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ASP.NET Application Development Using MVC

By Abdul Quader Mamun | 23 Feb 2011 | Article
C # ASP.NET .NET Dev Beginner MVC EF

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A sample ASP.NET application development using MVC.

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ASP.NET provides the MVC framework as an alternate to the ASP.NET Web Forms pattern for developing web applications. MVC (Model-View-Controller) is a lightweight, highly testable presentation framework that is integrated with the existing ASP.NET features such as Master Pages and Membership-based authentication.

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The S s e . e . v namespace is for ASP.NET MVC. MVC is a standard Design Pattern. ytmWbMc MVC has the following components: Controller Classes that handle incoming requests to the application, retrieve model data, and then specify view templates that return a response to the client. Model Classes that represent the data of the application and that use validation logic to enforce business rules for that data. View Template files that your application uses to dynamically generate HTML responses.

In this demonstration, I will design a database using SQL Server Management Studio 2005. I will develop an ASP.NET MVC application and will describe all of its parts.

Lets Get Started

Open SQL Management Studio 2005. Crate a database and name it Inventory. Design a database table like below:


Figure 1

1. Open Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 2. Create a new project (File> New> Project> Visual C#): ASP.NET MVC 3 Web Application 3. Named it ASPNETMVCApplication 4. Click on the OK button

Figure 2

1. 2. 3. 4.

Select a template for Internet Application View engine to Razor Create a unit test project to uncheck Click on the OK button


Figure 3

The default project will be created. Now Add Library Package Reference. We will use a .NET Framework data-access technology known as the Entity Framework. The Entity Framework (often referred to as EF) supports a development paradigm called code-first. Code-first allows you to create model objects by writing simple classes. You can then have the database created on the fly from your classes, which enables a very clean and rapid development workflow. We'll start by using the NuGet package manager (automatically installed by ASP.NET MVC 3) to add the EFCodeFirst library to the ASPNETMVCApplication project. This library lets us use the code-first approach. To add Entity Framework reference: From the Tools menu, select Library Package Manager and then Add Library Package Reference.

Figure 4

In the Add Library Package Reference window, click online. 3/20

Figure 5

Click the NuGet Official package source.

Figure 6

Find EFCodeFirst, click on install.


Figure 7

Click on I Accept. Entity Framework will install and will add a reference to the project.

Figure 8

Click on the Close button.


Figure 9

Adding a Model Class 1. 2. 3. 4. Right click on Models from Solution Explorer Select Add Select Class Name it Book.cs

Figure 10


Figure 11

Add the following properties in the Book.cs file:

C ollapse | C opy C ode

nmsaeAPEMCplcto.oes aepc SNTVApiainMdl { pbi casBo ulc ls ok { pbi It4I {gt st } ulc n6 d e; e; pbi Srn Tte{gt st } ulc tig il e; e; pbi Srn IB {gt st } ulc tig SN e; e; pbi DcmlPie{gt st } ulc eia rc e; e; } }

Add another class the way you did for Book.cs and name it BookDBContext.cs. Add a S s e . a a E t t namespace reference in the BookDBContext.cs file. ytmDt.niy
C ollapse | C opy C ode

uigSse.aaEtt; sn ytmDt.niy

Add the following code in the B o D C n e tclass. And derive it from the D C n e t okBotx botx class so that all data operations can be handled by the B o sproperty. ok Note: The property name B o smust be the same as the database table name Books. ok Here is the complete code:
C ollapse | C opy C ode

uigSse; sn ytm uigSse.e; sn ytmWb uigSse.aaEtt; sn ytmDt.niy nmsaeAPEMCplcto.oes aepc SNTVApiainMdl { pbi casBoDCnetDCnet ulc ls okBotx:botx { pbi DStBo>Bos{gt st } ulc be<ok ok e; e; } }

Add a connection string in the web.config file. Remember, the connection string name must be the same as B o D C n e t okBotx.
C ollapse | C opy C ode


<oncintig> cnetoSrns <d nm=BoDCnet ad ae"okBotx" cnetoSrn=dt suc=oeP; oncintig"aa oreHm-C uds;w=24IiilCtlgIvnoy i=apd13;nta aao=netr" poieNm=Sse.aaSllet / rvdrae"ytmDt.qCin" > <cnetoSrns /oncintig>

