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Holy Family Newsletter November 2012

Dear friends, Fall. Harvest. Thanksgiving. As the year draws toward an end, our hearts turn to celebration, to thankfulness, to gratitude. Far from a yearly observance for Christians, our weekly gatherings are celebrations of thanksgiving, as Eucharist actually means thanksgiving in Greek. At the core of it all is a process of taking stock, looking at what has been gathered in, what has been received, and what is available as seed for the next season. This fall weve taken time to reflect on our blessings, asking God to open our hearts in response. Past and present Senior Wardens Dick Smith, Cindy Gaffney, & Linda Bregartner and the Rev Ruth Clausen have all spoken in worship about the importance of Holy Family in their lives and what they plan to do about it in the year ahead. The Stewardship Committee has composed prayers for our use, and hosted a potluck luncheon and a special


Perhaps the most gratifying result of our focus upon Gods generosity and our response to it is seeing our children learn from it all. I was delighted to give the green light to Beth Gaffneys proposal for a special offering at our Blessing of the Animals in early October. It was designated for the Henderson County Animal Shelter, and Beth later delivered 5 leashes & collars, 4 dog toys, 80.5 lb. of dog food, 65.5 lb. of cat food, 109 lb. of cat litter, and 1 dog food bowl. Lord, open our hearts indeed! As we are reminded again and again in the Gospels, Jesus teachings are always countercultural. They always subvert the ways of the world, and call us to a different reality, on in which God is center of gravity. Where the world says, Succeed! Jesus says, Be faithful. Where the world says, Me! Jesus says, Us. Where the world says, Win! Jesus says, Love. We gather together week by week, month by month, to remind each other of these very things. And thats what defines us as community. Holy Family needs you, and you need Holy Family. Mills River would be less if Holy Family wasnt. Give thanks that God has planted us where we need to be, and continues to bless our 22 year-old ministry. Yours in Christ Jesus, Rob+

The Rector is offering a series of classes on the Blessing of Lifelong Same-Sex Covenants in the Episcopal Church. Please stay after Sunday worship and refreshments for no more than 1 hour on Nov 11, Nov 25, Dec 2, and Dec 9 to learn more about this provisional rite, approved for use as of Advent I, 2012 (Dec 2). These classes will be an opportunity to ask questions and to tell your story they wont be hour-long lectures. Do you have to have to have a settled opinion to participate? The answer is NO. This will be an exploration of feelings, a look at the history and biblical approaches, and engagement with the liturgy. However you feel about the subject, youre encouraged you to take advantage of this opportunity for learning and conversation.

Our new roof was completed in late October! The

roofers gave us a bonus they re-shingled the bell tower and the playground shelter, to our surprise! Our new roof was made possible by an angel among us. Responding to Gods love, someone was moved to offer this much-needed improvement to our facility. That both frees up building funds being saved up to the $15K expense, and takes off the table the probable need for a special appeal in 2013. Its said that generosity is contagious you may already be infected! The 4th Annual Holy Smokes! BBQ & Auction was a great success. Some 160 meals were served and it was delicious. It looks like we realized more than $3500. But more importantly, we had fun and met new neighbors and friends. A lot of work went into planning

the meal, arranging the auction, and moving lots of furniture. Thanks to hosts Liz & Warren Spahr, and to everyone who took part in the spectacular event so many enjoyed!

Diocese of Western North Carolina 2012 Convention

The 91st Annual Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Western North Carolina will be held on November 8-10 at Kanuga Conference Center in Flat Rock.

Holy Family will be represented by delegates Parker Bailes and Mary-Frances Burkett. Alternates are Evie Brush and Rita Van Zant. Your clergy delegates are the Rev Robert Lundquist, the Rev Posy Jackson, and the Rev Deacon Diane Livingston

Yes! It is almost Thanksgiving. If you do not have plans, please come to the Holy Family annual Thanksgiving dinner. It will be at 1:00pm on Thursday, November 22, at the church. Turkey, dressing and gravy will be provided. Please bring your favorite veggie, potato, desert, or Thanksgiving surprise! Or just bring yourself - there always seems to be plenty. If you have a friend or neighbor who might like to join us, please invite them. There will be a sign up sheet beginning next Sunday (Oct 28) in the Narthex so that we can get a hint on

numbers coming. This has been a wonderful time of family and laughs in past years. Questions? Please call Teresa Kelly, 891-7095, or Linda Bregartner, 890-9038. Thanks! Linda

The Holy Family November Lunch will be Wednesday, November 21, at the Asiana Grand Buffet in Skyland 1968 Hendersonville Rd Rt 25. Turn left at the end of Long Shoals Rd and Rt 25 and it's on the left 1/2 miles on the right. The special occasion will be celebrating Jim Brush's 88th birthday. Sign up on the information sheet. Evie
The newsletter would like to congratulate CHARLOTTE BAILES on her acceptance at Mars Hill College.

