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A sustainable London 2012 Games

Making the Games better for everyone The Olympic and Paralympic Games are the worlds largest festival of sport and, in 2012, they come to London and the UK. The excitement is growing and soon the whole world will be watching.

Sustainability: A global issue

What is sustainability?
Sustainability is about taking every day choices that make a positive difference. It is about respect for the environment and people, leaving a positive impact for future generations. Our environment gives us the air, food, water and fuel we need to survive. If we want our environment to keep providing for us, we must live in a sustainable way.

Why is sustainability important?

If everyone in the world lived like an average European we would need three planets to live on. We need to deliver a Games where we are respectful of the world we live in. However, the more we learn about our planet, the more we realise how we are affecting it. These effects come in many forms, including: climate change destruction of habitats noise and air pollution environmental degradation

The International Olympic Committee (IOC) and the International Paralympic Committee (IPC) are committed to making sure all Olympic and Paralympic Games are as sustainable as possible. London 2012 is aiming to be the most sustainable Games to have ever been held. Sustainability was included as part of the London 2012 bid when through the idea of Towards a One Planet Olympics. There are five sustainability themes throughout the work of the London 2012 Organising Committee of the Olympic and Paralympic Games (LOCOG). Climate change Waste Biodiversity Inclusion Healthy living

Sustainability of the past

Do you think we live in a sustainable world nowadays? How sustainable was the world in the past? What about your country or community? How have things changed in your country to make our lives more sustainable? Are there some manufacturing methods that were used in the past but not anymore? Is your country doing things differently now, compared to the past?

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The Olympic Delivery Authority (ODA) is responsible for planning and building the Olympic Park, looking after both the permanent and temporary venues and developing the transport system. LOCOG is responsible for staging a Games we will never forget. Organising such an important event is a big challenge!

Climate change
Our aim: To deliver a low carbon Games and showcase how we are adapting to a world increasingly affected by climate change. To make the Games as green as possible, London 2012 has developed clever construction methods.

Using the facilities after the London 2012 Games

Once the Games end, the Velodrome and BMX Track are going to be converted into a public VeloPark. Can you think of any more uses for the Olympic and Paralympic Venues after the Games? Go to the London 2012 website (www. to find out more about the different venues for London 2012. Get thinking and get designing!

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The Velodrome

This was the first venue on the Olympic Park to be completed and the Velodrome is the most energy-efficient venue on the Park. It is hoped it will be the fastest cycling track in the world; the track and the building have been built with 100 per cent legally and sustainably sourced timber, so it is the worlds most sustainable Olympic Velodrome too. The compact design allows natural lighting and uses natural ventilation for keeping the track cool. Rainwater will be collected on the roof and used to flush the toilets.

The Energy Centre

The new Olympic Park Energy Centre will be home to many energy-efficient technologies that will provide hot water, electricity, heating and cooling to buildings on the Park and the Athletes Village. In the future it will provide energy to families that live there.

Vision of the future

What do you think the Olympic and Paralympic Games will be like in 100 years time or more? Will things be more sustainable? What about your community? Will people be closer to living in a sustainable environment? Work alone or in groups and design ways that you think your community could be more sustainable in the future. Imagine that the Games are coming to your nation. What things will need to happen to make the Games as sustainable as possible?

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Did you know...?

An objective of LOCOG is to deliver a 100 per cent public transport Games, so spectators will travel by public transport, bicycle or on foot By putting sustainability as one of the key aspects of designing the Olympic Park, London 2012 will deliver an overall reduction in carbon emissions of 50 per cent

Our aim: To deliver a zero waste Games, through resource management practices and by promoting long-term behavioural change. To build facilities for the Games we have reused as many original materials as possible, including the soil that was dug up on the site. The soil was sifted and cleaned in soil washing machines to remove any pollutants (including arsenic, tar and lead) and then used again on the site. Some buildings in the Olympic Park had to be removed to make room for the new venues. They have been crushed and reused to make roads and bridges.

Did you know...?

80 lamp posts were saved and will be used in the Olympic Park when it is finished Approximately 2,000 tonnes of waste has been removed from the Olympic Park site by barge More than 80 per cent of soil has been cleaned and reused on the Olympic Park A total of 98.5 per cent of demolition waste has been recycled and in some cases reused Foundations for the Aquatics Centre, Handball Arena and the Olympic Stadium have used concrete with more than 30 per cent of recycled materials

News report

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Find out more information about the sustainability and the Games by going to the London 2012 website. Produce mock news reports on the stories you find. Draw or paint large pictures as bulletin images for the newsroom background. You could tell your stories in your classroom or at your school assembly. Some people could be the researchers of the news channel, while other team members could be the newscasters. You could even make models of Venues to help with your news re-enactments.