Adding the Controller 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Right click on Controller from Solution Explorer Select Add Select Controller Name it BookController Add action methods for Create, Update, Delete, and Details scenarios to Checked

Figure 12

Figure 13

It will add the following code:

C ollapse | C opy C ode

nmsaeAPEMCplcto.otolr aepc SNTVApiainCnrles { pbi casBoCnrle :Cnrle ulc ls okotolr otolr { / / / GT /ok / E: Bo/ pbi AtoRsl Idx) ulc cineut ne( { rtr Ve(; eun iw) } / / / GT /okDtis5 / E: Bo/eal/


pbi AtoRsl Dtisiti) ulc cineut eal(n d { rtr Ve(; eun iw) } / / / GT /okCet / E: Bo/rae pbi AtoRsl Cet( ulc cineut rae) { rtr Ve(; eun iw) } / / / PS:/okCet / OT Bo/rae [tpot HtPs] pbi AtoRsl Cet(omolcincleto) ulc cineut raeFrCleto olcin { ty r { / TD:Adisr lgchr / OO d net oi ee rtr RdrcTAto(Idx) eun eietocin"ne"; } cth ac { rtr Ve(; eun iw) } } / / / GT /okEi/ / E: Bo/dt5 pbi AtoRsl Ei(n i) ulc cineut dtit d { rtr Ve(; eun iw) } / / / PS:/okEi/ / OT Bo/dt5 [tpot HtPs] pbi AtoRsl Ei(n i,FrCleto cleto) ulc cineut dtit d omolcin olcin { ty r { / TD:Adudt lgchr / OO d pae oi ee rtr RdrcTAto(Idx) eun eietocin"ne"; } cth ac { rtr Ve(; eun iw) } } / / / GT /okDlt/ / E: Bo/eee5 pbi AtoRsl Dlt(n i) ulc cineut eeeit d { rtr Ve(; eun iw) } / / / PS:/okDlt/ / OT Bo/eee5 [tpot HtPs] pbi AtoRsl Dlt(n i,FrCleto cleto) ulc cineut eeeit d omolcin olcin { ty r { / TD:Addlt lgchr / OO d eee oi ee


rtr RdrcTAto(Idx) eun eietocin"ne"; } cth ac { rtr Ve(; eun iw) } } } }

Now add the following namespaces in the BookController.cs file:

C ollapse | C opy C ode sn ytmLn; uigAPEMCplcto.oes sn SNTVApiainMdl;

Declare a global instance variable of the B o D C n e tclass in the B o C n r l e okBotx okotolr class.
C ollapse | C opy C ode

BoDCnet_b=nwBoDCnet) okBotx d e okBotx(;

Add the following code in the I d x )method: ne(

C ollapse | C opy C ode

pbi AtoRsl Idx) ulc cineut ne( { vrbos=fo bo i _bBos a ok rm ok n d.ok slc bo; eet ok rtr Ve(ok.oit); eun iwbosTLs() }

This is the LINQ code for getting books and b o s T L s ( to display the book list in the ok.oit) View. Now right click on Solution and select Build to build the solution. Adding the View 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Right click in the Index method Select View Create a strongly-typed view to Checked Select Model class to Book (ASPNETMVCApplication.Models) Scaffold template to List Click on the OK button


Figure 14

It will add the Index.cshtml file.

C ollapse | C opy C ode

@oe InmrbeAPEMCplcto.oesBo> mdl Eueal<SNTVApiainMdl.ok @ { VeBgTte="ne" Idx; } <2Idx/2 h>ne<h> <> p @tlAtoLn(Cet Nw,"rae) Hm.cinik"rae e" Cet" <p /> <al> tbe <r t> <h<t> t>/h <h t> Tte il <t> /h <h t> IB SN <t> /h <h t> Pie rc <t> /h <t> /r @oec (a ie i Mdl { frah vr tm n oe) <r t> <d t> @tlAtoLn(Ei" "dt,nw{i=tmI } | Hm.cinik"dt, Ei" e die.d ) @tlAtoLn(Dtis,"eal" nw{i=tmI } | Hm.cinik"eal" Dtis, e die.d ) @tlAtoLn(Dlt" "eee,nw{i=tmI } Hm.cinik"eee, Dlt" e die.d ) <t> /d <d t> @tmTte <t> /d <d t> @tmIB ie.SN 11/20

<t> /d <d t> @tigFra({:},ie.rc) Srn.omt"0F" tmPie <t> /d <t> /r } <tbe /al>

Now, add the Create View. Adding the Create View 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Right click on the Create method Select View Create a strongly-typed view to Checked Select Model class to Book (ASPNETMVCApplication.Models) Scaffold template to Create Click on the OK button

It will add the Create.cshtml file.

