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Learning a language Why?

University requirement

Learning a language Why?

University credits Working opportuni5es Travelling Dierent cultures Social skills Self development

Learning a language Why?

University requirement
Nowadays in order to obtain your degree cer5cate (no maBer the subject) you must hold a B1 cer5cate in a foreign language.

Learning a language Why?

University credits
The number of hours you invest in coming to class can be recognised as university credits. This way you kill to birds with one stone!

Learning a language Why?

Working opportuni5es
The command of a foreign language might broaden your opportuni5es to nd a job or might lead you to get a beBer posi5on either here in Spain or abroad.

Learning a language Why?

Nothing can be compared to the personal sa5sfac5on of going abroad and geJng by in restaurants, shops, etc. without the help of anybody else.

Learning a language Why?

Dierent cultures
A foreign language will open a window on the world allowing you to get to know dierent countries, peoples and dierent cultures. Is there a beBer way to enrich our own culture?

Learning a language Why?

Social Skills
ABending a foreign language lesson will enable to develop your social skills by learning how to communicate with dierent people and by learning how to use various social strategies.

Learning a language Why?

Self development
And why not self development? Learning something new means we grow as a person. We might want to learn just the sake of it, it may be a challenge or just a way to spend our free 5me. No maBer how you will enrich yourself from the experience of learning.

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