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Chunky Moss St Bag with Fur trim

Chunky Moss St Bag with Fur trim By Penny Peberdy Chunky wool approx 2 big balls Pair 6.5mm needles 6.5mm crochet hook Eyelash (fake fur) yarn 1 ball, wound into two balls Method Bag sides (make 2) Cast on 32 sts Work 2 rows st st, 2 rows moss st. Rep these 4 rows 8 times. Work 5 rows st st, 1 row plain, 5 rows st st. Cast off Handles (make 2) Cast on 60 sts. Work 6 rows st st Cast off. Rejoin yarn to 1st st of cast off row. With crochet hook join cast off edge to cast-on edge by working through both, as follows: Hook through cast-off st, hook through cast-on st, work 1 dc, 1 ch. Rep to end, fasten off yarn. Making up With right sides together join one side of the bag. Fold over the top 5 st st rows so that the plain row is on the top edge of the bag and sew the cast off edge down to the inside of the bag. Using the eyelash yarn double, pick up and knit every stitch along the top of the bag. Work in garter st until the fur edging is long enough to fold over to the last moss st row of the bag. Cast off. Sew the fur edging in place along the outside of the top of the bag. Sew the remaining bag side and bottom together, making sure that the right sides are together whilst doing this. Turn the bag right-side out and sew the handles in place along the inner edge of the top. Lining Make a rectangle the length of the bag x 2 and the width, plus turnings. Fold this rectangle in half, right sides together. Turn over the top edge and machine in place. Place the lining inside the bag so that the seams are on the bag side and slip stitch in place neatly around the inner edge of the top of the bag, so that the raw edges of the bag handles are concealed. A button or other fastening may be added at this stage if required.

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