C ollapse | C opy C ode

@oe APEMCplcto.oesBo mdl SNTVApiainMdl.ok @ { VeBgTte="rae; Cet" } <2Cet<h>srp sc"UlCnet"/cit/qeyvldt.i.s) h>rae/2<cit r=@r.otn(~Srpsjur.aiaemnj"" tp=tx/aacit>/cit<cit ye"etjvsrp"<srp>srp sc"UlCnet"/cit/qeyvldt.nbrsv.i.s) r=@r.otn(~Srpsjur.aiaeuotuiemnj"" tp=tx/aacit>/cit@sn (tlBgnom) { ye"etjvsrp"<srp>uig Hm.eiFr() @tlVldtoSmaytu) Hm.aiainumr(re <ilst fede> <eedBo<lgn>dvcas"dtrlbl> lgn>ok/eed<i ls=eio-ae" @tlLblo(oe = mdlTte Hm.aeFrmdl > <dv /i> <i cas"dtrfed> dv ls=eio-il" @tlEioFrmdl= mdlTte Hm.dtro(oe > @tlVldtoMsaeo(oe = mdlTte Hm.aiainesgFrmdl > <dv /i> <i cas"dtrlbl> dv ls=eio-ae" @tlLblo(oe = mdlIB) Hm.aeFrmdl > oe.SN <dv /i> <i cas"dtrfed> dv ls=eio-il" @tlEioFrmdl= Hm.dtro(oe >

Now add the following code in the C e t method in the B o C n r l e class. rae okotolr
C ollapse | C opy C ode

[tpot HtPs] pbi AtoRsl Cet(omolcincleto) ulc cineut raeFrCleto olcin { ty r { Bo bo =nwBo(; ok ok e ok) i (oeSaeIVld f Mdltt.sai) { =cleto[Tte]TSrn(; okTte olcin"il".otig) bo.SN=cleto[IB".otig) okIB olcin"SN]TSrn(; bo.rc =CnetTDcmlcleto[Pie]; okPie ovr.oeia(olcin"rc") _bBosAdbo) d.ok.d(ok; _bSvCags) d.aehne(; rtr RdrcTAto(Idx) eun eietocin"ne"; } es le { rtr Ve(ok; eun iwbo) } } 12/20

cth ac { rtr Ve(; eun iw) } }

Now we will add the Edit View. Adding the Edit View 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Right click on the Edit method Select View Create a strongly-typed view to Checked Select Model class to Book (ASPNETMVCApplication.Models) Scaffold template to Edit Click on the OK button

Figure 15

It will add the Edit.cshtml file:

C ollapse | C opy C ode

@oe APEMCplcto.oesBo mdl SNTVApiainMdl.ok @ { VeBgTte="dt; Ei" } <2Ei<h>srp sc"UlCnet"/cit/qeyvldt.i.s) h>dt/2<cit r=@r.otn(~Srpsjur.aiaemnj"" tp=tx/aacit>/cit<cit ye"etjvsrp"<srp>srp sc"UlCnet"/cit/qeyvldt.nbrsv.i.s) r=@r.otn(~Srpsjur.aiaeuotuiemnj"" tp=tx/aacit>/cit@sn (tlBgnom) { ye"etjvsrp"<srp>uig Hm.eiFr() @tlVldtoSmaytu) Hm.aiainumr(re <ilst fede> <eedBo<lgn>Hm.idno(oe = mdlI) lgn>ok/eed@tlHdeFrmdl > oe.d <i cas"dtrlbl> dv ls=eio-ae" @tlLblo(oe = mdlTte Hm.aeFrmdl > <dv /i> <i cas"dtrfed> dv ls=eio-il" @tlEioFrmdl= mdlTte Hm.dtro(oe > 13/20

