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Perceptual Deficits Following Stroke

Multiple choice 1) Which of the following is true regarding Agnosia? a) The inability to recognise familiar concepts of structures. Can be visual, tactile, auditory b) Autotopagnosia is the failure to recognise they have an impairment c) Anosagnosia is the failure to recognise their own body parts, e.g limb d) All the above 2) Which of the following true regarding apraxia? a) Ideational apraxia is the inability to comprehend the required task and therefore is unable to perform it. Ideomotor apraxia is inability to perform the task despite complete understanding of it. b) Ideomotor apraxia is the inability to comprehend the required task and therefore is unable to perform it. Ideational apraxia is inability to perform the task despite complete understanding of it. c) Both ideomotor and ideation apraxia are representative of a right hemisphere disturbance. d) None of the above 3) Which of the following is true regarding the added characteristics on someone with Pusher Syndrome? a) If the left hemisphere is affected they may have aphasia b) if the left hemisphere is affected they may have hemianopia c) If the Right hemisphere is affected they may have ideomotor apraxia d) If the Right hemisphere is affected they may have aphasia 4) same as above a) If the left hemisphere is affected they may have hemianopia b) if the left hemisphere is affected they may have ideomotor apraxia c) If the Right hemisphere is affected they may have aphasia d) If the Right hemisphere is affected they may have ideomotor apraxia 5) as above a) If the left hemisphere is affected they may have USN b) if the left hemisphere is affected they may have hemianopia c) If the Right hemisphere is affected they may have USN d) If the Right hemisphere is affected they may have ideomotor apraxia 6) as above e) If the left hemisphere is affected they may have USN f) if the left hemisphere is affected they may have hemianopia g) If the Right hemisphere is affected they may have ideomotor apraxia h) If the Right hemisphere is affected they may have hemianopia Short Answer 1) List six types of cognitive impairments

2) What is the primary difference between left and right sided brain function

3) Define Unilateral Spatial Neglect (USN) and differentiate between the four subtypes

4) How would one assess a patient for USN, how could you differentiate between an allocentric and an egocentric USN?

5) List the 8 forms of apraxia, providing a definition of each and a method of assessment.

Long response Explain the concept of Pusher syndrome, elaborate with the main issues, the degrees of severity, and treatment ideas that consider the added characteristics depending on whether it is a left or right side hemisphere affected.

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