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Labour Law I.L.

Q. 1: What is I.L.O? Ans: I.L.O is the abbreviation of International Labour Organization. I.L.O was set up under the TREATY of VERSAILLES in 1919. It is one of the oldest specialized agencies associated with the old League of Nations [Now the UNITED NATIONS]. I.L.O represents the Member Nations of the world to achieve welt beings through the contribution of Workers, Managements and Governments of the world. Q. 2: What are the objectives of I.L.O? Ans: The objectives and the obligations of I.L.O have been re-confirmed by the PHIDALPHIA CHARTER in May 1944. Now the objectives are: 1) The satisfaction of workers to give their skills of work for the well being of people. 2) The provisions of training facilities of all workers. 3) To ensure policies of wages, restrictive working hours, leave, holidays and recreational facilities. 4) Right of & Freedom of Expressions. 5) Right of & Collective Association and Bargaining. 6) Social security measures of labour. 7) Child & Maternity welfare and Nutrition. 8) Housing & living facilities. 9) Good labour standard. Q. 3: What are the contributions of I.L.O? Ans: The contributions of I.L.O are: 1) Technical Assistance 2) Educational programmer (for Workers, Management and Govt. officers) Q. 4: What are the agencies/organs of I.L.O? Ans: The agencies of I.L.O are: 1) The Governing Body: The Governing body is the executive organ of I.L.O under the Director General of I.L.O. It has 112 members. [56 Govt. member, 28 Employer member, 28 Worker member]

2) International Labour office [I.L.O office]: It is the permanent secretariat of I.L.O. This labour office prepares documents on the various items of the agenda for the International labour Conference. 3) International Labour Conference (I.L.C): I.L.C adopts I.L.O conventions and I.L.O Recommendations. I.L.O conventions have to be ratified by Members Nations to enact Labour Laws. It is rather compulsory. I.L.O Recommendations of Advisory nature Nations are not obliged to accept them but these useful to realize facilities for Worker, Employer and Govt. Q. 5: Has Bangladesh ratified any conventions? Ans: Bangladesh has been pleased to ratify as many as 32 to 33 I.L.O conventions (of about 170 I.L.O conventions). Hence the useful facilities of our labour laws in Bangladesh.

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