@tlVldtoMsaeo(oe = mdlTte Hm.aiainesgFrmdl > <dv /i> <i cas"dtrlbl> dv ls=eio-ae" @tlLblo(oe = mdlIB) Hm.aeFrmdl > oe.SN <dv /i> <i cas"dtrfed> dv ls=eio-il" @tlEioFrmdl= Hm.dtro(oe >

Now add the following code in the E i method in the B o C n r l e class. dt okotolr
C ollapse | C opy C ode

pbi AtoRsl Ei(n i) ulc cineut dtit d { Bo bo =_bBosFn(d; ok ok d.ok.idi) i (ok= nl) f bo = ul rtr RdrcTAto(Idx) eun eietocin"ne"; rtr Ve(ok; eun iwbo) } [tpot HtPs] pbi AtoRsl Ei(n i,FrCleto cleto) ulc cineut dtit d omolcin olcin { ty r { vrbo =_bBosFn(d; a ok d.ok.idi) UdtMdlbo) paeoe(ok; _bSvCags) d.aehne(; rtr RdrcTAto(Idx) eun eietocin"ne"; } cth ac { Mdltt.dMdlro(" "dtFiue seinrecpin) oeSaeAdoeErr", Ei alr, e ne xeto"; rtr Ve(; eun iw) } }

Now we will add the Details View. Adding the Details View 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Right click on the Edit method Select View Create a strongly-typed view to Checked Select Model class to Book (ASPNETMVCApplication.Models) Scaffold template to Details Click on the OK button


Figure 16

It will add the Details.cshtml file:

C ollapse | C opy C ode

@oe APEMCplcto.oesBo mdl SNTVApiainMdl.ok @ { VeBgTte="eal" Dtis; } <2Dtis/2<ilst h>eal<h>fede> <eedBo<lgn>dvcas"ipa-ae"Tte/i> lgn>ok/eed<i ls=dslylbl>il<dv <i cas"ipa-il"<dv dv ls=dslyfed>MdlTte/i> <i cas"ipa-ae"IB<dv dv ls=dslylbl>SN/i> <i cas"ipa-il"@oe.SN/i> dv ls=dslyfed>MdlIB<dv <i cas"ipa-ae"Pie/i> dv ls=dslylbl>rc<dv <i cas"ipa-il"@tigFra({:},MdlPie<dv dv ls=dslyfed>Srn.omt"0F" oe.rc)/i> <fede> /ilst <> p @tlAtoLn(Ei" "dt,nw{i=oe.d} | Hm.cinik"dt, Ei" e dMdlI ) @tlAtoLn(Bc t Ls" "ne" Hm.cinik"ak o it, Idx) <p />

Add the following code to the D t i smethod of the B o C n r l e class. eal okotolr
C ollapse | C opy C ode

pbi AtoRsl Dtisiti) ulc cineut eal(n d { Bo bo =_bBosFn(d; ok ok d.ok.idi) i (ok= nl) f bo = ul rtr RdrcTAto(Idx) eun eietocin"ne"; rtr Ve(Dtis,bo) eun iw"eal" ok; }

Now we will add the Delete View. Adding the Delete View 15/20

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Right click on the Edit method Select View Create a strongly-typed view to Checked Select Model class to Book (ASPNETMVCApplication.Models) Scaffold template to Delete Click on the OK button

Figure 17

It will add the Delete.cshtml file.

C ollapse | C opy C ode

@oe APEMCplcto.oesBo mdl SNTVApiainMdl.ok @ { VeBgTte="eee; Dlt" } <2Dlt<h>h>r yusr yuwn t dlt ti?/3<ilst h>eee/2<3Ae o ue o at o eee hs<h>fede> <eedBo<lgn>dvcas"ipa-ae"Tte/i> lgn>ok/eed<i ls=dslylbl>il<dv <i cas"ipa-il"<dv dv ls=dslyfed>MdlTte/i> <i cas"ipa-ae"IB<dv dv ls=dslylbl>SN/i> <i cas"ipa-il"@oe.SN/i> dv ls=dslyfed>MdlIB<dv <i cas"ipa-ae"Pie/i> dv ls=dslylbl>rc<dv <i cas"ipa-il"@tigFra({:},MdlPie<dv dv ls=dslyfed>Srn.omt"0F" oe.rc)/i> <fede> /ilst @sn (tlBgnom) { uig Hm.eiFr() <> p <nu tp=sbi"vle"eee / | ipt ye"umt au=Dlt" > @tlAtoLn(Bc t Ls" "ne" Hm.cinik"ak o it, Idx) <p /> }