Our aim: To conserve biodiversity, create new urban green spaces and bring people closer to nature through sport and culture. The Olympic Park stretches over lots of natural habitats and London 2012 is committed to preserving its natural biodiversity. London 2012 has created parklands and natural habitats within the Olympic Park to encourage animals to create new homes. Some of the animals that are being encouraged to the Olympic Park include kingfishers song thrushes eels water voles bats grass snakes

Some of the plants that were found include: marsh woundwort field scabious yellow toadflax scentless mayweed tower mustard

Do you know what these animals and plants are? What do they look like?

Did you know...?

The Olympic Park is an area approximately 250 hectares (357 football pitches) At least 45 hectares of new wildlife habitat is being created There are 675 bird and bat boxes on the Olympic Park 2,000 newts and hundreds of toads were rehoused during the construction of the Olympic Park 2,000 local residents have given up their time to improve their local areas through a programme called Changing Places

A Games for all!

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If you were going to build a new sports venue for your community what animals and plants might be affected? How could you make sure that the new venue actually helped the animals and plants? If it was a big project should some money be put aside to be invested in conservation elsewhere in the country?

Healthy living
Our aim: To inspire people across the UK to take up sport and develop more active, healthy and sustainable lifestyles. The athletes who are competing at London 2012 have all worked really hard training to be the best they can be. When they are in the UK, they will want to perform at their best, and one of the ways that London 2012 can help to do that is to make sure that there are lots of healthy food options to fuel their bodies during the performance of their lives. London 2012 has written the first ever Food Vision for the Olympic and Paralympic Games, with the aim of providing 14 million sustainably sourced and healthy meals. That means we have thought about where all of our food has come from so that we do not harm the planet. For example, London 2012 will only use sustainably sourced fish, meat from animals that have been looked after, free range eggs, and Fairtrade bananas, tea and coffee. Did you know that the following will be served during the London 2012 Games? 25,000 loaves of bread 100 tonnes of meat 75,000 litres of milk 19 tonnes of eggs 21 tonnes of cheese 330 tonnes of vegetables Exercise is an important part of an athletes life and we know that doing exercise as part of your daily routine is a really good idea! How much exercise do you do? London 2012 is encouraging people to cycle and walk to the Games when they come to watch.

A healthy meal for athletes

What meals from your country do you think are truly great? Would you feel proud offering traditional food to the athletes? If so, which meals? Why not invent a new dish for an athlete? Think about what food a rower, weightlifter or gymnast might want. Do you know how healthy it would be? Or how much it would cost?

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Active travel

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How do you travel to school? Do you have any other options of transport? Can you walk or cycle to school if you dont already? Why not set up a cycle or walking group and invite friends to join you? If it is too far to cycle or walk, then can you find some time at the weekends to travel around by foot or bike?

Share with your school and community!

You could organise special events or school announcements to inform people about how London 2012 is being sustainable. You could even put an article in your local newspaper. Get inspired by the Games and see what you can do to promote sustainability.

Start a sustainability campaign!

Do this as a class or as an entire school. Think of new ways to make your school more sustainable. Could you be using less electricity? How about reducing the amount of waste you produce? Can you recycle more? How about encouraging your school to invest in renewable energies like wind, solar or wave power? You could start a school newsletter on sustainability, inspire action groups and get more people cycling or walking to school. Why not start a vegetable garden at your school? This will cut down any food transport costs your school currently has.

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Get creative for 2012 sustainability

Do you have a talent for poetry or song writing? Are you a good storyteller? Whatever your talent, use it to produce something wonderful to promote sustainability at the London 2012 Games.

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This document and the official Emblems of the London 2012 Games are London Organising Committee of the Olympic Games and Paralympic Games Ltd (LOCOG) 2007-2011. All rights reserved. LOC2011/IEP/1812

We are very excited about the upcoming 2012 Games. We are also just as excited about everyones efforts to make it the most sustainable Games ever. Learn as much as you can about sustainability and London 2012 and tell everyone you know!

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