Welcome DIANE LIVINGSTON, Our new Deacon. Its official with the celebration Sunday, Nov 4, 2012. We were all happy to welcome her. She is a new blessing for

our church. Look for more from her here.

Pollinator Garden Expansion THURSDAY, NOV. 8, we need your help to expand the pollinator garden that was planted in April of this year. The Carolina Mountain Land Conversancy (CLMC) which led a group of volunteers doing the original planting will again lead Holy Family and other volunteers as we work to enlarge the Pollinator Patch, put plants (live stakes) in the buffer zone, and, if time allows, prepare areas for spring seeding We plan to plant from 9am until around 3pm. Come prepared with work gloves, water and shovels (we"ll try to have some spares). Friday, Nov. 9, will be our rain date. Meghan (from CMLC) who will led the planting effort says if anyone can bring flat strips of cardboard to place around the plants that would be appreciated. Bring lunch, if you like, and spend the day! We'll bring liquid refreshment - lemonade, ice tea, or whatever (nothing harder). See y'all there!

Thanks, Barb Neal Gre en Team Action Plan Gets Favorable Comments Last week the Green Team received comments on the Action Plan that had been submitted covering the period thru the end of December. While we were late submitting the plan it received some favorable comments from Stacey Kennealy, GreenFaith Certification Program and Sustainability Director. Stacey said, "You should feel really proud of how your efforts are moving along, you're making some great progress. I look forward to seeing pictures of all your good work! Please also notice my comments about your water efforts, particularly the restoration project. Your insights and documents with that will be extremely helpful for the water conservation guide we're putting together." The Green Team has lost a couple of members due to surgery and could use some help. If you are interested in helping the continuing efforts to care for God's creation please contact me. Jim Neal, Green Team Leader

Saving Energy/Money Now that the heating season is upon us, here are some ideas to use around the home that could save energy and save you some money. Even if you do not want to make the expenditure to install a programmable thermostat, you can still save by doing manually what it would do. Just faithfully lower the temperature when you go to bed 3-4 degrees, whatever is comfortable for you. Lower the temperature whenever you are going away for more than 3 hours. Increase the temperature when you return and the house will be warm almost as quickly as you can get everything out of the vehicle and get your coat hung up. Try it , if you haven't, you might be amazed at the savings and how good it makes you feel! Use a programmable thermostat. Regulate your home's temperature while you're away or asleep by using one of the convenient pre-programmed settings on a programmable thermostat. When used

properly, programmable thermostats can save you up to $180 every year in energy costs. Seal air leaks in your home. As much as 20 percent of the air moving through your home's duct system is lost due to leaks and poor connections. Sealing air leaks with caulk, spray foam, or weather stripping will have a significant impact on improving your comfort and reducing energy bills. If you are adding insulation to your home, be sure to seal air leaks first, to ensure you get the best performance from your insulation. Seal duct work using mastic sealant or metal tape and insulate all the ducts that you can access (such as those in attics, crawlspaces, unfinished basements, and garages). Also, make sure that connections at vents and registers are well-sealed where they meet floors, walls, and ceilings. These are common locations to find leaks and disconnected ductwork. Look for ENERGY STAR qualified products. Whether you are replacing light bulbs or appliances in your home, ENERGY STAR qualified products can help you save energy and reduce energy bills. The label can be found on more than 65 types of products ranging from heating and cooling equipment to compact fluorescent light

bulbs (CFLs). Also, look to EPA's ENERGY STAR program for advice on other ways you can save at home such as using power strips as a central 'turn-off' point for electronics and office equipment, making sure computers and monitors are "powered down" when not in use and reversing the blade rotation on ceiling fans to help spread warm air around a room.


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