.

Will inflation be brought under control?

What shoudl we do to prepare?


This book was written as a SURVIVAL GUIDE for inflation. It is very basic and to the point.


Ron Fay, P.E. is a Design Engineer/Personal Trainer/Car Mechanic/Stock Trader. His observations are from his 'boots on the ground' perspective.

PublisherRon Fay P.E.
Release dateJan 15, 2023
Young, Longer

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    Young, Longer - Ron Fay P.E.


    In Younger Next Year , Chris Crowley and Henry Lodge, MD make the case for adding ‘health to your years’ with diet and exercise. They explain how if you eat right and do the right type of vigorous exercise, you could actually reduce your biological age.

    You’ll feel younger.

    Their book promotes diet and exercise as a means of feeling younger. The message of feeling and performing better as we age is appealing, and you would think that this promise alone would be enough to motivate Americans to take action.

    But it isn’t. We are getting unhealthier by the minute.

    Even when COVID-19 was having such dire effects on the overweight and unhealthy, people really didn’t wake up on a large scale to doing what’s right by their bodies.

    Darwinian Moment

    The higher probability of dying from a disease doesn’t apparently motivate many to action. Just bring up the question of why someone doesn’t take good care of their body and a host of excuses will flow: too busy, too tired, no energy, death in the family, birth in the family, medical issues, child issues, parent issues and my personal favorite...

    I’m planning to do it after I retire.

    I own a gym. I’ve heard them all.

    Now, I mean right now, you have the best reason EVER to change course and get your act together.


    Big changes have already begun, and we are in the beginning phases of an existential crisis.

    As we’ve discovered, not everyone will come out of this OK. Those that are prepared and adapt to the new system that is coming will fare better than those that don’t. Only those that are FIT—and I mean physically, financially, emotionally, and spiritually—will survive.

    If that doesn’t motivate you, then I don’t know what will.

    I WROTE THIS BOOK BECAUSE there is a need for it,

    At the time I wrote Small Club Start-Up, there was only one book I could find of its kind. It was called Gym-Biz and was a cute little guide for gym owners. I saw a need for a book on gym ownership that was more comprehensive. I was happy to sell all 3000 copies on Amazon as a self-published business book.

    I was on vacation in Folly Beach, SC last year when I identified another hole in published business and self-help books. There are hundreds of diet books, exercise books, stock market trading books, financial planning books, real estate books, self-help books and investment books. But there is not one book on how to properly integrate all of these in order to prepare for what is coming.


    Like Small Club Start-Up, I write when inspired from my experiences.

    The inspiration to write this book comes from the all the hats I wear. One of the inspirations for writing this book came from trading stocks. One of my passions is following the economy and financials. I am an avid reader when it comes to these topics as it helps me feel connected with the rest of the world.

    Inflation is one of the newest developments regarding our economy. I was young when inflation in the 70's and 80's hit us like it is today. I have no real experience with it. We were told in 2021 that this new inflation cycle was transitory but at the time of this writing, it's still with us two years later. What's the deal?

    If inflation persists, it will change the future for retirees in a big way. If 7% average inflation persists for 6 years, an IRA account will have half the buying power it has today.

    Another inspiration for this book comes from the fact that I turn 62 this year. I own a gym with my wife Barb, and it has been our life’s work to help people stay in shape. When we were in our 30’s and 40’s, our focus was different than now. Today, our life mission is to keeping ourselves and others in the same boat as capable for as long as possible.

    Boiling It Down

    Not everyone is interested in financials and the economy like I am. I have noticed that very few people enjoy looking at charts and graphs of what is going on with the economy like I do.

    I believe that people at every level can and SHOULD understand what is going with the economy. There are plenty of people out there willing to educate for free. I follow a guy on YouTube called the Uneducated Economist, who boils down concepts about the Federal Reserve that any 8th grader could understand. There’s also James Lavish’s free newsletter The Informationist, explains important economic principles quite simply.

    We all need to make the effort to be educated so we support policymakers in making the correct decisions. For instance, Senator Elizabeth Warren, a Harvard graduate, makes the case that the Federal Reserve should NOT be raising interest rates as it will cause a recession.

    Should the Fed stop raising interest rates to fight inflation?

    I’ll give you a hint: raising interest rates likely will cause a recession.

    Should they stop?

    I AM WRITING THIS BOOK to educate people that are not obsessed with economics— particularly older people like myself. Everyone should understand what’s going on so they can properly plan and prepare.

    There is a lot one can do to prepare for what's coming - but it does take planning and effort. I will cover this in the simplest of terms.

    Ignorance is bliss.

    Ignorance will most certainly allow you to continue to live as you are now, until you no longer can.

    Even after the pandemic, there was a strong Normalcy Bias in our country. We are in denial that there is a tectonic shift in the plates and that things will never be the same again. We keep hoping that things will get better.

    But hope is not a plan.

    I’ve been in the physical fitness business a long time. I’ve owned a small community gym for nearly 35 years. My observation is that the majority of people have a good idea what to do to be healthy but only a small minority actually execute a plan.

    Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter (Matthew 7:13).

    Our gym is ironically located next door to a drive-in ice cream shop. In the summer months, when our gym struggles to keep maybe 30 members exercising regularly, the lines are long to get ice cream.

    No judgement here. I like ice cream and partake, but

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