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For Immediate Release: November 1, 2012 Contact: Darrell Jackson 202.724.8028 DJackson@DCCOUNCIL.

US McDuffie Wants the District to Provide Senior Citizens with Free Replacement Supercans Washington, DC Today, Councilmember Kenyan McDuffie introduced legislation that will provide free replacement 96-gallon trash cans and 32-gallon recycling carts to senior citizens within the District of Columbia. Additionally, the bill will allow seniors that move to or relocate to a new home within the District, to be entitled to a Supercan and a recycling cart, free of charge. In 2011, the DC Department of Public Works (DPW) was forced to remove the senior citizens subsidy for trash cans and recycling carts. Currently, DPW charges all residents $62.50 for a Supercan and $45 for a recycling cart. For many seniors living in the District has become less affordable. Senior citizens, most of whom are on a fixed income, should not be forced to absorb cuts in the Districts budget especially while we realize surpluses in two consecutive fiscal years, said Councilmember McDuffie. The Department of Public Works must be funded at a level adequate to fulfill its mission without passing along cuts to our seniors. AARP DC is happy to support The Supercans for Seniors Act, said Louis Davis, Jr, Sr. State Director. This Act provides meaningful assistance to older DC residents, who may be struggling to make ends meet in this tough economy. There is growing economic disparity in the country and in this city and as civic leaders we have an obligation to protect our most vulnerable residents from displacement amidst this economic reality, continued McDuffie. Although this bill only chips away at one small burden facing our seniors, I believe incremental strategic shifts such as this can amount to greater prosperity for our seniors. The bill was co-sponsored by Councilmembers Bower, Cheh, Alexander, Brown and Orange.


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