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Title of Film: Cabin in the Woods

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Shot No. 1

Slug Line:

INT. ELEVATOR IN FACILITY. NIGHT Sound: Deep mechanical sound of lift coming to a stop. Transition: Cut Duration: 3 seconds

Shot No. 2

Slug Line:

INT. ELEVATOR IN FACILITY. NIGHT Sound: Distant mechanical clanking. Transition: Cut Duration: 1 Second

Action: Marty and Dana stumble as the lift stops moving sideways. Camera: MS from front Dialogue: Dana gasps.

Action: Marty looks around in confusion. Camera: MCU Dialogue: N/A

Shot No. 3

Slug Line:

INT. ELEVATOR IN FACILITY. NIGHT Sound: Atmos. hum of the lift. Transition: Cut Duration: 1 second

Shot No. 4

Slug Line:

INT. ELEVATOR IN FACILITY. NIGHT Sound: Atmos. hum of the lift. Transition: Cut Duration: 1 second

Action: Dana looks about in confusion. Camera: MCU Dialogue: N/A

Action: Marty and Dana move slowly towards the lift doors. Camera: MS from back Dialogue: Dana gasps.

Title of Film: Cabin in the Woods

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Shot No. 5

Slug Line:

INT. ELEVATOR IN FACILITY. NIGHT Sound: Atmos. hum of the lift. Transition: Cut

Shot No. 6

Slug Line:

INT. ELEVATOR IN FACILITY. NIGHT Sound: Atmos. hum of the lift. Transition: Cut Duration: 1 Second

Action: Marty and Dana look at each other. Camera: MS from front Dialogue: N/A

Action: Dana begins to move forward. Camera: L/A MS from behind Dialogue: N/A

Duration: 1 second

Shot No. 7

Slug Line:

INT. ELEVATOR IN FACILITY. NIGHT Sound: Atmos. hum of the lift. Footsteps, breathing. Transition: Cut Duration: 1 second

Shot No. 8

Slug Line:

INT. ELEVATOR IN FACILITY. NIGHT Sound: Atmos. hum of the lift. Transition: Cut Duration: 1 second

Action: Dana creeps forward. Camera: CU Dialogue: N/A

Action: Dana peers into the cell. Camera: OTS Dialogue: N/A

Title of Film: Cabin in the Woods

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Shot No. 9

Slug Line:

INT. ELEVATOR IN FACILITY. NIGHT Sound: Fierce bestial roar. Transition: Cut

Shot No. 10

Slug Line:

INT. ELEVATOR IN FACILITY. NIGHT Sound: Roaring and screaming. Transition: Cut Duration: 1 Second

Action: A werewolf leaps into view. Camera: CU Dialogue: N/A

Action: Marty and Dana leap back from the beast. Camera: MS from front

Duration: 1 seconds Dialogue: Marty and Dana both scream.

Shot No. 11

Slug Line:

INT. ELEVATOR IN FACILITY. NIGHT Sound: Roaring werewolf. Nondiegetic dramatic music begins. Transition: Cut

Shot No. 12

Slug Line:

INT. ELEVATOR IN FACILITY. NIGHT Sound: Roaring of the werewolf, lift mechanism gearing back up. Nondiegetic dramatic music Transition: Cut Duration: 2 seconds

Action: Werewolf snaps at them from behind the glass. Camera: CU Dialogue: N/A

Action: Marty and Dana back away in fear. Camera: MS from front

Duration: 1 second Dialogue: N/A

Title of Film: Cabin in the Woods

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Shot No. 13

Slug Line:

INT. ELEVATOR IN FACILITY. NIGHT Sound: Lift mechanism clanking and werewolf growling and roaring. Transition: Cut Duration: 3 seconds

Shot No. 14

Slug Line:

INT. ELEVATOR IN FACILITY. NIGHT Sound: The sound of the lift and the receding sound of the werewolf. Transition: Cut Duration: 2 Seconds

Action: Werewolf roaring in its cell. Camera: MS from front Dialogue: N/A

Action: The lift moves sideways away from the werewolfs cell. Camera: MS Dialogue: N/A

Shot No. 15

Slug Line:

INT. ELEVATOR IN FACILITY. NIGHT Sound: The lift shuddering to a halt. Non-diegetic music stops. Transition: Cut

Shot No. 16

Slug Line:

INT. ELEVATOR IN FACILITY. NIGHT Sound: Atmos. hum of the lift. Whooshing sound of the ghost. Transition: Cut Duration: 1 second

Action: The lift stops again and Marty and Dana stumble. Camera: MS from back Dialogue: N/A

Action: Marty and Dana suspect something is behind them as a ghost appears. Camera: MS from front

Duration: 2 second Dialogue: N/A

Title of Film: Cabin in the Woods

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Shot No. 17

Slug Line:

INT. ELEVATOR IN FACILITY. NIGHT Sound: Ghostly sounds and nondiegetic music begins. Transition: Cut Duration: 2 seconds

Shot No. 18 Slug Line: Action: Marty looks around in confusion. Camera: MCU Dialogue: Ghost screams.

INT. ELEVATOR IN FACILITY. NIGHT Sound: Ghostly sounds and dramatic music building up. Transition: Cut Duration: 1 Second

Action: The ghost reaches for Marty and Dana. Camera: MS from back Dialogue: Dana gasps.

Shot No. 19 Slug Line:

INT. ELEVATOR IN FACILITY. NIGHT Sound: Atmos. hum of the lift. Ghost screeching and non-diegetic music. Transition: Cut Duration: 1 second

Shot No. 20

Slug Line:

INT. ELEVATOR IN FACILITY. NIGHT Sound: Mechanical sounds of the lift moving. Transition: Cut Duration: 2 seconds

Action: The lift begins to move again as the ghost tries to get at them. Camera: MCU Dialogue: Dana screams.

Action: The lift continues to move vertically away. Camera: H/A MS from front Dialogue: N/A

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