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Mt. Scott Arleta Neighborhood Association September 5, 2012 Meeting was called to order at 6:34 pm.

. Attendees introduced themselves (about 18 attended). Mt Scott Community Center update annual bldg closure 9/17 28 for cleaning. Sarah is leaving the staff, and will be replaced by Jeannie Burke. Libraries Yes Campaign Kirsten Leonard / -- There is a proposal on November ballot to provide stable library funding for the future. Multnomah County Library is the 2nd busiest in the nation (behind NY Public Library). Library offers childrens programs, and kids are allowed to be in the library without a parent in attendance. 10,000+ kids participated in summer reading programs this year. For the past 36 years, Multnomah County Libraries have had levy (temporary) funding, including the one we just voted on in May. 86% voted yes to support keeping the libraries open, but due to the decrease in funding, libraries are open many fewer hours than in the past. Thats why Libraries Yes feels this library district is preferable to repeated levy votes. Library funds could not be used by other departments. Permanent rates would be $1.24 per $1,000 of assessed value. For a typical family, thats $45-$49 more per year than already paying for libraries. Two library districts in OR have closed in recent years due to lack of dedicated funding. There are two other measures on the ballot (arts funding, Portland Public Schools bond) in November, but these are all pieces of the same issue serving families. You can also join Friends of the Library for $10, to help raise funds for buying new books for the library. They also have an upcoming books sale at the Lloyd Ctr Doubletree. Lisa Anne Ross talked about Resolutions NW does free neighbor mediation services. If you are having conflict with any part of your neighborhood (business, roommate, neighbor etc) you can ask them to mediate that issue. They do conflict resolution in schools using a Restorative Justice model, and offer family mediation, although that is not usually a free service to all. Anyone wanting to become a mediator can apply to be trained to be a volunteer through a 38-hour mediation training, by applying no later than November. Lisa Anne is offering 120 hours of service to their program this year. 80% of those using RNW come to mutually agreeable solutions, and of those, 70% of those are followed through with. Services are available in Spanish as well. Neighborhood officer is out tonight, but Officer DeClerque attended. Not many out of the ordinary crimes, just usual theft levels. Graffiti abatement Don Sharar uses the graffiti abatement city smartphone app to track open graffiti calls, and there are 6 months of open cases not addressed or closed. There is a 72-hour response rule for businesses in the City of Portland. NRT has a special program to address vacant properties that experience graffiti, transient incursion. The officer recommends calling East Precinct during daytime hours to let them know. What should residents do about suspicious behavior (possible drug deals, garbage left in the backyard of an apartment)? The officer recommends residents call east precinct during business hours and report it or flag down an officer. Erika also has additional information on how to report derelict homes / foreclosures. City Parks rangers want to be contacted when there are people camping in the Park or in the Triangle. Dan PortisCathers has their contact information. SE Uplift report: Liaison said that Small Grants season is starting soon start planning grant applications. Submission deadline is

Nov. 5th at 4 PM. There are two opportunities to learn how to apply for grants, and find other groups that could collaborate for grants. This year, the funding for these grants were cut in half, so the process will be much more competitive. Projects that have received 2 grants already through this program are not eligible for more funding. Dates for workshops are: Sept. 15 10 AM-2 PM; Sept. 27, 7 PM-9PM Land Use, Sustainability & Transportation: Next meeting is Sept. 19th, at a location to be determined. Foster Lents Integration Partnership has an open house on October 6th, related to the Foster Corridor Investment Strategy. Tomorrow, at Y Arts on Foster Thursday, Sept. 6th , at 6:30 pm is a meeting for Wikman-Arleta Building to collect input on how to use the old Carnegie Library at 64 th & Holgate. Dec. 8th our neighborhoods Friends of Trees planting. Go on to choose a tree for your property (street or fruit.) Erika and Marcel are serving on the Stakeholder Advisory Committee for the Foster Road Streetscape Plan Update process. Foster Green Ecodistrict will be having a retreat this month; the group hasnt gotten much action yet, but is working on outreach and surmounting barriers in the neighborhood. Jonathan is looking to find someone to help him with the Foster Green Ecodistrict, represent the neighborhood to this project. PBOT just put up two speed-reader boards for 71st and Foster, they will be there for a few months at least, but will move to various locations on Foster in future months. Portland Mercado is seeking federal grant funds (expecting to hear about funding by mid-October.) The group has asked for a letter of support for a Kaiser Permanente grant. Jonathan motioned to write the letter, Jed seconded, and the Board voted unanimously to send the letter of support. Arleta Triangle next Dig N Dish work party is Saturday, Sep. 29th. Will focus on improving sightlines for those who drives through stop sign. Neighborhood Association is doing Neighborhood Engagement Survey. Anyone interested in canvassing our neighbors can get a training from Lisa Anne. The canvass days will also be posted on Hands On Portland, and with PSU volunteer group. Surveys that are out are due by Sept. 15th, but neighbors can also answer it by picking one up at the Community Center. Holgate Library has new checkout machines in use. The new catalog website has been delayed until November for rollout. Holgate has a Teen Council Party Sept. 16 2:30 4:00. This group helps determine youth programming at the library. Holgate will has a Regional Librarian in residence 3 days a week to help with researching, starting in October. You can make an appointment for help from this librarian. In November and December, more classes on E-Books will be offered. Sat. Sept 29th 10 AM 5 PM Fun on Foster street fair Submitted by Meghan Humphreys, Secretary

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