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Skills Academy Wales Website Design

Proposals for populating the SAWSW WBL website are suggested below.

Skills Academy Wales

Apprenticeships (South West Wales) Welcome Register Help
You are here: Home

Welcome to the Skills Academy Wales website. The purpose of the website is to provide an online document management system for the work based learning programme delivered by the South West Wales regional apprenticeship partnership. The Skills Academy Wales Partnership The SAWSW partnership is led by Pembrokeshire College and includes Coleg Sir Gr, PRP Training and the Princes Trust as training providers. The partnership offers apprenticeships and traineeships for young people entering employment, sponsored by the Welsh Government and supported by European Commission funding. The Apprenticeships The apprentices follow a work based learning programme that leads to an NVQ competence and knowledge based qualification whilst being employed. The employers play an active part in the development and assessment of the apprentices progress, assisting them achieve their full skills and employability potential. The Documents The apprenticeship scheme is fully documented in order to record individual apprentices progress, as well as to manage the programme and provide auditable records for the programme funders. A range of forms are used for this purpose and all can be accessed on this website. The website provides a central document management system for the scheme and includes the ability to digitally record the signing of audit documents required by the Welsh Government and Europe. The Website The training providers, employers and apprentices are all eligible to register for access to the documents and information managed on this website. There is also read-only access to documents for non-participants. Click on Help for further information or Register or Login to enter the website.

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Notes: 1. The Register button is retained, as this will allow new users to gain access to the site. However, it will be an online registration form that will be submitted to the site administrator who will decide on the level of access and assign a role to the user. This will include a visitor role which has no editing rights and only access to publicly viewable pages, and also will include a reject option for inappropriate access requests. 2. This is a very basic welcome page with no graphics. It may be appropriate for an administrative restricted site that has no marketing purpose.

Skills Academy Wales

Apprenticeships (South West Wales)
Dashboard Account Advisors LLWR Editors Auditors Learners Employers Forms You are here: Home Dashboard

You are currently signed in as a user of the SAWSW website and the Tabs above will give you access to the documents and functionality on the site you need for your user role in the system. The documents track the activities undertaken by the learners, their employers and the training providers as the learners progress through their work-based learning programmes. Clicking on the tabs above will provide access to lists of learners and, where appropriate lists of training advisors, auditors and employers. The forms appropriate to each learner can be viewed by clicking on Forms in their entry line on the list. Progress in completing the forms is indicated and they are available for editing. For further information click on Help.

Notes: 1. The same dashboard will be seen by all users, but the tabs providing access to information, forms and editing rights will be different depending on their roles in the system. 2. The main access to the WBL forms for each of the learners will be by clicking on the Forms icon in their listing in the learners dropdown list 3. Click on Edit to update a chosen form.

Learner Forms

Skills Academy Wales Website Help Pages

Currently there are Pop-up windows when the Help Tabs on each of the pages are selected:

It is proposed that all the help pages be amalgamated in a centralised help reference structure with its own menu navigation covering all the website functional options. This is a fairly common Help provision approach for websites and users are likely to be familiar with it. Opening the Help screen in a different window is a good idea as it leaves users in the same place on the website when theyve finished. The Help tab for each page can be linked directly to the issues related to that page. A managed FAQ option is also recommended.

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