Add the following code to the D l t method in the B o C n r l e class. eee okotolr
C ollapse | C opy C ode

pbi AtoRsl Dlt(n i) ulc cineut eeeit d { Bo bo =_bBosFn(d; ok ok d.ok.idi) i (ok= nl) f bo = ul rtr RdrcTAto(Idx) eun eietocin"ne"; 16/20

rtr Ve(ok; eun iwbo) } [tpot HtPs] pbi AtoRsl Dlt(n i,FrCleto cleto) ulc cineut eeeit d omolcin olcin { Bo bo =_bBosFn(d; ok ok d.ok.idi) _bBosRmv(ok; d.ok.eoebo) _bSvCags) d.aehne(; rtr RdrcTAto(Idx) eun eietocin"ne"; }

Now run the application. Type /Book in the URL and remember that the port number may be different in your case.

Figure 17

Click Create New Link to add a new book.


Figure 18

Figure 19

This way you can edit, delete, and view details of the books.

This article will help you create your own robust ASP.NET MVC application. Thank you!

This article, along with any associated source code and files, is licensed under The Code Project Open License (CPOL)

About the Author

Abdul Quader Mamun


V Tech Solution BD Bangladesh Member

I have been developing software/web application since 2002 mainly on Microsoft technologies. I am a MCSD and MCTS. I have developed a wide range of Web, Desktop and Mobile applications. I am vast experience with Telerik technologies. I am also experience with other technologies. I am very much fan of Object Oriented Architectural Framework(Design & Pattern) and well organized effective coding.

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You must Sign In to use this message board. Search this forum Profile popups Noise Medium Layout Expand Posts & Replies Refresh Excellent Md. Marufuzzaman Per page 10 Go Update First Prev Next 2:13 30 Jun '12

Mamun Bhai, khub bhalo likshen, dakha khub bhalo lagloo. Thanks Md. Marufuzzaman I will not say I have failed 1000 times; I will say that I have discovered 1000 ways that can cause failure Thomas Edison.

Sign In View Thread Permalink Re: Excellent Abdul Quader Mamun 2:55 30 Jun '12

Thanks, That's my energy!

Sign In View Thread Permalink Re: Excellent Md. Marufuzzaman 4:37 30 Jun '12

Keep it up Thanks Md. Marufuzzaman I will not say I have failed 1000 times; I will say that I have discovered 1000 ways that can cause failure Thomas Edison.

Sign In View Thread Permalink very useful Rajalingam22 23:50 25 Jun '12


Hi Friend, your article is very useful to MVC begginers. Thank you very much..
Sign In View Thread Permalink Error Jos Rafael Giraldo Tenorio 11:19 1 Mar '11

I have the error: Invalid object name 'dbo.Libroes' in the method:

pbi AtoRsl Idx) ulc cineut ne( { vrvrirs=fo lboi cnet.irs a aLbo rm ir n otxoLbo slc lbo eet ir; rtr Ve(aLbo.oit);/ Hr aieteerr! eun iwvrirsTLs() / ee rs h ro!! }
This is spanish: 'Books == Libros' and 'Book == Libro' I don't know why appear the 'es' chars. Thanks for your help!!! Rafael
Sign In View Thread Permalink [My vote of 1] nothing new Seishin# 21:31 24 Feb '11

basic stuff repeated in every single tutorial life is study!!!

Sign In View Thread Permalink Very Helpfull shahin_net

2.33/5 (2 votes) 23:57 23 Feb '11

This artical is helpfull.

Sign In View Thread Permalink Re: Very Helpfull Abdul Quader Mamun 1:45 24 Feb '11

Thanks for voting.

Sign In View Thread Permalink My vote of 5 kdgupta87 10:31 23 Feb '11

nicely written
Sign In View Thread Permalink Re: My vote of 5 Abdul Quader Mamun 13:47 23 Feb '11

Thanks for voting me.

Sign In View Thread Permalink Last Visit: 18:00 31 Dec '99 General Admin News Last Update: 0:39 3 Aug '12 Suggestion Question Bug Answer Joke 1 2 Next Rant

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