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Chapter 2

European Exploration and Settlement

2.1 Introduction
Marco Polos tales of Asia inspired Europeans to find a shorter sea route to the Indies. Most explorers sailed east, a few sailed west. Do you think the Northwest passage exists?

Marco Polo

Northwest Passage that DOESNT exist

2.2 How Did Spain Start an Empire?

What Were Columbuss Discoveries? King & queen of Spain finance Columbuss voyage west. Anybody know what he discovered? After a month at sea, he discovered an island in the Caribbean Sea, which he named San Salvador. He thought he was near China.

Ferdinand and Isabella

Christopher Columbus

Columbuss route and San Salvador

What Was The Columbian Exchange?

Exchange of people, food, and germs b/t Europe and the Americas What do you think the new and old worlds exchanged w/ each other? Europeans got valuable new crops from New World. Native Americans got smallpox and other deadly diseases. This wiped out 90% of native pop. Everywhere Euros settled, disease followed.

The Columbian Exchange

Why did Slavery Come to America?

Why didnt they just use Indians? Spanish miners and farmers originally tried to use natives as slaves, but disease was killing them off. Europeans b/g trading guns for slaves in W. Africa, and then auctioned them off in the Caribbean.

Who Conquered Mexico?

In 1519 Cortes conquered Mexico w/ 500 men (conquistadors) by defeating the Aztecs. 90% of Mexicos population of 20 million died b/t 1521-1531. What do you think killed them?

Hernan Cortes

Spanish Conquistador

Who Conquered Peru?

1532 Pizarro conquered Peru by defeating the Incas. Shortly after, Spanish conquistadors were in control of almost all of South America.

Francisco Pizarro

2.3 What Were the Spanish Borderlands?

Spanish borderlands refer to the far edges of Spains North American Empire. Why Florida? 1513 Ponce de Leon lands in Florida in search of the Fountain of Youth. Natives did a fairly good job of fending off the Spanish.

Ponce de Leon

Spanish Borderlands

What Were the Seven Cities of Cibola?

7 Cities were thought to be fabulously rich, but no Spaniard could ever find them b/c they didnt exist. Still, the myth brought Spaniards to N. America.

Francisco Coronado

Coronados Route

Who Settled the Borderlands?

By 1600, Spain claimed land from Florida to California. Who do you think came to the borderlands? Settlers were mostly soldiers and Catholic priests. Spain set up presidios (walled forts) in these areas to protect their claims. Priests built settlements called missions. What do you think Indians were taught there? There the natives were taught Christianity and Euro. ways of life.

Presidio and Mission

Presidio in St. Augustine

Mission San Juan Capistrano

What Was the Impact on Natives?

Natives learned how to use new tools, grow new food, use sheep for wool; were introduced to the Catholic faith, and diseases (smallpox, measles, flu) which killed 80-90% of them.

2.4 What Was New France?

Who Claimed New France? Cartier was sent by the French to find a northwest passage to the Pacific. He didnt find it but he did claim New France (Canada). Guess what he did discover He discovered beaver pelts; almost as valuable as gold.

Jacques Cartier

Who Settled New France?

1608 Champlain founded Quebec. Who do you think settled the area? French explorers, soldiers, missionaries, traders and fur trappers settled the area. No farmers, not a lot of settlers.

Samuel de Champlain

What happened to the Natives in New France?

The French made them business partners in fur trapping. French lived w/, married into, and spoke Huron language. Champlain helped the Huron attack and defeat the Iroquois.

Huron Tribe

French Fur Trappers

Champlain helps the Huron defeat the Iroquois; so whos who?


Who Claimed Louisiana?

La Salle explored the length of the Mississippi River. 1682, he claimed everything west of the river for France. Anybody see a problem with that?

Robert de La Salle

2.5 Jamestown: The First English Colony

What Was the Lost Colony Of Roanoke? It was a colony off the coast of North Carolina founded by W. Raleigh and led by J. White. Colony was left for 3 years, and when White returned, the colony had disappeared.

Sir Walter Raleigh

How Was Jamestown Settled?

1607, 144 settlers arrive in Virginia (VA) and settle on a swamp they named Jamestown. J. Smith took over as leader in 1608, but was captured by the Natives. He was then brought before Powhatan and was about to be clubbed to death. Anybody know what happens next? Pocahontas saved Smith and helped the colony survive. She brought peace b/t the colonists and her people.

Jamestown Colony

Captain John Smith and Pocahontas

What Was the Starving Time?

1609 Smith left the colony and the following winter was the worst ever. Colonists ate whatever they could (corpses and rats), and they couldnt trade with natives b/c no Smith and Pocahontas. How many do you think survived? By spring, only 60 of 500 were left.

How Did Jamestown Survive?

Do you know what they started planting? J. Rolfe b/g planting tobacco in Jamestown and helped bring in much money and sustain the colony. He then married Pocahontas and brought peace between the natives and Jamestown.

2.6 New Netherland: The Short-lived Dutch Settlement

Whats New Netherland? H. Hudson explored N. coastline looking for N.W. passage. He discovered the Hudson River and the terr. he claimed became k.a. New Netherland. Dutch colonists est. Ft. Orange and begin making $ in the fur trade.

Henry Hudson

How Were Relations With Natives?

Dutch tried to have peaceful relations with the Natives (esp. the Iroquois who were enemies of the Huron, who were allies of the French). What could the Dutch trade for furs? Dutch prospered by trading guns for furs with the powerful Iroquois.

What Was New Amsterdam?

1647 Stuyvesant changed the name of the Dutch Colony (in Manhattan) to New Amsterdam. 1660 N.A. had 8,000 people.

How Did New Netherland Become New York?

English wanted the colony. The Dutch supply of gunpowder was useless so they had no defense against an invasion fleet. Stuyvesant gave up the colony without a fight and the British renamed it New York.

Duke of York

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