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Grade 6

Part 1. Specific Thinking

Read the text and choose a, b or c.

Robert likes his room to be tidy, but it’s difficult as it’s his brother’s bedroom too. When Robert is alone in the room he
does his homework or listens to music. On the walls there are a few small posters. Robert wants to have more, and to
paint the walls yellow, but his mother doesn’t agree. There are photographs of family holidays and of his sister’s
children. Robert loves rugby and there are several photos of his playing in the school team.

1. (5 points) Robert likes his room to be ………. .

a. tidy b. safe c. untidy

2. (5 points) Robert lives ………… .

a. alone in his bedroom. b. with his brother in his bedroom. c. with his friends in his bedroom.

3. (5 points) What does Robert do when he is alone in his room?

a. He plays computer games. b. He does his homework or listens to music. c. He sings.

4. (5 points) Robert wants to paint the walls……… .

a. yellow b. green c. red

5*. (Bonus 10 points) Does his mother want to paint the walls yellow?
a. Yes, she does. b. No, she does not. c. Yes, they do.

Part 2. Time-bound Estimation

Choose a, b or c.

6. (2 points) Daughter is a….

a. boy child b. girl child c. children

7*. (Bonus 3 points) Professor is ……. .

a. a person who teaches at university.
b. a person who runs very fast.
c. a person who speaks very quickly.

8. (3 points) A large piece of land where many trees grow near each other is a ......... .
a. button b. forest c. costume

9*. (Bonus 3 points) Exploration means …….. .

a. the finding of new places b. to go on doing something c. to make something go

10. (3 points) …….. is a country and not nationality.

a. Georgian b. Japanese c. England

11. (3 points) Die is…….. .

a. to start living b. to stop living c. to start laughing

12. (3 points) Final and …….. are synonyms.
a. huge b. pleased c. last

13*. (Bonus 4 points) A bird that flies fast and catches other birds is a ......... .
a. tiger b. falcon c. goose

14. (3 points) True is the opposite of …....... .

a. big b. great c. false

15. (3 points) Messenger is a person who….

a. carries a ladder b. carries bags c. carries a message

Part 3. Realistic Assessment

Choose a, b or c.

16. (4 points) While she was …. apples, it …. to rain.

a. buy/start b. buying/started c. buying/starting

17. (4 points) It was my mum’s birthday. My family and me were ……… .

a. happily b. slowly c. happy

18*. (Bonus 4 points) It is raining. She ….. take an umbrella.

a. have to b. is to c. has to

19. (4 points) If it ….. sunny tomorrow, I will go to the mall.

a. was b. were c. is

20. (4 points) ….. cheese is there?

a. How many b. How much c. What

21*. (Bonus 3 points) This book is the ………. .

a. more interesting b. most interesting c. interesting

22*. (Bonus 3 points) There is a shelf in my bedroom and there are five …..…. in the kitchen.
a. shelves b. shelfs c. shelfes

23. (4 points) My birthday is ….…. January.

a. on b. under c. in

Part 4. Measurable Opinion
Read the text and choose a, b or c.

I hope (24)…. are well. I was trying (25)…..… call you yesterday, but you didn’t answer. (26)……..your phone broken
(27)……… have you lost (28)….…. again? I wanted to ask you (29)…..….you can come (30)………. my birthday party next
Saturday. My birthday was two weeks (31) ……….but I could not have the party.

24. (4 points) a. I b. you c. our

25. (4 points) a. on b. in c. to
26. (4 points) a. Is b .Are c. Were
27. (4 points) a. or b. on c. it
28. (4 points) a. it b. you c. they
29. *(Bonus 3 points) a. take b. if c. went
30. *(Bonus 3 points) a. in b. on c. to
31. *(Bonus 4 points) a. next b. ago c. future

Part 5. Achievable Glance

Circle the correct sentence.

32. (6 points)
a. Mat went to the sport centre.
b. Mat to the sport centre.
c. Mat went sport centre.

33. (7 points)
a. Was it a good match very.
b. It was a very good match.
c. A very good match it was.

34. (7 points)
a. Alex want did not to play games.
b. Alex did not want play games.
c. Alex did not want to play games.

35*. (Bonus 5 points)

a. They wore scarves keep to warm.
b. They warm to keep scarves wore.
c. They wore scarves to keep warm.

36*. (Bonus 5 points)

a. When I was little I used play with a car.
b. When I was little I used to play with a car.
c. When I was little I play with a car used.

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